Monday, June 13, 2016

Forever and For always part 9 ch 59

At Genevieve~ Lorenzo was talking to a man. “How could you lose him! You our fire! I sure take care of you! Lorenzo yelled at the man as Genevieve and Sunday Rose walk in. “Daddy”Genevieve said “Sorry, Let’s go and talk”Lorenzo said they left the room.“Mother, Are you okay”Sunday Rose ask “I just hate when Daddy is working”Genevieve said “I know”Sunday Rose said “Why don’t you go hang up you're dress”Genevieve said Sunday Rose hang it up as Genevieve went to the bar and pour herself some water as Lorenzo came in. “I’m sorry, Genevieve”Lorenzo said “Daddy, I know you have to work but do you have to do it in my house, I do have children”Genevieve said “Alright, I will do it at my office and I will not let my work touch you're children”Lorenzo said “I know”Genevieve said as Skye and Raelyn came in. “Raelyn”Genevieve said “Genevieve, Raelyn is going to be alone tonight and I thought she could stay here”Skye said “Of cause she can”Genevieve said “Thank you Aunt Genevieve”Raelyn said “How is it going”Lorenzo said “Good Papa, The cancer is almost gone”Raelyn said “Good”Lorenzo said as the maid and a man came in. “Mrs.Cassadine this man is here to see you”The maid said “James it’s good to see you, Thank you for seeing me”Genevieve said “Genevieve, Why is Luis parole officer here”Lorenzo ask “Just let me handle this Daddy, James let’s go to my office”Genevieve said and left.

“I wonder what that’s about”Lorenzo said “ I don’t know, I’m going to take Raelyn upstairs to a room”Skye said Skye and Raelyn went upstairs.

Genevieve office~Genevieve was talking to James.”I know my brother mess up but he just made a mistake, Please just let him have one more chance , I will make sure he doesn’t broke any laws again”Genevieve said “Why sure I help”James ask “We did work great together when I was a prosecutor of this town”Genevieve said “Yes we did,Alright you have a deal”James said they shake hands and went out to the den as Lorenzo and Skye were their. “I have some news, James is going to let Luis come home and if he stay clean he doesn’t have to go to jail”Genevieve said “Really”Lorenzo ask “”Yes but this is the last chance that Luis has”James said “Thank you, So much, This is great news isn’t it Lorenzo”Skye ask “Yes it is”Lorenzo said”You can thank Genevieve, Genevieve we do miss you at the police office, Maybe you can come back”James said “I do miss the law”Genevieve said James left. “Genevieve thank you for bring you're brother home”Skye said she hug Genevieve , “You're welcome mother”Genevieve said “Yes, Thank you, I will bring you're brother home”Lorenzo said “Daddy, Let him have his own life don’t pull him into yours”Genevieve said “I will not”Lorenzo said “I’m going to get Sunday Rose ready for prom”Genevieve said she went upstairs. “Lorenzo, Isn’t this great”Skye said “Yes, I will make sure Luis doesn’t blow this, I will keep him out of my life”Lorenzo said “Thank you, I forgive you”Skye said “Good, I hate when you're mad at me”Lorenzo said they share a kiss.

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