Friday, October 29, 2021

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 31

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 31”

Felicia was driving back from being out of town and saw a woman on the side of the road and pull over and look out she couldn’t believe who she saw and got out of her car.”Why are you here “

At Alexis/Julian -Alexis and Julian were upset about the charge being dropped from Lorenzo.”This isn’t good,His going to come after me”I know”The doorbells rang it was Bobbie.”By the look of you both you heard about the charge being drop”Yes,This isn’t good “No it not,With Lila Rae Gone He will be out of control “We have to keep this town safe”Yes”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we’re having coffee together trying to plan the funeral for Lila Rae.”We should be Gone first “Yes”As Genevieve Came Into the room.”Genevieve,Where have you been “Mother before this happened I been working on a project that’s almost done and I’ll going to continue to,I do have a life “I’m sorry I didn’t meant by that we have to plan the funeral “We also need to talk about Lila Rae son”No! Don’t do that! Don’t take him from his father “Genevieve he belongs here “His a child not a belonging “as Spencer Came Into the room.”Spencer,Why are you here “We need to talk,I’m upset with Lila Rae death too but you will not take Chandler from me! I will raise him”Wait! You name him Chandler “Skye'' as “Yes, L Lila Rae wanted to honor your adopted father, She wanted it to be a surprise “It is “Skye was touched by it and cried a little.”We will raise Chandler Because you will be in jail! You killed our daughter! “Daddy! Spencer I think it’s best that you go”I will use my Power to win! You will have to kill me to get my son “That can be arranged “Is that a threat “No.Its not,Skye said Spencer left.

“Daddy,Leave Chandler with Spencer,Lila Rae wouldn’t want this”You don’t know what your sister wanted! You were never there for her! You broke her heart when you testified against me! Lorenzo yelled Genevieve try not to cry.”No,Lila Rae wasn’t like that,You are''Genevieve left 

“She's right,You were talking about yourself! Using our dead daughter name”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 30

“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 30”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo came home, Lorenzo was so happy about the charger being dropped that he went by the bar and poured himself a drink as Skye closed the door.”Lorenzo,Start talking! What is going on with you and Cal! Did you make a deal with him for ELQ! Lorenzo looked at Skye,”I can't lie to you. Yes, I made a deal with Cal to help me but it wasn’t about ELQ “What did you promise him” Our daughter hand in marriage “You promise Cal he would marry Genevieve! How! “Cal Loves our daughter and his good for her,Rich and comes from the same kind of family like The Quartermaine,I trust him with our daughter “What if Genevieve doesn’t want to marry him! Lorenzo took a drink of his scotch.”This is Genevieve's punishment for testifying against you! Isn’t it” Yes! Lorenzo! You can’t do this”It’s already done”Did you have something to do with Alistair accidents on the boat! Lorenzo Just look at his wife,”No”Skye this is for the best if Genevieve does this I will forgive her,Beside she have a great life and so will our grandchildren,Everyone will”

At Lila’s place-Genevieve was in the office trying to get work done for the opening when Sophia Came Into the room,” I’m sorry about you're sister but we need to work on our opening “Yes we do, I need this to be a hit”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was still in shock about what Lorenzo told her she wanted to be alone and look at pictures of Lila Rae when Olivia Came into the room.”Skye, I’m sorry about Lila Rae, Can I do anything for you “Thanks Olivia, I’m just looking at pictures of my daughter “Lila Rae was a beautiful woman “Yes she was the best of both of us”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit  

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 29

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 29”

At The Courthouses-Bobbie was talking to Nora about the case against Lorenzo.”I do sympathize with Lorenzo right now losing his daughter but he needs to pay for Jerry death “He will ,I’m not backing down “As Lorenzo and Skye and Genevieve Came into the room.”Nora,Bobbie “I’m not scared of you,Yes it’s sad for what happened to you're daughter last night but you have killed people long enough it’s time for you to stop”Nora,I need my husband “Lorenzo should've thought about that before he killed Jerry”Skye,I’m sorry about Lila Rae but it’s not going to be over till he pay”As Scotty and Tea Came Into the room.”Lorenzo,Let’s go by our table “Scotty and Lorenzo left as Cal came into the room and they give each other a look as the judge Came in and everyone stood up.

“I have made a decision about this case ,Mr Alcazar I’m sorry about you're daughter that’s why I’m dismissing all the charges against you “You’re Honor! You can’t “Nora said as she got up.”Yes I can,I make the final decision,This case is over “The Judges said “Good luck next Time “Scotty said to Nora,”I’ll will be watch you! You wouldn’t get away with this”I already have “Nora left.Lorenzo share another look with Cal as Skye saw it wonders what was going on.”Skye,Let’s go home”I’m so glad you’re free,We Need to plan the funeral,Come on Genevieve ``No,I’m going for a walk!You both need to do this together “Genevieve left.”She right “We do have a lot to talk about “

Spencer/Lila Rae-Spencer wanted to be alone grieving for his wife and went into the nursing room that Lila Rae planned for their son.”Oh my Lila Rae How do I do this “Spencer ask himself.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 28


“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 28”

Genevieve felt awkward being in the house with her parents after everything they had been through. She looks at a picture of Lila Rae.”Lila Rae,How do I help them? They loved you so much “Genevieve ask as Skye Came Into the room.”I love you too,Genevieve we need to talk I know a lot has happened between us before we lose you're sister but I need you,Skye took her daughter hands.”I’m sorry We lose Lila Rae but I’m not a replaceable for her,I was building my own life with my children “Let’s sit down and have some tea”Genevieve rolled her eyes.

Skye and Genevieve went into the sunroom and sit down.``I would never ask you to replace Lila Rae you are both different and one child can’t replace another but I hate the way we left things ,I love you and so does you're father he didn’t burn Alistair house or his enemies “Then who did! Genevieve yelled as Lorenzo Came Into the room.''It was Jacques “No! Genevieve yelled and cried “Yes he wanted you for himself he wanted to kill Alistair “Genevieve touched her mouth.”Why didn’t you tell me this! You just recovered when I found out”Are you the reason his dead! I saved your life you have his kidney “Genevieve, We do love you and we need each other you can still work on building your own life but I need you and my grandchildren ``We will stay but not forever “Good” We will work on our relationship too.”Oh Daddy we both know we can’t get it back “Lorenzo phone rang.”Scotty,What is it” Lorenzo hang up the phone.”The court want to resume now “Let’s go as a family “

At General Hospital-Spencer room-Spencer was being discharged and getting ready to leave when Nikolas Came Into the room.”How can I raise my son without my wife “I’m here for you,We Need to protect you're right from Lorenzo “Yes I know I’ll have to deal with him”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3. Ch 27

“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 27”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo had finished eating a little dinner with their children that they had left and we’re talking about their grandson who was just born.”You want full custody of our grandson “Skye Ask As she got up from the table and Lorenzo followed.”Yes,Spencer is the reason our daughter is gone! Cassadine has destroyed both our daughter’s! Lorenzo yelled “I agree but I want Genevieve to stay here too,I need my daughter,You need to make amends with Genevieve “We will''What about the charge against you “Don’t worry I have a plan that I wouldn’t go to jail, Let’s go to bed “Lorenzo took his wife's hands.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica came home and took a picture of her and Alan off the fireplace.”This is a mess if Lorenzo Find Out it was Emily I could lose my daughter,I hate that Lila Rae is gone”

At General Hospital-Spencer was looking at his son who was in the nursery room.”I know the name you're mother wants to call you, Chandler, I wish you're mother was here, How are we going to do this “Spencer asks himself.

At Emily/Nikolas-Nikolas was looking at a picture of his son as Emily Came Into the room.”I cannot believe my son almost died tonight and he lost his wife’s, I’m worrying for his safety from Lorenzo “We will get through this” I hope so”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit  

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 26

“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 26”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was downstairs looking at the bar and was about to pour herself a drink when Genevieve Came in with the nanny and children.``Mimi” Morgan Lila and Xavier ran to Skye who took them into her arms.”Mommy say you and Papa are sad “I haven’t told them yet”Let’s sit down “Morgan Lila and Xavier sit down as John Came in with Lorenzo.”Mother,What’s going on! Genevieve Why are you here “John, We have some sad news Lila Rae was in a car accident with Spencer and didn’t make it ''No! John yelled “Is Aunt Lila Rae a angel “Morgan Lila Ask “Yes baby “Genevieve kiss her daughter on the head.”I’m sorry Papa and Mimi”Morgan Lila hug Skye and Lorenzo.”Are we stayed here”Yes Just for awhile”Lets All Have dinner,We all Need each other “Skye left with John and the children.”Daddy,We need to talk,I know what I say in court today you haven’t forgive me,Maybe you wouldn’t but I did the right thing I was subpoenaed too”You’re right,I still haven’t let it go but now we need each other more then ever,You’re sister hate when we would fight “Yes she would “

At Elizabeth/AJ -AJ was worrying about Skye and covering it up for Emily when there was a knock on the door. It was Monica,” Mom. What is it” AJ Ask, “Emily told me everything, I just wanted to come to check on you, I know it wasn’t easy” No it wasn’t easy I hate that I have to keep this secret from Skye but I wouldn’t let Lorenzo kill Emily “No, You’re looking out for both you're sisters “Yes I’m, I’m worrying if Skye drinks “Me too”

Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we’re just finished dinner with Genevieve and John and Morgan Lila and Xavier.”We all needs each other “Yes”The nanny took the children upstairs.”Genevieve,I would like for you and the children to move back I know we have a lot to work out but we our family and we need each other “Mother,All we Did was fight “Yes I know but I need you,I need to see my grandchildren “I’ll think about it”Genevieve and John  left.”Skye “I don’t care if you don’t want Genevieve to come back but I do”We need to talk about our grandson “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit  

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 25

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 25”

At The Quartermaine mansions-Emily and Monica we’re talking.”Mom,It was me who hit Lila Rae's car tonight! Emily cried.”What happened “Monica touch Emily hair.”I got a phone call they found my son body and I was upset and crying tha5 I didn’t see the car”It was an accident,Skye will Understand “Maybe But Lorenzo wouldn’t “Where the car”AJ helped me destroy it”No”I know this is a mess and I’m sad that Lila Rae is gone and a little boy wouldn’t be with his mother,I didn’t know what to do”Maybe this is for the best to keep it a secret,Unfortunately Lila Rae Wouldn’t come back”No,I hate myself that I killed her”Monica hug her daughter,”Why don’t you get some rest here”No I should be with Nikolas “You have to keep this a secret “I know I hate it”I love you”I love you too “Emily left,Monica pick up Her cellphones.”Let her out “Monica said 

At Lila’s Place-Genevieve was at the bar waiting for the food as Cal walk by.”Genevieve, I’m sorry about you're sister “Thanks “Let me buy you a drink “I’m waiting for some food “We can talk a while we wait” Cal order them a drink.”Lila Rae and I were not close as we should be,I I was always jealous of Lila Rae she was the perfect daughter in my parent's eye, I  I was the screw up” I  I’m sure they loved you both” Not the same trust me  “I’m here for you if you want to talk “Thanks, it’s complicated between my parents and me “Genevieve food Came and she left. Cal made a phone call”I want It done now”

At General Hospital-Alexis was looking at the baby boy .”I’m sorry you lost you're mother tonight,I know what it’s like ,You will have a lot of people fighting for you they both love you “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 24

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 24”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was in Lila Rae room she keep it the way Lila Rae left it when she moved out Skye remember that day Lila Rae left to be with Spencer it broke her heart that day and now it broke her heart more today by saying goodbye to her daughter.Skye pick up a old top of Lila Rae and smell it as she sit on the bed and cried .Genevieve walk into the room and look at her mother she didn’t know how to help her mother.

Lorenzo was downstairs pouring himself a drink as Tea Came Into the room.”Lorenzo,I know you’re sad I’m too my heart break for you and Skye but you need to let the cops handle this”Lorenzo just look at Tea.”I will do whatever I need to do for justice for my daughter! Lorenzo yelled as Genevieve Came Into the room.”Where you're mother “Lila Rae room” Oh, Genevieve will you bring the children over? We all need to be together. “Lorenzo touched Genevieve's hands.”Daddy “I know we have a lot to work out and we will but not now”I’ll go get my children and pick up some food for mother “Thanks “Lorenzo went upstairs.

“Aunt Tea,I’m worrying about my family,D Daddy going to take this in his own hands “Yes he is” Do you think we could get past what happened in court “Yes, Life is short and you're still their daughter “Yes” I’ll stay” Thanks “Genevieve left.

Lila Rae room-Skye was laying on the bed when Lorenzo Came Into the room.”Skye ''Lorenzo helped Skye get up.”I don’t want to feel anything ,My heart is broken! Did you're enemies do this”No” Daddy going to take this in his own hands ``Yes he is” Do you think we could get  too! I love her too, my heart is broken too! Lorenzo yelled “Where Genevieve “Skye Ask “She went to get the children and you something to eat”Oh”Skye,We cannot push each other we need to help each other “You’re right “Skye and Lorenzo hug each other.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 23

“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 23”

At General Hospital-Spencer rooms-Spencer was waking up when Nikolas and Alexis and Laura Came Into the room.”Spencer, We are glad you’re alright  with“Do you remember what happened “Laura Ask As Mac Came Into the room,” Spencer, I need to ask you a few questions about the car accident “I’ll answer them, How is Lila Rae “Spencer I’m sorry but she didn’t make it,” No! Not my Lila Rae! Spencer yelled and Nikolas comforting his son.”Mac,Do you have to question Spencer now “It’s okay,I’ll answer I have fine the person who did this! Spencer yelled “Who was driving “I was,I remember someone hitting the car from behind us”Did you see anything “No”Thanks,I’m sorry Spencer “Mac left.

“What about my son” The baby made it but he is premature and needs oxygen. “No,How do I do this without Lila Rae! The woman I loved “Spencer Ask his father as Lorenzo Came running in.”You’re the reason my daughter is gone! I will destroy you” as Genevieve Came in.”Daddy, Mother been looking for you, We Need you Right now “Genevieve took her father’s hand,” Were you driving the car” Yes, I loved Lila Rae, it was an accident someone Came behind us and hit me” This isn’t over! Lorenzo yelled and left.”Thanks Genevieve “This isn’t going to be good,for both our families “Genevieve left.

“Lorenzo going to fight me for custody of my own son,Isn’t he”We wouldn’t let him win”

In the hallway-Emily was in the hallway wondering what to do when Monica Came by.”Emily,What’s going on”Mother,We Need to talk but not here”

At the nursing room-Skye was looking at her grandson when Lorenzo and Genevieve Came by.”Lorenzo,I know you were threatening Spencer but you can’t I need you right now “You have me” Genevieve, I need you too, Please come home with us, and my grandchildren “Genevieve looks at her parents.”I testified against you today “Lila Rae was all about forgiveness,I can let it go for you're sister we need each other “Yes Genevieve “For tonight we have a lot to talk about “Yes we do”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit  

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 22

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 22”

At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve and AJ were waiting on news about Lila Rae.Nikolas and Alexis and Laura were waiting on news about Spencer when Emily Came by.``Any news”Yes”As Dr Hubbard and Dr Bladwin Came by,”How’s our daughter “Lorenzo Ask As he took Skye hands.”Lila Rae didn’t make it,I’m sorry Skye”Dr Hubbard said “No! Skye yelled as she cried,”What about the baby”Genevieve ask as she starts to cry,”It’s a boy he is a premature baby he needs some oxygen but he will be okay “What about Spencer ``Nikolas Ask “Spencer has some bruise but he will be okay “of course he will! My daughter is dead and he lives! Lorenzo yelled “Daddy! Not now”Genevieve said “No! Cassadine has destroyed you and now they took you're sister away from us! I want to know who was driving! How did this accident happen! Lorenzo yelled as Tea Came by.”Lorenzo,I’m sorry about Lila Rae but yelling isn’t going to help you “Tea said Skye took Lorenzo hands.”Let’s go say goodbye to our daughter,Genevieve I need you”Skye cried as she look at her daughter.”You have me”Genevieve said they went to see Lila Rae.

“I’m going to see my son”Nikolas said “I’ll be right there”Emily said “Why did it take you long to get here”Nikolas Ask “There was a lot of traffic “Emily said Nikolas left with Laura and Alexis.”

“Emily,This isn’t good! Skye lose a daughter “I hate this too,I love Lila Rae”You can’t hidden for long,Lorenzo has away of find out”

Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was on the bed her eyes were close and Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve Came in and Skye touch her daughter face.``We need to make Lila Rae look nice “Mother they have people who do that”No,I want to she my daughter “Skye”No! Genevieve go get a dress for Lila Rae she cannot be buried like this”As Monica Came Into the room.”Monica,I want to change Lila Rae dress she can’t be buried like this “The Church will do that,Skye I’m sorry “Why ! Skye yelled “Lila Rae,I’ll love you I know we fought but you’re my sister,I’ll watch over you're son “Lila Rae ,I love you I will destroy whoever took you away from us and I’ll make sure your son is safe,We loved you “Lila Rae,This isn’t fair! You should be here with you're little boy”Skye kiss her daughter goodbye.

“I want to see my grandson “Skye left with Lorenzo.”Monica,I’m worrying about my parents “I know,This isn’t good “

copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 21

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 21”

At The Car accident scene-Emily was outside by her car that was damaged when AJ Came by,” Emily, What happened “I was on the phone. It was about Alistair and I started crying and hit another car, I cannot tell anyone “Who did you hit! AJ yelled “Lila Rae and Spencer,If Lorenzo Fine out it was me “Emily crying “He May kill you”Yes,I didn’t go after lila Rae it was a accident “I know,But I’m caught in the middle “I know you’re closer with Skye but I’m you're sister too”AJ didn’t know what to do.

At General, Hospital-Skye was worrying about her daughter and wished Rae was here with her she pull out her cellphones and try to get a hold of Rae but left a voicemail.”Mother, I need you, I wish you were here for me, I feel like you abandoned me again “Skye cried 

Lorenzo was worrying about his family when Cal Came by with coffee and Genevieve saw him.”Cal,Why are you here “Genevieve smile at him she did think he was cute but decided to close her heart from love especially how she look.”I heard about your sister and wanted to bring some coffee “Thanks but why do you hardly know us” Yes but I would like to fix it, I would like to date you Genevieve “Oh I’m not really “Just think about it, Not now but after “Alright “

Nikolas was waiting on news when Alexis and Laura Came by.”Do you have any news “No this weight is killing me”As Dr Hubbard and Dr. Baldwin Camer by. We have News”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 20

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 20”

Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was in Alana's room getting her dressed.``I hope when you grow up we will be close like Lila Rae and I are,I wish you're sister was close with me”Skye picked up Alana.

Lorenzo was on the phone in the den when Skye Came in with Alana and he looked sad as he hung up the phone,’Lorenzo What is it,It’s Lila Rae she was in a car accident “No! Skye yelled as Lorenzo took Alana as the nanny Came Into the room,”Can you watch Alana ? Lila Rae been in a car accident “Yes go”I’ll call Genevieve on the way she needs to be here “

At General Hospital-Dr Collins office-Genevieve was talking to him when she had a bad feeling,”Something is wrong with my sister! My twin” Go find out” Thanks Dr. Collins “Genevieve left and went into the hallway as Skye and Lorenzo Came by,” Is Lila Rae Okay! My twin connect is telling me something is wrong “Unfortunately you’re right,Lila Rae been in a car accident “No”As Monica Came by.”Monica,Where is our daughter! Is she okay “Genevieve took her mother hand no matter how she felt right now about her parents she know they need her support they all needed each other.”Lila Rae and Spencer were in a car accident they both are in surgery “As Nikolas Came by,”What about the baby”Dr Hubbard is doing her best to save the baby too”Just save my baby,Our baby “What about Spencer “Christy is doing surgery on him”How did this happen! Lorenzo is this you're enemies! Nikolas yelled “No! Lorenzo yelled 

Skye state to cry and Genevieve hugged her mother which caught Skye by surprise.”Oh Genevieve,We can’t lose you're sister “No”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Friday, October 22, 2021

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 19

“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 19”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo Came home from the trial, Skye was worrying about Genevieve and the way she was acting when Skye pull out her cellphones from her purse and called Genevieve.”Genevieve comes home we need to talk I’m worried about you” Skye hang up the phone and cried “I wish Genevieve pick up. I’m worried about her, I’m worried about our family “Lorenzo Came by her and wipe her tears.”This Family will heal from this, I’m not going to jail “It’s not Genevieve's fault about this “I know” Lorenzo was thinking about the deal he made with Cal.”Lorenzo after this, Are you going after Nora” No, After I’m found not guilty, I have to lay low for a while “We should go away just us and John and Alana “I like that idea “

At General Hospital-Dr Collins office-Genevieve was in his office having a meeting.”How do you feel after the trial “I hated that I had to testify against my father but I know in my heart he killed Jerry and more” Do you still love him” Yes I’m trying not to” His still you're father “Yes, I know everyone wants me to blame Brenda for take me but I blame him, I heard how my mother had to hide from him when she was pregnant if she didn’t and had us in the hospital, I wouldn’t have been missing “Maybe not, Have you talk to you're parents “No? They wants to talk after the trial but I couldn’t, Daddy just going to lie about killing Alistair I know he did “

Emily was in her car driving when her cell phone rang and she took the call about her son. She was devastated about the news that his body had been found and was crying so hard that she hit a car.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit  

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 18

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 18”

At Lorenzo trial-Nora had just questioned Julian and was feeling good about how it was going.”Mrs Buchanan do you have anymore witness “Yes I call Genevieve Alcazar to the stand”

Genevieve came into the room and tried not to look at Lorenzo and Skye as she took the stand. She wasn’t feeling good either.”Genevieve,Do you know anything about you're father's business? “Yes I know my father kills people for a living “Who has he killed “Genevieve look at her father and cried a little.”My Grandfather after he raped me”Genevieve touch her cheek.”I’m sorry” Thanks “Does Lorenzo have a temper”Yes”Did he attack any of you're boyfriend “You're Honor I objected “Go on''Yes,Daddy hated Alistair “Do you believe he burn the house that burns you and you're children and Alistair “Yes I do,or an enemy of Daddy “Skye got up,”Lorenzo didn’t do it! “sit down! 

Lorenzo look at Skye,”It’s okay” Scotty question Genevieve.``Genevieve you had issues with you're parents right you were not raise by them”No I wasn’t “Do you have mental problems “No”Really! You haven’t been seeing Dr Collins “Genevieve close her eyes.”Yes I’m,It’s dealing with the burns ``Do you have a history of drug use”Yes”You went to rehabilitate for it “Yes but I’m clean now”Genevieve wipe her tears.”The case will be on recess till tomorrow “Genevieve got up and went to the hallway as Skye Came by.

“Genevieve it wasn’t you're father or his enemies who set the fire”Then Who Mother! Who put the burns on me and my children! Genevieve yelled as Lorenzo Came by.”Genevieve, there is so much we need to talk about “I don’t think that’s a good idea “Genevieve, We have so much to talk about, I know we are at odds but I’ll never hurt you” You already have! I know you had something to do with Alistair,I need to go”Genevieve left.

Skye was upset as Lorenzo Came by her.”I’m sorry “She has so much anger in her”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 17

 “Matter of the Heartstrings Part 3 ch 17”

At The Courthouse-Lorenzo trial-Lorenzo was sitting by Scotty and behind him were Skye and Lila Rae and Spencer and Tea and Monica and AJ.

Nora Came in and sat down behind her were Alexis and Felicia and Kristina and Lucas. As the judge Came in and everyone”  stood up.”Lorenzo Alcazar,You’re Charger with murder of Jerry Jack ,How do you plead “ “Not Guilty” “Are both party ready for opening statement “Yes”Nora went first.”Lorenzo Alcazar is a mob boss this isn’t the first time he had killed someone and it wouldn’t be the last it’s time we make this town safe again and clean up this town”

Scotty got up.”Their no evidence that Lorenzo killed Jerry he had a lot of enemies,Jerry is in this business too,This whole trial is a waste of taxpayers money “

“Nora got up.”I call my first witness Bobbie Spencer “Bobbie Came in and got swear in.”Bobbie, What happened that night Jerry disappeared “Jerry was going to leave the business for me and he never came back “Has Jerry left you before “Yes but he always come s back “Did you ID his body” Yes it’s his “Thanks “Scotty Came by,” Jerry hurt you once before he left you on you're wedding day “He was arrestees “Yes, Does Jerry have enemy another then Lorenzo “Yes” So someone else could have killed Him” I suppose “Is there any proof that it was Lorenzo “No” Bobbie got up.

Nora stood up.” I call Julian Jerome to the stand “Julian Came Into the room and got swear in.”Did Lorenzo kill Jerry “Yes,I helped him”What happened that night”We were talking to Jerry and Lorenzo pull out a gun and shot him “What did you do with his body”We put it in the river “That’s All “

Scotty turn “You also we’re in this business too”Yes I want out”Do you have a deal with the DA”I just want to move on from this lifestyle “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 16

“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 16”

Bobbie-Bobbie was looking at a picture of Jerry.”I’ll get justice for you If it is the last thing I do” Bobbie said and left.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was picking out a tie he was nervous about the trial when Skye Came by and grab a tie.”Wear this one, Lorenzo we have been thought a lot and we will get through this,” You’re not leaving me, We will grow old together and soon Genevieve will come home she forgives us” Yes, It will be okay, I’ll do whatever I have to do get our family back together “Lorenzo kiss Skye on the cheek and they left.

At The Courthouse-Julian and Alexis were in the witness room.”Are you okay”I’m scared but it had to be done,This will keep our family safe “Yes,Lorenzo needs to be stopped “

Genevieve Came Into the courthouse as Skye and Lorenzo Came by and they look at each other as Nora Came by Genevieve.”Genevieve,You need to go to the witness room”Nora said 

Skye missed her daughter and was about to go over there as her cellphones rang.”I need to take this”Skye said she went to take the call as Cal Came by Lorenzo.

“We need to talk “About what” I can help you out of this “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit  

Matter of the heartstrings Part 3 ch 15

“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 15”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan’s Wake-

Skye was looking a a picture of her and Alan when Monica Came by.”Alan loved you no matter what he loved his children “Yes he did”Skye,Don’t lose you're daughter over this”I don’t want too,Genevieve is a mess”She needs help and love just like you did when you first Came to town “I was a mess that for sure being a mother Chance me”Yes”AJ and Emily Came by,”I know it’s hard but we can do this,We are Quartermaine “Yes “After Leslie funeral, Emily and I are going out of town” Alright “

Genevieve was pouring a drink as Lorenzo Came by,” Genevieve,You’re breaking you're mother heart by trying to put me in jail which wouldn’t work “Soon you will get caught you can’t keep getting away with it “Genevieve went outside and cried She was a emotional mess.

Inside-Monica was talking to her guest as Alison and Althea and Cal Came into the room.”Monica, I don’t know if you remember me but I’m Cal Barrington, We just wanted to give our condolences to you and you're family “Cal said as Genevieve Came inside and he look at her.”Thanks for coming “Grandmother would be here but she not feeling well”I’m sorry “

Skye went by Althea.``So Who’s running the business? You or the grandchildren ``All three of us,Skye I want a relationship with you “I do need a mother more then anything right now”Really! Where Rae ``She left town”

At a Cabin-Rae was at the cabin tie to a chair 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 


Monday, October 18, 2021

Matter of the heartstrings part 3 ch 14

 “Matter of the heartstrings part 3 ch 14”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan’s Wake-Monica has greeted everyone when Lucy Came by.”Monica,I know you don’t like me but I had to say goodbye to Alan “It’s okay.You did have a relationship with him”Yes but he loved you ‘Thanks “

Alexis and Ned we’re talking.”Ned,I’m sorry about Alan”Thanks,I’m glad you’re here “As Kristina Came by.”Ned,I’m sorry about you're lost”Thanks “Ned left.”Kristina How are you doing “I have some good news  “What” Christy is pregnant it works for her” Oh I’m happy for you” Thanks “Kristina share a hug with her mother.

Monica look around at everyone who was here Felicia and Mac and Georgie and Dillon and Maxie and Lucy and Kristina and Christy and Lucas and Bobbie and Skye and Lorenzo and Alana and Lila Rae and Spencer and John and Genevieve and Ned and Olivia and AJ and Elizabeth and Alexis and Emily and Nikolas and Laura and Kevin .”I just wanted to say Thank you for coming to say goodbye to my husband,I know I’m not alone in this”

Monica went outside as Laura follow her.”Monica,I’m sorry about Alan”I’m sorry about Leslie “Thanks,I cannot believe they are both gone “Yes,Are you having a service for Leslie “Yes “

A ghost of Alan and a ghost of Leslie watch by their loved ones and hold hands as they left and went to heaven.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter of the heartstrings part 3 ch 13

 “Matter of the heartstrings part 3 ch  13”

At St, Ann-Monica was in the chapel saying a prayer before Alan’s funeral when Ned Came by.”Monica,Everyone is Here “Let’s Get Start then”I’m here for you today “Thanks Ned”The Family Came Into the room.

The father got up and start to talk.’Alan and his family had a second chance at life which was a blessing now it’s time to say goodbye “AJ got up,”I’m glad I got a second chance with my father we made up from the past and I made him proud when he was here,I love him”AJ sit down and Emily got up.”We were blessed with a second chance with our father and I’ll carry those memories with me”Emily sit down as Skye got up.’I’m glad Alan was my father I loved him, I'll never forget him, I'll tell my daughter Alana all about the man I made her after “Skye sit down as Monica got up.”Alan and I had our share of fight and good time he try to kill me once but I forgive him because I loved him,He was my partner my best friend,I’ll never forget him”Monica sit down as Ned got up.”We were lucky to have Alan back never take life for granted hold your loved ones close “

Genevieve was sitting away from her family and looking at Skye as Ned said that she did miss her mother but was too stubborn.Skye looked at Genevieve and smiled at her. She misses her daughter.

Brooklyn got up and said a song as they took Alan's casket away.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 12

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 12”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo and Tea we’re going over his trial that was tomorrow.”Do we have to worry about Julian”No he wouldn’t be testify against me”How do you know”I do”You threat him”Lorenzo just look at his sister.”Oh Lorenzo “I wish you could be my lawyer and not Scotty “Me too but the court wouldn’t let me”As Skye and Scotty Came into the room.”I found Scotty by the door”Skye kiss Lorenzo.”We need to go over the case” Yes we accomplish, You need to do whatever you need to get me off” I will do my best, Did you kill Jerry and Jacques “It doesn’t matter if I’m guilty just win” We have Lila Rae and Skye and Tea who will testify for you” Yes” Nora has Genevieve who will testify against you” Maybe not “

At Nora Office -Nora was working when Genevieve Came Into the room.”Genevieve ,W Why are you here, “

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica and AJ were in the den they just finished planning the funeral for Alan.”Mother,I’m sorry “Me too,I cannot believe his gone, I hope he know I love him”He does,You’re not alone “I know,I’m glad you and You're father made up”Me too,We had a new level of our relationship “Yes”

At Nora office-Genevieve and Nora we’re talking.”I never saw my father kill anyone “I know but you can testify how is temper is”He does have one”So will you do it”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 11

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 11”

At General Hospital-Lila Rae was laying on the bed as Spencer was holding her hands as Angie was doing a sonogram on her.”How is our baby “Lila Rae Ask “The baby is healthy,Do you want to know the sex”Angie Ask Lila Rae and Spencer share a look.”Yes”Spencer said “You're having a little boy”Angie said “A son”Spencer was happy.”I’ll let you get dressed “Angie left the room.”Oh Lila Rae,I’m so happy “I’m too”Spencer and Lila Rae share a kiss.

Skye had arrived in the hallway and went by Angie,” Angie, Is Lila Rae still here” Yes she just getting dress” Good, How is Lila Rae pregnancy “Good so far” Good, Genevieve pregnancy was so risky I cannot go through that again “As Lila Rae and Spencer Came by,” Mother, We have some new the baby is a boy” Oh that’s wonderful “Skye hug her daughter.”Thanks “It’s Nice to see one of my daughter happy “Skye smile.

At Lila’s Place-Genevieve was packing up the belongings to move when Brenda cane in holding a bag.”Genevieve, We need to talk about what” I’m leaving town you’re family is here with them it’s time we let each other go” No” Genevieve started to cry.``Yes we Our each other past there you're future,You are so smart you can get you're life back,You need to make you're children proud and do something in you're life”Brenda went by Genevieve,”When are you leaving “Now,It’s time”What about Alec”As Alec Came Into the room.”Alec,was a knock on the door it was Skye,” Mother, Why are you here “We Need to Talk, What’s going on” I’m leaving town it’s time Genevieve let me go, Her future is here with you and Lorenzo, Take care of her “I will Don’t come back! “Mother “It’s okay,Let’s go''Let me take you to the airport “No”Genevieve hug Brenda and Alec and they left Genevieve was crying,” Genevieve,I know you probably feel alone but you’re not,We are here for you Let’s Just put the past behind us and come home,I know deep down you don’t want you're father to go to jail “It’s time I’ll on my own”How can you afford it”Don’t worry about it”Alright I’ll love you no matter what “Skye left 

Genevieve lean against the door and crying,

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The heartstrings Part 3 ch 10

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 10”

At The Quartermaine mansion -Monica was playing with Alana as Skye watch she like seeing Monica a little better when Emily Came Into the room.”Mother,S Skye What’s going on” Emily was surprised to see them getting along,” S Skye brought Alana over to Cheer me up, You're father namesake “Yes” Emily was sad thinking about Alistair when Skye Came by Emily.”Emily,I’m sorry about Alistair “Thanks I keep thinking maybe his not died after all ,I never saw his body”Monica went by Emily.”Emily,After you're father funeral I’ll go with you to find Alistair “Thanks,I do need prove his gone”We all Understand That”Yes”I’ll see if Nikolas can come with me too”Alright “I do hope his alive,Genevieve loved him so much “He loved her too”

At Laura/Kevin-Laura went to check on her mother to find her dead.”I loved you so much,I’m glad you were my mother “Laura kiss Leslie and left the room to find Kevin in the hallway.”Mother is gone”I’m sorry “Kevin hugged his wife.

Genevieve was on the dock wearing a big hat to cover her face she hated being outside but she was upset about what happened between her family when Cal Came by and saw this mystery woman and walk by her .”Hello”Hi”Genevieve didn’t look at him.”I’m new in town,Cal Barrington ”Genevieve look at him.”Genevieve Alcazar Quartermaine “She smiles at him.”Do you want you want to get some coffee “No Thanks I need to go”I hope to see you around “No you don’t “Genevieve left.” Yes, I do” Cal said to himself.

At Spencer/Lila Rae-Lila Rae was getting the nursery room ready when Spencer Came Into the room he wanted to marry Lila Rae so much but she wanted to wait.”Lila Rae,Are you okay “Yes. Let's  go to our doctor appointment “Yes, Spencer if it is a girl will you be okay “Yes, I love you so much “I love you too”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

MATTER Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 9

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 9”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was holding Alana who was now five years old when Nora And Alexis Came Into the room.``Why are you here! Skye ask “To see Lorenzo we need to talk to him”Nora said “About what! You can’t just come into my house like this” As Lorenzo walked down from the steps into the room.``Why are you here “What did you do to my husband! Julian is missing! “I didn’t do anything to him! Now if you don’t have a Warrant then you can leave! Lorenzo yelled at Alexis and Nora left.Lorenzo closed the door,” Did you kill him” No but Julian wouldn’t testify against me “Good, You can’t go to jail “I wouldn't”. Skye left with their daughter.

Alexis/Julian-Alexis opened the door and saw Julian in the living room.”You’re alive! Alexis was so happy and hug him.”Yes,I I’m sorry you were worrying “Did Lorenzo threats you” Alexis just trust me everything going to be okay “I hope so I cannot lose you again “You wouldn’t “

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was in the den when Skye Came in With Alana,”I thought you may want to see Alana “Oh Skye “Monica hold her granddaughter as Skye cellphones rang it was Rae.”Mother,Where are you “Skye was upset and hang up the phone.”Are you okay “My Mother left town, Just when I need her the most” Skye, You have a family with us too” Thanks, I’m glad we fixed our relationship “Me too”

Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was at his desk when Genevieve Came Into the room.”Genevieve,Why are you here? You’re mother is out”We Need to talk,You’re not going to cut me out of my trust fund “I’m not! Lorenzo yelled he got up.``No or I’ll tell Alec that Alana is his daughter “You haven’t told him yet”No you thought I did”Yes,So you will break you're mother's heart again “I don’t want to! So what is it going to be”Fine! I wouldn’t cut you off but we want to see the grandchildren “Find”Genevieve I had to protect you from Alistair “I need protection from you ! You were the one who hurt me the most! I know you had something to do with Alistair's death on the boat you threw him overboard with your men” No I didn’t! Cassadine have enemies too”Why don’t you mess with Lila Rae's life! Genevieve yelled and left.

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 8

 “Matter The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 8”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was pouring herself some coffee when Bobbie Came Into the room.”Monica, I’m sorry about Alan “I cannot believe that he's gone this time for good, I guess I got a couple Of years with him” Monica cried “He loved you” Yes he did “Do you want help with the arrangements “Bobbie Ask “No Thanks “Bobbie left. Monica just wants to be alone with her grief.

At Lila’s Place-Genevieve was getting ready for the day she was all stressed and not feeling well when she just cried she miss her mother so much but wanted her father to pay for what he did,

At The Police station-Nora was looking at some paperwork when Alexis Came by,” I need to report a missing person “Who” My husband “No” Yes! Lorenzo has kidnapped my husband “Alexis yelled 

At a warehouse-Lorenzo was wiping his hand that had blood on it and left.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was on the phone.”Mother,P Please call me back I miss you, I need to talk to you “Skye hang up the phone she was worried about her mother,

At a cabin in the woods-Rae Came Into the Cabin.”I’m glad to see you”Rae smile 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 7

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 7”

At General Hospital-Rae was crying about Alan when Bobbie Came by,”Rae,Are you okay “No,I loved him. ``We had an affair “Bobbie was in shock.”You and Alan had an affair? “Yes,We loved each other,We wanted to be together “Rae,Alan would have never left Monica “He Did once”Because He didn’t know who he was”Rae left.

Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we’re fighting with Brenda and Lila Rae was in the room as Genevieve and Alec Came Into the room.”What’s going on “Genevieve was nervous about this.''So you saved Brenda! Skye yelled “Yes! When I was in a coma I kept thinking about when you found me.If you didn’t tell me that I was you're daughter I wouldn’t have been raped ! I wouldn’t have all this burn on me “Genevieve yelled as Skye cried.''You wish you were her daughter! Skye wiped her tears.``Yes! I’m sorry “Genevieve was crying too.Lorenzo Came by Genevieve.''You're not her daughter! Our blood runs though you can’t deny it”Lorenzo touched Genevieve Face.’I didn’t meant to cause this trouble “Brenda you start it! The best thing for everyone is if you leave town and never come back! Skye yelled Genevieve wasn’t feeling well,”Stop yelling! Come with me Brenda we will go back to the hotel “Genevieve,Are you take care of yourself “Yes Mother”You can’t stay at the hotel long that’s not a place for the children ``Monica invite me to live at the gatehouse “Genevieve and Alec and Brenda left.

“Mother,I’m sorry about this”Lila Rae left,”How do we get our daughter back! How do we get you out of this legal mess! Skye asks “I have a plan, I’m not going to jail” Lorenzo touches Skye's Face.

Julian was walking when someone Came by and grab him.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 6

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 6”

At General Hospital-Genevieve was in the hallway when Lila Rae Came by,” How’s Mother “Lila Rae went by Genevieve.”I Don’t know,I need to go home”Lila Rae took her hands.”You can’t keep running from them “I have to go Lila Rae” Skye Came by her daughter’s.”Girls,I need you both,my father died today “Skye cried as Rae Came by,”Alan,Gone”Yes Mother “I’m sorry “Why don’t we all go home,Genevieve come with us”Genevieve look at her mother.”I can’t “As Lorenzo Came by.”You can’t keep running “Watch me”Genevieve left. Skye look at Lorenzo.”We have to fix our family “

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was looking at a picture of her and Alan when AJ and Emily Came Into the room.”Mother,How are you doing “AJ took his mother hands.”I’m trying,I’ll miss you're father so much,This time he can’t come back to us”No,We are here for you ‘Oh Emily you’re going this too with you're son”I don’t believe that my son is dead,I know that sounds crazy “It isn’t you have to trust the mother instinct,I wish I looked for you”It wasn’t you're fault that I was out their and you didn’t know “No It wasn’t “I’m going to bed”Monica hug her children and left.”I can’t believe that Dad is gone”Me either,I’m glad we made up and he was here when you came back to us” Me too “

Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo Came Into the House to find Brenda waiting for them.”Why are you here! Skye yelled “We need to talk about Genevieve “How did you get out of the Cabin “I was found by Genevieve “Genevieve saved you! Skye yelled “You’re just mad that we share a connection “You stole my daughter from me! Ripped her out of my arms when she was just a baby! Skye yelled 

“I wasn’t well when I took Genevieve but I don’t regret raising her,I loved her though the hard time as a teenager,I want to make it right now”Right! What you can do is leave town and never come back! I wish I did kill you! Skye yelled as Lila Rae Came Into the room.’You try to kill her! “Yes! I don’t regret it! I just wish it worked! You first Came to town to get Jax from me now you took my daughter you have taken so much from me! Skye yelled 

At Lila’s Place-Genevieve was in the room looking for Brenda as Alec Came by,”Where is Brenda! Genevieve yelled 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 ch 5

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 5”

At Lila’s Place -Genevieve room-Brenda was in the room she hadn’t been feeling well since Alec found her that night Skye almost killed her and she was done fighting with Skye and Lorenzo and wanted to make it right.

Alec Came Into the room.”Mother,Are you okay “Alec Ask “It’s time I do the right thing I start all this by kidnapped Genevieve,She wasn’t mine to take”Brenda said 

At General Hospital-Monica and Emily and Genevieve and Ned and Olivia and AJ were in the hallway when Skye and Lorenzo Came by.”How’s Daddy “Skye Ask “His still in surgery,We hadn’t heard anything “Monica said “We need to say a pray for him”Ned said “I need to go”Genevieve said Skye touch her hands.”Stay I need you here”Skye said as Robin Came by.”How’s my husband “Monica Ask Robin took Monica Hands.”I’m sorry I did everything I could “Robin said as she cried.”I got him back for awhile just to lose him again ‘Monica said and left.

Genevieve went to text Lila Rae as Lorenzo Came by.”We need to talk! I know you have Brenda “Lorenzo Yelled “Yes, I saved her from you! You're not going to kill her! Genevieve yelled 

At Alan room-Alan was in bed when Monica Came by.”We had our ups and down many affairs between both of us but we always loved each other, I’m glad you came back to me, Our Family “Monica said as Skye and AJ and Ned and Emily Came Into The room.

AJ went by Alan bed,” I’m glad we made peace with each other, I’m going to be a father like you, I love you” AJ said “I’m glad after everything that I’m you're daughter, We were lucky to have you back again “Skye said she started to cry.”Dad,I’m going to miss you,We all are,We loved you”Emily said “We were Lucky to have a second chance with you,We know you loved this crazy family “Ned said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit