Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Unexpected love ch 54 (Skyelo)~ “Luis killer”

At General Hospital~Skye and Alan were in Lorenzo room and the door was closed. “Skye.. It’s just us now.. So you can trust me and tell me anything”Alan said “I know I can trust you”Skye said “Good, I love you like a daughter and I will protect you just like I would ported Emily”Alan said “Dad.. It was me , I shot Luis and when Lorenzo fine out his going to leave me”Skye said as she cried. “Lorenzo isn’t going to leave you he love you”Alan said “He will when I go to jail for this”Skye said “You will not go to jail for this.. I talk to Alexis and the case is closed”Alan said “Thank you.. How did you know it was me”Skye ask “I just know you”Alan said “I hope Lorenzo and I can get pass this”Skye said “You will”Alan said as Bobbie came in push Lorenzo who was in a wheelchair. “Why was the door close”Lorenzo ask “We were just talking”Skye said “Lorenzo.. I’m glad you're awake”Alan said “Thank you”Lorenzo said he got back in bed. “How did the test go”Skye ask “We will know more soon”Bobbie said Alan and Bobbie left. “Skye.. What is going on”Lorenzo ask “I’m just happy you're awake, I miss you”Skye said “I will never leave you, How are the girls”Lorenzo ask “The girls have been staying at the mansion . We our going to be okay”Skye said “Yes we our”Lorenzo said he touch Skye hair. “I love you Skye. More then I ever loved another woman”Lorenzo said “I love you too. I don’t want to lose you”Skye said “You will never lose me”Lorenzo said as Dr Drake came in. “What did the Xray say”Lorenzo ask “You have no brain damage from being shot”Dr Drake said “Thank you.. Can Lorenzo go home”Skye ask “Not for a while, I don’t want you to push it”Dr Drake said “Thank you”Skye said “You're welcome”Dr Drake said and left.”I want to go home”Lorenzo said “You will soon. You just need to rest”Skye said “You sure go to our house and get it ready for us”Lorenzo said “Alright .. I want you to take it easy”Skye said “I will”Lorenzo said as Alexis came in. “Alexis.. What are you doing here”Lorenzo ask “It’s about you're brother case.. We have no weapon that was found in Luis room”Alexis said “So the case is close”Lorenzo ask “Yes. I’m sorry”Alexis said “No you're not you hate my brother and I’m glad his gone”Lorenzo said “You are”Skye ask “Yes.. He shot at us”Lorenzo said “I’m glad you're awake”Alexis said “You're just saying that because of Skye”Lorenzo said “True”Alexis said and left. “Lorenzo, Are you okay”Skye ask “Yes”Lorenzo said “Alright.. You sure rest. I’m going to pick up the girls and go home and rest now that you're awake”Skye said “Okay.. I love you”Lorenzo said “I love you too”Skye said they share a kiss and Skye left.

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