Thursday, December 17, 2015

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 39~

~At England~ A Clinic~Skye and Luke came in and look around and went from room to room to fine Genevieve. Skye open a door to a room and found Genevieve who was lay on the bed with IVs in her. “Genevieve, My baby what is you're father let the doctors do to you”Skye said she touch her daughter's hair as Lorenzo came in. “Skye. What are you doing here”Lorenzo ask “I came to see Genevieve, What are you let the doctors do to her, Lorenzo please don’t do this, Whatever it is”Skye said “I’m saving our daughter”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo”Skye said “Let’s talk out in the hallway”Lorenzo said “Fine”Skye said Lorenzo went by Genevieve. “I will be right back Genevieve”Lorenzo said Skye and Lorenzo went into the hallway. “Skye, How did you find me”Lorenzo ask
“Does it matter”Skye ask “I guess not”Lorenzo said “Why did you bring Genevieve here”Skye ask “To save our daughter, Do you remember Dr Hayward”Lorenzo ask “Yes, Adam told me about him”Skye said “Yes, Dr Hayward has this clinic and this drug that will save our daughter”Lorenzo said “Why can’t he just give Genevieve the drug back at home”Skye ask “Because it has to be here”Lorenzo said “The FDA doesn’t approve of this drug does it”Skye ask “No”Lorenzo said “What about side effects”Skye ask “All I want is our daughter to wake up that’s all I care about, So can you let this go”Lorenzo ask as Luke came by. “So Luke help you find us”Lorenzo ask “Yes, As a friend, I sure of know you would come here , You're mother is from here”Skye said “Yes, So can you just leave us alone”Lorenzo ask as Dr Hayward came by.

“Who is this”Skye ask “Dr Hayward, This is my ex-wife Skye Alcazar, She Genevieve mother”Lorenzo said “Nice to meet you”Dr Hayward said “You too, So this new drug can save my daughter “Skye ask “Yes I believe it can”Dr Hayward said “Why hasn’t the FDA approve it yet, What are the side effects for my baby”Skye ask “The side effects are death and that Genevieve will wake up but will not be able to speak”Dr Hayward said “Have you use it on anyone”Skye ask “No”Dr Hayward said “Oh I don’t like this, Lorenzo I wish you would of talk to me about this”Skye said “Skye, It’s too late, You can’t stop me, You left Genevieve, You say you were done take care of her, So it’s all up to me now”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo”Skye said “Skye, Just go and leave us alone”Lorenzo said Skye went into Genevieve room.

Genevieve room~Skye came in her and touch Genevieve hair as Lorenzo came in. “Skye, Please just go”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I’m scare”Skye said “Skye,I would never put our children in any danger I do believe this will work”Lorenzo said “You do”Skye ask “Yes, I want Genevieve to come back to us”Lorenzo said “What if she doesn’t, How long will you stay here”Skye ask “Why do you care, You left us”Lorenzo said “I do love you Lorenzo”Skye said “Skye please”Lorenzo said “I know you love me too, I will walk away and let you do this just promise me something”Skye said “What”Lorenzo ask “That you will keep us update”Skye said “Sure, I will”Lorenzo said “I do hope this works, Bianca needs her mother”Skye said “Yes she does, We all need our Princess”Lorenzo said “Yes”Skye said “Are you and Luke together”Lorenzo ask “No, I wish we could of made it work, Genevieve, I love you”Skye said and went by the doorway. “Skye, I wish we could of made it work too”Lorenzo said Skye smile at Lorenzo and left with Luke.

Genevieve room ~Genevieve open her eyes. “Genevieve”Lorenzo said “Daddy”Genevieve said as she stutter.

On the Quartermaine jet~Skye and Luke were their, “Skye, Are you okay”Luke ask “No, Do you think I did the right thing in leaving Genevieve with Lorenzo”Skye ask “Skye, There's nothing you can do beside you have the twins they need you”Luke said “Yes they do, I do hope Genevieve does wake up and forgive me”Skye said “Me too”Luke said “Thank you, Can I do anything for you”Skye ask “Yes, There a place I need to go to”Luke said “Sure”Skye said

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