Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Forever and For always part 8 ch 13

 At The Quartermaine mansion ~Alan was looking out the window thinking about the plan when Rae came in. “Alan”Rae said Alan turnaround. “Rae”Alan said “How is Genevieve”Rae ask “Good, She still wants to keep this up”Alan said Rae walk by him. “I do hate all this lying”Rae said “Me too, I just hope everyone understand why we did it”Alan said “Does Monica know”Rae ask “No”Alan said “Does Monica know what”Tracy ask as she came in. “Tracy, What do you want”Alan ask “Why is Rae here, Are you both having another affair”Tracy ask “No we our not”Rae said “Then why are you two talking in secret”Tracy ask “We our just talking about Genevieve, We our worry about her”Rae said “Yes, I know you love her”Alan said “Yes I do, But you're both up to something so spill it”Tracy said “No, We can’t trust you’ Rae said “I do love Genevieve, If this is about her I want to help”Tracy said “What about you're hate for Skye? Rae ask “I do have my disagreement with Skye, But I will help her in this”Tracy said “I believe we can trust Tracy”Alan said “Fine”Rae said Alan and Rae told Tracy the plan.

At St. Ann~Lorenzo was in the hallway when Skye came in with a bag in her hand. “Lorenzo, What is going on”Skye ask “The nurse are giving Genevieve a shower, Skye it’s bad, Genevieve had another breakdown last night, I’m worry she will not come home”Lorenzo said “No”Skye said as the nurse came out. “Genevieve is dry off”The nurse said “Thank you, I will help Genevieve get ready”Skye said The nurse left. “Skye, I have to check on a few things”Lorenzo said “That’s okay, I will take care of Genevieve”Skye said Lorenzo left and Skye went into Genevieve room she was in her bathroom. “Genevieve let’s get you ready for the day, I brought you're makeup”Skye said “No makeup”Genevieve said “You need to look you're best”Skye said “Yes Mother”Genevieve said “You need to get better Nikolas Jr and Sunday Rose need you”Skye said “I need them too”Genevieve said Skye put makeup on Genevieve.

At The Quartermaine Mansion ~Alan and Rae had just told Tracy about Genevieve plan. “Wow”Tracy said “Will you keep it a secret”Alan ask “Yes, Not for Skye or Lorenzo but For Genevieve”Tracy said “Thank you”Alan said “You're welcome, Have you thought about what could happened with the fallout from this”Tracy ask “Yes I have but I had to do this”Alan said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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