Friday, October 29, 2021

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 31

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 31”

Felicia was driving back from being out of town and saw a woman on the side of the road and pull over and look out she couldn’t believe who she saw and got out of her car.”Why are you here “

At Alexis/Julian -Alexis and Julian were upset about the charge being dropped from Lorenzo.”This isn’t good,His going to come after me”I know”The doorbells rang it was Bobbie.”By the look of you both you heard about the charge being drop”Yes,This isn’t good “No it not,With Lila Rae Gone He will be out of control “We have to keep this town safe”Yes”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we’re having coffee together trying to plan the funeral for Lila Rae.”We should be Gone first “Yes”As Genevieve Came Into the room.”Genevieve,Where have you been “Mother before this happened I been working on a project that’s almost done and I’ll going to continue to,I do have a life “I’m sorry I didn’t meant by that we have to plan the funeral “We also need to talk about Lila Rae son”No! Don’t do that! Don’t take him from his father “Genevieve he belongs here “His a child not a belonging “as Spencer Came Into the room.”Spencer,Why are you here “We need to talk,I’m upset with Lila Rae death too but you will not take Chandler from me! I will raise him”Wait! You name him Chandler “Skye'' as “Yes, L Lila Rae wanted to honor your adopted father, She wanted it to be a surprise “It is “Skye was touched by it and cried a little.”We will raise Chandler Because you will be in jail! You killed our daughter! “Daddy! Spencer I think it’s best that you go”I will use my Power to win! You will have to kill me to get my son “That can be arranged “Is that a threat “No.Its not,Skye said Spencer left.

“Daddy,Leave Chandler with Spencer,Lila Rae wouldn’t want this”You don’t know what your sister wanted! You were never there for her! You broke her heart when you testified against me! Lorenzo yelled Genevieve try not to cry.”No,Lila Rae wasn’t like that,You are''Genevieve left 

“She's right,You were talking about yourself! Using our dead daughter name”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

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