Thursday, December 17, 2015

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 33~”Saying goodbye”

At St. Angels~Carly funeral~ Bobbie was their touch Carly picture that was up when Laura came by. “Bobbie”Laura said “Laura, Thanks for coming”Bobbie said “You're welcome, You're not alone in this , I didn’t get along with Carly but I’m sorry about this”Laura said “Thank you, I just wish I could of seen this coming”Bobbie said “You are not to blame for this”Laura said “It’s hard not to”Bobbie said “I know”Laura said as Josslyn and Jane and Lucas and Michael and Jax and Luke and Evan and Lila Rae and Raelyn and Luke and Monica and Alan and Skye came in and sit down.

The father went to talk. “We our here to say goodbye to a mother and friend Carly mother Bobbie wants to speak”The father said Bobbie got up. “Thank you for coming, I know my daughter wasn’t easy to like or get along with, Carly was a fighter and sometime did things without thinking but she love her children Michael and Josslyn and now she with Morgan who she lose and Carly loved her granddaughter Raelyn so much, Carly and I had a hard time get along but I’m glad we made up I loved her”Bobbie said Michael got up.”My mother and I had our disagreements but I loved her and that never stop, I will miss her so much”Michael said “I’m sorry Mother”Josslyn said Luke got up. “Caroline was a great Spencer a fighter who we will miss”Luke said Jax got up. “Carly and I were married it end up bad but we did have something good out of that Josslyn who we both loved, Carly was a great mother”Jax said the service was over.

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