Saturday, September 17, 2016

The one and only part 3 ch 29~ “Buried the past”

At The Courthouse~Skye and Alan and Monica and Bobbie and Carly and Ned and AJ and Michael and Ric and Alexis and Julia were their. “Julia, Why are you here”AJ ask “I came to support my sister, I’m sorry what Brenda did but I think She needs mental help”Julia said “Needs help, Brenda killed my husband, Our children were in the hotel”Skye said “I know and I’m sorry I can’t image what you are going though Jax and I were good friends and I’m sorry for you're lose but my sister needs help”Julia said “I think you sure go”Alan said Julia sit down. “How did Julia know about this”AJ ask “Maybe Brenda called her”Ned said “Skye, Don’t worry this is just a bail hearing and Brenda will go to jail I have a strong case”Alexis said “I’m glad you're on the case, You loved Jax too”Skye said “Yes I did”Alexis said “Brenda needs to pay for setting up my mother to”Carly said “She will”Alexis said they were standing up when Brenda came in handcuff with the cop and look at Skye as the Judge came in and everyone stay standing up. “The Case of Brenda Barrett putting a bomb in the Quartermaine hotel that took the life of Jax Jack and it could of took a lot of other residents in town, Brenda in a danger to the town, The state is asking for no bail”Alexis said “You're honor can I say something”Brenda ask “Fine”The Judge said “I’m sorry for what I did.. I hate that I hurt Jax I love him if I could do it over again I would not but I can’t take it back and I’m sorry”Brenda said “Well it’s too late, Bail is deny”The Judge said “Thank you you're honor”Alexis said “I will see you later at the hearing”The Judge said And left. Skye went by Brenda. “Are you happy. You will grown old in jail and be all alone and I will have my children with Jax and my memories of him and my family and you will have nothing. Who has lost this time..Not me”Skye said “Skye”AJ said as he came by. “I’m fine, I’m not going to be her victim this time”Skye said “ I sure of killed you”Brenda said “Well you haven’t and you will not”Skye said and left with her family.

“Brenda, Why did you say that”Julia ask “Because it’s true”Brenda said “Maybe you don’t need help , Maybe you sure go to jail”Julia said”Julia, I need you”Brenda said “I’m not going to save you, Jax was my friend too and you're not the only one who care for him. You're just selfish”Julia said The cop came by. “Time to take you to you're cell”The cop said Brenda left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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