Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Always part 2 ch 19

At General Hospital~Alexander and Genevieve were sitting on the couch with Alan and Rae and Skylar and AJ and Luis when Lorenzo came in and look at Anastasia who was lean on the wall and then back at his father. “Lorenzo..What is it”Alan ask “Skye awake.. Dr Drake is looking at Skye”Lorenzo said “Oh that’s good. Right”Genevieve ask she was getting tired. “Yes it is”Alan said “Alan.Do we know if I’m a match yet”Lorenzo ask “I will check on the test”Alan said and left. Lorenzo put his hands on his face he was worry about Skye. “Daddy..Do you want us to get you something to eat”Skylar ask “Yes you need to take care of yourself too”Genevieve said “I’m going to be fine and so is you're mother”Lorenzo said “Yes she is”Luis said

At Skye’s room~Skye was in bed when Dr Drake was looking at her. “If I don’t get the liver. Can I die”Skye ask “It doesn’t look good.. Skye this is serious”Dr Drake said “How did I get rat poison”Skye ask as Lorenzo came in and went by Skye. “How is my wife”Lorenzo ask he took Skye hand. “So far so good..We just need that liver”Dr Drake said “I’m a match”Lorenzo ask as Alan came in. “Skye... Lorenzo I have good news I have the test result back .. You're a match Lorenzo”Alan said “Thank God”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo..Are you really going to give me you're liver”Skye ask Lorenzo look at Skye. “Yes.. I love you Skye.. I can’t image my life without you”Lorenzo said he kiss Skye on the lips. “When can we do this”Skye ask “Tomorrow.. I suggest you get some rest Skye and Lorenzo we need to get you ready”Dr Drake said “I want to see my children first”Skye said “Sure.. It’s fine”Dr Drake said “I will go get them”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo. How did I get rat poison”Skye ask “We our not sure”Lorenzo said and left with Alan and Dr Drake. “I don’t want to tell Skye that it was our own daughter yet”Lorenzo said “I agree that will hurt Skye recovery”Alan said “Yes it will...Anastasia isn’t going to win”Lorenzo said

In the hallway~Genevieve was sitting by Alexander and so tired that she put her head on his shoulder. “Genevieve.. We sure go home. You need you're rest”Alexander said “No.. I can’t leave my mother”Genevieve said “You're mother is going to be fine and you need you're rest”Alexander said “I agree”Lorenzo said as he came by. “Daddy.. How is Mother”Genevieve ask as Skylar and Luis and Rae and AJ came by. “I have good news..I’m a match for Skye”Lorenzo said “Oh that’s great”Skylar said “Yes..We our going to do it tomorrow .. I want you all to go home and rest”Lorenzo said “Do you want us to bring you some clothes and stuff”Genevieve ask “No I’m going home to get my things.. Thank you Genevieve”Lorenzo said he kiss Genevieve on the cheek.. “I’m glad you're a match..It’s like you and mother our soulmates”Genevieve said “Yes we our...Anastasia why don’t you go home with me”Lorenzo said they left. “This isn’t good”Genevieve said “Let Father handle this”Luis said “Oh I will”Genevieve said they left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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