Friday, December 4, 2015

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 83

~At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve was sitting on the couch wrap around with a blanket when Lorenzo came in with a bag in one hand and the other hand some ice cream. “Genevieve I brought you some chocolate ice cream, I’m sure you're not suppose to eat it but I break rules”Lorenzo said he went by Genevieve and feed her it as Skye came in. “Lorenzo, What are you doing”Skye ask “I’m feeding Genevieve some ice cream”Lorenzo said he feed Genevieve some ice cream. “Lorenzo, I don’t think Genevieve suppose to be having that”Skye said “Skye, It’s not going to hurt her”Lorenzo said “Oh Lorenzo”Skye said as Lorenzo feed Genevieve more ice cream as Bianca came in. “Grandfather, What are you doing”Bianca ask “Feeding you're mother some ice cream”Lorenzo said “Oh Grandfather”Bianca said “I know but I want to do this, I pick out some movies you're mother may want to watch, Some of her favorite ones”Lorenzo said “Why don’t you put one on for you're mother, Lorenzo I need to talk to you”Skye said they went to talk.

“What is it”Lorenzo ask “Adam was here”Skye said “What did he want”Lorenzo ask “Adam know a doctor in Pine Valley who may be able to save our daughter”Skye said “Skye, A doctor can’t save our daughter”Lorenzo said “Why would you say that”Skye ask “I meant we need the cure from Julian Genevieve to save our daughter”Lorenzo said “Oh,Have you got it yet”Skye ask “No”Lorenzo said “Why don’t we have Dr Hayward look at Genevieve “Skye ask “Alright”Lorenzo said “So where did you go”Skye ask “I went to see Lila Rae, she is giving us five months to get Genevieve to wake up and then she may take us to court”Lorenzo said “Good, Hopefully Dr Hayward would work”Skye said “Yeah”Lorenzo said as Bobbie came in. “You bastard! How dare you tell Julian about Lucas! Bobbie yelled “I did it for my daughter! Julian poison my daughter and is not giving us the cure , Look Bobbie go into the living room and look at our daughter who is now in a vegetative state! I will do whatever I have to do to save my daughter! Lorenzo yelled “I’m sorry about Genevieve, I’m but I don’t want Julian to know about my son”Bobbie said “I understand”Skye said “I will not hurt Lucas”Lorenzo said “You better not, I would like to look at Genevieve as a nurse”Bobbie said “Sure”Skye said Skye went with Bobbie.

In the living room~Genevieve was sitting in the chair as Bianca was feeding Genevieve more ice cream as Skye and Bobbie came in. “Bianca, You're giving Genevieve ice cream”Bobbie ask “It was Lorenzo idea”Skye said “Yes, It will not hurt her will it”Bianca ask “No”Bobbie said she look at Genevieve. “Bobbie is their hope”Skye ask “I’m sorry, But no, I do wish Genevieve would wake up I always admire how strong she was”Bobbie said “Thanks, Bobbie I will make sure Lucas is safe”Skye said “Thank you”Bobbie said and left as Lorenzo came in. “Why don’t we watch that movie that I pick out , Gone with the wind it was one of Genevieve favorite”Lorenzo said “That’s not Genevieve favorite movie it’s pride and prejudice”Alexander said as he came in. “Why are you here”Lorenzo ask “To check on Genevieve”Alexander said he kiss her on the cheek. “Why don’t we just watch the movie anyway”Skye ask “Sure”Lorenzo said “Yes, I want to stay”Alexander said “Fine”Lorenzo said they sit down and watch a movie.

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