Friday, October 22, 2021

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 17

 “Matter of the Heartstrings Part 3 ch 17”

At The Courthouse-Lorenzo trial-Lorenzo was sitting by Scotty and behind him were Skye and Lila Rae and Spencer and Tea and Monica and AJ.

Nora Came in and sat down behind her were Alexis and Felicia and Kristina and Lucas. As the judge Came in and everyone”  stood up.”Lorenzo Alcazar,You’re Charger with murder of Jerry Jack ,How do you plead “ “Not Guilty” “Are both party ready for opening statement “Yes”Nora went first.”Lorenzo Alcazar is a mob boss this isn’t the first time he had killed someone and it wouldn’t be the last it’s time we make this town safe again and clean up this town”

Scotty got up.”Their no evidence that Lorenzo killed Jerry he had a lot of enemies,Jerry is in this business too,This whole trial is a waste of taxpayers money “

“Nora got up.”I call my first witness Bobbie Spencer “Bobbie Came in and got swear in.”Bobbie, What happened that night Jerry disappeared “Jerry was going to leave the business for me and he never came back “Has Jerry left you before “Yes but he always come s back “Did you ID his body” Yes it’s his “Thanks “Scotty Came by,” Jerry hurt you once before he left you on you're wedding day “He was arrestees “Yes, Does Jerry have enemy another then Lorenzo “Yes” So someone else could have killed Him” I suppose “Is there any proof that it was Lorenzo “No” Bobbie got up.

Nora stood up.” I call Julian Jerome to the stand “Julian Came Into the room and got swear in.”Did Lorenzo kill Jerry “Yes,I helped him”What happened that night”We were talking to Jerry and Lorenzo pull out a gun and shot him “What did you do with his body”We put it in the river “That’s All “

Scotty turn “You also we’re in this business too”Yes I want out”Do you have a deal with the DA”I just want to move on from this lifestyle “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

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