Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Always part 3 ch 51

At Tea office~Tea was talking to a woman and she took the woman hand. “You're not alone in this.. I will help you get justice for you're rape.. This pig will pay”Tea said “Thank you.. I can’t pay you”The woman said “It’s okay..I’m happy to help you”Tea said “Thank you”The woman said and got up as Genevieve came in. “Aunt Tea..What is going on”Genevieve ask “Genevieve this is Angel.. We our going to help her with her case..She a survivor”Tea said “I’m Genevieve Quartermaine and I will help you too.. You're not alone”Genevieve said “Thank you both.. It feels good to be close to making him pay”Angel said and left. “Do you have a good case”Genevieve ask “She doesn’t have a good description of him and Angel isn’t his only victim it’s the same man..We have a serial rapist out there and I will stop him and find him and I will destroy him”Tea said “Aunt Tea..Were you rape”Genevieve ask “No..But I was married to a man who rape a woman and I still can’t believe that I loved him and share a child with him”Tea said “Dani father”Genevieve ask “Yes”Tea said “Did he go to jail”Genevieve ask “Yes he did pay and blame himself for it”Tea said “That’s good..What about the survivor”Genevieve ask “It’s hard for her”Tea said “I’m sure it is”Genevieve said

At General Hospital~ Monica was working when Alan and Rae and Lorenzo came in with Skye.. “Skye.. You're alive”Monica said she hug Skye. “Wow..Thanks Monica”Skye said “You're welcome...We our going to get you the best treatments’ Monica said “Yes we our”Alan said “Yes..Skye just needs a checkup”Lorenzo said “I want to see the children”Skye said “I will call them”Lorenzo said as Ric came in.. “Skye.. You're alive”Ric said “Yes...I’m”Skye said “Ric..I want you to arrest Althea Patterson and Anastasia Patterson and Dr Drake for what they did to my wife”Lorenzo said as they came in. “They did this to you”Ric ask “Yes..She not my daughter just my adoption Sister..They drug me”Skye said as Skylar and Genevieve and Luis and Laurel and John came in. “Mother..Is that you”Genevieve ask she touch Skye face..”Yes it’s me..I’m alive”Skye said “Oh Mother”Genevieve said they share a hug.. “Mother...We our so happy you're alive”Skylar said “How did this happened”Luis ask Lorenzo touch his face. “It’s a long story but you're our son after all”Lorenzo said “Really”Luis ask “Yes.. Anastasia isn’t my daughter she my adoptive sister”Skye said “You're the doctor that save my face and that I want to be like you”Genevieve ask “Yes”Anastasia said Genevieve slap her.. “All of you will not get away with this.. I will destroy you”Genevieve said “Don’t worry.Genevieve they will pay”Ric said “Skye..Let’s get you in bed to make sure alright”Monica said “Alright..”Skye said “Mother..We our glad you're home”Laurel said “Yes..We love you”John said “I love you all too”Skye said Skye and Monica left. “Daddy. Is this why you been so off lately”Skylar ask “Yes.. I keep getting phone calls and having dreams about Skye”Lorenzo said “I’m glad you didn’t give up”Skylar said “Me too..Genevieve can we talk”Lorenzo ask “No”Genevieve said “What is going on”Skylar ask “Daddy flop out that I’m a grown woman and I can slept whoever I want with ..Anyway now I’m may lose my children! So thank you Daddy! Genevieve yelled “Alexander wants to take the children”Lorenzo ask “Yes”Genevieve said “I will not let that happened”Lorenzo said “I don’t need you're help.. Just go be with mother”Genevieve said Lorenzo left. “Genevieve who did you slept with”Skylar ask “Luke”Genevieve said “Oh Genevieve”Skylar said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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