Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Always part 2 ch 17”Saving Skye”

At General Hospital~Genevieve and Skylar and Alexander and Alan and Rae and Luis and Anastasia were waiting for Lorenzo who went to get test and they were worrying when AJ came in. “Sorry. I’m late. What is going on with Skye”AJ ask “Skye needs a new liver”Alan said “Do you what to know why my mother is in their fighting for her life! It’s because of her Anastasia poison mother with rat poison! If Daddy doesn’t go after you I will! Genevieve yelled “Genevieve.. Let’s go get some air”Alexander said “No.. I want my mother better and her gone! I don’t care if you're my sister! If you want to be a part of this family you would of never done this! Genevieve yelled Alexander took Genevieve hand.”Come on”Alexander said and they left. “I sure just leave”Anastasia said “Why did you do this to Skye..My sister would of love you and expect you for who you are that’s what my sister does”AJ ask “I just want payback for the things that happened to me and my adoption mother told me this would make them pay”Anastasia said “You must have a death wish.. Do you know what Lorenzo does.. My brother in law love my sister and no one hurt her .. No one hurts a Quartermaine .. You sure leave”AJ said

On the Roof~Genevieve and Alexander were on the roof. “Oh Alexander. I can’t lose my mother. She has to be at our wedding and I want her in my life.. I hate all the fights mother and I had grow up I wish I could take them back”Genevieve said “You will get you're chance with Skye.. You're mother is a fighter and she is going to beat this.. I know you're anger but you can’t take it out on Anastasia let you're father deal with her”Alexander said “I just can’t believe Anastasia thought she could get away with it” Genevieve said “Me either. She not very smart”Alexander said “No she not.. Thank you for cool me down. I think we sure go back”Genevieve said “Alright”Alexander said

Inside~Skylar was full in Raelyn on what happened with Skye. “Nana has to be fine”Raelyn said “Yes she will”Skylar said

AJ and Anastasia were talking. “I guess I sure leave town”Anastasia said “I don’t think so”Lorenzo said as he came in the room.

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