Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Unexpected love ch 47 (Skyelo)

At General Hospital~Lorenzo room~Skye was holding his hand when Monica came in with Alana and Lila Rae. “Skye, I thought this may help Lorenzo having the girls in the room”Monica said “Thank you, Come here my girls”Skye said Monica give the girls to Skye who put them on Lorenzo bed. “Lorenzo, Our girls need you, They need their Daddy so wake up, I can’t do this alone or do I want to”Skye said “I will be right out in the hallway”Monica said “Thank you”Skye said Monica left.

In the hallway~ Monica walk by Alan. “Monica, Where are the twins”Alan ask “I brought them to see Lorenzo, Maybe that will help”Monica said “Why did you do that”Alan ask “Alan, I know you're upset about this but Skye love Lorenzo if he dies it will destroy Skye”Monica said “I guess”Alan said as Rae came in, “How is Skye”Rae ask “She with Lorenzo now”Monica said “I just hate this, We could of lose Skye”Rae said “I know”Alan said

At The Police Station~Luis cell~Luis was in his cell when Alexis came in. “Alexis, It’s been too long”Luis said “This time you will go down for shooting at Lorenzo and Skye”Alexis said “Why do you care, You hate my brother”Luis said “Skye is my sister and I will make sure you go down for this”Alexis said “Really, Skye is you're sister, She must be the beautiful one”Luis said “Why did you do this”Alexis ask as Tea came by. “Leave my client alone”Tea said “Fine, But Luis you will pay for this , This time you will be stop”Alexis said and left. “Why does Alexis hate you”Tea ask “Because of the last time I was in town, Alexis and I were talking and she was pregnant at the time and I upset her and left her in the snow and didn’t call for help”Luis said “Luis, You could of killed her or the baby”Tea ask “The baby and Alexis were fine”Luis said “You are nothing like Lorenzo”Tea said “Thank you”Luis said “That’s not a common, Lorenzo isn’t that cold as you are, I’m sorry but I can’t help you”Tea said “Tea, We our family”Luis said “So is Lorenzo said and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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