Monday, December 23, 2019

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 4 Ch 39

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 4 ch 39”
“Never mess with a woman scorned”
At Rae-Rae was looking at a picture of her parents. “I’m going to fine you”Rae said she put the picture away and pull out another one of a young lady she didn’t know who it was..

At Lila Rae-Lila Rae was talking to Josslyn and Bobbie and Lucas. “We need to plan a funeral “Lila Rae said “Lila Rae, I just wanted to let you know that Morgan loved you,You both were great for each other “Bobbie said “Thanks, I loved him too he was my best friend Lila Rae said “How is Grace taking it”Josslyn ask “Not good “Lila Rae said “We all are here for both of you “Lucas said “Thanks “Lila Rae said

At Richard/Emma-Richard was holding his daughter. “Oh Maxine we almost lost you're mother last night “Richard said

At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra and Grayson came into the room. “Do you want to rest”Grayson ask “No, I want to talk “Sierra said “I was upset that you lied to me  and never told me about you're son, I’m not mad that you slept with someone awhile I was In Grease but it’s the lying I’m mad at”Grayson said “I understand,Can you forgive me “Sierra ask “Yes but I have a secret to tell you “Grayson said “What”Sierra ask “I was so upset that I slept with Josslyn “Grayson said Sierra was upset. “How many “Sierra ask “It was more then once “Grayson said “Do you want her”Sierra ask “No”Grayson said “I need some time “Sierra said “I understand “Grayson said he went upstairs and Sierra saw a note that the maid were off today and next to the note was some matches and took them and went upstairs.

Grayson was in their bedroom and Sierra closed the door from the hallway as she was wearing gloves and start a fire and ran outside. Grayson try to get out and was hit in the head..

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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