Sunday, September 11, 2016

The one and only part 3 ch 15 “Saving Goodbye's the Hardest word

At The Church~Jax funeral~Skye was sitting by her family and Carly and Josslyn when Ned got up. “Jax and I were friends and business rivalry and I will miss Jax , Skye I will be their for you and the girls if you need anything, We our Quartermaine and we take care of each other”Ned said Ned sit down and Alexis got up. “Jax and I were marrying once, It was just a convenience but we were best friends and I loved him and I will make sure that person who did this pays, Who took Jax from his wife and children”Alexis said she sit down. “Carly got up. “Jax and I were married, I did wish it last but I hurt Jax ,I don’t regret our marriage, Jax was a great father to my sons and to our daughter Josslyn, Jax was all about family and loyal and I will look out not just for my daughter but for Lila Rae and Rae and Skye new baby too, I will not let anyone hurt them even more then they just did when they took Jax from them”Carly said she look at Brenda. Carly was about to go back to her seat when Brenda got up and Carly grab her arm. “What do you think you're doing”Carly ask “I want to say something about Jax”Brenda said “Not today”Carly said Skye got up. “Carly let her, Brenda doesn’t have what we both share with Jax and that’s children, She will never be the mother of Jax children, Their nothing else she can take us”Skye said “True”Carly said Brenda went up. “The last time that Jax and I saw each other , I hurt Jax again and It’s too late to fix it, I loved Jax and I do wish he was here then I could win Jax again and you know I can Skye, I sure of come back before this happened I would've saved him”Brenda said Ned got up and went by Brenda. “Enough”Ned said Brenda left.

“Mommy”Lila Rae said “I’m okay, Don’t listen to that woman”Skye said “Yes, Girls don’t go neither her”Carly said “Yes mother”Josslyn said “Yes”Lila Rae said “Thanks Carly”Skye said “You're welcome”Carly said “We sure get to the wake”Alan said Alan and Monica and Emily and Ned and Alexis and Nikolas and Michael and AJ left.

On the docks~Brenda was on the docks when Ned came by. “Brenda, Don’t go neither Skye anymore, Leave her alone, This isn’t about you and Jax anymore, Jax didn’t pick you, He was married to Skye, He loved her and I will not let you hurt her anymore”Ned said “You hate Skye”Brenda said “She family”Ned said “We were friends”Brenda said “We used to be”Ned said Ned left.

At The Quartermaine Mansion~Jax wake~Skye was greeting everyone and it was getting overwhelm for her and went to look out the window and cried as she felt her baby kick and put her hand on her stomach. “Oh Jax, Our baby just kick for the first time”Skye said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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