Saturday, September 10, 2016

The one and only part 3 ch 8-

- At the Quartermaine Mansion~ Josslyn and Lila Rae had just finish up having lunch when Skye came in and sit by Josslyn and Lila Rae. ‘Girls, I have to tell you something, I love both of you and no matter what we will always be a family, Josslyn You're father would want me to do the right thing by you, So you're going to live with you're mother”Skye said “Mommy out of jail”Josslyn ask as Carly came in, “Yes I’m”Carly said Josslyn ran into Carly arms as Carly pick her up. “Will I still see Josslyn”Lila Rae ask “Yes, We our a family, In a way”Skye said “Yes, You both can have sleepovers at each other house”Carly said “What about Christmas”Lila Rae ask “We will figure this all out as we go”Skye said “Yes”Carly said “Josslyn, I’m glad you're mother is back”Lila Rae said “Thanks”Josslyn said “Lila Rae, Why don’t you go with Josslyn to get her belongs”Skye ask “Yes Mother”Lila Rae said Lila Rae and Josslyn left. “Thanks Skye, When is Jax funeral, I would like to be their”Carly ask “I need to plan it today”Skye said Skye went by the bar and pour herself some water. “Skye”Carly said as she came by her. “I just keep thinking Jax and I never got our happy ending”Skye said “I know it’s hard but think of the child you're carrying, Jax child”Carly said “Yes, I will keep this baby safe, I keep hope it’s another son”Skye said “Another son”Carly ask “Jax and I had affair in Spain and I end up pregnant but I lose the baby”Skye said “I’m sorry”Carly said “Me too, That’s when you and Jax were marry”Skye said “I’m not surprise that Jax and you hook up”Carly said “Yeah, Can we do this, Be a family for our children”Skye ask “Yes, I think we can”Carly said “Who would know we were on the same side”Skye ask “Yeah”Carly said as AJ came in. “Carly”AJ said “AJ, Look I will back off you and Michael get to know each other, His eighteen now and I can’t stop him but I will not let you hurt my son”Carly said “I will not hurt Michael, All I want is a chance with my son! Michael and I our opening a restaurant, called Lila’s , With shopping center and hotel, It’s my chance with my son and I will not blow it”AJ said as Michael came in. “Mother”Michael said Michael and Carly share a hug, “AJ, Let’s go check on the girls”Skye said Skye took AJ hand and they left and close the door, “You're become soft”AJ said “No,I’m just doing the right thing for my step daughter”Skye said

Michael and Carly were talking. “I’m glad that Skye got you out of their”Michael said “Me too, Josslyn needs me”Carly said “Yes she does and so does Morgan, Mother right now I need to do be a Quartermaine and get to know my father, It’s up to me”Michael said “You're right it is but I will never stop protect you”Carly said “I know but AJ will not hurt me”Michael said “Alright, I will let it go, So you really want to do this shopping and restaurant”Carly ask “Yes, In honor of Great-Grandmother”Michael said “Lila loved you, I do hope it’s a hit and that AJ doesn’t disappointment you”Carly said “He willn’t”Michael said Skye and Lila Rae and Josslyn came back in, “Josslyn, Are you ready to go”Carly ask “Yes”Josslyn said “Thank you Skye, We will figure this all out, I promise you Lila Rae, You and Josslyn can still be friends”Carly said “Thanks Mrs. C”Lila Rae said “I will call you later about Jax funeral”Skye said “Thanks”Carly said Josslyn and Carly left. “Skye, Thank you for doing this”Michael said “You're welcome, Who would of know I would do the right thing”Skye said “I did”Alan said as he came in. “You're not the same Skye you used to be”Alan said “Thanks, I need to go plan Jax and Jane funeral”Skye said “Do you want me to go with you”Alan ask “Please, Lila Rae you stay here”Skye said “Okay”Lila Rae said Skye and Alan left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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