Thursday, June 30, 2016

Always part 2 ch 60

At Genevieve/Alexander~Alexander came in the house. “Genevieve ! Alexander yelled and went upstairs into their bedroom. Genevieve was sitting on the bed wearing her robe. “Where have you been”Genevieve ask “The hospital. Dr Drake had to run some test from being shot at.. Genevieve I’m sorry about the baby”Alexander said Genevieve look at him. “Do you blame me for what Victor did”Alexander ask

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo came home and found Skye lay on the floor pass out.. “Skye.. Darling wake up”Lorenzo said he carry Skye and took her out of the house.

At The Quartermaine Mansion~ Monica and Alan were having coffee. “Something happened at that house with Genevieve and Alexander and I think it had to do with Victor I think he is the reason that Genevieve lose the baby”Alan said “I think so too”Monica said as Emily came in with bags in her hand. “Can I stay here for a while”Emily ask “Yes you can”Monica said Alan phone rang it was Lorenzo. “I will be right there”Alan said he hang up the phone. “What is it”Monica ask “It’s Skye”Alan said they left.

At General Hospital~ Lorenzo was waiting on news about Skye when Skylar and Genevieve and Anastasia and Luis and Rae and Alan and Monica and Emily came in. “What is going on”Genevieve ask “You're mother still isn’t well. I found her passed out”Lorenzo said “No”Genevieve said Lorenzo went by Anastasia. “If anything happens to Skye. It’s you're fault”Lorenzo yelled Dr Drake came by. “How is my wife.. Can I see Skye”Lorenzo ask Dr Drake look at Lorenzo.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 59

At General Hospital~The next day~Genevieve was in her room wake up when Lorenzo came in.. “Daddy...Did Alexander let you help him”Genevieve ask “Yes .. Don’t worry about it now you can’t tell anyone what happened”Lorenzo said “I will not..Where is Alexander”Genevieve ask “I don’t know..I’m sorry about the baby”Lorenzo said “Thanks”Genevieve said Dr Kelly came in. “Dr. Kelly I want to go home ..I need to be with my children”Genevieve said “Alright. You can go home but rest”Dr Kelly said “I will”Genevieve said “I will take you home”Lorenzo said “Thanks.”Genevieve said

Alexander room~Alexander was being look at by Dr Drake. “I need to get out of here”Alexander said “I want to run more test to make sure their no damage from being shot”Dr Drake said “Alright.. Then let me out of here I need to be with my wife”Alexander said “I know”Dr Drake said

At Nikolas/Emily~ Emily was looking at a picture of Alexander and Victor when Nikolas came in. “Nikolas.. I think something happened in the beach house and I think it was Victor.. Genevieve lose the baby and Alexander was shot at”Emily said “I will not stand by and support Alexander for killing his own brother. He never treat Victor right.. We all didn’t”Nikolas said “I love Victor.. I didn’t want him to go to that board school that was you”Emily said “You're right..But I want to chance it”Nikolas said “You can’t”Emily said “I have a feeling that Lorenzo know what happened to my son”Nikolas said

At Genevieve/Alexander~Lorenzo came in with Genevieve.. “You sure rest”Lorenzo said “I will.Daddy thank you”Genevieve said Lorenzo touch Genevieve face. “I did it for you too. And the baby”Lorenzo said “I know.. I’m going to be fine”Genevieve said “Alright.. I need to go home and be with you're mother”Lorenzo said “Is Mother okay”Genevieve ask “She tired”Lorenzo said he left. Genevieve went upstairs and into her bedroom.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 58

At General Hospital~Alexander came in he still didn’t feel good from being shot in the head and was feeling dizzy when Dr Drake came by. “Alexander..Are you okay”Dr Drake ask “Yes.. I need to see my wife”Alexander said “First you need to let me look at you”Dr Drake said “I’m fine”Alexander said “You were shot in the head”Dr Drake said as Emily and Nikolas came by. “Alexander..What is going on”Nikolas ask “Nothing Father”Alexander said “You're son was shot in the head and I need to look at him”Dr Drake said “What.. Who shot you”Emily ask “Mother.. Let it go”Alexander said “No.. Now let Dr Drake look at you.. Where is Genevieve’ Emily ask “She here too.. Genevieve lose the baby”Alexander said “No..What happened”Emily ask “I think I know”Nikolas said he look at his son. “Alright.. You can look at me”Alexander said he left with Dr Drake. “You think Victor did this don’t you”Emily ask “Yes.. I do.. After Tonight I think there isn’t anything our son would not do”Nikolas said “I agree”Emily said “ I wonder where Victor is”Nikolas said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was sleeping on the couch cover with a blanket when Lorenzo came in and kiss Skye who wake up. “Sorry”Lorenzo said “It’s okay.. Did you help Alexander with Victor”Skye ask “Yes.. No one will know that Alexander killed his own brother”Lorenzo said “Good.. Genevieve is so heartbroken over the baby”Skye said “I know...At first I was upset about Genevieve being pregnant because of her pills but I hate seeing her like this”Lorenzo said “Me too”Skye said “Let’s go to bed.. You need you're rest”Lorenzo said “Yes I do.. I’m so tired”Skye said Lorenzo help Skye up and they went upstairs.

At General Hospital~Alexander room~Alexander was in the bed when Nikolas and Emily came in. “Son. Did Victor do this”Nikolas ask “Father just leave this alone.. I can’t deal with this now”Alexander said “Did you do something to you're brother”Nikolas ask “For once just let it go”Alexander said “Is my son dead”Nikolas ask Alexander didn’t say anything.. “Did you kill you're own brother! Nikolas yelled “No”Emily said Dr Drake came in. “You both need to leave Alexander needs to finally rest “Dr Drake said “You're not my son anymore”Nikolas said “Fine with me”Alexander said Nikolas and Emily left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 57

At The beach house~Alexander was about to clean up when Lorenzo came in. “Genevieve told me everything.. Now let me help you clean this up I know how”Lorenzo said “Fine”Alexander said “Where is the body”Lorenzo ask “Upstairs in our bedroom”Alexander said Lorenzo and Alexander went upstairs and Victor body was on the floor.. “So how are we going to get rid of the body”Alexander ask “We put him in a bag and then to the warehouse and set it on fire.. Now are you sure you can do this.. His you're brother you're twin”Lorenzo ask “Yes I can.. He hurt Genevieve and I enough”Alexander said “I agree.. I guess I was wrong you do love my daughter”Lorenzo said “Yes I do”Alexander said they took care of Victor body.

At General Hospital~ Monica was working when Emily and Nikolas came in they both had marks on them. “Emily”Monica said they share a hug.. “I was so worry about you and then when Laura say that you both were going on a trip I was a little relief”Monica said “What trip”Emily ask “I was going to take you on one”Nikolas said “What happened to both of you”Monica ask as Alan came by. “We try to talk to Victor and he lock us in a room at a house and tie us to a chair”Emily said “Oh my god.. Where is he”Alan ask “We don’t know”Nikolas said “Let’s get you check out”Monica said Nikolas look at Sunday Rose. “Why is Sunday Rose here”Nikolas ask “Genevieve here she lose the baby”Monica said “How”Emily ask “We don’t know”Alan said “Is Alexander with her”Nikolas ask “Yes.. Let’s get you both look at”Alan said they left.

At Genevieve room~Genevieve was in bed with Skye and Skylar.. “I want that baby so much”Genevieve said “I know sis I’m sorry”Skylar said as Nikolas-Alexander and Sunday Rose came in. “Mother.. We our here for you”Nikolas -Alexander said “My babies”Genevieve said Sunday Rose hug her mother.”I love you Mother”Sunday Rose said “I love you too”Genevieve said “Where did Father go”Nikolas-Alexander ask “He went to check on the twins”Genevieve said “Father sure be resting. Who shot him”Nikolas-Alexander ask “A intruder”Genevieve said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 56

At General Hospital~Alexander and Lorenzo and Skye and Skylar and Sunday Rose and Nikolas-Alexander were in the hallway when Dr Kelly came in saying that Genevieve lose the baby and she can’t have anymore. “No.. I need to tell my wife”Alexander said “No! You're not going anywhere neither my daughter! Lorenzo yelled “Lorenzo.. Genevieve needs me”Alexander said “How did you get shot in you're head and my daughter lose her baby.. What the hell is going on”Lorenzo yelled Alexander walk away and went into Genevieve room. “Daddy you need to calm down”Skylar said “I know.. I just”Lorenzo said “I know.. But somehow Genevieve is going to be okay.. And She needs us”Skylar said Lorenzo hug Skylar.. “You're right.. I’m so glad you're back”Lorenzo said “Me too”Skylar said

At Genevieve room~Genevieve was in the bed and sleeping when Alexander came in and took her hand. “Oh Darling.. I’m so sorry”Alexander said as Genevieve wake up. “Alexander. What happened”Genevieve ask “Do you remember what happened at the house with Victor”Alexander ask “Yes.. He push me.. The baby”Genevieve said “The baby is gone.. I’m sorry”Alexander said “No! Genevieve yelled “I’m so sorry but we need to talk .. We can’t tell anyone that I shot Victor and killed him I need to go back to the house and clean it up.. We have to keep this between us”Alexander said “Why it was self-defect”Genevieve ask “True.. But I just can’t let my father know I killed his son.. I’m sorry I hate asking you to keep it a secret”Alexander said as Skye and Lorenzo came in. “Keep what a secret”Lorenzo ask “Nothing.. I lose my baby.. At least we can try again soon”Genevieve said Skye and Lorenzo look at Alexander. “Yes.. You need to rest right now.. I will be back”Alexander said and left. “Princess. Now that his gone.. We can talk now tell me what happened and I will fix it”Lorenzo said “Daddy. You can’t fix it all you can’t bring my baby back to me.. Now just leave it alone”Genevieve said Lorenzo touch Genevieve hair. “Just tell me..Was this Victor.. That shot Alexander and cause you to miscarry”Lorenzo ask “Yes.. That’s why Alexander is going to the beach house to clean up.. Victor did this and Then Alexander killed him..Daddy I can’t lose my husband right now”Genevieve said “I will take care of it”Lorenzo said and left. Skye lay in Genevieve bed. “Oh Mother.. I want that baby so much”Genevieve said “I know baby.. But you have all the children you need. I need to tell you something.. The miscarry hurt you're chance of having another baby”Skye said “No! Genevieve yelled as Skylar came in and lay on the other side of Genevieve. “I figure you need me”Skylar said “Always”Genevieve said and she cried for the baby she lose.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 55

At Nikolas/Emily~ Alan and Monica came in. “Nikolas..Emily..Are you here’ Alan ask “Emily”Monica yelled as Laura came in. “Laura. Is Nikolas and Emily here”Monica ask “No after the wedding Nikolas was going to take Emily on a trip.. It was a surprise”Laura said “Oh Do you know where”Alan ask “No.. What is going on”Laura ask “Victor is alive and we our worry about our granddaughter”Alan said “Oh Victor is back.. I don’t believe he really want to hurt Genevieve”Laura said “I don’t believe it either”Monica said “I just don’t want to take a chance”Alan said “I get it”Laura said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were sitting on the couch.. “Skye.. Maybe you just can’t push yourself anymore. Just take it easy for a couple of days”Lorenzo said “Fine I will”Skye said Lorenzo phone rang it was one of his guards. “Oh No..Thank you”Lorenzo said he hang up the phone. “Lorenzo..What is it”Skye ask “That was one of the guards I put on Genevieve.. Alexander rush Genevieve to the hospital”Lorenzo said “No.. Our baby”Skye said Lorenzo help Skye off the couch.. “We sure call Sunday Rose and Nikolas-Alexander on the way”Skye said “Yes”Lorenzo said they left.

At a house on the beach~ Nikolas finally free himself from the rope and untie Emily..”Emily..Are you okay”Nikolas ask “Yes”Emily said “Let’s go get Victor before it’s too late”Nikolas said

At General Hospital~Alexander was in the hallway he had just been look at he had a glaze on his head when Lorenzo and Skye came in and Lorenzo grab Alexander shirt.. “What did you do to my daughter! Why is she in the hospital! Lorenzo yelled “Lorenzo”Skye said as Dr Drake came in. “Lorenzo let go of Alexander.. I just had to take a bullet out of his head Dr Drake said Lorenzo let go.. “Now what is going on”Lorenzo ask “How is Genevieve”Skye ask as Dr Kelly came in. “How is my wife and our baby”Alexander ask as Sunday Rose and Nikolas-Alexander and Skylar and Alan and Monica came in. “Genevieve is okay but she lose the baby”Dr Kelly said “No..Does she know”Alexander ask “No.. The way Genevieve lose this baby she can’t carry another one”Dr Kelly said “No”Alexander said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 54 “A Honeymoon nightmare”

At The beach house~Alexander/Genevieve house~Alexander was downstairs in the kitchen making something for Genevieve and him when Victor came in and point a gun at Alexander head. “Don’t turn around”Victor said “Victor”Alexander said “Aren’t you so lucky you're with my wife making love to her and making her meals.. Well you and Genevieve don’t belong together.. Genevieve and I do and I will fix it”Victor said “I don’t think so brother”Alexander said a gun when off.

Upstairs Genevieve was wearing her robe and heard that gunshot and ran downstairs and saw Alexander bleeding on the floor.. “No Alexander Darling don’t leave me”Genevieve said she pick up a towel and put it on Alexander head. “Alexander. Wake up”Genevieve said Alexander wake up a little. “Who did this”Genevieve said “Victor.. His here”Alexander said “No.. I will be right back my cell phone is in our room”Genevieve said she went upstairs and was stand on the top of the steps when she saw Victor. “Genevieve.. We can now be together”Victor said “No..Victor I don’t love you it was always Alexander not you”Genevieve said “No! Victor yelled and push Genevieve down the steps.. “Now you both will not be happy! Victor yelled

Alexander got up and walk over to Genevieve who was at the bottom of the steps. “Genevieve.. No”Alexander yelled he went upstairs to find Victor who was just stand their.. “If you really love Genevieve you would of not do that”Alexander said Victor and Alexander fight over the gun and Alexander shot him. “That’s for shot me and for push my pregnant wife down the steps”Alexander said Alexander went downstairs by Genevieve. “Darling it’s going to be okay.. I will take you to the hospital.. Just stay with me. I can’t lose you”Alexander said he carry Genevieve to the car.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 53

At The beach house~Genevieve was cleaning up the tables when Alexander came in and pull her in. “Darling.. I need you”Alexander said “Alexander I need to clean up I didn’t hire any help”Genevieve said “It can wait we our on our honeymoon now let’s go”Alexander said Genevieve look at him and they share a kiss.. “Genevieve don’t think about him.. Just think about us”Alexander said “You're right.. You and our children and the new baby..Did you like you're wedding gift”Genevieve ask “I love it”Alexander said he took Genevieve hand and they went to the other house and went into there house and made love.

Outside~Victor was outside looking in the house and watching Alexander and Genevieve make love.”You our mine .. Not his”Victor said

At another house~ Nikolas and Emily were tie to a chair and their mouth was cover and Nikolas and Emily both try to undo the robe but they could not..

At General Hospital~Skye and Lorenzo came in. “Lorenzo..Why are we here”Skye ask “To see why you're so tired”Lorenzo said “Oh Lorenzo it could just be anything”Skye said “I know that’s why we have to find out what it is”Lorenzo said as Dr Drake came by. “What is going on”Dr Drake ask “Skye is tired and I want you to find out why”Lorenzo said “I’m sure it’s nothing and my husband is overreacting”Skye said “Let’s just take a look at you”Dr Drake said “Alright”Skye said Lorenzo went with Skye.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Anastasia was alone in the house and look at a picture of Skye and Lorenzo with the children. “I sure of been a part of this family. It’s not fair”Anastasia said as AJ came in. “Anastasia”AJ said Anastasia turn around.. “AJ.. Skye and Lorenzo aren’t here”Anastasia said “Good.. Then we can talk.. Look my sister forgive you but not me.. I keep an eye on you.. No one hurts my sister”AJ said “I just made a mistake that’s all.. Haven’t you”Anastasia said “Yes I have made many mistake but I love my family”AJ said “I love my family to”Anastasia said as Skye and Lorenzo came in.. “What is going on”Skye ask “Just talking..Skye are you okay”AJ ask “Yes.. I’m find.. I’m going to make some tea.Anastasia come with me”Skye said Anastasia and Skye left. “Lorenzo ..What is going on”AJ ask “I don’t know Skye keeps getting tired and the doctors don’t know why”Lorenzo said “Oh no..Do you trust Anastasia”AJ ask “I don’t know what to do”Lorenzo said “Just keep Skye safe”AJ said “Always”Lorenzo said AJ left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 52

At The Beach house~ Genevieve and Alexander were having breakfast with their family before everyone left. “Sunday Rose the twins are going to stay with you at the house and the nanny.. And my parents will be check on you”Genevieve said “Mother.. I will be fine”Sunday Rose said “I know”Genevieve said

Alexander and Lorenzo were talking. “Do you know if Victor went back to Port Charles with you're parents’ Lorenzo ask “Yes Father called me .. We will not let Victor hurt Genevieve anymore”Alexander said “You better not”Lorenzo said as Genevieve came by.. “You both look worry”Genevieve said “We were just talking that’s all.. You're mother and I could take the twins if you want”Lorenzo said “No that’s okay.. Mother needs to rest she looks so tired”Genevieve said “Alright.. I will just keep my eye on the children.. I sure take you're mother home”Lorenzo said He kiss Genevieve on the cheek.

Rae and Skye were talking. “Skye..Are you okay”Rae ask “Just tired that’s all”Skye said “Did you slept well last night”Rae ask “Yes .. I just been so tired lately”Sky said “So how is it going with Anastasia”Rae ask “I’m trying to get past it”Skye said as Anastasia came by. “Mother..Grandmother”Anastasia said “Anastasia”Rae said as Lorenzo came by. “Skye.. Do you want to go back to Port Charles”Lorenzo ask “Yes I do”Skye said “Good let’s go.. Anastasia their a car for you to”Lorenzo said “Thank you”Anastasia said

Monica and Alan were talking. “I wonder how it’s going with Victor”Monica said “Yeah.. This isn’t good that his alive ’Alan said “I know but maybe his chance.. Some of it wasn’t his fault that he hit Genevieve he was brainwashed”Monica said “True”Alan said “I’m also worry about Skye she looks so tired”Alan said “It could be the poison”Monica said “I know”Alan said Genevieve got up and made a speech.. “I would like to make a speech.. Thank you all for coming and celebration the love Alexander and I have”Genevieve said everyone clap.

“Nikolas-Alexander.. How are you doing”Alexander ask “I’m fine father don’t worry about him and I will keep an eye on Sunday Rose and the twins”Nikolas-Alexander said “Thank you”Alexander said everyone expect Genevieve and Alexander left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 51

At The beach~Anastasia and Luis were talking. “That was a wonderful wedding expect Victor.. He loved Genevieve didn’t he”Anastasia ask “Yes my sister had a history with Victor.. His not a good guy.. When he was married to my sister she thought he was Alexander and he hit my sister.. He sure be dead”Luis said “Oh wow.. You meant Father killed him”Anastasia ask “Yes.. That’s what we all thought till today”Luis said “Wow”Anastasia said and Luis left. “Oh.. You Victor will have to be a part of my plan”Anastasia said to herself.

“Alexander got up and make a speech. “I want to thank you all for coming and celebration our love that Genevieve and I share and Darling I’m so happy about our new baby..We will be happy with our children Nikolas-Alexander and Sunday Rose and Skye and Lorenzo Jr and now this baby I will give you all a great life.. I love you all so much”Alexander said “Oh Alexander.. I love you so much too.. We belong together.. We our going to move forward with our future and let the past stay there”Genevieve said they share a kiss as it start to rain a little. “Oh No”Genevieve said “It’s okay.. We can go to our beach house”Alexander said they all went into the house. “We have another mansion next door you can all stay in that one for the night if you want to”Genevieve said Anastasia came by. “Genevieve. I just want to say thank you for let me be a part of today”Anastasia said “You're welcome.. I’m glad I did.. I meant it”Genevieve said

“Lorenzo.. You look worry”Tea said “I’m a little”Lorenzo said “Just relax”Tea said and left as Skye came by. “Lorenzo.. Don’t do anything about Victor.. I need you here”Skye said “I will leave Victor alone as long as he leave our family alone”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo.. I need you”Skye said “Are you okay”Lorenzo ask “Just tired”Skye said “Let’s go to the another house and you can rest”Lorenzo said “Alright.. Let’s say goodbye to Genevieve”Skye said Genevieve came by. “We our going to stay at the another house for the night”Lorenzo said ‘Alright.. Mother.. Are you okay”Genevieve ask “Yes.. The wedding was lovely and didn’t let ruin you're happiness “Skye said “I will not”Genevieve said Skye and Lorenzo went to the other house and so did all the other guest.

Genevieve and Alexander went into the bedroom and Alexander carry Genevieve on the bed and they made love. “I love you Genevieve no one is going to ruin us again”Alexander said “No never”Genevieve said

Outside the bedroom~Victor was looking at them through the window and watch them as they made love.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 50

On the beach~Alexander and Genevieve wedding reception the family was there to celebrate the wedding .. Nikolas Alexander got up “I want to make a toast to Alexander and Genevieve my Grandparents who love me and took me in when my mother died and raise me as their own.. I love you both so much. I’m glad that you took me in and love me”Nikolas-Alexander said “Oh sweetheart that was wonderful”Genevieve said she kiss her son. “Thanks Mother.. I’m sorry for the past”Nikolas-Alexander said “You were just trying to figure out life that’s all”Genevieve said “Yes we love you son”Alexander said “We will never forget Bianca”Genevieve said “Never”Alexander said “Genevieve it’s time for you to dance with me”Lorenzo said he took Lorenzo hand and they dance. “Daddy”Genevieve said “Oh Genevieve I hope that even though you're pregnant you will listen to the doctors about you're pills”Lorenzo said “I will Daddy. It’s time for you to stop take care of me”Genevieve said “I know it’s just hard”Lorenzo said “I know”Genevieve said Lorenzo lean closer to Genevieve. “His not going to hurt you”Lorenzo said “Daddy..Just leave Victor alone”Genevieve said as Skye came by.. “Can I cut in”Skye ask “Sure”Lorenzo said Lorenzo and Skye share a dance.

“Skye..What is it”Lorenzo ask as they share a dance. “I don’t want you and Genevieve to start fighting about Victor right now”Skye said “I was just telling Genevieve if Victor goes after her I will deal with him”Lorenzo said “I know you will..Are you okay with Genevieve pregnancy”Skye ask “Not really..I just pray she listen to the doctors”Lorenzo said “She will.. Now just relax”Skye said she kiss Lorenzo.

Alexander was holding Lorenzo Jr and Genevieve was holding little Skye as they share a dance. “Oh Genevieve today was wonderful”Alexander said “Expect for Victor”Genevieve said “Don’t go there”Alexander said Skylar got up. “I want to make a toast to my sister and Alexander you both will get through anything together because you love each other”Skylar said “Thank you”Genevieve said they share a hug. “Alexander. You better make my daughter happy.. I know you both love each other and will take care of each other”Lorenzo said “Thanks Daddy”Genevieve said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 49~ “Unexpected Guest”

At The Church~Genevieve and Alexander wedding day~Genevieve and Alexander had just say I do when Victor walk in. “Genevieve”Victor said as he walk by Genevieve and touch her face. “Leave my wife alone”Alexander said as Lorenzo got up. “If you want to live you will stay away from my daughter”Lorenzo said as he whispered to Victor. “Victor.. Please go I’m happy with Alexander”Genevieve said Nikolas got up. “Come on Son.. Let’s go somewhere and talk”Nikolas said “Yes Father”Victor said he left with Nikolas and Emily. “Alexander”Genevieve said “It’s going to be okay.. Let’s finish the wedding and have our wedding reception”Alexander said “Alexander is right..Victor will not ruin you're wedding day”Lorenzo said “Alright.The wedding reception is on the beach.”Genevieve said Lorenzo went back to Skye..

In the hallway~ Nikolas and Victor and Emily were their. “Victor.. How did you get here”Nikolas ask “It’s a long story”Victor said “I just hope you get you're second chance and don’t blow it and let Genevieve go”Nikolas said “Father it’s not that easy”Victor said “We know it was you who hit Genevieve”Nikolas said “It was a mistake father .. Britt made me do it”Victor said “Let’s just go and talk”Emily said “Alright”Victor said

At the Beach~ There was a white tent and candles and gardenias everywhere .. “Oh it’s all beautiful it’s it”Genevieve said “Yes it is”Alexander said “You're right.. Let’s not think about him”Genevieve said “Yes”Alexander said as The guest came out.. “That was some wedding.. Who is Victor”Anastasia ask “It’s a long story but Victor and Genevieve have a history”Skye said “Yeah.. His nothing but a bastard just stay away from him”Lorenzo said “Genevieve and Alexander will be having their first dance”Blair said as she went up on the stage and sang “Forever and For always”. And Genevieve and Alexander dance.

“Nikolas-Alexander..Are you okay”Sunday Rose ask “Yes.. I’m ..Let’s dance”Nikolas-Alexander said he dance with Sunday Rose and Skye and Lorenzo and AJ and Lydia and Alan and Monica dance.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 48~ “A Cassadine/Alcazar wedding”

AT the City~The Church~ Tea and AJ and Lydia and Rae and Blair and Dani came in. “Blair.. Dani ... Why are you here”Tea ask “Skye ask me to come”Blair said “Really”Tea ask “Yes it’s all good”Blair said as Monica came in. “Monica is Genevieve ready”Rae ask “Yes she is..Rae how are you”Monica ask “Alright now that my daughter is”Rae said “I know”Monica said as Alexis and Tracy and Ned came in. “Another Wedding hopefully this time Genevieve marry the right twin”Tracy said as Anastasia overheard and was confess by it.. “Mother just sit and smile”Ned said

At Genevieve room~Skye and Skylar and Constanza and Sunday Rose were all dress when Anastasia came back in.”The guest is here”Anastasia said “Thank you”Skye said she was fixing the twins stroller which had flowers on it. “So who is pushing little Skye”Skylar ask “I’m”Anastasia said “Oh”Skylar said as Genevieve came out wearing her wedding dress the dress has rhinestones all over it and a long veil. “Oh Genevieve you look great”Skye said “Thanks Mother”Genevieve said as Lorenzo came in and look at Genevieve. “Oh Princess you look beautiful .. I finally get to walk you down”Lorenzo said “Yes you do.. I finally have the wedding I wanted”Genevieve said “Good.. We sure start”Skye said “Anastasia and the twins go first..”Genevieve said

Inside the guest was sitting down and Alexander and Nikolas-Alexander and Nikolas were waiting for Genevieve as Anastasia walk down push the stroller that had the twins in it and then Sunday Rose walk down and then Constanza and Skylar and Raelyn and then Genevieve walk down with Lorenzo and Skye giving her away as Blair sang the song “From this moment on”. “Who give this woman away”The father ask “Her mother and I do”Lorenzo said he kiss Genevieve and took Skye hand and they sit down. “Genevieve and Alexander have wrote their own vows”The father said “Alexander we have been thought a lot hell and back and we have made it and there's nothing we can’t handle I love you ..We have been in love since we were little kids.. I have a great wedding gift for you..We our going to have another baby”Genevieve said “Oh Genevieve I love you so much and you're right we have been in love since we were little kids and I’m so happy that we our going to have another baby.. My love”Alexander said “Sunday Rose would like to say something”The father said “I’m so happy that you're both back together and we our a family.. I love you both so much’ Sunday Rose said “I’m glad you're back Father.. I love you both”Nikolas-Alexander said “Genevieve and Alexander would like to light a candle for those who aren’t here anymore.. Genevieve sister Lila Rae and Alexander and Genevieve daughter Bianca”The father said as Genevieve and Alexander light a candle. “Genevieve and Alexander I know you both love each other I can see it in you're eyes and I wish you nothing but the best as you enter this life together.. Now does anyone object”The father ask “No one say anything.. “”I pronounce you husband and wife.. You may kiss the bride”The father said As a man came in with his suit all dirty. “I’m late”The man ask everyone turn around. “No it can’t be”Genevieve said “Victor”Emily ask “Yes Mother I’m back”Victor said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 47

At The City~The Church~Skylar and Art were putting flowers around as Genevieve came in.. “How does it look”Art ask “It looks great..Thank you both”Genevieve said “I’m glad you like it.. Now Genevieve go get you're hair and makeup done and I will make sure everything is take care of”Skylar said “Thanks sis.. Today just has to be perfect”Genevieve said “It will be”Skylar said Genevieve left. “You both are not a like”Art said “Genevieve just wants today to go great and it will”Skylar said as Lorenzo and Skye and Emily and Monica and Alan and Constanza and Anastasia came in. “The church's looks great”Skye said “Thanks”Skylar said “How is Genevieve”Skye ask “Worry about everything”Skylar said “I will go see her”Constanza said “Where is Alexander”Lorenzo ask “His getting ready”Skylar said

Nikolas-Alexander and Nikolas were in a room with Alexander. “Son. You look happy”Nikolas said “I’m”Alexander said “Good.. I’m glad you're happy and I’m glad you're back”Nikolas said “Thanks Father”Alexander said as Lorenzo came in. “Alexander. We need to talk before I give my daughter away”Lorenzo said Lorenzo and Alexander went to talk. “What do you want”Alexander ask “I hope you take care of My princess and don’t hurt her or I will deal with you”Lorenzo said “I will not hurt Genevieve I love her and it’s time for you to let her go and let me take care of Genevieve.. You need to take care of Skye”Alexander said “I know.. I do hope you and my daughter our happy”Lorenzo said “Thanks”Alexander said

Genevieve and Sunday Rose were in a room when Constanza and Anastasia and Skye and Skylar and Raelyn came in. Genevieve was wearing a robe and had her hair and makeup done. “Is everything set”Genevieve ask “Yes.. Genevieve it’s going to be okay”Skye said “Thanks Mother..”Genevieve said she cried a little. “Mother..Are you okay”Sunday Rose ask “Yes..We have a lot to do”Genevieve said “Yes we do”Skylar said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 46

At Genevieve/Alexander~Genevieve was in the guest room looking at her wedding dress. “Oh this wedding is going to be perfect. Nothing is going to stop it..We will be happy”Genevieve said as she touch her stomach and Alexander came in. “Genevieve”Alexander said “Alexander turn around you can’t look at my dress it’s bad luck”Genevieve said Alexander turnaround. “Genevieve there no sure thing as bad luck and we will be happy everything is going to be fine”Alexander said “I hope so..Anyway you go and pick up our son and Sunday Rose and I and the twins will go into another car and meet you in the City”Genevieve said “Yes Darling”Alexander said Alexander left as Sunday Rose came in. “Mother.. We have a lot to do”Sunday Rose said “Yes we do”Genevieve said

At General Hospital~Skye and Lorenzo came in. “I hope this check up goes fast we can’t be late for our own daughter wedding”Skye said “We will not.. We know Genevieve wedding will not start on time”Lorenzo said “No..She is so happy”Skye said “Good”Lorenzo said as Dr Drake came by. “Skye. I’m ready to see you”Dr Drake said Skye and Lorenzo went with Dr Drake.

At Nikolas/Emily~Nikolas and Emily were packing for the wedding. “Nikolas..Are you okay”Emily ask “Yes.. I’m happy for our son”Nikolas said “Me too.. Genevieve looks so happy at the party”Emily said “Good.. I just miss Victor”Nikolas said “Me too”Emily said

At Nikolas Alexander house~Nikolas-Alexander was packing when Alexander came in. “Nikolas-Alexander are you ready”Alexander ask “Yes. Father are you having any wedding jiggers”Nikolas-Alexander ask “No I love you're mother .. Since the day I lay eyes on her I know we were meant to be”Alexander said “I’m glad you our back and it wasn’t you who hit mother”Nikolas-Alexander said “Me too”Alexander said

At General Hospital~Dr Drake was looking at Skye. “So any headaches”Dr Drakes ask “No.. I’m just tired a lot”Skye said “That happens. Anything else”Dr Drake ask “No.. I think I’m going to be just fine”Skye said “I think so too..Lorenzo are you okay”Dr Drake ask “Yes.. I’m fine”Lorenzo said “Good. Have fun at the wedding”Dr Drake said “Thank you”Skye said Lorenzo help Skye up from the hospital bed and they went into the hallway. “I told you I’m fine”Skye said “You're perfect”Lorenzo said they share a kiss as Lorenzo phone rang. “I have take this”Lorenzo said he took the phone call. “That’s great news”Lorenzo said and hang up the phone. “Now let’s go to the wedding”Lorenzo said they left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 45

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were sitting on the couch talking to Alan and Monica. “Last night we found out why Anastasia did this she blames us for something that happened in her childhood and she has a right to be anger”Skye said she cried. “Skye”Alan said he took Skye hand. “My little girl was hurt Daddy..Another of my babies was hurt and I didn’t know about it and I wish I did .. I wish I know that Anastasia was out their .. I would of look for her”Skye said “I know..I’m sorry.. You can’t blame yourself”Alan said “I know but it’s hard not to and I want to give Anastasia a chance”Skye said “We will if that’s what you want”Alan said “I was so upset when I came to town and I did things to the family.. I hurt Emily”Skye said “Yes you did but thank god that Emily recovery”Monica said “Yes.. I do regret that part but not going after ELQ”Skye said “Skye.. You have chance and maybe all Anastasia need is love and she will chance too. A mother love does something”Monica said “Yes it does”Skye said “I’m still looking into this.. Why you didn’t know that you were carrying twins”Alan said “Thank you”Skye said “Yes thank you both”Lorenzo said as Anastasia came in. “Anastasia..Where have you been”Lorenzo ask “I just got a job”Anastasia said “Where at”Skye ask “At Luis diner.. AS a hostess”Anastasia said “That’s great”Lorenzo said “Yes it is”Skye said “I know I have a lot to prove to this family and I want it so I want to do anything I have to gain the trust and love when I first came to town I just thought you all were a perfect family”Anastasia said “No we our just good at acting...Anastasia there is no perfect family”Skye said “No not at all. You're a Quartermaine two and we our not perfect but we love each other and we will fight for each other.. I want to know you”Alan said “Thanks..Grandfather”Anastasia said “We sure go. We will see you all at the wedding”Monica said Alan and Monica left. “You're father really love you”Anastasia said “It wasn’t easy but Alan and I do love each other...Anastasia we can do this”Skye said she touch her daughter hair... “I think so too”Anastasia said “Let’s go have dinner”Lorenzo said they went to the dining room.

At Genevieve/Alexander~Genevieve was putting together the wedding gift bags for the guest when Tea came in. “Aunt Tea..What are you doing here”Genevieve ask Tea sit down.. “Genevieve. You know I love you like a daughter that’s why I’m asking you this..Do you have a prenup”Tea ask “No and I don’t need one”Genevieve said “Genevieve. I know you love Alexander but things do go wrong.. Do you at least have a separation accounts”Tea ask “Yes.. Alexander want it”Genevieve said “Good”Tea said “Daddy worry isn’t he”Genevieve ask “Yes.. You're father love you”Tea said “Yes I know”Genevieve said as Alexander came in. “What is going on”Alexander ask “Aunt Tea thinks we need a prenup”Genevieve said “We have separation accounts and that’s all we need”Alexander said “I’m just looking out for my family”Tea said “I know”Alexander said “I will see you at the wedding”Tea said and left. “Genevieve do you want a prenup”Alexander ask “No.. Beside this time we will be happy”Genevieve said “The twins are sleeping and Sunday Rose is upstairs and Nikolas-Alexander is at his place..We our alone”Alexander said “Let’s go upstairs”Genevieve said they went upstairs.

At A jet~A woman and a man were on it. “On this wedding will not happened”The woman said “No it will not”The man said as the jet went down. “No”The woman yelled

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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At Genevieve/Alexander~Genevieve and Sunday Rose came in carrying bags when Alexander and Nikolas-Alexander were there.”How was you're wedding shower”Alexander ask “You all know about it”Genevieve ask “Yes.. You're mother want it to be a surprise”Alexander said “It was and so nice to see Constanza...Anyway their our more bags in the car”Genevieve said “I will go get them”Nikolas-Alexander said “Thank you”Genevieve said “Mother. Do you want me to put them in the sitting room”Sunday Rose ask “Yes”Genevieve said Sunday Rose put the bags in the sitting room and Nikolas-Alexander went to the car. “Is you're wedding dress finally done”Alexander ask “Yes it’s perfect everything is set for the wedding”Genevieve said “Good”Alexander said they share a kiss. “Alexander.. I really want to get to know Anastasia after what I find out about her childhood.. I get why she want payback but she did it all wrong”Genevieve said “Yes she did.. Are you okay”Alexander ask “Yes.. He can’t hurt me anymore”Genevieve said “No”Alexander said “Did you know that Constanza was coming back”Genevieve ask “Yes”Alexander said “I’m just glad that my cousin is back I’m going to work with Tea and Constanza”Genevieve said “Good”Alexander sad they share another kiss.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo was downstairs talking to Tea. “Tea.. I need you to do something for me.”.Lorenzo said “What do you need”Tea ask “I need you to draw up a prenup for Alexander and Genevieve”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo”Skye said as she came in. “Skye.. I thought you were resting”Lorenzo said “I did..Why are you asking Tea for a prenup for Genevieve”Skye ask “I’m looking out for our daughter.. You know how Genevieve is with money and she forgets things so I’m looking out for her”Lorenzo said “Look Lorenzo I get it and I will take to Genevieve she a smart woman and I’m sure she took care of it”Tea said “Thank you.. Also for hiring Genevieve”Lorenzo said “Genevieve is a great lawyer and will be great at it”Tea said “I hope so”Lorenzo said Tea left. “Lorenzo..I get you want to look out for our daughter but it’s time to let her go”Skye said “I’m just looking out for Genevieve. You know how she is about money she just spend it”Lorenzo said as Monica and Alan came in.. “Daddy.. Monica what are you doing here”Skye ask “We just want to check on you”Alan said “I’m fine. I took a nap even though I didn’t want to”Skye said “Skye.. Are you having any side effects.. Headache or anything”Alan ask “No but I just don’t have a lot of energy as I did before”Skye said “That happends”Monica said “Yeah.. I have a check up tomorrow before we leave for the wedding”Skye said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 43

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo was talking to a man when Skye came in. “That will be all”Lorenzo said the man left as Lorenzo took Skye hand and help her sit down. “How was the party. This was you're first outing”Lorenzo said “Its was great.Genevieve was so happy and to see Constanza back”Skye said “Good.. I’m glad”Lorenzo said Skye open her purse and pull out a piece of paper and give it to Lorenzo. “What’s this”Lorenzo ask “The bill for Genevieve wedding dress”Skye said Lorenzo look at the bill. “Wow..All that for a dress that Genevieve will only wear once”Lorenzo said “Yes that’s because Genevieve keep making the designer fix it”Skye said “It’s okay. I will take care of it..Skye you sure rest”Lorenzo said “I’m not tired and it’s in the middle of the day”Skye said “You just had a new liver..Now just humor me and rest”Lorenzo said “I’m a little tired..Can you help me upstairs”Skye ask “Sure”Lorenzo said he help Skye upstairs.

At Luis fifty diner~Luis was working their was a lot of people in it having lunch when Anastasia came in. “Anastasia..Why are you here”Luis ask “I was wonder if you have a job opening”Anastasia said “Actually yes.. My hostess quit today.. Do you want it”Luis ask “I would love it.. I want to fix everything.. There is a reason of why I want payback”Anastasia said She told Luis about her childhood. “I do know the pain of a childhood for a while I was with Luis and Brenda who turn out to be my parents but anyway because of what they did to me I have bipolar”Luis said “Last time I was here . I just thought you all had a perfect childhood and I was jealous”Anastasia said “I get it but no.. Do you know what happened to Skylar when she was sixteen”Luis ask “No”Anastasia said “She was in a car crash because of Father enemy they play with the brakes and she end up having a hysterectomy”Luis said “I’m sorry that I was wrong”Anastasia said “I’m just glad that mother is okay..She the glue that holds this family together”Luis said “Me too”Anastasia said

At The Quartermaine Mansion~Alan was in the den when Monica came in. “How was the wedding shower”Alan ask “Great. Genevieve was so happy about it and that Constanza is back”Monica said “I’m glad.. How is Skye”Alan ask “She look tired at the end”Monica said “I sure go check on Skye”Alan said “I will go with you”Monica said they left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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At The Quartermaine hotel~Genevieve wedding shower everyone was clean up. “I just want to say thank you all for this it means a lot to me”Genevieve said “I’m glad you like it”Constanza said “I’m glad you're back..Do you have a house”Genevieve ask “Yes I brought my old house back”Constanza said “Oh”Genevieve said as Anastasia came by. “Anastasia I want you to meet our cousin Constanza Quartermaine she Tea and AJ daughter”Genevieve said “Nice to meet you”Anastasia said “You too”Constanza said “Genevieve. Thank you for having me in you're wedding and for welcome me into this family”Anastasia said “You're welcome”Genevieve said “I’m going to go”Anastasia said and left. “Genevieve. What are you up to”Constanza ask “I’m not up to anything”Genevieve said “Really. You let it go for what she did to you're mother”Constanza said “Yes.. I will tell you why later”Genevieve said as Skye came by. “Genevieve. I’m leaving”Skye said “Thanks Mother for all this”Genevieve said she hug Skye. “You're welcome.. I’m glad you're happy..Constanza it’s good that you're back”Skye said “Thanks Aunt Skye”Constanza said Rae came by. “Skye. Do you want me to walk you back”Rae ask “No mother. Look I know you're all worry about me and I love it but I will be fine.. I’m a survivor after all”Skye said and left. “Do you think Mother is okay”Genevieve ask “Yes I do..”Rae said “Did Mother tell you about Anastasia.. We found out a secret of her childhood”Genevieve said

In the hotel lobby~ Tea was on the phone when AJ came by and Tea hang up. “AJ”Tea said “Tea.. I’m glad you're back”AJ said “Thanks it’s good to see you”Tea said “You to. Is Constanza back”AJ ask “Yes she is”Tea said “Oh good. I miss her”AJ said “Let’s go see Constanza I know she miss you too”Tea said they went inside.

Genevieve and Constanza were talking. “Constanza.. I have a secret and I want to tell you it”Genevieve said “What is it”Constanza ask Genevieve told Constanza her secret. “Oh I’m so happy for you”Constanza said “Thank you”Genevieve said as AJ and Tea came by. “Daddy”Constanza said she hug AJ. “I’m glad you're back .. I miss you”AJ said “Me too”Genevieve said “I realize that home is Port Charles”Constanza said “Yes it is”AJ said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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At The Quartermaine Hotel~Skye came in with Skylar and Anastasia and Sunday Rose and Raelyn and Genevieve. “Mother.. We can’t stay long I have work to do for the wedding”Genevieve said as she look at her mother. “I think you will want to stay for this”Skye said “Congrats Genevieve” everyone said as they came out of the hiding place. “Oh my god”Genevieve said Monica and Emily and Rae and Tea and Tracy were their. “Wow..This is a great surprise thanks Mother”Genevieve said “You're welcome but their one more surprise”Skye said as Constanza came in. “Oh my god..Constanza.. You're back.. Aunt Tea say you were not coming back”Genevieve said “I told Mother to lie. I have great news.. I’m moving back and open the law office with mother and I do hope you want to work with us”Constanza said “I do.. Oh Constanza I’m so glad you're here.. You have to be in my wedding. I will have my designer make you a dress”Genevieve said “I had Art make Constanza one”Skylar said “Oh Skylar.. Thank you.. We are all together”Genevieve said as Tea and Skye watch Skye was getting a little emotional and cried. “Skye.. Are you okay”Tea ask “Yes.. It’s just nice to see Genevieve so happy”Skye said “Yes it is”Tea said “Tea.. Lorenzo and I our not going to press changers”Skye said Tea took Skye hand. “I get it.. She you're daughter”Tea said “Yes and she been thought a lot”Skye said “We all have but I get it”Tea said “Thanks and for hire Genevieve she miss the law”Skye said “Genevieve is going to be great”Tea said “Yes”Skye said everyone sit down at the table. “I want to say that I’m happy for you Genevieve and my son Alexander you both have been thought a lot and I know you both will be happy this time and you will handle anything that life throw at you”Emily said “Thanks Emily”Genevieve said Skye got up. “I know you and Alexander belong together. You have been a part of each other life since you were kids and I know you love him my Genevieve who isn’t a emotional person but when her family needs you.. You are their for us. I love you”Skye said “Thanks Mother”Genevieve said she kiss her mother on the cheek.

Skye got up to get a drink at the bar and ran into Tracy. “Why did Lorenzo have to save you”Tracy ask “Because he love me.. I’m sure if I died you would be so happy”Skye said “Not really because if you died it would kill my brother.. I will not have Alan in pain”Tracy said “Thank you I think”Skye said “So what are you going to do about you're daughter who poison you”Tracy ask “Nothing.. She my daughter and I have done things too.. You're not perfect either you would not give Edward his pills once”Skye said “Daddy was fake that heartache”Tracy said as Genevieve came by. “Is everything okay”Genevieve ask “Yes it is”Skye said “Yes.. Thanks to you Skye being sick I got ELQ back from Alexander.. Genevieve you know how I feeling about you if you want me to keep feeling that tell Alexander to leave ELQ alone”Tracy said and left. “Mother. Are you okay”Genevieve ask “Yes”Skye said “Okay.. I’m going to open presents thanks for all this”Genevieve said “I plan it all before I got sick”Skye said Genevieve left as Skylar came by. “Mother.Come sit by me”Skylar said “Skylar. What is going on with you.. I know you're keeping something”Skye said “I’m.. Carman and I our over for good.. We just could not get past the affair”Skylar said “I’m sorry”Skye said “It’s my fault”Skylar said Skye and Skylar sit down and watch Genevieve who enjoy the spotlight and opening gifts.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 40

At Genevieve/Alexander~Skye and Anastasia came in. “Genevieve has a lovely house”Anastasia said “Yes she does”Skye said as the maid came in. “Mrs.Cassadine is upstairs in the sitting room”The maid said “Thank you”Skye said

Upstairs in the sitting room~Skylar and Raelyn and Sunday Rose were in their with Genevieve. “Oh that is so sad”Skylar said “I know I feel something towards Anastasia”Genevieve said “Me too”Skylar said as Skye and Anastasia came in. “I’m glad you're both here.. Now Art sure be here with our dress”Genevieve said “I just want to say that I’m sorry about what I did and I want to be a part of this family”Anastasia said “We want that too”Genevieve said “Yes we do”Skylar said “Thank you girls”Skye said “You're welcome”Skylar said as Art came in with dress. “I have dress and wedding dress ..Genevieve I hope you are happy this time I can’t chance it anymore we our almost out of time”Art said “I know.. I just want this wedding perfect it has to be”Genevieve said “I know”Art said “Skylar and Sunday Rose and Raelyn and Anastasia go try on dress”Genevieve said they left. “Mother. Do you want some tea ’Genevieve ask “No..Do you meant it”Skye ask “Yes Mother I do”Genevieve said “Good”Skye said Skylar came out wearing a pink dress. “Oh Skylar you look great.. That dress is wonderful on you”Genevieve said “Thank you.. I’m so happy for you and Alexander”Skylar said “Thanks”Genevieve said Anastasia and Raelyn came out wearing a yellow dress. “You both look perfect.. Oh this wedding is going to be great”Genevieve said as Sunday Rose came out wearing a light blue dress. “Oh Sunday Rose.. You look great my baby girl”Genevieve said she touch Sunday Rose hair as she start to cry. “Mother..Why are you crying”Sunday Rose ask “I’m just so happy”Genevieve said as Skye came in wearing her silver dress.”Oh Mother you look great”Genevieve said “Thank you.. Art you did a great job with all this”Skye said “Thank you.. Now it’s time for the bride to try on hers”Art said he handle it to Genevieve and she left to try it on and Art was nervous about it.. “Is my sister that picking about her dress”Skylar ask “Oh yes.. I had to go back to fix the veil because it’s wasn’t dramatic enough”Art said “That’s my sister”Skylar said as Genevieve came in wearing her wedding dress and the veil was so long. “So what do you think”Art ask “Oh Art.. I love it! Thank you”Genevieve said “You're welcome because I had to go back and fix a few things it cost a little more”Art said “That’s okay.. Since Daddy wants to pay for the wedding he will pay for this. Mother what do you think of my dress”Genevieve ask “I love it.. You look great we all do”Skye said “Yes we do.. Thank you Art..”Genevieve said “You're welcome.. I’m glad you're finally happy”Art said “Thanks”Genevieve said Art left. “Now why don’t we chance and go to lunch”Skye said “I can’t I have more things to do about the wedding”Genevieve said “You need to eat”Skye said “Yes Mother”Genevieve said she handle Sky the bill for her dress Skye look at the bill and was in shock about the dress. “Oh Genevieve. My wedding dress didn’t even cost this much”Skye said “I just want this wedding to be perfect with everything that Alexander and I had to deal with”Genevieve said “It’s not the wedding that matters it’s the marriage but I will give this to you're father”Skye said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 39

At ELQ~Michael and AJ and Tracy and Alan and Monica and Ned were having a meeting. “Is Skye coming”Tracy ask “No I will be vote for Skye too”AJ said “Great.. Anyway that’s good that Skye not here I want to go after the pier”Tracy said “No.. Leave it alone that’s Lorenzo”Alan said ‘You want us to back away and let a mob boss get what he wants ’Tracy said “Yes he saved my daughter. Leave it alone Tracy you our playing with fire”Alan said “I agree”AJ said “Of cause you do”Tracy said “Let’s just vote on it”Michael said Everyone vote against Tracy. “So you all want to just give up and let him win”Tracy said “Yes just for now.. Let’s just be happy that we have ELQ back”Alan said “Fine for now”Tracy said “Thank you”Alan said “Don’t”Tracy said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was having some tea and Lorenzo was in the room when his phone rang. “Lorenzo Alcazar.. What..Thank you”Lorenzo said he hang up. “What is it”Skye ask “That was the bank..Genevieve is spending a lot of money on this wedding..”Lorenzo said “She happy let her”Skye said Skye got up. “You're right.. Tell Genevieve to sent us the bill on her dress”Lorenzo said “I will”Skye said “Are you okay to go to Genevieve”Lorenzo ask “Yes.. I’m fine and then we have that surprise for Genevieve”Skye said “Yes”Lorenzo said as Anastasia came in. “Are you ready to go”Skye ask “Yes.. Thank you both it help talking about it”Anastasia said “Good.. We both are here for you and not to judge you”Lorenzo said “No”Skye said Skye and Anastasia left.

At General Hospital~Rae was in her office and doing some paperwork when she look at the picture of her and Skye and start to cry as Kevin came in. “Sorry”Kevin said “No it’s okay.. I’m glad you're here”Rae said “I just want to see you.. I heard about Skye”Kevin said Kevin sit down. “Oh Kevin it’s so hard not to be mad at Anastasia for doing this and I keep thinking what would've happened”Rae said “You can’t go there”Kevin said “I know.. I also know that Anastasia had to have some issues to do this to Skye.. She was taken from Skye.. Just like Skye was taken from me”Rae said “Yes.. Was Skye anger when she found out about being take from you”Kevin ask “Oh Yes..Skye was so mad at I was her mother.. We had some issue before we found out that we were mother and daughter”Rae said “Hopefully the worst is over”Kevin said “Yes but we don’t know the side effects”Rae said “Hopefully their will not be”Kevin said “Yes.. Thank for listing”Rae said “Anytime”Kevin said and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Always part 2 ch 38

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo and Anastasia sit down on the couch. “Anastasia if their is anything that has happened to you as a child you can tell us..We want to help you”Skye said “No one was hurt like I was”Anastasia said Skye put her arms on her daughter. “You're not the only one who was hurt.. Genevieve was hurt as a child by her teacher who she learn how to ride from and didn’t tell us till she got older and I wish she did tell us.. I was also hurt too that I end up pregnant and I had an abortion”Skye said “Yes.. I was hurt she wanted him to rape me and then I end up pregnant that she push me downstairs and I lose the baby then I had a breakdown.. I’m sorry. I blame you and I wanted you both to pay”Anastasia said “I know all about this anger that you're feeling I was so angry when I found out that I was sold as a baby to Althea that’s how she got me.. I feel unwanted and unloved till I meet you're father and I found love and so will you.. We want to help you”Skye said “Anastasia. Who is he”Lorenzo ask “He died a old man”Anastasia said “Oh...We our sorry and we want to move past this”Lorenzo said “You will not go after me”Anastasia ask “No.. You're our daughter and we want to fix it..Lorenzo said “How did you know about this”Anastasia ask “I look up information about you”Lorenzo said “Oh.. I know the way that baby was made was horrible but I wanted her”Anastasia said “It’s okay to feel that way..She was a part of you”Skye said “Yes.. I was hope when I had her that Mother would let me leave and the baby would be my ticket out of that house a family of my own”Anastasia said “You have a family and we our here for you”Skye said she put her arms around Anastasia. “I would love for you to call me Mother”Skye said “I want to call you mother”Anastasia said “You can call me Father or Daddy”Lorenzo said “Thank you both for understand.. I want a second chance.. If it killed you I don’t know how I would live with myself”Anastasia said “I know”Skye said “Does Genevieve know.. Is that way she is so nice to me”Anastasia ask “I don’t know”Skye said “I’m going to finish getting ready”Anastasia said “Alright.. If you want to talk to anyone”Skye said “Thanks”Anastasia said and went upstairs. “Oh Lorenzo.. We all have to move on from this”Skye said “I guess so.. Are you okay”Lorenzo ask “It’s just hard not to blame myself”Skye said “I know”Lorenzo said

At General Hospital~ Dr Kelly was looking at Lorenzo Jr and Skye. “So how are the twins”Genevieve ask “They are doing great so far”Dr Kelly said “Good..Dr Kelly I need you to do a pregnancy test on me”Genevieve said “Alright”Dr Kelly said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Always part 2 ch 38

At Skye/Lorenzo~The next day~Skye and Lorenzo were sitting on the couch having coffee. “Skye.. Do you feel safe with Anastasia in the house”Lorenzo ask “Yes I do”Skye said “Alright.. Luis is going to move back in today”Lorenzo said “Good”Skye said as Luis came in with his bags. “Luis.. I’m glad you're back”Skye said “Thanks Mother”Luis said “Let’s go to you're room”Lorenzo said Lorenzo and Luis went upstairs and Skye got up and look at the fireplace and saw a picture of Lila Rae. “Oh Lila Rae. What do you think I sure do”Skye ask as Genevieve came in. “Mother.. Are you okay”Genevieve ask as she push the stroller with Skye and Lorenzo Jr in. Skye turn around. “Yes..Genevieve it’s good to see you”Skye said “Thanks Mother.. I just want to stop by..You're Grandchildren want to see you”Genevieve said Skye went by them .. “I’m glad you're brought them”Skye said she pick up her namesake. “Is Daddy here”Genevieve ask “Yes his upstair with Luis his moving back in”Skye said “That’s good”Genevieve said “Yes.. So what do you want to talk to you're father about”Skye ask “The wedding”Genevieve said “Oh Genevieve you're still a bad liar. I know about Felicia and what you found out”Skye said “Mother. Don’t be mad I want to fine dirty on Anastasia but now I feel something towards her”Genevieve said “Of cause you do.. You're not that cold.. Now let you're father and I handle it”Skye said “Fine.. I kind of get why Anastasia did it”Genevieve said “Me too”Skye said she touch Genevieve hair as Luis and Lorenzo and Anastasia came in. “Genevieve. Why are you here”Luis Jr ask “Luis.. I’m glad you're moving back”Genevieve said “Thank you”Luis Jr said “Anastasia .. I would like for you to be in my wedding”Genevieve said “Really”Anastasia ask “Yes.. I meant it.. I want you in my wedding”Genevieve said She really did mean it.. “Thank you.. What do you want me to wear”Anastasia ask “My designer is going to make you a dress it will be done this afternoon. Come over to my house for a fitting and you too mother..”Genevieve said “Sure I will.. Is you're dress finally done”Skye ask “It’s suppose to be”Genevieve said Lorenzo Jr start to cry and Lorenzo pick up his namesake. “What’s wrong”Lorenzo ask as he rocked his grandson. “Our these yours too”Anastasia ask “Yes..Skye and Lorenzo Jr”Genevieve said “They are cute”Anastasia said “Thank you”Genevieve said “Are you and Alexander going on a honeymoon”Skye ask

“We our just going to stay at a beach house that I brought it’s a beautiful mansion right on the beach I love it so much that I brought the house next door too”Genevieve said “Oh Genevieve”Lorenzo said “Daddy don’t worry. I have a lot of money.. Now I need to go and take the twins to their check up and I will see you both at noon at my house”Genevieve said and left with the twins. “Genevieve is something”Anastasia said “You're looking for the word dramatic”Lorenzo said “Yes she been like that since day one.. Anyway Anastasia we need to talk”Skye said “I have go to my club anyway”Luis said and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit