Monday, June 27, 2016

Unexpected Surprise ch 14 (Skyelo)

~ At Sonny’s house~Sonny and Carly were talking, “What about Kristina, and Michael”Carly ask “Michael and Kristina are both grow adults now and Michael wants to work at ELQ”Sonny said “ I hate that but I can’t stop it”Carly said “No you can’t and we can take Morgan with us, I’m sure Kristina will be okay”Sonny said “Let’s do this”Carly said they share a kiss. “I will call Michael and Kristina”Sonny said he pick up the phone.

At the Quartermaine Mansion~ Alan and Monica and Tracy and Edward and Emily were their when Skye and Lorenzo came in, “You both look happy”Monica said “Yes, We found out news about our baby, We our having twins”Skye said “Wow, Twins that’s so great, Skye if you want to stay here you can”Edward said “Thank you Edward but I’m staying with Lorenzo, I love him and we our going to raise the twins together”Skye said “I just want you to be safe and the twins, You're carrying more Quartermaine”Edward said “I know and I love you for it”Skye said Edward and Skye share a hug. “I have more news too”Skye said “What is that”Alan ask “I owe the hotel now, and soon we will be having a reopening party”Skye said “How did you steal the hotel”Tracy ask “I just remember what Jax taught me about business and use it against him”Skye said “Nice Skye, I always say you were smart when it comes to business”Edward said “Thank you”Skye said “Skye, I been working on the baby shower”Emily said “You don’t have to “Skye said “I want too, I’m happy for you both, I can’t wait to be a aunt”Emily said “Thank you”Skye said they share a hug. “Why don’t you both say for dinner”Alan ask “Sure,”Skye said “Thank you”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I will try to be nice to you, You just better not hurt Skye”Alan said “I will not”Lorenzo said “Do you have a name pick out”Tracy ask “Yes if one of the twins is a girl, I want to name her Lila Rae”Skye said “Oh Skye”Edward said “Lila was the first member of this family to love me and welcome me into the family”Skye said “Thank you”Edward said “Skye. That’s sweet of you”Alan said “Thanks”Skye said

At Sonny~ Sonny and Carly were at home with Morgan who was sixteen years old , When Kristina and Michael came in. “So why did you call us”Kristina ask “We have some news, Carly and I our leaving town with Morgan”Sonny said “Were too”Michael ask “LA, To start over with Morgan , If you both want to come with us”Carly said “No thanks, I like working at ELQ”Michael said “Remember you're a Corinthos”Sonny said “DA say I’m a Quartermaine, I like being a part of them , Yes they fight all the time but they aren’t evil as you both calm to, Have fun in you're new life, I hope you both don’t come back”Michael said and left. “Kristina”Sonny said “Have fun”Kristina said “I will miss you”Sonny said ‘I will be fine, I’m going to college soon”Kristina said “Yes, You are going to make something of yourself”Sonny said Kristina left. “I’m going to talk to Mother”Carly said and left.

Copyright of Skye’s the limit

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