Monday, December 23, 2019

All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 5 Ch 2

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 5 ch 2”
At General Hospital-Skye room -Skye was lying in bed and Sierra was brushing her Mother hair when Lorenzo came into the room. “You’re Mother looks beautiful “Lorenzo said “Yes she does”Sierra said “I want to be with you're mother now “Lorenzo said “I have to go anyway for my checkup “Sierra said “I will go with you “Lorenzo said “No Daddy it’s find “Sierra said “I know I been busy with you're mother but I’m glad you’re cancer is gone”Lorenzo said “Me too”Sierra said “You sure look for a new house soon”Lorenzo said “Yes Daddy “Sierra said she left..

Lorenzo sit by Skye side and took Skye hand.”Sierra cancer is gone,Now we just need you to wake up,My love comes back to me”Lorenzo said he kiss Skye hand..

At Kristina office-Kristina was their talking to Sierra. “I have you're test results back,You are still cancer free”Kristina said “Thanks “Sierra said

At The Police station-Ric and Alexis we’re still trying to figure out who robbed the Haunted Star . “It has to be a enemy of Lorenzo “Alexis said “Yes or someone will a past in this town”Ric sure “We need to question Faith “Alexis said “Yes “Ric said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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