Saturday, December 19, 2015

“Forever Mine part 1 ch 22~ “What if”

At the haunted Starr~”Yeah you will hate this! You will lose the one thing you love the most the empire you're not the Cassadine heir! Nikolas is Stefan son which means you're nothing! Caprice yelled “No! “Stefan is that true”Alistair ask “Well you both lie to me about my son”Stavros yelled “Stay away from Laura! ,Yes it’s true but the empire is still yours Stefan said “No it’s not the heir”Stavros said “Stavors”Laura said “You lied to me about Nikolas and now he's gone! my son”Stavros said “You don’t know what love is”Emily said Stavors went by Caprice. “Yes I do, It’s too bad we didn’t make a baby when we were together”Stavors said “When you raped me! You belong in a mental hospital! Caprice yelled “He was there once but he escape”Alexis said “Yes mother help me after Father put me in that place in London”Stavors said Caprice went outside.
Outside~ Morgan and Caprice were there. “Oh Morgan I’m so glad you're back I just wish I wasn’t with Alistair”Caprice said “I’m sorry about Stavors I didn’t know”Morgan said “It’s okay”Caprice said they share a kiss as Alistair came by. “If you to our thinking about having an affair! You will lose everything , Our children! Alistair yelled “Alistair”Caprice said “”It’s time to go home now Caprice”Alistair said he grab her arm. “You better not hurt her”Morgan said “She my wife not yours Alistair said “I’m not a belong”Caprice said “Yes Darling”Alistair said they left.

“Forever Mine part 1 ch 21- “What if”

At the Haunted starr~ “Morgan”Caprice said she came by him and touch him. “Morgan, s it you”Caprice ask “Yes I was never dead”Morgan said “My son”Carly said “I’m sorry Mother, Josslyn, Caprice for let you believe I was dead”Morgan said “I want you out of here! Alistair yelled “No it’s time for Caprice to know the truth about you”Morgan said “Morgan what happened”Caprice ask “I wait for you that night at the warehouse when someone came behind me and knock me out the next thing I know I wake up in an island” Morgan said “Wait it was you on the island with me”Page ask “You know”Carly ask “I could never ID the person who I saw”Page said “Yes I was Helena Cassadine prison for years she torture me “Morgan said ‘I’m sorry, Who save you”Caprice ask “One of the guard save me” Caprice there more”Morgan said “What”Caprice ask “Alistair know all along I was alive one time I saw him on the island he came into my room and told me you would never be mine again” Morgan said “Alistair you know”Caprice ask “I can keep you safe more than Morgan can”Alistair said “Really! Our sons were kidnapped by your crazy grandmother and I was raped by your Grandfather! You bastard You trick me into marry you! “You never respect me! Caprice yelled “That not true”Alistair said “Oh really ! when you came to my art Galley you say Caprice was so easy to control to get what you want”Morgan said “You bastard! Caprice yelled she slap him. “I didn’t talk to you at the galley it was someone else”Alistair said “It was me”! The man said as he came in and by Caprice.
“Ice Princess it’s good to see you again I’m sorry about my grandson”Stavros said he touch her. “Stavors , You saved Morgan”Caprice ask “Yes for you”Stavors said “How did you get out of jail”Alistair ask “Oh Alistair you sure know a Cassadine a true one has it’s way of getting what he wants”Stavors said “Stay away from my wife”Alistair said
“Morgan I’m so glad you're home, I miss you so much baby”Carly said “I miss you to”Morgan said “It’s good to see you”Josslyn said “you to”Morgan said “Some party”Tea said “Really”Blair said “I can’t believe Caprice was with Morgan”Lorenzo said “Why”Blair ask “I thought Caprice was mine anyway Morgan father was my enemy”Lorenzo said
“Caprice if you're thinking of leaving me you will never see our sons again I will move them to another state and our daughters to you know I can”Alistair said “You just love to hurt me! Will it’s time someone else hurts you! Caprice yelled “Caprice don’t”Laura said “My Laura are you jealous that now I love Caprice”Stavors said “No you don’t know what love is”Laura said “Caprice go head”Stavors said “You can’t hurt me”Alistair said

Forever mine Part 1 ch 20- “What if”

At Josslyn/Jax office “Josslyn you been doing a great job with this company thank you”Jax said “I loved it here”Josslyn said “I want you to keep working with me”Jax said “Thanks Daddy”Josslyn said “Are you coming to your sister birthday party”Jax ask “Yes”Josslyn said
At Amanda/Daniel~ Sam came in. “How are things going”Sam ask “Great I told Amanda about Page carrying my baby and it went well”Daniel said “That great I’m glad your happy son”Sam said “What about you”Daniel ask “I’m seeing Tea”Sam said “That’s great so you're over mother”Daniel ask “I’m trying”Sam said
At Caprice/Alistair~Caprice was getting dress for her birthday party when Alistair came in. “Is that a new dress”Alistair ask “Yes , Do you like it”Caprice ask “I love it you look great in Red”Alistair said “Thank you”Caprice said “You need some jewelry on”Alistair said he pull out a necklace and put it on Caprice. “Are you still mad at me”Alistair ask “Yes”Caprice said “You will love tonight”Alistair said “Where is the party at”Caprice ask “That one of the surprise”Alistair said he took her arm and they left.
At the Haunted Starr~ Josslyn, William and Page and Rae and Jane and John and Lorenzo and Blair and Tea and Sam and Amanda and Daniel and Stefan and Laura and Alexis and Ric and Kristina and Ned and Lois and Emily and Skye and Jax and Carly were there when Alistair and Caprice came in. “Happy Birthday! everyone yelled “Thank you all for coming”Caprice said “Caprice I have two surprise for you”Alistair said “What is it”Caprice ask “This is ours now I brought the haunted Starr it’s back where it belongs in the Cassadine family”Alistair said “That’s great dear”Caprice said “You’re going to love this one” Alistair said he went behind the bar and pull out a picture. “I had a someone in town make a self-portrait of you”Alistair said Caprice was holding a glass when Alistair took off the cover of the portrait. “No! Caprice said she drop her glass.“What you don’t like it”Alistair ask “No I love it dear “Caprice said she give a look to Josslyn. “It can’t be”Carly said “What”Jax ask “Nothing I need some air”Caprice said “Wait”The man said as he came in.

“Forever mine part 1 ch 19- “What if”

At Skye/Jax~Skye was taking care of Jasper Jr. “Oh Jasper I love you so much are you feeling better”Skye ask her son as Caprice came in. “Caprice Happy Birthday, Tonight sound fun”Skye said “Thanks mother, Do you know what my husband has plan”Caprice ask “Yes but you will love it”Skye said “I have a favorite to ask you”Caprice said she open her purse and pull out a necklace.”This was from Morgan, Alistair found out and broke it can you take it to a jewelry place and fix it”Caprice ask “What if Alistair finds out” Why can’t you let the past go”Skye said “You never like Morgan and I together I beat he would treat me better then Alistair Just because I lied about the necklace I can’t talk to my own sons! “That the man you thought was perfect for me”Caprice said “At least he can’t get you killed please Caprice let this go if you wear that necklace after it gets fix what will you do when Alistair find out”Skye ask “Fine never mind! Caprice yelled “We need to talk about the magazine we need to find a model”Skye said “Yes, What about me”Caprice ask “You want to be a model”Skye ask “Yes why not”Caprice said “I like it, Caprice I know you're upset with Alistair but it will get better you both love each other”Skye said “Yeah”Caprice said and left.

At Alistair office~ He was on the phone. “Yes it’s going to be a great night for my wife”Alistair said he hang up as Stefan came in. “Son we have the deal you wanted”Stefan said “Great we stole another deal from Chandler it’s great to have it all”Alistair said “Yes”Stefan said “I don’t know what I would do if I lose all this power”Alistair said

At Skye/Jax~ Blair and Tea came in. “Why are you here Blair”Skye ask “I need to talk to you about your adoption mother Althea” I think she may of know my mother”Blair said “How would Althea know your mother Addie”Skye ask “They were both in the same mental hospital at one time”Blair said “I guess we have that in commnet why are you asking”Skye ask “I’m trying to find out who my father is and I think Althea knows my mother was raped in a mental hospital I hate asking you for help but I want to find him”Blair said “I get that wanted to know who you are but are you sure about this”Skye ask “Yes I can handle it”Blair said “Skye open a drawer. “This is a list of all the hospital Althea was in Sam may know more he was my mother lawyer”Skye said “Really”Tea ask “Yes that how we meet”Skye said “I can’t believe I’m saying this but thank you”Blair said “Your welcome, Tea are you coming to Caprice Birthday Party”Skye ask “Yes I’m , You sure know that Sam and I are together”Tea said “I’m glad Sam sure be with someone who can make him happy” We just share a one night and had a son”Skye said “Thanks”Tea said They left. Skye pick up her son. “Jasper Jr I love you so much, I hope your father is having a good day at work”Skye said

“Forever mine part 1 ch 18- “What if”

At Caprice/Alistair~ Caprice was laying on the couch and Alistair put some cream on her legs and lick it off. “Alistair I still can’t forgive you”Caprice said “You will”Alistair said he got up and sit on his chair. “I though you want to make love”Caprice said “Come here”Alistair said Caprice sit on his lap. “It will be awhile till you hear from the boys Darling”Alistair said “Why”Caprice ask “That’s your punishment for the necklace”Alistair said “No Alistair please let me say I’m sorry”Caprice said she kiss his neck and took off his shirt and Alistair took off her dress. “You're so beautiful the perfect wife , “Well you were”Alistair said they made love.
At Tea~ Blair was still there. “Sorry for ruin your morning”Blair said “It’s okay I need to go anyway I will see you later”Sam said and left. “Oh Tea I’m happy for you”Blair said “Thanks I’m happy to”Tea said “We are both lucky to come to town and fine love”Blair said “Yes why are you here”Tea ask “I need your help to find out who my father is”Blair said
At Alistair/Caprice ~ Alistair was sit in his chair and Caprice was sit on his lap. “Please let me talk to the boys it’s my birthday”Caprice said she kiss his finger. “Get up”Alistair said “Caprice got up. “I need to get ready for work , Tonight why don’t you wear your green dress or by something new”Alistair said “Alistair”Caprice said he lean toward Caprice. “No I told you would pay for it! You lie to Me”Alistair yelled “You're a bastard! I hate you I want a divorce”Caprice said “No Darling now kiss me goodbye”Alistair said she kiss him. “That’s better, This morning was fun”Alistair said he left.
At the Art galley~ “So how was she”The other man ask “She look upset with Alistair”The man said “I just don’t get why Caprice choice him”The other man said “Me either, Are you ready for tonight”The man ask “Yes I’m it’s time I come home”The other man said

“”Forever mine part 1 ch 17” ~ “What if”

The next day~ At Caprice/Alistair~ Alistair was on the phone when Caprice came down she was putting her earrings on when there was a knock on the door Caprice open it was a man with flowers. “Mrs.Cassadine”The man said “Yes, That’s me”Caprice said she sign for it. “Wait you look familiar”Alistair said “Alistair will you just tip him”Caprice said Alistair tip the delivery man. “Thank you sir”The man said and left. “Their beautiful thank you”Caprice said “Your welcome more surprise this morning before tonight”Alistair said “I’m going to put the flowers in a vase”Caprice said she left as there was another knock on the door it was the Jewelry man. “Thanks for coming I hope you have the best necklace for my wife”Alistair said “Yes”The man said Caprice came in with the vase full of flowers. “Princess come and pick out a necklace”Alistair said “I don’t want any”Caprice said “Fine I will pick you out one with Matching earrings and bracelets”Alistair said he pull out a necklace and put it on Caprice neck. “This is the one”Alistair said “Good choice sir here is the earrings and bracelets to match”The man said “Thank you”Alistair said the man left. “How dare you embarrass me like that! Alistair yelled “This can’t replace the necklace you broke last night”Caprice said “Get over it you will never get it back”! Alistair yelled “I will never get over it”Caprice yelled “I need to get ready”Alistair said he went upstairs and to their room.
At Tea~ Tea was in bed with Sam when there was a knock on the door. Tea put on her robe and look to see who was at the door. “It’s Blair maybe we sure tell everyone that we our together”Sam said “Yes I guess so”Tea said she open the door. “Blair what is it”Tea ask as Blair came in. “I’m sorry”Blair said she saw Sam.
At Caprice/Alistair~ Caprice was on the laptop trying to get Skype to work when Alistair came in. “Alistair I want to Skype with the boys”Caprice said “Alistair Jr text me this morning they will be study all day”Alistair said “Why didn’t they text me”Caprice said “I don’t know let’s have some breakfast”Alistair said There was some strawberry and cream on the table. “Alistair pick up the cream. “We could have so much fun with this”Alistair said he dip Caprice finger in the cream and lick it off. “Dear it’s in the morning and we our dress beside you need to go to work”Caprice said “It’s your birthday let’s play”Alistair said

“Forever mine part 1 ch 16~ “What if”

At Kelly~ Alistair came in to get some coffee and he remember the day he meet Caprice here when he meet Caprice he know he had to have her and marry her. Alistair hate this dark side of him now. “Alistair how are you”Courtney ask “I’m fine mother”Alistair said “How are my granddaughters’ Courtney ask “There fine”Alistair said 

At Monica new place~ Ned came in. “Ned come see my new place”Monica said “Monica you and Alan need to stop this divorce you both love each other”Ned said “I hurt Alan”Monica said “Yes but you can work it out”Ned said “I don’t think so it’s over but thanks for trying”Monica said “Always Ned said

At Caprice/Alistair~ Bedroom~ Caprice was laying in bed eat strawberry and cream and reading a magazine when Alistair came in. He was getting undress. “Caprice”Alistair said he came into their bed and pull Caprice close to him. “I’m sorry Darling I hate scare you I hope there are no more lies and Anything else you have of Morgan but you must understand that I love you it’s not fair to me that you keep things from your past you would not like if I had something from my past with Josslyn would you”Alistair ask “No”Caprice said “So you’re having strawberry and cream your favorite dessert”Alistair said “Yes”Caprice said Alistair took a strawberry and dip it into the cream and feed it to Caprice. “Do you forgive me”Alistair ask “Yes”Caprice lied “Good you got some cream on your finger”Alistair said he lick it off. “I don’t want to make love”Caprice said “Fine Darling tomorrow is your birthday party we sure get some rest”Alistair said Caprice fell asleep in his arms. “To easy”Alistair said

“Forever mine part 1 ch 15- “What if”

At Caprice/Alistair~ Caprice was reading a letter from Jazz and was shock by it when Alistair came in. “How dare you leave the hotel like that! “Caprice are you even listen to me!”Alistair yelled “Go away”Caprice yelled “Jazz isn’t alive I know you want her to be but she not I don’t want to you get hurt”Alistair said “Yes only you can hurt me ! Caprice yelled “What does the letter say”Alistair ask “Just that Jazz love me and Brooklyn”Caprice said she went upstairs.
Their bedroom~ Caprice was take off her earrings and touch the necklace when Alistair came in. when Alistair came in holding a drink in his hand Alistair saw the back of Caprice necklace that say M on it he came by and look at it. “Caprice why does it say M on your necklace” it’s from him isn’t it! Alistair yelled he grab the necklace. “No it’s from mother”Caprice said “No you're lying to me again! Alistair yelled he pull of the necklace off Caprice neck and it broke the chain off. “No! Caprice yelled she went on the floor and pick up the necklace. “You can’t fix it! “Anymore things of Morgan in this house! Alistair yelled “Just me”Caprice yelled “Get up”Alistair yelled “No go away! Caprice yelled Alistair left. “Caprice was crying as the maid Meg came in. “It’s going to be okay Mrs.Cassadine, “I can fix it for you my cousin fix jewelry”Meg said “Thanks but I can’t have you fire”Caprice said “Do you want me to make you some tea”Meg ask “No thanks”Caprice said
At Amanda/Daniel~ “Amanda I need to tell you something”Daniel said “What is it”Amanda ask “In medical school I need some money so I donate my sperm and now Page is carrying my child”Daniel said “Oh my god,Did Page make sure it was yours”Amanda ask “No she doesn’t even want me to raise this baby”Daniel said “What are you going to do about it”Amanda ask “I don’t know , Are we okay”Daniel ask “Yes”Amanda said

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 40~

At England ~A Clinic~ Genevieve room~Genevieve was awake and confess as Lorenzo took her hand. “Genevieve, You been in a coma for a while”Lorenzo said “A coma, How long, Where I’m”Genevieve said as she stutter. “I took you to a clinic in England, You been like this for a year now the doctors and you're mother give up on you but not me”Lorenzo said “Bianca”Genevieve said as she stutter. “She at Port Charles , Bianca was okay with me bring you here to get you better and that’s what we our going to do”Lorenzo said as Dr Hayward came in. “Genevieve , You're awake this is great news”Dr Hayward said “Who are you”Genevieve ask as she stutter. “I’m, Dr David Hayward, I give you this new drug that I’m working on”Dr Hayward said “I want to go home”Genevieve said as she stutter . “In time you can. Now we have to do therapy to get you better”Dr Hayward said “No, Therapy, Why I’m talking like this”Genevieve ask as she stutter. “That’s because you been in a coma for a year, You have to learn everything again”Dr Hayward said “No I don’t, I’m smart”Genevieve said as she stutter. “Genevieve, Now that you're awake we can do this, It’s not that hard now”Lorenzo said “I want to see Bianca”Genevieve said as she stutter. “You will, We will work on get you will then you can go home”Lorenzo said “Okay, Where is Mother”Genevieve ask as she stutter. “You're mother choice to leave us”Lorenzo said “Oh”Genevieve said as she stutter she was so confess.” You will need to learn how to walk again and talk right and get dress”Dr Hayward said “I have to learn everything again, Done you know I’m smart, I have a high IQ”Genevieve said as she stutter. “I know”Dr Hayward said

At Port Charles~General Hospital~Skye and Alan were talking. “So Lorenzo hire Dr Hayward to give Genevieve this drug”Skye said “This isn’t good”Alan said “No but I could not stop Lorenzo , Genevieve already had it what was I supposed to do”Skye said “I know, Hopefully it will not hurt Genevieve”Alan said “I know”Skye said as Bianca and William came in. “Bianca”Skye said “It’s time, For the baby”Bianca said “Let’s get you to a room”Alan said “Grandmother, Can you call Daddy”Bianca ask “Sure, It’s going to be okay”Skye said Dr Kelly took Bianca too a room.

At England~ Genevieve room~ “Daddy, Why didn’t you give up on me too, I ask Lila Rae to help me, I sign a DNR”Genevieve ask as she stutter. “I know, I took Lila Rae to court, I could not give up on you, I want a second chance with you”Lorenzo said “Thank you, How was Bianca”Genevieve said as she stutter. “Bianca was scared she needs you, Bianca slept with William Ric lansing son and now she pregnant”Lorenzo said “Wow, I’m going to be a grandmother”Genevieve said as she stutter. “Yes , So we have to get you better”Lorenzo said “Alright, I will get better”Genevieve said as she stutter.

At Port Charles~General Hospital~ Bianca room~ Bianca was giving birth as William was holding her hand and Skye was on the other side of her.”Alexander is out of town but he will be here soon”Skye said “Thanks”Bianca said “Bianca, You're not alone in this”Skye said “No you're not, I’m here for you it’s my child too”William said as Bianca push and out came the baby. “Here is you're son”Dr Kelly said “Is he heath”Bianca ask “Yes he is”Dr Kelly said she give him to Bianca. “His beautiful “Skye said “Yes he is, So what sure we name him”William ask as Nikolas came in the room. “Bianca, You're father is on his way”Nikolas said “Thank you, I want you to come meet my son Nikolas Alexander”Bianca said “Oh Bianca”Nikolas said “I like that name”William said “Thank you, Bianca” Nikolas said “You took me in this family when you didn’t have too”Bianca said “You're a Cassadine”Nikolas said “And A Quartermaine and Alcazar”Skye said “Yes”Bianca said “Bianca, I found out where you're mother is and I do hope she comes back to you”Skye said “Me too but I need to get my life back”Bianca said “Yes we all do”Skye said “Yes it’s going to be okay”Nikolas said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 39~

~At England~ A Clinic~Skye and Luke came in and look around and went from room to room to fine Genevieve. Skye open a door to a room and found Genevieve who was lay on the bed with IVs in her. “Genevieve, My baby what is you're father let the doctors do to you”Skye said she touch her daughter's hair as Lorenzo came in. “Skye. What are you doing here”Lorenzo ask “I came to see Genevieve, What are you let the doctors do to her, Lorenzo please don’t do this, Whatever it is”Skye said “I’m saving our daughter”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo”Skye said “Let’s talk out in the hallway”Lorenzo said “Fine”Skye said Lorenzo went by Genevieve. “I will be right back Genevieve”Lorenzo said Skye and Lorenzo went into the hallway. “Skye, How did you find me”Lorenzo ask
“Does it matter”Skye ask “I guess not”Lorenzo said “Why did you bring Genevieve here”Skye ask “To save our daughter, Do you remember Dr Hayward”Lorenzo ask “Yes, Adam told me about him”Skye said “Yes, Dr Hayward has this clinic and this drug that will save our daughter”Lorenzo said “Why can’t he just give Genevieve the drug back at home”Skye ask “Because it has to be here”Lorenzo said “The FDA doesn’t approve of this drug does it”Skye ask “No”Lorenzo said “What about side effects”Skye ask “All I want is our daughter to wake up that’s all I care about, So can you let this go”Lorenzo ask as Luke came by. “So Luke help you find us”Lorenzo ask “Yes, As a friend, I sure of know you would come here , You're mother is from here”Skye said “Yes, So can you just leave us alone”Lorenzo ask as Dr Hayward came by.

“Who is this”Skye ask “Dr Hayward, This is my ex-wife Skye Alcazar, She Genevieve mother”Lorenzo said “Nice to meet you”Dr Hayward said “You too, So this new drug can save my daughter “Skye ask “Yes I believe it can”Dr Hayward said “Why hasn’t the FDA approve it yet, What are the side effects for my baby”Skye ask “The side effects are death and that Genevieve will wake up but will not be able to speak”Dr Hayward said “Have you use it on anyone”Skye ask “No”Dr Hayward said “Oh I don’t like this, Lorenzo I wish you would of talk to me about this”Skye said “Skye, It’s too late, You can’t stop me, You left Genevieve, You say you were done take care of her, So it’s all up to me now”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo”Skye said “Skye, Just go and leave us alone”Lorenzo said Skye went into Genevieve room.

Genevieve room~Skye came in her and touch Genevieve hair as Lorenzo came in. “Skye, Please just go”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I’m scare”Skye said “Skye,I would never put our children in any danger I do believe this will work”Lorenzo said “You do”Skye ask “Yes, I want Genevieve to come back to us”Lorenzo said “What if she doesn’t, How long will you stay here”Skye ask “Why do you care, You left us”Lorenzo said “I do love you Lorenzo”Skye said “Skye please”Lorenzo said “I know you love me too, I will walk away and let you do this just promise me something”Skye said “What”Lorenzo ask “That you will keep us update”Skye said “Sure, I will”Lorenzo said “I do hope this works, Bianca needs her mother”Skye said “Yes she does, We all need our Princess”Lorenzo said “Yes”Skye said “Are you and Luke together”Lorenzo ask “No, I wish we could of made it work, Genevieve, I love you”Skye said and went by the doorway. “Skye, I wish we could of made it work too”Lorenzo said Skye smile at Lorenzo and left with Luke.

Genevieve room ~Genevieve open her eyes. “Genevieve”Lorenzo said “Daddy”Genevieve said as she stutter.

On the Quartermaine jet~Skye and Luke were their, “Skye, Are you okay”Luke ask “No, Do you think I did the right thing in leaving Genevieve with Lorenzo”Skye ask “Skye, There's nothing you can do beside you have the twins they need you”Luke said “Yes they do, I do hope Genevieve does wake up and forgive me”Skye said “Me too”Luke said “Thank you, Can I do anything for you”Skye ask “Yes, There a place I need to go to”Luke said “Sure”Skye said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 38~

At Switzerland~Skye and Luke were at a clinic. “Can I help you”The nurse ask “Yes, We our looking for this woman”Skye said she show the nurse a picture of Genevieve who was in a coma. “I haven’t seen her”The nurse said “Do you have any patience here in a coma”Skye ask “No”The nurse said “Any other clinic here who treat patients in a coma”Luke ask “No, I’m sorry, Who is she”The nurse ask “My daughter, My husband took her without telling me”Skye said “I’m sorry, I do hope you find her”The nurse said and left. “Now what”Luke ask “What about England” Skye ask “Let’s try that”Luke said they left.

At a Clinic~Genevieve room~Lorenzo was holding her hand. “It has to work , You have to come back to us, We need you”Lorenzo said

At Port Charles~General Hospital~ Dr Kelly’s office~Bianca and William were their having a check up . “How is the baby”Bianca ask “Good so far, You are doing a great job take care of the baby”Dr Kelly said “Thank you”Bianca said “Do you want to know the sex”Dr Kelly ask “No, Just tell us if it’s twins or just one”Bianca ask “Just one”Dr Kelly said “Good”William said “Yes”Bianca said

At The Quartermaine jet~ Skye and Luke were on the jet. “Luke , Thank you for this”Skye said “You're welcome, You help me when my son was in a coma”Luke said “I remember and Lucky wake up”Skye said “Yes and he was fine, So will Genevieve”Luke said “Genevieve been in a coma for a long time and that seizure did damage to her”Skye said “Where is that Skye that believe in things”Luke ask “I don’t know”Skye said “You're scared”Luke said “Yes, I’m, If Genevieve wake up will she ever been the same strong smart lawyer that I loved even though I fought with a lot, I loved that Genevieve”Skye said Luke hug Skye. “Thank you”Skye said “You're welcome”Luke said “I’m so glad you're with me”Skye said “Me too”Luke said

At Port Charles~Jax was taking care of the twins when Josslyn came in. “Daddy, How is it going”Josslyn ask “Good so far”Jax said “Yeah, When is Skye coming back”Josslyn ask “I don’t know she wants to fine Genevieve”Jax said “That maybe a waste of time looking for Genevieve and Lorenzo”Josslyn said “Yeah, Do you know where Lorenzo took Genevieve”Jax ask “No Luis will not tell me”Josslyn said “Oh”Jax said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 37~”Where is Genevieve”

On A Jet~Skye and Luke were on their way to Switzerland. “Skye, Are you okay”Luke ask “Not really, The last time I saw Lorenzo he was so mad at me, We never fought like this in our marriage till Genevieve got sick”Skye said “I’m sorry, Do you still love him”Luke ask “I will always love Lorenzo, I’m sorry”Skye said “Don’t be, Lorenzo is the man for you”Luke said “Yes he is, He never judge me or try to chance me and we both have some of the same childhood”Skye said “I’m glad you found you're soulmate”Luke said “So what happened between you and Tracy”Skye ask “It’s a long story”Luke said

At a Clinic~ Genevieve was lay on a hospital bed with IVs and Lorenzo was by her. “Soon this will work and you will wake up”Lorenzo said as the doctor came in. “How is Genevieve”The doctor ask “Nothing yet”Lorenzo said “It will take time for the medical to work it’s very new”The doctor said “Yes it just better work , When Adam Chandler told me about you I just know I had to try you”Lorenzo said “It will work, But when Genevieve wake up we just have to keep her here and she will have to do therapy”The doctor said “Will Genevieve be the same”Lorenzo ask “I’m not sure”The doctor said

At Port Charles~Skylar/Carman~Bianca shower~ Alexis, Emily,Liz,Monica,Rae,Lila Rae, Skylar and Bianca were their. “Thank you for doing this Aunt Skylar and thank you everyone for coming and support me”Bianca said “You're family and that’s what we do”Rae said “Rae is right”Monica said “Yes, Do you have names pick out”Emily ask “Not yet, I don’t even know what the sex is”Bianca said “It’s okay, When you hold you're child you will know what name you want the baby to have”Skylar said “Yes you will”Lila Rae said

At a Clinic in Switzerland~ Skye and Luke came in. “Can I help you”The nurse ask Skye. “Yes, I’m looking for my daughter Genevieve Alcazar, She in a coma and her father Lorenzo is with her”Skye said “We don’t have any patient by that name”The nurse said “What! Skye said “Anyone in a coma”Lorenzo ask “No, All are patience are recovery from a car accident”The nurse said “Do you mind if we look around”Skye ask “Alright, Just don’t upset the patient”the nurse said Skye and Luke look around to find Genevieve and then end up with a dead end.

“So Genevieve isn’t here , Where is she”Skye ask “We have to keep looking, I’m sure their more clinic around”Luke said “Yes”, I will not give up this time”Skye said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 36

At the police station~Alexis was working when John came in. “John, What can I do for you”Alexis ask “I need you to stop the investigation of Carly Jacks death”John said “It wasn’t suicide”Alexis said “I don’t care just drop it”John said “Fine”Alexis said “Good”John said as Bobbie came in. “Alexis, Did you find out anything about my daughter”Bobbie ask “We haven’t found anything that we don’t know, It was a suicide I’m sorry”Alexis said “Yes we our”John said “No”Bobbie said “I’m sorry”John said “Thank you”Bobbie said John left.”Alexis, It was suicide”Bobbie ask “Yes”Alexis said “I didn’t know how bad Carly was”Bobbie said “I’m sorry”Alexis said “Thanks”Bobbie said and left.

At The Quartermaine~Alan was in the den when Skye came in. “Daddy, Can we talk”Skye ask “Sure, What is it”Alan ask “I need to borrow you're jet”Skye said “For what”Alan ask “I found out where Lorenzo took Genevieve and I want to see her and make sure she okay”Skye said “Where is Genevieve”Alan ask “Luke and I found out she in Switzerland”Skye said “You and Luke”Alan ask “Luke is helping me that’s all”Skye said “Oh, Well sure you can have the jet”Alan said “Thanks, I have to make sure Genevieve is alright”Skye said “Lorenzo would never hurt Genevieve”Alan said “I know, Do you think I did the right thing in walk away”Skye ask “Skye, I love you and I get that it was hard to watch Genevieve and take care of her”Alan said “It wasn’t easy, I do hate myself for it but I know believe that Genevieve will never wake up I wish Lorenzo would come around”Skye said “I know, It’s hard”Alan said “Yes it is, I sure go see Jax and check on the twins then leave”Skye said “Alright, Is Luke going with you”Alan ask “Just a friends”Skye said “Oh”Alan said Skye left.

At Genevieve old house~Bianca and Skylar were having tea. “How are you doing”Skylar ask “I miss Mother but I know it’s for the best, Grandmother was over earlier asking about where Grandfather took Mother”Bianca said “ I told my mother to leave you alone, I’m sorry”Skylar said “It’s okay”Bianca said “The shower is already for tomorrow”Skylar said “You don’t have to do that”Bianca said “I want to”Skylar said “Thank you Aunt Skylar”Bianca said “You're welcome, I know it feels like you're alone but you're not”Skylar said and left.

On the docks~ Lila Rae was their when she ran into Skye. “Mother”Lila Rae said “Lila Rae”Skye said “Mother are you okay”Lila Rae ask “I’m now that I know where you're father took you're sister”Skye said “Daddy took Genevieve”Lila Rae ask “Yes and I’m going to Switzerland to see them”Skye said “Good, I wonder what is in Switzerland to save Genevieve”Lila Rae said “I don’t know, Lila Rae, Are you okay”Skye ask “Yes”Lila Rae said “We both will be”Skye said “Yes”Lila Rae said and left. Jax came by with the twins who were in their stroller “Jax thanks for coming , I need to go out of town for a while can you watch the twins till then”Skye ask “Yes, Is everything okay”Jax ask “Yes”Skye said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 35

At Genevieve old house~Bianca was unpacking and left the door opening as Skye came in. “Bianca, What is going on”Skye ask “I’m going to move into mother old house, I want to keep this house and get it ready for mother”Bianca said “You believe Genevieve will come back to us”Skye ask “Yes I do”Bianca said “Do you know where Lorenzo took Genevieve”Skye ask “No”Bianca said “Bianca”Skye said “Grandmother if you want mother to get better leave it alone”Bianca said “I can’t”Skye said and left.

At Skylar/Carman~Skylar was on the phone, “Daddy, Please call me”Skylar said and hang up as Carman came in. “What is it”Carman ask “Mother was here trying to get me to tell her where Daddy took Genevieve”Skylar said “Did you tell her”Carman ask “No, For the first time in my life I lied to my mother”Skylar said “I’m sorry”Carman said “I know I sure be but I don’t feel bad at all”Skylar said “Sometime it’s the right thing to do is to lied to the ones we love”Carman said “Yes”Skylar said

At Lorenzo house~Skye came in and found Luke their, “Let's start in Lorenzo office”Skye said they walk to the office. “When the children were little Lorenzo hate when they would come in here, Genevieve would always hide in here”Skye said “I’m sure Lorenzo want to keep his children safe”Luke said “Yes, It’s funny Lorenzo and Genevieve never got along and Lila and Lorenzo were close and now it’s chance”Skye said she sit on Lorenzo desk and look at his laptop. “Does Lorenzo have any house, He would take Genevieve”Luke ask “We have a house in Paris and Spain but I don’t think Lorenzo would go their”Skye said “What about Lorenzo family”Luke ask “Lorenzo has a house in England, His Mother Genevieve was from their, That’s who we named Genevieve after”Skye said Skye look at the laptop and open the bank account. “Do you know the password”Luke ask “Yes, I do if Lorenzo didn’t chance it”Skye said she put the password in and it work. Skye and Luke look at the money. “It looks like Lorenzo and Genevieve are in Switzerland”Skye said “Yes, So what do you want to do”Luke ask “I need to find my daughter to make sure she okay”Skye said “Then I will go with you”Luke said “You don’t have too”Skye said “I want to,It’s been kind of boring my life till I ran into you again”Luke said “Oh Luke”Skye said they share a kiss.

“I’m sorry”Skye said “I’m not”Luke said “Luke, I’m just now trying to get over Lorenzo”Skye said “I know, I’m a big boy I can handle it and it’s just sex”Luke said “It was wonderful as I remember”Skye said “Yes it was”Luke said “We need to get the jet”Skye said “Who jet”Luke ask “The Quartermaine, We can leave tonight”Skye said “Alright, Let’s go”Luke said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 34~

At The Quartermaine~Skye was looking at picture of Genevieve when she was a baby when Monica came by and sit by her. “Skye”Monica said “Monica , Did Alan tell you that Lorenzo took my baby girl out of town, I don’t even know where he took her”Skye said “Yes, I’m sorry”Monica said “If you were me would you go to look for you're child”Skye ask “Yes I would”Monica said “I want to and I know Lorenzo will take care of Genevieve but I don’t even know where Lorenzo would take her”Skye said “The Skye I know would not give up on fine her daughter”Monica said “You're right, I know who can help me look for Genevieve”Skye said and left. Monica pick up the album book. “Oh Genevieve ,Come back”Monica said

At The haunted Starr~ Luke and Bobbie were there,. “Barbara Jean, How are you doing”Luke ask “Yesterday was hard”Bobbie said “I know”Luke said he took Bobbie hand. “How long are you going to be in town”Bobbie ask “I’m not sure”Luke said “I hope for a while I need you”Bobbie said as Skye came in. “We all need you”Skye said “Skye”Luke said “Bobbie I’m sorry about Carly”Skye said “I’m sorry that Carly try to take you're twins, But I hope Lorenzo didn’t do this”Skye said “He better not”Bobbie said “Skye, Why are you here”Luke ask “I need you're help Luke”Skye said “I sure go, We can talk later”Bobbie said and left. “Skye, What do you need”Luke ask “I need to find out where Lorenzo took my daughter will you help me”Skye ask “Yes”Luke said “Thank you, Where do we start”Skye ask “How about question you're another children and his accounts and laptop”Luke ask “Alright, I will talk to Skylar, I will meet you at the house I share with Lorenzo in a hour”Skye said “Sound good”Luke said Skye left.

At Genevieve old house~Bianca came in and look around it as Alexander came behind her. “Bianca are you sure about this”Alexander ask “Yes, Someone needs to kept mother house so it’s ready for her when she come home all better”Bianca said “Alright”Alexander said “You're not upset are you”Bianca ask “No, We can sell the house none of that matters”Alexander said “No it doesn’t,”Bianca said “Are you okay with you're Grandfather take you're mother”Alexander ask “Not really but I know it’s the right thing to do”Bianca said “Yes it is”Alexander said

At Skylar/Carman~Skylar was setting up for a baby shower she was throw for Bianca tomorrow when Skye came in. “Mother, What are you doing here, If you're here to help with the baby shower I don’t need it”Skylar said “I know you're upset with me for leaving you're sister but I need you're help, I need to know where Lorenzo took Genevieve”Skye said “Why do you care, You left”Skylar said “I still want to be apart of you're sister life, I just could not take care of her year round anymore, Please tell me, I need to know if Genevieve is okay”Skye said “No Mother, Daddy ask me not to and I’m going to follow that promise”Skylar said “Who else know, Luis , Bianca”Skye ask “Leave Bianca alone she been thought a lot , All she wants is her mother”Skylar said “I know, Skylar I love you're sister”Skye said “Then leave Genevieve alone, Daddy will take care of her”Skylar said Skye left.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 33~”Saying goodbye”

At St. Angels~Carly funeral~ Bobbie was their touch Carly picture that was up when Laura came by. “Bobbie”Laura said “Laura, Thanks for coming”Bobbie said “You're welcome, You're not alone in this , I didn’t get along with Carly but I’m sorry about this”Laura said “Thank you, I just wish I could of seen this coming”Bobbie said “You are not to blame for this”Laura said “It’s hard not to”Bobbie said “I know”Laura said as Josslyn and Jane and Lucas and Michael and Jax and Luke and Evan and Lila Rae and Raelyn and Luke and Monica and Alan and Skye came in and sit down.

The father went to talk. “We our here to say goodbye to a mother and friend Carly mother Bobbie wants to speak”The father said Bobbie got up. “Thank you for coming, I know my daughter wasn’t easy to like or get along with, Carly was a fighter and sometime did things without thinking but she love her children Michael and Josslyn and now she with Morgan who she lose and Carly loved her granddaughter Raelyn so much, Carly and I had a hard time get along but I’m glad we made up I loved her”Bobbie said Michael got up.”My mother and I had our disagreements but I loved her and that never stop, I will miss her so much”Michael said “I’m sorry Mother”Josslyn said Luke got up. “Caroline was a great Spencer a fighter who we will miss”Luke said Jax got up. “Carly and I were married it end up bad but we did have something good out of that Josslyn who we both loved, Carly was a great mother”Jax said the service was over.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 32~”Blaze”

At The haunted Starr~Luke was there looking around his old boat when Skye came in. “Do you have a right to be here”Skye ask as Luke turn around. “Blaze”Luke said “Luke, It’s good to see you,I’m sorry about Carly”Skye said “I’m sure you are”Luke said “So , How long are you staying”Skye ask “Not for long, I just came for Barbara Jean”Luke said “Yes, Family is important”Skye said “Yes,Skye are you finally happy, Are you married and have the family you wanted”Luke said “I was married to Lorenzo, We our getting a divorce I do have a family that I wanted”Skye said “Then why are you divorce Lorenzo”Luke ask “It’s complicated”Skye said “Do you want to have dinner and catch up”Luke ask “Sure why not”Skye said Luke and Skye left.

At Bianca~Bianca was looking at picture of her and Genevieve when Alexander came in. “Bianca, Are you okay”Alexander ask “Not really”Bianca said “How is you're mother, I want to see her”Alexander ask “Not good, Daddy if I tell you something you can’t tell anyone”Bianca said “Alright, What is it,”Alexander ask

On A Jet~ Lorenzo and Genevieve were their. “Genevieve, We will both get a new start on life, You will get better and then we will come back to town or not”Lorenzo said

At The Quartermaine Hotel~Skye and Luke were having dinner. “So Luke do you think I’m a bad person for walk away”Skye ask “No, It’s not easy to see you're child in pain”Luke said “No it’s not, I just wish I could get Genevieve back the way she was but I can’t and Lorenzo can’t see it and now his run off with her”Skye said “Their nothing you can expect get you're life back”Luke said “That’s what I’m going to do, I”m going to work with Jax again”Skye said “Is that a good idea, Do you have feelings for him”Luke ask “I’m not ready for love all Jax and I share is twins”Skye said “The Skye I know doesn’t give up on getting what she wants”Luke said “I have chance”Skye said “I know but not all I hope”Luke said Skye touch his face. “What could of been”Skye said “I could've never give you want you wanted a family of you're own”Luke said “True, Lorenzo is a good father and husband”Skye said “That’s good, Skye did Lorenzo killed Carly”Luke ask “No, Lorenzo was with me the whole night”Skye said “Really”Luke said “Yes”Skye said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 31~”Mothers and Daughters”

At the Quartermaine mansion~Alan and Rae were talking and having tea as Skye came in. “Skye”Rae said “Mother you're back”Skye said “Yes, I’m so sorry about Genevieve, How is she”Rae ask “I don’t know, Lorenzo took Genevieve”Skye said “What do you mean away”Alan ask “Patrick told me she was discharged so I went to the house to see my daughter and she gone , The house is empty”Skye said “Where would Lorenzo take Genevieve”Alan ask “I don’t know, Yes I need a break from take care of my daughter but to take her from me”Skye said “How can Lorenzo do that, I thought Lila Rae is in changer of her care”Rae said “Not anymore, Lorenzo is, I sure of know he would do this”Skye said “Skye, I know you're upset, I’m too but one thing we all know is that Lorenzo will not hurt Genevieve’’ Alan said “No , Lorenzo will not, I guess I finally get my break from Genevieve”Skye said “Skye”Rae said “I’m not going to drink”Skye said “Good”Rae said they share a hug.

At Josslyn~Josslyn was at home looking at picture of her and Carly when their was a knock on the door it was Jane.”Grandmother”Josslyn said “I want to check on you”Jane said as she came in. “Oh Grandmother, This is my fault that my mother is died”Josslyn said “No it’s not you're fault, You didn’t do this to you're mother, Carly loved you so much”Jane said as Bobbie came in. “Yes ,You're mother love you”Bobbie said “I sure of never stop mother from take the twins”Josslyn said “No you did the right thing, Carly would never blame you”Bobbie said “No she would not, I disagree with Carly but she was a good mother and loved you”Jane said “Thank you”Josslyn said “You're welcome”Jane said “You're not alone in this”Bobbie said “No”Jane said “Tomorrow is going to be hard”Josslyn said “Yes it is but somehow we will do this”Bobbie said “Yeah”Josslyn said

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 30~

At General Hospital~Skye came in and walk by Patrick. “Dr. Drake,How is my daughter doing”Skye ask “I hope she good, Skye, Genevieve was release”Patrick said “Oh, Thank you”Skye said “You didn’t know”Patrick ask “No, Lorenzo and I are over , Genevieve is staying in his care”Skye said “Oh, Skye I’m sure it’s not easy but right now Genevieve is going to need medical more then before”Patrick said “The seizure it damage her brain didn’t it”Skye ask “Yes”Patrick said “Thank you”Skye said and left.

At Skylar/Carman~Skylar came in. “So Skylar what did you're father want”Carman ask “I can’t tell you”Skylar said “Skylar we don’t have any secrets between us”Carman said “I know but I don’t want anyone to stop my father”Skylar said “I will not , Since when does anyone stop Lorenzo Alcazar”Carman said “True, Alright, Daddy took Genevieve to Switzerland there a clinic that could help Genevieve”Skylar said “That’s good, I will keep this a secret”Carman said “Thanks, Daddy doesn’t want mother or Lila Rae to know”Skylar said “Can you keep this secret”Carman ask “Yes for my twin I can”Skylar said “Alright, I will too for you”Carman said “Thank you”Skylar said they share a hug.

At Lorenzo~Skye came in. “Lorenzo! Genevieve! Skye yelled and went upstairs into Genevieve room and it was empty. “Jaime! Skye yelled and went into her room and it was empty too. “Lorenzo, What is going on”Skye ask herself.

At The Quartermaine mansion~Alan was alone when Rae came in. “Rae, It’s good to see you, How was you're trip”Alan ask “Alright, It’s good to come home, How is Skye”Rae ask “That’s why I called, Rae, Genevieve took a turn for the worst”Alan said “No”Rae said

Monday, December 14, 2015

“Forever Mine part 1 ch 14- “What if”

At the Quartermaine hotel~ Emily and Monica were having dinner together. “Mother are you sure about this divorce you don’t want to regret it”Emily said “Yes I’m sure, but I’m scare to start over”Monica said “It’s hard”Emily said
Alistair came in with Caprice on his arms and they went to Stefan and Laura table. “Let me help you with your chair Darling”Alistair said Caprice sit down. “Thank you dear”Caprice said “I hear you Skype with the boys today”Laura said “Yes they miss us”Caprice said “Yes but they are happy with the school it’s a great school”Alistair said “Yes it is”Stefan said Alistair phone rang. “I have to take this excuse me “Alistair said he left. “ I have a question if Alistair find out that your Nikolas father how much money will He lose”Caprice ask “All of it you better not say anything”Stefan said “Alistair heart will break”Laura said “It’s not like he ever broke my heart”Caprice said “You better not say anything or I will destroy you”Stefan said “You can’t hurt me as much as Alistair has”Caprice said Alistair came back. “Caprice are you okay” You look upset”Alistair ask “I’m fine”Caprice said “What were you talking about”Alistair ask “Grandfather and Monica divorce”Caprice said “Oh, I hope you're both free in two week it’s Caprice birthday party and I have a surprise for my wife”Alistair said He kiss Caprice hand. “I don’t want a party”Caprice said as Lorenzo and Blair came by their table. “Caprice it’s good to see you”Lorenzo said “What do you want”Alistair ask “Alistair not tonight. Lorenzo and Blair so you're together”Caprice ask “Yes we our, I found this box in my club it belong to Jazz”Blair said she handle Caprice the box and it was a lock. “It’s lock I wonder what is in it”Caprice said “Maybe the key you found in the jewelry box could open it”Alistair said “It’s in my purse “Caprice said she open her purse and pull out the key in the box was a note. “Caprice why don't you read this at home” Thank you Blair for give this to my wife”Alistair said “What if Jazz is alive”Caprice ask “You know that not true Ned and Lois ID the body”Alistair said “Daddy was to believe to be dead and he show up”,. “You just don’t want Jazz to be alive you hate her”Caprice said “Your make a scene stop it” Alistair said Caprice left with the note.
At the Art Galley~”So you really want to do this”The man ask “Yes it’s time , Don't you think I miss my family”The other man said “It’s hard”The man said “Yes you save me a year ago I owe you my life”The other man said “Oh you will pay me back”The man said the other man left as the another mystery man pull off his mask. “I’m back”! The man said

“Forever mine part 1 ch 13- “What if”

At General Hospital~ The lap~ AJ and Monica were in the lap. “I have your test result back” The man said as Alan came in. “What is going on?, What are you both up to”Alan ask “Mother tell Dad”AJ said “Rick thinks AJ is his we did a DNA test again”Monica said “Why didn’t you tell me”Alan ask “I just want this over with”Monica said Rick came in. “Do you have the test result back”Rick ask “You told Rick but not me! Alan yelled “Yes”Monica said she open the result. “AJ father is Alan”Monica said “I told you I’m Alan Quartermaine JR! “Stop mess with our family You done enough! AJ yelled “I’m sorry I hope you were mine son”Rick said and left.
At Skye/Jax ~Alistair came in. “Alistair you better stop hurting Caprice! Skye yelled “Or what? You will not stop me or I will tell my wife how you made sure Caprice end up with me and not Morgan”Alistair said “Your a bastard! Skye yelled “Yes! “A Bastard you choice for your daughter! Alistair said “I didn’t think you would hurt Caprice”Skye said “We both did what was best for Caprice”Alistair said “I will leave you alone now leave”Skye said Alistair left.
At William/Josslyn~ Adam Jr was over. “I still can’t believe you are getting marry you always say no women could tie you down”Adam Jr said “Yes but love chance things”William said “Yes I guess so”Adam Jr said “You need to get over Caprice”William said “I will”Adam JR said
At Caprice/Alistair~ Caprice was in her daughter's bedroom put them to bed. “Oh I love you all so much I will make sure you all are happy and with the man you love and not end up like me with a bastard for a husband”Caprice said as Alistair came in. “I’m a bastard”Alistair ask “Yes you are! Caprice said “A bastard you love! Alistair yelled and touch her hair. “I’m tired I’m going to bed”Caprice said “No we our going out to dinner with Stefan and Grandmother get dress”Alistair said “You sure of call me to tell me”Caprice said “I just did”Alistair said Caprice went to there room to chance.

“Forever mine part 1 ch 12~ What ‘if””

At Skye/Jax~ “Skye why didn’t you tell me that Caprice was in love with Morgan”Jax ask “Because I know you would hate it I did and I did everything I could to keep them apart”Skye said “What did you do”Jax ask “I know that Caprice and Morgan were going to meet that night in the warehouse to run away I made sure Caprice didn’t meet him that night which is good because we could of loss her”Skye said “Yes you saved our daughter”Jax said “Yes”Skye said

At Caprice/Alistair~ They were laying on the floor Alistair was holding Caprice in his arms he was touch the necklace. “This better not be from him if you lie to me again you will not like what happened I wish you would not lie to me well you ever learn that I will find out”Alistair said “It’s not from Morgan.” You sure go back to work”Caprice said “Your birthday is soon I have a surprise for you then to”Alistair said he kiss Caprice and got up to get dress. “I don’t want anything on my birthday”Caprice said “Will see”Alistair said he left. “Oh Morgan”Caprice said

At a bridal shop~ Josslyn and Bobbie and Carly and Courtney were there helping Josslyn pick out a wedding dress. “Josslyn you look beautiful this is the one”Carly said “You think so”Josslyn ask “Yes but do you like it”Carly ask “Yes I do”Josslyn said “Are you going to let Caprice in your wedding”Bobbie ask “Yes I want to make peace with Caprice beside Morgan loved her”Josslyn said “Yes he did, I wish he was here and found love with someone else before he died”Carly said “You can’t help who you fall in love with”Bobbie said “No you can’t, I’m sorry I’m late”Caprice said as she came in. “It’s okay. Here is the dress I want you to wear green is my color”Josslyn said “It’s beautiful are you sure you want me in your wedding Caprice ask “Yes I do, I love William”Josslyn said “I’m happy for you and William, Is Adam Jr going to the wedding”Caprice ask “Yes I think so”Josslyn said “That’s good”Caprice said

A Rae~ “Skye was there. “Mother how are you doing with Hernadon Rivira in town”Skye ask I’m fine I just hope this town is safe with him in it”Rae said “me too, So Daddy and Monica are over are you going to try to get Alan”Skye ask “Oh Skye I still love Alan but right now Alan is hurting “Rae said “I think he's done with Monica and it’s time to win him back”Skye said

“Forever mine part 1 ch 11~ “What if”

At Caprice/Alistair outside~ Alistair was watching Caprice from the window she was trying to tape the love letters together. Alistair pick up a flower and went inside and came behind Caprice and kiss her neck. “Don’t touch me”Caprice said “Caprice stop being mad at me! What are you tape together”Alistair yelled “Nothing”Caprice said “Stop lying to me! Alistair yelled he saw the love letters. “You will never get it back, I have a flower for you”Alistair said “A flower can’t make it right”Caprice said “If I had love letters from Josslyn still would you like it”Alistair ask he touch her hair.”I would not burn then this side of you scare me”Caprice said “I’m sorry, I have a surprise for you”Alistair said “I don’t want anything from you” Caprice yelled “You will love this”Alistair said he open the laptop and sit down on the couch. “Come sit “Alistair said Caprice sit by him and Alistair log into Skype. Alistair Jr and Edward Jasper came on. “Hello Mother”Alistair Jr said “Oh my boys I miss you so much,Do you like school”Caprice ask “Mother we can’t see you move closer to father”Edward Jasper said “Come sit on my lap”Alistair said Caprice sit on his lap. “That’s much better. We like school it’s great here we made some friends” Alistair JR said “Really”Caprice ask “Yes father was right but we do miss everyone., Mother you chance your hair”Edward Jasper said “Yes I did, I love you both”Caprice said “So you're doing well in school”Alistair ask “Yes we our”Alistair Jr said “Are you glad that I sent you there”Alistair ask “Yes “They both said “I love you both and miss you”Caprice said “We know mother bye tell our sisters we love them”Edward Jasper said they were finish talking to them on Skype. “I told you the boys would be happy at that school”Alistair said He kiss Caprice arms. “I still hate you! Caprice yelled she got up.
“You better not love him still! Alistair yelled and lean Caprice up against the wall. “Yes I do! What are you going to do about it! You can burn his love letters but you can’t take the love we share away! Caprice yelled “You didn’t really love him because if you did you would've sleep with him but you didn’t I got to be your first” Alistair yelled and kiss Caprice. “I hate you! I only turn to you because Morgan was dead! “If he was alive I would still be with him! Caprice yelled “I sometimes hate you too! Alistair yelled they had sex.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 29~

~At the Quartermaine~Skye was looking out the window holding the divorce paper when Alexis came in. “Skye”Alexis said Skye turn around. “What do you want”Skye ask “Jax called me that you may need a lawyer”Alexis said “Yes, I guess I do, Lorenzo and I divorce”Skye said “I can’t say I’m sorry”Alexis said “I know you hate my husband, Anyway here are the papers”Skye said She handle them to Alexis and Alexis look at them. “Have you look at them”Alexis ask “Not all, Why”Skye ask “Lorenzo sign it”Alexis said “Wow, I guess we can’t make it work”Skye said “Skye, I have to ask did you cheat”Alexis ask “No, I want the divorce I can’t take care of Genevieve anymore”Skye said “I’m sorry, I’m sure it was a lot of work”Alexis said “It is and I know now my daughter isn’t going to get well”Skye said “No, I hate that, I did care for Genevieve ,We work great together”Alexis said “Genevieve look up to you”Skye said “Thanks, Do you want anything from Lorenzo”Alexis ask “No, I will sign them”Skye said Skye sign them. “Thank you, I will take care of them, Skye I hope you stop playing games with Jax , I’m sick of seeing him get hurt”Alexis said “I care for Jax ,I’m not ready to date anyone”Skye said Alexis left.

At Josslyn house~Josslyn was looking at a picture of her and mother when Jax came in. “Josslyn, How are you doing”Jax ask “It’s my fault that mother is gone, I sure of not stop her”Josslyn said “No, You did the right thing, Stop blame yourself”Jax said “I just want my mother”Josslyn said “I know”Jax said they share a hug.

At The Quartermaine~Skye was looking at wanted ads when Lila Rae came in. “Mother”Lila Rae said “How are you doing”Skye ask “Alright, You”Lila Rae ask “Good, I need to find a job”Skye said “Mother you can have the magazine or fashion line I can’t run both”Lila Rae said “No thanks, I need something different something that challenge me”Skye said as Jax came in. “I know what you can do”Jax said “What is that”Skye ask “Come work for me”Jax said “Jax”Skye said “What, You did a great job when you ran my company, I could use you”Jax said “We have to keep it professional “Skye said “I agree, So what do you say, We did work on business together once before”Jax said “I remember and then we fell in love”Skye said “Yes”Jax said “Alright, I do what something new”Skye said “Good, I’m going to get the twins, I had to check on Josslyn”Jax said “How is Josslyn”Lila Rae ask “A mess”Jax said “I’m sorry about Carly ’Lila Rae said “Thanks, I’m going to get the twins”Jax said “I will be right up”Skye said Jax left. “Mother be careful”Lila Rae said “What are you talking about”Skye ask “Jax still love you and you love Daddy”Lila Rae said “You're father and I are divorced maybe it’s time I get my life back”Skye said she went upstairs.

upstairs~ Jax went into the twins room and pick up John, “Oh John and Laurel I still haven’t give up on making us a family”Jax said as Skye came in. “Skye, I know it’s a mess but their the best of both of us”Jax said “Yes they are,I love them as much as I love all my children’’ Skye said “I know”Jax said “Jax, I’m not ready for love but I want my life back”Skye said “I want to help you”Jax said Ja kiss Skye on the cheek. “Laurel and John be good for you're Daddy”Skye said Jax left with the twins.

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 2 ch 28

~At Skylar/Carman~Skylar was rocking one of the babies when Carman came in. “Skylar , How was you're day”Carman ask “Not good, I ran into my mother”Skylar said “Oh how did that go”Carman ask “Not good, I just don’t get how Mother can do this and walk away from a child when they need you the most, I would never walk away from any of ours”Skylar said “I know”Carman said “Carman be honest with me, Is my sister going to wake up”Skylar ask “No I’m sorry, I look at Genevieve medical chart the seizure did a lot of damage”Carman said “No! Skylar yelled as her phone rang it was Lorenzo. “Yes, Daddy I will be right their”Skylar said and hang up. “Daddy wants to see me”Skylar said “Go ahead I will stay with the triples”Carman said and left.

At Lorenzo~Lorenzo had just hang up his phone as Skye came in. “What are you doing here”Lorenzo ask “We need to talk! Skye yelled and threw the envelope at him. “I take it you got the divorce paper today, Why are you upset that’s what you wanted”Lorenzo said “Yes but it’s fast and I will get alimony or I will tell the cops that Carly died wasn’t suicides”Skye said Lorenzo moved close to Skye. “I don’t think you would do that”Lorenzo said he touch her face, “Lorenzo, I’m not scared of you, You will not hurt me I’m the mother of you're children and I know you still love me”Skye said “What do you want”Lorenzo ask Skye handle him a piece of paper with the almond on it. “Fine, I will put it in you're account now go”Lorenzo said “Why do you want me out so bad”Skye ask “I have things to do”Lorenzo said “Fine, But I have one last thing to give you”Skye said She took off her wedding ring and put it in Lorenzo hand and kiss him goodbye. “Skye, I don’t regret us I’m just doing what I have to do”Lorenzo said “I don’t regret us either and I’m doing what I have to do for me”Skye said and left as Bianca and Skylar and Luis came in. “Grandfather, What is going on”Bianca ask “I found a clinic for you're Mother that can help get her better”Lorenzo said “That’s great”Bianca said “Where is it”Luis ask “In Switzerland and I’m now you're sister medical guardian”Lorenzo said “When do you leave”Skylar ask “Tonight, I don’t want you're mother or Lila Rae or the rest of the family to know, I don’t want them to stop me”Lorenzo said “How long will you be gone”Bianca ask “As long as it take to get you're mother well, I know this is hard but I think this is for the best”Lorenzo said “We support you”Skylar said “Yes”Luis said “Yes, Just keep us update”Bianca said “I will I promise you, Luis I want you to have the house and take care of business”Lorenzo said “I will father”Luis said “Are you and Mother over”Skylar ask “Yes, That’s what Skye wanted”Lorenzo said “I don’t get it”Skylar said “Me either”Lorenzo said “Can we say goodbye to mother”Bianca ask “Yes”Lorenzo said as the nurse came in with Genevieve who was in her wheelchair.

“Mother, I do love you and I want you to get better I need you, When you get back you will be here to meet you're new grandchild, He or she needs you, I need you, We came along way mother”Bianca said she kiss her mother on the cheek.

“Genevieve, My better half the loud one that’s what they called you when we were little, I need you to be loud , I need you, You're namesake wants to meet you, This whole family needs you, I love you”Skylar said she kiss her sister on the cheek.

“Genevieve come back to us, We need you and love you”Luis said “Daddy, You take of yourself too”Skylar said “I will, Watch over you're mother”Lorenzo said “I will try, I just don’t get her”Skylar said “Me either”Lorenzo said “You still love her”Skylar said “Yes, Always”Lorenzo said he put a coat on Genevieve. “Genevieve , We sure go to our new life”Lorenzo said “How are you not going to make sure no one finds you”Luis ask “I borrow Victor jet”Lorenzo said “Uncle Victor still love mother”Bianca said “Yes”Lorenzo said “Keep in touch”Bianca said “I promise”Lorenzo said he left with Genevieve and the nurse. Bianca start to cry and Skylar pull her in a hug. “This is a good thing”Skylar said “Yes”Bianca said “We have to be strong that’s what Genevieve would want”Skylar said “Yes”Bianca said