Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Forever and For always part 8 ch 7

At St.Ann~Genevieve room~Genevieve was in her bathrobe sitting on her rocking chair her hair was a mess when Lorenzo came in with a bag in his hand Lorenzo was shocked by the way Genevieve look. “Princess, I brought you some of you're things, Picture of Nikolas and Bianca and Sunday Rose, Some outfits”Lorenzo said he kneel down to look at Genevieve and fix her hair. “Genevieve”Lorenzo said a nurse came in. “I have some pills for Genevieve”The nurse said Lorenzo got up. “I want to talk to the doctor”Lorenzo said The nurse was going to hand Genevieve her pills but Lorenzo stop her. “No, Not till I talk to the doctor”Lorenzo said As the doctor came in. “What seems to be the problem”The doctor said “We need to talk out in the hallway, Genevieve , I will be back”Lorenzo said they went into the hallway. “Why is my daughter like this”Lorenzo ask ‘Genevieve was upset last night so we had to drug her”The doctor said “You sure of call me before hand! Now stop drug my daughter or I will sue this hospital so bad you will all be out of a job! Lorenzo yelled “Yes Sir”The doctor said “All my daughter needs is to talk to someone that’s all and her meds that we had when she was brought in, I will be back later and Genevieve better not be like this”Lorenzo said “We will detox her”The doctor said “Good”Lorenzo said Lorenzo went back into Genevieve room.”Genevieve, I have to go , It’s you're mother premiere of her talk show but I will be back, I love you”Lorenzo said he whisper into Genevieve ear. “His not going to hurt you anymore soon”Lorenzo said and left. Genevieve smile. “This plan is working, It has to”Genevieve said and fix her hair.

At The Studio~Skye and Laura and Bobbie and Lucy and Tracy were going over things for the show. “Skye. Are you okay”Tracy ask “Today I’m just thinking about this show, I need to get my life back , If that make me a selfish mother then I’m sorry”Skye said “It doesn’t”Tracy said “No, It doesn’t, There come a time when we have to let go and let them fall”Laura said “Yes”Bobbie said “I’m sure Genevieve will get help”Lucy said “Thank you”Skye said

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