Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Unexpected love ch 53 (Skyelo)

At General Hospital~Lorenzo room~Lorenzo was in his bed when Skye came in and took his hand. “I hope when you wake up that you will forgive me”Skye said she kiss him as Lorenzo wake up. “Skye”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo. You're awake”Skye said “What happened”Lorenzo ask “You don’t remember”Skye ask “I remember we were on the docks walking when a gun when off”Lorenzo said“Yes a gun shot at us and you push me away you safe me”Skye said “I will always save you”Lorenzo said he kiss Skye. “I will go get Dr Drake”Skye said “Wait who shot at us”Lorenzo ask “Lorenzo just rest”Skye said and left the room.

In the hallway~Dr Drake was looking at a chart when Skye came in. “Dr Drake, Lorenzo is awake”Skye said “That’s great”Dr Drake said “Yes it is”Skye said Skye and Dr Drake left and went into Lorenzo room. “Lorenzo. Do you know what year it is”Dr Drake ask “Yes 2016”Lorenzo said “Do you know the name of you're children”Dr Drake ask “Yes Alana Edward and Lila Rae”Lorenzo said “I want to do more test to make sure you're okay”Dr Drake said “Fine”Lorenzo said Dr Drake left. “Oh Lorenzo, I’m glad you're awake I was so scare that you would died and leave me alone to raise our daughter”Skye said “Never will I leave you Skye”Lorenzo said “Good”Skye said “Who shot at us”Lorenzo ask “Luis he shot at us”Skye said “Luis is alive”Lorenzo ask “Not anymore”Tea said as she came in “Tea, What are you talking about”Lorenzo ask “Nothing, I will not have you upset my husband. Lorenzo needs his rest”Skye said “Skye. It’s okay”Lorenzo said “Luis was murder last night”Tea said “Oh, I didn’t even know he was alive”Lorenzo said “Tea did, She hide him from you”Skye said “Is that true”Lorenzo ask “Yes. I didn’t know Luis was going to shot at you”Tea said “So Luis is dead”Lorenzo said “Yes, We need to plan his funeral”Tea said “You can.. I’m glad Luis is gone he try to kill my wife and I.. Skye and the girls are all I need”Lorenzo said he took Skye hand. “What about me”Tea ask “I want you in my life too”Skye said “Thanks, I’m glad you're awake”Tea said “Thank you”Lorenzo said Dr Drake came in. “Lorenzo, We need to take you for a X-ray”Dr Drake said “I will be right here”Skye said and Dr Drake left with Lorenzo. “So Skye.. Did you murder my brother”Tea ask “Tea, I’m sorry about you're lost but I didn’t murder Luis”Skye said “I do hate the things Luis has done but his my brother”Tea said “I know”Skye said as Alan came in. “What is going on”Alan ask “Dad.. Lorenzo wake up , Dr Drake is running test”Skye said “That’s great”Alan said “I will go.. I’m glad Lorenzo is wake”Tea said and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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