Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Unexpected love ch 61

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were sitting on the couch playing with the girls. “Alana Edward and Lila Rae I love you both so much. I will give you and mother anything you want.. Just the four of us”Lorenzo said “Actually I was thinking maybe we could have one more child.. A Son would make our family complied”Skye said “I would love a son too but don’t risk it Skye”Lorenzo said “I know I will not.. Why don’t we take the girls to the park”Skye ask “I think that’s a good idea”Lorenzo said as Tea came in. “I will get the girls ready while you both talk”Skye said and left with the girls. “Tea”Lorenzo said “I’m glad you're well”Tea said “Me too”Lorenzo said “I’m sure Skye told you that I know Luis was back”Tea said “Yes she did”Lorenzo said “I thought Luis had chance but I was wrong and I’m sorry “Tea said “I know you were hope Luis chance I believe you.. You have always believe the best in our family”Lorenzo said “Yes I have.. Now we need to plan a funeral”Tea said “You can. I’m glad his gone”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo.The killer is still out there don’t you care” Tea ask “Luis shot at my wife and I .. No I don’t care about Luis and I’m glad his gone and I’m asking you to leave it alone”Lorenzo said “Who are you cover for”Tea ask “Tea please”Lorenzo said “Oh my god! It was Skye who shot our brother.. You would only cover for her! Tea yelled Lorenzo move close to Tea. “Keep you're mouth shut”Lorenzo said “Or what.. You will kill me”Tea ask “No you're my sister”Lorenzo said as Skye came in with the girls. “Skye. Why did you do it . Kill my brother”Tea ask “She figure it out”Lorenzo said “I killed Luis because he wanted me and he was going to shot Lorenzo again anything to have me”Skye said “I know Luis wanted you.. He told me”Tea said “Tea please don’t say anything I can’t be away from my daughters .. Please”Skye said “If family means anything to Tea she will”Lorenzo said “Alright.. I will keep quiet about this”Tea said “Thank you”Skye said “You're welcome”Tea said “It was an accident yes I did have a gun with me but I just want to talk to him”Skye said “Skye don’t say anything else”Lorenzo said “I agree with you on this”Alexis said as she came in. “You know that you're sister killed my brother”Tea ask “Tea you say you would leave it alone”Lorenzo ask “I’m just asking how much does Alexis know”Tea ask “What do you want”Alexis ask “That easy. I want you're job as DA”Tea said “How dare you! Are you that cold”Skye yelled “When it comes to my dream job you beat I’m”Tea said “You can have it”Alexis said “Don’t”Skye said “It’s okay..Skye I don’t want it”Alexis said “You love that job”Skye said “It’s just a job.. You're family”Alexis said “Thanks Alexis.. I can’t wait to start”Tea said “You're as cold as our brother”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo... I will not look the other way after this”Tea said and left.

“Alexis..Why did you do that..Why are you cover for me”Skye ask “Because you're my sister and you're children need you”Alexis said “I know I haven’t handle this will me being a Cassadine but I want to know my roots but I don’t want to lose my Quartermaine family either”Skye said “I get it.. I will respect that”Alexis said “Thank you”Skye said “Yes thank you”Lorenzo said “It was for Skye not you beside I hate him too”Alexis said and left. “Lorenzo.. Are you okay”Skye ask “Yes.. I’m sorry about Tea”Lorenzo said “I can handle her”Skye said “We both can”Lorenzo said 

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