Monday, September 19, 2016

Unexpected Surprise ch 48 (Skyelo)

At General Hospital~ Lorenzo and Alan and Rae and Monica and AJ and Edward and Ned and Tea and Tracy were waiting on news about Skye.”Why haven’t we heard anything”Lorenzo said “It’s only been a hour, I’m sure they will make it”Rae said “They better make it”Lorenzo said “You truly do love Skye don’t you”Rae ask “Yes I do”Lorenzo said “We want Skye to be better to”Edward said “Really, You're not going to kick her out of you're family now that the truth is out”Lorenzo ask “No”Edward said he was getting upset, “Daddy, Let’s take you home, We will have Alan call us when we have news on Skye”Tracy said “No, I want to stay here, Skye has to be okay, You all have to be okay”Edward said “Father, What is going on with you”Alan ask “I been making sure this family has been take care of because I’m dying , I have skin cancer”Edward said “How long has this been going on”Alan ask “For a while now”Edward said “Why didn’t you say anything”Tracy ask “Because I don’t want to be treated with chemotherapy , I’m ready to go see you're mother”Edward said “That’s why you been so support of me”AJ said “Yes, I want to make amends with you, AJ I know you can do this with Michael,I believe in you”Edward said “Thank you Grandfather”AJ said “I love you”Edward said “I love you too”AJ said they share a hug, “Father, Are you sure you don’t want treatment”Alan ask “Yes, Alan I’m proud of you too, You're a good son”Edward said “Thank you, I love you”Alan said “I love you too”Edward said “Daddy”Tracy said “Tracy, I know you can run ELQ, I do believe in you but that’s not all you need, It’s time to move on from Luke, You sure be with someone better”Edward said “Thanks Daddy, I love you too”Tracy said they share a hug. “Emily, I’m glad you're a doctor, We finally have another doctor in our family”Edward said “Thanks Grandfather”Emily said “Ned, I want you to look over this family”Edward said “I will Grandfather”Ned said “Skye is welcome in this family and her children, especially because one day she going to need this family when Lorenzo hurts her”Edward said “I will not hurt Skye, I love her, Yes my lifestyle isn’t what you agree with but I love Skye”Lorenzo said “I hope you do”Edward said as Dr Kelly came in, “How is Skye and the twins”Lorenzo ask as Tea took her brother hand. “Skye is okay, We stop the bleeding and you have two girls, They are okay so far but need to be monitored and will have to stay here for a while”Dr Kelly said “Thank you, Can I see Skye”Lorenzo ask “Yes”Dr Kelly said Lorenzo left. “Thank god Skye is okay”Alan said “Yes”Monica said

At Alexis room~ Alexis was in bed when Ned came in. “Is Skye okay, And the twins”Alexis ask “Yes, They are both fine, Alexis were you driving”Ned ask “I don’t remember all of it but I think I was”Alexis said “This isn’t good”Ned said “I don’t think Lorenzo will really go after me”Alexis said “Alexis, Skye may not want to be a part of you're family”Ned said “I know”Alexis said Nikolas came in. “Can I talk to Alexis alone”Nikolas ask “Sure”Ned said Ned left. “Alexis don’t worry the evidence is take care of”Nikolas said “You play with it”Alexis ask “No, I paid a cop to, You're not going down for this,Skye and the twins are fine”Nikolas said “Thank you, I do hope Skye want to be a part of our family”Alexis said “If she does, She welcome in our family”Nikolas said “Thank you so much”Alexis said “We our Cassadine, We take care of each other”Nikolas said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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