Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Forever and For always part 8 ch 21

- At St. Ann~Genevieve was looking at Alexander picture and crying when Skye came in. “Genevieve”Skye said “Mother, Why are you here”Genevieve ask Skye came by Genevieve and wipe her tears. “Today was Alexander funeral, I want to see you”Skye said “Did you take Nikolas Jr”Genevieve ask “Yes, He didn’t want to go but I do believe he needs to say goodbye”Skye said “Me too, Thank you”Genevieve said “You're welcome”Skye said “Do you know how Daddy killed him”Genevieve ask “Genevieve, You don’t need to know that”Skye said “You do”Genevieve said “You're father did what he had to do”Skye said “Yes, Just like I did what I had to do”Genevieve said “Yes”Skye said “Are you mad at me”Genevieve ask “No,I’m just shock that you did this”Skye said “I promise Lila Rae I would take care of this family”Genevieve said “Yes you did, I love you”Skye said “I love you to mother”Genevieve said she hardly say that word and Skye hug her. “I sure go”Skye said “Take care of Sunday Rose and Nikolas Jr”Genevieve said “I will”Skye said “Don’t be upset with Grandfather and Grandmother”Genevieve said “I will not, Did Alexander go along with it”Skye ask “No, That’s the one thing I could count on Alexander always say things I want to hear”Genevieve said “True”Skye said and left.

At the Quartermaine~Alan and Emily and Monica were talking. “Nikolas and I want to make a shelter for man to go get counselor with their anger before it goes that far”Emily said “That’s a good idea,,We will help you with it”Monica said “Yes it is, Emily I did love Alexander before all this”Alan said “I know , This family love my son and Genevieve”Emily said “Yes we did”Alan said “I just wish it didn’t end like this”Emily said “I know, Is Nikolas going to help you make the shelter”Monica ask “Yes, He wants a chance again”Emily said “Are you going to take Nikolas back? Monica ask “I hope not”Edward said as he came in. “That’s up to me if I take Nikolas back”Emily said “Yes it is and we will support her”Monica said as Skye came in. “Skye, Thank you for bring Nikolas Jr to the funeral it meant a lot”Emily said “Nikolas Jr needs to heal to”Skye said “Yes”Emily said “I’m sorry about all this”Skye said “Me too, I was just telling Mother and Dad that Nikolas and I want to make a shelter in our son name to help man with anger issue before it goes far”Emily said “That’s a wonderful idea”Skye said “Thanks , How is Genevieve”Emily ask “She has mix feelings still about Alexander but she getting the help she needs”Skye said “Good”Emily said “Yes”Monica said Emily and Monica and Edward left.

“Dad, Thank you”Skye said “For what”Alan ask “I know all about Genevieve plan”Skye said “You do”Alan ask “Yes, When Constanza came over telling Lorenzo and I that we have temper custody of the children I sure of know something”Skye said “I did it for you and Genevieve ’Alan said “I know”Skye said “Genevieve is getting help to with this”Alan said “Yes, Who else knows”Skye ask “Only Rae and Tracy she heard us talking”Alan said “No”Skye said “We can trust Tracy”Alan said as Tracy came in. “Yes, You can trust me, For Genevieve’ Tracy said “Thank you”Skye said “You're welcome”Tracy said Skye left.

At Laura house~ Nikolas was telling Laura about the shelter idea. “I think that’s a good idea and I will help you”Laura said “Thank you Mother I don’t want my son memory to be a wife beater”Nikolas said “It will not be”Laura said
Copyright by Skye's the limit

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