Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Family Part 1 ch 35

At Genevieve-Genevieve was wearing jeans and a old top and had her hair up in a ponytail and was cleaning out Alexander closet she had keep putting it off for so long..Genevieve put out one of Alexander suits and pull it close to her chest. “Oh Alexander “Genevieve said she try not to cried.

At The Quartermaine hotel-Mary's room-Mary was on the phone. “It's working soon you can come “Mary said as their was a knock on the door. “I have to go”Mary said and hang up the phone it was Skye. “Skye. What kind I do for you “Mary ask “I just want to know if you're here to hurt my mother “Skye ask “I'm here to heal from the past , Rae and I have a lot of healing to do”Mary said “What from”Skye ask “The way Rae treated my parents before they died “Mary said “Well from what my mother told me they treat her horrible when she was pregnant with me “Skye said “Yes they did I don't like what happened, How they told Rae you were dead”Mary said “Yes, I do hope you and Rae can make peace “Skye said “Me too”Mary said she had one of her sculptures out and Skye saw it. “Did you make that “Skye ask “Yes I'm a artist”Mary said “It's beautiful, My daughter Skylar is a artist she has a gallery if you would like to show you're work I'm sure Skylar would love to have you're artwork in it”Skye said “I would love to meet Skylar “Mary said “Sure, Let's go”Skye said they left .

At Skye's yacht-Lorenzo was working when Jack Kennedy came in. “Can I help you “Lorenzo ask “It's me Jack Kennedy, You ask me to come to town to date you're daughter “Jack said “When was this”Lorenzo ask “Before Alexander died”Jack said “It must of been my brother Luis who did, I do what my daughter happy but I don't think she will ever move on from Alexander “Lorenzo said “I hope she will I do care for Genevieve, I could make her happy “Jack said “I don’t think so. I don’t want my daughter to date you”Lorenzo said “I could’ve made her happy “Jack said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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