Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Always part 2 ch 15

At General Hospital~Lorenzo was waiting on news about Skye with his children and in laws.

“So the woman who raise you was Althea. Skye adoption mother”Rae ask she didn’t trust Anastasia at all. “Yes it turn out that it was my mother too I didn’t know”Anastasia said “No”Rae ask “No.. I’m going to make a phone call”Anastasia said Rae look at Anastasia as Lorenzo came by. “Rae.What is going on”Lorenzo said “I don’t trust Anastasia.. I think she wants payback for how she was taking from you and Skye.. Did Althea hit her too”Rae ask “Yes she did”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo..This tea that only Skye drink who got it for her”Rae ask “Anastasia”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo. You need to think and protect you're wife and family”Rae said “Always. But she my family too”Lorenzo said “I know.. But this could be her way of getting payback”Rae said “No. I hope you're wrong Skye wants a relationship with Anastasia and I want one too”Lorenzo said “I know.. I get it”Rae said Genevieve came by. “Daddy.I have the tea”Genevieve said “Thank you.. I’m going to give it to Robin”Lorenzo said and left. “Grandmother.. What is going on”Genevieve ask “I’m just worry about you're mother”Rae said “Me too”Genevieve said as Alan came by. “Grandfather.. I’m sorry about quit I hope you're not mad at me”Genevieve said “No it’s okay”Alan said “Good. I don’t want you to be mad at me and I didn’t have anything to do with Alexander steal ELQ”Genevieve said “I know.. Don’t worry about that”Alan said “Mother going to be fine.Right”Genevieve ask “Right”Alan said

Anastasia worry about Skye when Lorenzo came by and took her arm. “Did you poison my wife. You're own mother”Lorenzo ask “No”Anastasia said “Do you know who I’m.. I can tell when someone is lying to me and you don’t want to cross me. I know you want payback for what happened to you as a child.. Skye and I get it but it wasn’t our fault.. We didn’t know you were out there”Lorenzo said “If you know about me sooner would you look for me”Anastasia ask “Yes we would of..Skye and I don’t give up on our child.. Now start talking”Lorenzo ask “It was Althea who give me the tea and told me to make it for Skye.. It’s Rat poison”Anastasia said “How dare you! Lorenzo yelled as the family came by. “Daddy.What is it”Genevieve ask “Alan it’s rat poison that was in the tea”Lorenzo said “I will tell Dr Drake”Alan said and left. “How do you know”Skylar ask “Anastasia and her adoption mother did this”Lorenzo said “How dare you poison my mother! Genevieve said she was about to slap Anastasia when Lorenzo stop her. “Don’t..We need to force on you're mother”Lorenzo said “Yes Daddy.. I just”Genevieve said “I know me too”Lorenzo said “I guess I will never be a part of this family.. That’s all I wanted was a better childhood .. None of you expect Skye have been what I have been thought”Anastasia said “We all have our issues”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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