Friday, December 4, 2015

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 82

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was alone with Genevieve who was sitting on the couch and Skye fix her hair. “I love you please come back to me”Skye said she pick up Genevieve purse and pull out a planner and open it to a page that say “Bianca Birthday party, Ask Mother to help plan it since she love party”. “Oh Genevieve, I will plan one for Bianca, I have to plan you're sister shower too, You can help me with both”Skye said and touch her daughter's hair. “Genevieve, I do love you, I will not give up on you”Skye said “No you will not”Adam said as he came in. “Adam”Skye said she went over to him and hug him. “Why are you here”Skye ask “I heard about Genevieve if there's anything I can do”Adam said “Bring my daughter back to me”Skye said they sit down to talk. “All of this is a mess Genevieve left Lila Rae in changer of her care and we want to keep Genevieve on life support but Lila Rae is going to fight us and she can win since Genevieve sign a DNR”Skye said “Genevieve is a fighter just like you she will come back”Adam said “I don’t know it’s like she giving up” Skye said “So you're pregnant”Adam ask “Yes, It’s a long story but Lorenzo isn’t the father”Skye said “Does Lorenzo know”Adam ask “Yes, I don’t lie to my husband,Lorenzo was just getting out of jail when I was in bed with my ex-husband”Skye said “Wow”Adam said “I know, This has been a lot pregnant by another man and my daughter in a coma and now it’s called a Vegetative state”Skye said Genevieve was sit on the couch and made a noise and Skye got up and went by her. “Genevieve what is it”Skye ask Genevieve made another noise. “Genevieve please come back to mommy”Skye said as the nurse came in. “Genevieve is trying to talk”Skye said “No she just make noise it’s part of the vegetative state”The nurse said “Oh”Skye said “Skye, I may have someone who can help Genevieve, His a good doctor even though I hate him he maybe able to save you're daughter”Adam said “Yes, I want to call him”Skye said

At Lila Rae~Lila Rae was at home working on her fashion line when their was a knock on the door it was Lorenzo. “Daddy, What are you doing here”Lila Rae ask “I came to talk to you about you're sister, Genevieve is now in a vegetative state she can open her eyes now and for the first time in all this we took her outside, I believe you're sister is coming back to us, Please Lila Rae don’t take us to court let us save you're sister”Lorenzo said “Daddy, I didn’t want this Genevieve did I’m just doing what my sister wants”Lila Rae said “Please Lila Rae, Just give us some time”Lorenzo said “I’m not the only one who is going to fight you on this, Constanza” Lila Rae said “I know”Lorenzo said “Find, You have five months to get Genevieve better”Lila Rae said “Thank you”Lorenzo said he kiss Lila Rae on the cheek and left.

At The Quartermaine hotel~Constanza hotel room~Constanza was working on the case when there was a knock on the door it was Alexander. “Alexander, I heard you were alive”Constanza said “Yes, I know why you are in town to help take Genevieve off life support please don’t do this”Alexander said “The Genevieve we both know and love is going this Genevieve isn’t the one we both love she not going to be the same”Constanza said “We don’t know, Please for my daughter Bianca needs Genevieve and so do I”Alexander said “What you and Genevieve had is over”Constanza said “Please just let us get Genevieve back”Alexander said “I want Genevieve to wake up and be fine I do but that’s not going to happened I talk to other doctors the Genevieve we know is gone she died in the poison”Constanza said “You and Genevieve were best friends she loves you, I guess you don’t care”Alexander said “That’s not true”Constanza said Alexander left.

On the docks~Lorenzo was their thinking when his phone rang. “Lorenzo Alcazar”He said and hang up the phone as Carly came by. “Lorenzo”Carly said “Carly’ Lorenzo said “How is Genevieve”Carly ask “Now she in a vegetative state”Lorenzo said “I’m sorry”Carly said “I’m not giving up on my daughter never”Lorenzo said “You're a good Daddy, I know that Genevieve will wake up Michael did even though the doctors didn’t believe he would”Carly said “Thanks”Lorenzo said

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