Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Always part 4 ch 62

At The Courthouse hallway~Sunday Rose and Genevieve were having tea. “Mother..Did Papa hit Matthew”Sunday Rose ask as Lorenzo came by. “Papa..Did you hit Matthew”Sunday Rose ask “Sunday Rose.. I love you since you were a baby and I will ported you”Lorenzo said As Alexander came by. “I will protect her too”Alexander said “I know I have a family who will support me but I don’t need anyone to go to jail for me”Sunday Rose said Tea came by. “It’s time to go back in”Tea said Sunday Rose went with Alexander. “I will be right their”Genevieve said she need a min Lorenzo and Tea left with them as Skylar came by. “Genevieve. Are you okay”Skylar ask”No..I”m worry about Sunday Rose.”Genevieve said “We all will help her with this”Skylar said she took her sister's hand and they went inside and sit down by Sunday Rose who had the family all around her.

Clinton came in and look at Genevieve and sit by Gail and Gavin. “Thank you for coming”Gavin said “I still think Matthew was in the wrong here”Clinton said “I think that too”Gavin said as Matthew and Nora came back in and the Judge. “Mrs.Buchanan are you all done with calling witness”The Judge ask “Yes You're honor”Nora said “Mrs.Delgado are you all done with calling witness”The Judge ask “Yes You're honor”Tea said “Mrs.Buchanan beginning you're closing statements”The Judge said “Yes You're honor”Nora said she got up. “My Client Matthew Barrington made a mistake a big one that hurt his life and a young woman but just because of that one night he sure not go to jail for it.. Matthew just needs help by a therapy by Dr Collins who he is seeing... What Matthew did that night was wrong but he sure not go to jail for the rest of his life for it..Nora said she was finish. “Matthew Barrington isn’t just a kid who made a mistake he think his in title to get whatever he wants and that is woman too..He violent two women and it needs to stop and not just by seeing a therapy but by Jail time it’s the only way he will learn.. I want you to look at that woman over their Sunday Rose who is scarce and just her life back please do this for Sunday Rose and you're daughters and nieces who are out there we have to keep them safe”Tea said and sit down. “Jury you will not watch any TV or news about this case while you're making you're verdict on this case”The Judge said and the Jury left. “Come on Sunday Rose.. Let’s go home”Alexander said he took Sunday Rose and Genevieve and Nikolas -Alexander home. Everyone expect Lorenzo and Nora left the courthouse and Nora was clean up her paperwork when Lorenzo came by her. “You better pray on you're life that you lose and that bastard pays for what he did to my granddaughter”Lorenzo said “I’m not scared of you”Nora said “You sure be”Lorenzo said as Skye came by. “Lorenzo..Let’s go”Skye said “Skye.. You could do better”Nora said “I do.. I still can’t believe you are Matthew lawyer”Skye said Skye and Lorenzo left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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