Friday, September 9, 2016

Always part 4 ch 76

At The Courthouse~Genevieve and Sunday Rose and Alexander and Nikolas-Alexander and Luis and Lorenzo and Skye and Alan and Monica and Gail and Gavin and Clinton and Alexis and Nikolas and Emily and AJ and Tracy and Skylar and Sage and Tea and Nora were there. Nora was sitting by her table and the judge came in and everyone stood up. “Mrs.Buchanan where is you're client”The Judge ask “You're honor my client Matthew Barrington is at home with the flu he keeps throw up and can’t be here today”Nora said “Well I don’t like this one bit”The Judge said “Me either. You're honor how we can be sure he didn’t skip town”Tea ask “You're honor”Nora said “Jury do you have a verdict”The Judge ask “Yes we have you're honor” Jury said “Just go ahead and read it”The Judge said Sunday Rose took her parents hand and Gavin and Gail hold each other hand. “We find Matthew Barrington Not guilty by reason of insanity you're honor”The Jury said “No”Sunday Rose said “Thank you Jury for you're time”The Judge said and the Jury left. “The case is dismissed”The Judge said and everyone stood up and the Judge left. Tea wasn’t happy about lose the case and went by Sunday Rose.. “Sunday Rose I’m sorry about this”Tea said “It’s not you're fault.. You're a good lawyer”Sunday Rose said “Thank you I will repeal this”Tea said “Tea I don’t want to put my daughter through this again”Genevieve said “Let’s go home Sunday Rose”Alexander said he took Sunday Rose hand. “Sunday Rose.. I’m sorry if my son did rape you”Gavin said “He did”Sunday Rose said “I just want all of us to move on from this”Gavin said “It will not be easy for me for you it will but I live with this every day! Sunday Rose yelled and left with Alexander.

Genevieve look at Lorenzo and Tea look at them and know something was going on and went by Lorenzo. “Lorenzo..We need to talk”Tea said “Not here”Lorenzo said “Genevieve..Are you okay”Skylar ask “I have to be.. My daughter needs me”Genevieve said she went into the hallway and lean against the wall as Tea came by. “I need to talk to you too”Tea said “Okay”Genevieve said “Meet me at you're parents in a hour”Tea said Genevieve left.

Skye and Lorenzo went into the hallway.”Lorenzo..What is you're next plan”Skye ask

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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