Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Forever and For always part 8 ch 16

 At Skye/Lorenzo~ Lorenzo was on the phone. “Thank you, That’s great news”Lorenzo said as Skye came behind him and Lorenzo hang up. “Lorenzo”Skye said as she came in front of him. “That was the Hospital, Alexander is gone”Lorenzo said “How”Skye ask “Heart failure”Lorenzo said “I will not cry over him but I’m worry about you”Skye said “Don’t worry, No one knows I did anything”Lorenzo said as Nikolas Jr came in. “Nikolas , We need to talk to you”Skye said “Yes, Come sit down”Lorenzo said as Nikolas came in. ‘What are you doing here”Lorenzo ask “I need to talk to my Great-Grandson”Nikolas said “What do you want”Nikolas Jr ask “I know you have some anger toward Alexander but he love you and will miss you so much, You're father died today”Nikolas said “Oh”Nikolas Jr said “Do you have any good memories of you're father”Nikolas ask “Yes, When we all went on a Ski trip it was fun, There was no fighting going on”Nikolas Jr said “Good, I want you to think of that, I know you don’t want to be a part of my family right now but you are a Cassadine, You're the heir, Soon you will be the prince”Nikolas said “Maybe”Nikolas Jr said “I would like to hold Sunday Rose and I would like Nikolas Jr to be at my son funeral, But Not you Lorenzo”Nikolas said “That’s up to Nikolas”Lorenzo said “Maybe I will go, I’ll tell the nanny to bring Sunday Rose”Nikolas Jr said “Nikolas, I love you and I know you're father loved you too”Nikolas said Nikolas Jr left. “If you had anything to do with my son death! I will go after you, I have nothing left to lose”Nikolas said “I didn’t kill Alexander but I’m glad his out of my little girl left! You sure see the marks he put on my daughter back with the fire! My daughter will be scar for life because of you're son! Lorenzo yelled The nanny came in with Sunday Rose and Nikolas pick her up. “Oh Sunday Rose, You're father loved you so much, You're a real life Princess”Nikolas said he kiss her and Give Sunday Rose to Skye. “Nikolas, If Nikolas Jr wants to go to the funeral , I will take him, I think he needs to say goodbye”Skye said “Thank you Skye”Nikolas said and left. “Skye”Lorenzo said “What you know I’m right, He needs to heal”Skye said “I guess”Lorenzo said

At The Quartermaine~ Emily was sitting on the couch looking at picture of Alexander when Monica came by and sit by her. “Emily”Monica said “I wish I could of stop this, I want my son to be remember for who he was, Not for what happened”Emily said “I know,, Maybe you can do something in his memory”Monica said “Yeah, Like a Center for anger issue or something”Emily said “Yes, You sure go see Nikolas, You both need each other right now”Monica said “You're right”Emily said she left.

At Nikolas~ Nikolas was pour a drink when Laura and Alexis came in. “Nikolas”Alexis said “I just came back from telling Nikolas Jr that his father is dead”Nikolas said “How did it go”Alexis ask “Not good,I”m worry that Nikolas Jr will grow up hate him for the rest of his life! I wish I could of save my son! I will not let this happened to my great Grandson I will save him! Nikolas yelled “How”Laura ask “I don’t know”Nikolas said Emily came in. “We will go and let you both heal together”Laura said “Thanks Mother”Nikolas said Laura and Alexis left. “Emily”Nikolas said “Nikolas, I loved our son and I want to help plan his funeral”Emily said “Of cause you can”Nikolas said “Thank you”Emily said “I wish we could of stop it”Nikolas said “Me too, I want to do something to chance that”Emily said Copyright by Skye's the limit

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