Friday, April 28, 2017

Family Part 2!

Here what's coming starting on Monday!! 

Family Part 1 ch 91

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was in the sunroom when Emily came in. “We have come along way I was jealous of you and the love you get from the family but we can both have it Skye said “Yes we can ,I wish you beat it just like I did”Emily said “I know but the good thing is I will be with my Lila Rae,,I'm glad we are close now and I need you to watch over my family “Skye said “I will,I’m glad you have you're own family that's all you wanted “Emily said “Yes it is “Skye said Emily left and Skye started to cry as Lorenzo walk in. “Skye “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo I have never regret us and our love for each other and our family I love you and you give me everything I need , I'm glad we found each other “Skye said “I'm glad to that I found love again and it was with you “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo I want you to move on and I don't want you to do anything that could get you killed or go to jail our children need you”Skye said she was close her eyes. “I promise, Now let me move you to the couch “Lorenzo said he help Skye to the couch and Skye lay down. “I'm just going to close my eyes for a minute ‘Skye said she close her eyes and Lorenzo cried and then look at Skye and touch her wrist. “No! Skye don't leave me “Lorenzo said as Alan came in. Alan touch Skye. “Is Skye gone “Lorenzo ask

In the living room-Genevieve was touch Sunday Rose hair. “Mother I'm sorry “Sunday Rose said “Me too, I can't believe my mother is going to die “Genevieve said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 1 ch 90

At Skye/Lorenzo-The sunroom-Skye was sitting in the chair when Genevieve came in. “Genevieve, We have come a long way in our relationship we haven't always got along but I have always loved you since you were a baby and I need you now to be strong when I go”Skye said “I'm glad we put the past behind us mother but I just wish you could beat this, You are the glue that hold us together “Genevieve said “Yes but we can't stop this from killing me”Skye said “I wish we could with all the money we have “Genevieve said “I know,Now promise me you will not fight with you're father “Skye said “I promise ‘Genevieve said as Laurel and John came in and Genevieve left. “John, Laurel I'm sorry that for most of you're life I don't know who you're father really was that I thought it was Jax”Skye said “It wasn't you're fault, We love you Mother we had a great life and childhood “John said “Yes we did , We never wanted for anything “Laurel said “I'm glad to hear that , John be safe “Skye said “I will “John said “Good and both of you fine someone to love”Skye said John and Laurel left as Sunday Rose and Nikolas-Alexander came in. “Grandmother, You can't leave us we all need you in our life “Nikolas-Alexander said “When I was having chemotherapy the another day I fell asleep and I swear I went to Heaven and I saw Bianca she want me to tell you she loves you so much and is proud of you “Skye said “I wish I did know my mother but I'm glad that Genevieve raise me and that you were in my life I love you Grandmother “Nikolas-Alexander said “I love you to and I hope you are happy with Jenny “Skye said “I'm , I'm going to ask her to marry me”Nikolas-Alexander said “That's wonderful, Now Sunday Rose I'm going to leave you the center to run but you have to go back to school “Skye said “I will, I do what my life back”Sunday Rose said “Good, You're not a bad person for giving up A'dora Belle “Skye said “Thanks for helping me this past year , I love you “Sunday Rose said Nikolas-Alexander and Sunday Rose left.

Skye was crying as AJ came in. “Skye “AJ said “I wish I could fight this but I can't promise me to look out for my family and don't drink “Skye said “Skye you can't go”AJ said “I have no choice “Skye said “I'm glad you're my sister, My best friend “AJ said “You're my best friend too”Skye said AJ kiss Skye and he left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 1 ch 89

At Skye/Lorenzo-The sunroom-Skye was sitting in the room when Alan came in. “Skye I wish I could save you “Alan said “We came a long way haven't we Alan”Skye ask “Yes you have changed a lot since you came to town”Alan said “Yes then I was looking for my father and my family and now I have a family of my own, But now I have to say goodbye to them”Skye said “I wish I could save you I don't want to say goodbye to you , I love you “Alan said “I love you too, I need you to watch over my children “Skye said “I will “Alan said “When I had chemotherapy the another day I fell asleep and I swear I went to heaven,Lorenzo doesn't believe me but I saw Lila Rae and Grandmother and Grandfather and Bianca and Alexander they all told me it wasn't my time to fight but I can't “Skye said “I wish you could get a new liver”Alan said “Me too “Skye said as Rae came in, “Mother, I'm glad you're here, We came a lot way in our relationship “Skye said “Yes we have, I love that you're my daughter and I don't want this”Rae said “I know about the pain you're both going to feel their nothing worse then losing a child but this one isn't any of you're fault it's mine”Skye said “Skye, What do you need me to do”Rae ask “Look after my children “Skye said “I will “Rae said as she cried and Monica came in. “Monica, I'm sorry for the past “Skye said ‘We have both let go of the past a long time ago. Skye you have changed into a great mother and wife “Monica said “Thank you deep down that's all I want and Lorenzo has been a great husband.”Skye said as Skylar came in and Alan and Monica and Rae left.

“Skylar I love you so much, You are strong and creative and smart “Skye said “I love you Mother and I don't want to say goodbye “Skylar said “Me either but I have to ,I always want to be a mother and have a daughter just like you “Skye said they share a hug,

In the living room-Genevieve came in with Michael, “Genevieve where did you go “Lorenzo ask “I just need some air that's all”Genevieve said as Skylar came in. “Genevieve mother want to see you “Skylar said Genevieve left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 1 ch 88

At Skye/Lorenzo house-Lorenzo came into the living room to his children. “You're mother want you to talk to each of you at a time, Luis you are first “Lorenzo said “Father is mother saying goodbye “Luis ask “Yes you're mother want to give up and stop chemotherapy but I'm not going to let her. We all need to be strong for you're mother “Lorenzo said “Yes”Luis said and left. Lorenzo went by the bar to pour himself a drink as Skylar came by. “Daddy. Do you want me to make you something to eat “Skylar ask “No thanks, Where did Genevieve go”Lorenzo ask “Genevieve need some air “Skylar said

In the Sunroom-Skye was sitting in a chair when Luis came in. “Mother you want to see me”Luis said “Yes come sit by me”Skye said Luis sit by Skye.”My baby boy I know you were out there somewhere and you're father didn't believe me that we had a son I wish he believed me , We could of save you from all the pain you had to deal with “Skye said ‘Mother I never blame you and Father for what happened to me and it made me stronger “Luis said “Yes you are strong, Luis I'm going to die and I need you to look out for you're father make sure Lorenzo doesn't do anything that will get him killed or in jail “Skye said “I promise to look out for Father, We all are going to be lost without you in our life”Luis said “You can't fall apart you have a little girl who will arrive soon and she needs her Daddy “Skye said “I want to be their for both my daughter's I will be their for Anna when she needs me”Luis said “Just give Anna time she will come around “Skye said “Mother you can't give up, You have to fight this,”Luis said as he started to cry. “I want to but I can't “Skye said

At The Quartermaine hotel-Genevieve was sitting at the bar looking at a drink of wine she ask the bartender for when Michael came by. “Genevieve “Michael said and sit down by Genevieve. “I haven't drink it yet but I want too , Michael mother is giving up she saying goodbye and I can't do that I say goodbye to many times “Genevieve said “We all have too,I wish Skye did get better “Michael said “Growing up everyone thought we were just rich kids with no issues at all, They think our life is so perfect but it's not “Genevieve said “No it's not,Let me walk you home I would like to see Aunt Skye”Michael said “Sure, I don't need the wine”Genevieve said and life with Michael.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 1 ch 87

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo put the paperwork back in the drawer as Genevieve came in with tray of tea and muffin. “I will take this up to mother “Genevieve said “Genevieve were you in my desk”Lorenzo ask “No Daddy “Genevieve said “I hope you're not lying to me “Lorenzo said “Or what”Genevieve ask as Skylar and Laurel and John and Luis came in. “Mother called us to come over “Luis said “Yes, Skye is with Alan and Monica right now, I will go take the tray to you're mother “Lorenzo said he took the tray from Genevieve and went upstairs.

“Genevieve, How is mother “Skylar ask “Last night Mother was all hot ,I think she giving up “Genevieve said “No she not, We are not losing our mother “Luis said “Luis we all have to come to terms with what mother wants “Genevieve said “No we don't,”Luis said

Skye's room-Skye was talking to Alan and Monica. “I don't want to die but it looks like I'm , Before I die I need to make sure my family is taking care of”Skye said “Skye I get that you don't want to do chemotherapy anymore it does a lot to you're body but you can't give up “Monica said “The chemotherapy isn't going to save me I can't get a liver let alone two”Skye said “We are trying to get you on the list”Alan said “But you can't and I have nothing but myself to blame “Skye said as Lorenzo came in with a tray. “Skye the children are here to see you “Lorenzo said “Good, Can you call AJ and mother “Skye ask “Sure”Monica said they left the room. “Skye, Are you giving up “Lorenzo ask “Yes Lorenzo I'm saying goodbye now call the lawyer I need to look at my will”Skye said “Skye I'm not going to let you say goodbye, I'm going to fight for you just like I fight for Genevieve I will not failed you like I did our Lila Rae”Lorenzo said “It's not you're fault about Lila Rae she doesn't blame you “Skye said “Skye you didn't go to heaven “Lorenzo said “Yes I did, Now I would like to sit in the sunroom “Skye said “I will help you “Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 1 ch 86

At General Hospital-Laurel was looking up information on her mother case when Dr. Kelly came by. “Dr. Kelly is their anything you can do to put mother on the top of the donation list for a new liver “Laurel said “I know this is hard for you but we can't just use our powers you're mother is alcoholic I know Skye hasn't drink in years but still “Dr. Kelly said “I just hate this, I'm a doctor and I can't save my own mother “Laurel said “I know it's hard “Dr. Kelly said

At The Quartermaine hotel-Rae was having some coffee when Mary came by. “You look like you need to talk to someone ‘Mary said and sit down. “I do , My daughter Skye is dying and I found information about the another baby she died at birth “Rae said “I'm sorry about both but you can't give up on you're daughter “Mary said “Skye needs two new liver she not going to get them”Rae said “Why not”Mary ask “Skye an alcoholic , She hasn't had a drink in years but she can't get them”Rae said “There has to be something we can do”Mary said “All that's left is for me to say goodbye to my daughter who I lose twice already “Rae said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was in bed on the phone. “I just want to say I love you Jr and I loved being an Chandler”Skye said as Lorenzo and Alan and Monica came in. Skye hang up the phone. “Daddy,Monica it's good to see you both,Lorenzo why don't you get some tea for us”Skye said “Sure”Lorenzo said and left. “Daddy I'm glad you're here I need you both to help my children and husband when I'm gone and AJ too “Skye said “Skye don't give up “Alan said “I don't want chemotherapy anymore it's not helping me it's killing me “Skye said as she cried.

Genevieve was in the living room looking at paperwork from Lorenzo desk when she heard Lorenzo about to come in so she put it away and moved away from the desk. Lorenzo came in. “Is Mother okay”Genevieve ask “Yes she want tea”Lorenzo said “I will tell the maid “Genevieve said she left and Lorenzo went by his desk and open a drawer and saw that some paper were moved.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family part 1 ch 85

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan and Monica were having breakfast with Lorenzo Jr and Skye. “How are you both doing ‘Alan ask “I miss my mother “Lorenzo Jr said “I know and Genevieve is going to try to come see you it's just till you're Grandmother is better that's all”Alan said A’Dora Belle was in her crib crying when Monica came by and pick her up . “We can do something fun today if you want”Alan ask as Emily came in. “Grandmother “Lorenzo Jr said “Lorenzo, Skye I thought today we could go to the new children's museum,”Emily said “Did Mother say it was okay “Lorenzo Jr ask “Yes I just talked to Genevieve and you're grandfather is going to meet us to we are going to have a fun day “Emily said “Is A’Dora Belle coming “Lorenzo Jr ask “No just you and you're sister Skye “Emily said “Doesn't that sound fun”Monica ask “I guess I don't know why mother always make us go to museums “Lorenzo Jr said “Education is important that's why “Alan said “Yes now let's get you both ready “Emily said “Thanks Emily “Alan said Emily and the twin left. “Alan”Monica said “I was up all night trying to look for a donation for Skye and try to move her on the top of the list but I couldn't, We are doctors and rich and yet we cannot save Skye “Alan said Monica hug Alan.,”I'm going to see Skye “Alan said “Do you want me to come with you? Monica ask “Yes”Alan said they left.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was in the living room talking on the phone. “Do you have any information on what we talk about “Lorenzo ask as Genevieve came in. “Get it soon”Lorenzo said and hang up the phone.”Sorry Daddy I just came for some tea”Genevieve said “It's okay, How is you're mother “Lorenzo ask “The nurse is with her”Genevieve said She pour some hot water in her cup and put a teabag in it. “Genevieve I have to ask did you heard anything yesterday when you came to pick up some things for you're mother “Lorenzo ask “Like what . , Are you hiding anything Daddy “Genevieve ask “I have nothing to hide just that I will save you're mother , no matter what it take “Lorenzo said as Alan and Monica came in. “We want to see Skye “Alan said “Sure I will walk you both upstairs “Lorenzo said “Thanks, Genevieve the twins went with Emily “Alan said “Thanks “Genevieve said Lorenzo took Alan and Monica upstairs. Genevieve look at her father desk drawer and try to find something about what Lorenzo was doing.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 1 ch 84

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was sitting up in bed eating strawberry ice cream. Genevieve was in bed having some too. “Mother, Are you feeling better “Genevieve ask “Yes, Thank you baby for taking care of me you had to give up a lot having the youngest children stay at the mansion and putting you're new project on hold “Skye said “Mother it's okay soon you will get better and everything will be ok “Genevieve said “I told you're father this but he didn't believe me but when I was having my chemotherapy today I went to heaven “Skye said “You went to heaven “Genevieve ask “Do you believe me “Skye ask “Yes when I was in my coma I had dreams it was odd and I could heard what you all say to me”Genevieve said “Thanks for believe me, I saw Lila Rae she told me to not give up and I saw Bianca too”Skye said “You did? Is Bianca okay “Genevieve ask as she cried. “Bianca told me to tell you she love you and wants you happy and to thank you for raising her son “Skye said “Who else did you see”Genevieve ask “I saw my grandparents, You're great grandparents and I saw Alexander “Skye said “What did they say? How is Alexander “Genevieve ask “My grandparents told me not to give up that's it's not my time yet and Alexander wants you to move on he loves you, He called you a goddess “Skye said Genevieve cried. “Mother I believe you, That's what he called me in bed, But I can't move on “Genevieve said “Genevieve what about that doctor, Harrison you need to be happy “Skye said “I will when you fight this “Genevieve said as Lorenzo came in. “. Skye. How are you feeling? Why is the air on”Lorenzo ask “I was hot so Genevieve turned it on, Where have you been “Skye ask as Lorenzo came by her bedside. “I just had some things to take care of, Genevieve thanks for taking care of you're mother “Lorenzo said “Yes I'm feeling better “Skye said “Good, I'm going to call the children then go to bed”Genevieve said she got out of bed. “Thanks you Genevieve the ice cream was a great idea “Skye said “You're welcome, Goodnight mother and Daddy “Genevieve said “Goodnight princess “Lorenzo said “Goodnight “Skye said Genevieve left.

Lorenzo change into his pj and went into bed with Skye. Skye touch his face. “Lorenzo you and the children need to deal with the fact that I'm dying. I need you all to accept that I don't want anymore chemotherapy “Skye said “No Skye you can't give up you need to fight this I promise you that I will fine you a liver I will do anything for you Skye you have to fight this”Lorenzo said “How will you find me a liver”Skye ask “Just remember you married a man who has a lot of power and will do anything for you “Lorenzo said “Don't kill anyone for me”Skye said “I promise you I will not ,Now let's go to sleep “Lorenzo said

In Genevieve room-Genevieve was on the phone with Lorenzo Jr. “I love you so much I will come over tomorrow I promise you soon you and you're sister will come back you're grandmother will be better soon “Genevieve said she hang up the phone.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 1 ch 83

At Skye/Lorenzo-Genevieve was looking at a picture on the fireplace with her and Skye went Lorenzo came in. “Genevieve “Lorenzo said Genevieve turn around and look at Lorenzo. “We are losing Mother, Aren't we Daddy “Genevieve ask Lorenzo went by Genevieve and wipe her tears. “We are not giving up on you're mother and we are not to lose her I saved you and I will save you're mother , We need to be strong for you're mother “Lorenzo said “I'm sorry “Genevieve said “I know you're scare but you're mother can not see you like this “Lorenzo said “I'm going to wash my face “Genevieve said she went into the guest bathroom and close the door and wash her face.

Lorenzo pour himself a drink of brandy as his phone rang. “Lorenzo Alcazar,That's perfect “Lorenzo said as Genevieve came in. “I'm on my way “Lorenzo said and hang up the phone. “Genevieve I have to go out”Lorenzo said “Daddy, Don't do anything that can get you killed or shot not now”Genevieve said “I will be safe now watching you're mother “Lorenzo said and left.

At Skye's room-Skye was lying in bed and hot when Genevieve came in. “Mother”Genevieve said she felt Skye who was burn up. “Mother. wake up,”Genevieve said Skye wake up. “Genevieve, I'm hot”Skye said “I know , Sure I take you back to the hospital? Daddy left”Genevieve ask “No Hospital “Skye said “Let's take you're clothes off “Genevieve said she help Skye take off her dress. “I will turn the air conditioner on too”Genevieve said she turn the air on. “Where did Lorenzo go”Skye ask “I don't know “Genevieve ask “Lorenzo hate losing control and Lorenzo want to control this but he can't and Lorenzo can't save me we all need to face it that I'm dying “Skye said “No you're not, Now I will get you some ice cream, Are you feeling better “Genevieve ask “Yes”Skye said “Good, I will get you some strawberry ice cream “Genevieve said and left. Skye wish that her family would come to terms that she was dying.

At a warehouse-Lorenzo was their talking to Paul. “Why I'm here”Paul ask “I will back you're champagne I want you as mayor of this town and you will help me by looking the other way “Lorenzo said “You want to help me”Paul ask “Yes Alexis can't be mayor “Lorenzo said “You have a deal”Paul said and they shake hands.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 1 ch 82

At General Hospital-Skye's room-Lorenzo was helping Skye get into the wheelchair when Tracy came in. “I need to talk to you Skye “Tracy said “Get out, I will not have you upset my wife “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo it's okay,Now go get the car”Skye said Lorenzo left. “Well I beat you're happy you finally got rid of me, I'm dying “Skye said “We disagree in the past and have blackmail each other but I never wanted this ,Now you can't give up you have to fight this , You are a fighter and after all these years you are a Quartermaine I was wrong about that “Tracy said “You switched the DNA test, I just don't get why you are being so nice to me”Skye said “When you were kidnapped and we thought you were dead it killed Alan and I will not let that happened to my brother again “Tracy said as Genevieve came in. “Mother, Daddy waiting for us”Genevieve said “Thanks Tracy, “Skye said Genevieve push her mother wheelchair.

Alan was in his office looking at his computer about finding a donor for Skye when Tracy came in. “You look worrying “Tracy said “I'm losing my daughter Skye is going to die their no way we will fine two livers for Skye, I feel so helpless “Alan said “We are going to use our power and money and get Skye on the top of the list “Tracy said “Why are you helping me, You hate Skye “Alan ask “Skye hasn't always been my favorite person but she is a Quartermaine and Daddy would want us to help Skye. We Quartermaine stick together “Tracy said “Yes we do “Alan said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve came in. “Mother,Where do you want to sit “Genevieve ask “I want to go upstairs in my room “Skye said Lorenzo help Skye upstairs and Genevieve went with them. Lorenzo put Skye in the bed, “Mother, Do you want some tea”Genevieve ask “No I just want to sleep “Skye said “We will let you rest”Lorenzo said he kiss Skye on the lips and Genevieve and Lorenzo left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 1 ch 81

At General Hospital-Skye's room-Skye was lying in bed talking to Skylar when Genevieve and Lorenzo came in. “Mother, I brought you all the things you ask for “Genevieve said “Thanks “Skye said Genevieve help Skye put on the robe. “I have to check on things at the gallery “Skylar said “Go, Skylar please listen to what we were talking about “Skye said “I will , Call me if you need me “Skylar said she left . Lorenzo went by Skye's. “What did you and Skylar talk about “Lorenzo ask “Skylar still in love with Carman”Skye said “Yes she is”Genevieve said “So what did you do today “Skye ask “I went to the hotel and I had breakfast with Harrison Karenin, Lydia cousin “Genevieve said “Really, How did you even meet him”Lorenzo ask “It was an accident when I went into the hotel lobby my shoes broke and Harrison caught me as I was about to fall”Genevieve said “Do you like him”Skye ask “Breakfast was nice , Harrison is a gentleman “Genevieve said “And a doctor “Skye said “Yes and then we went to the mansion and I spent the day with the children “Genevieve said “I'm sorry you had to sent them away “Skye said “Mother it's not you're fault “Genevieve said “No”Lorenzo said “Genevieve, Can you get me some water “Skye ask “Sure”Genevieve said and left. “Skye, Are you okay, Do you need any doctor “Lorenzo ask as Dr. Kelly came in. “So Dr Kelly, What is it”Skye ask “Both you're liver are damage, You need to have two new transplant “Dr. Kelly said “What are my chances of even getting two? I'm a alcoholic “Skye said “You're an former alcoholic you haven't had a drink in ages “Lorenzo said “True but it's going to be hard to get one let alone two”Dr. Kelly said “I'm dying “Skye ask “Don't say that “Lorenzo said “We are going to try to get you the livers and we are going to double the chemotherapy “Dr. Kelly said “Can I get out of here”Skye said “Yes you can go home today if you feel bad came in right away “Dr. Kelly said “My wife will “Lorenzo said Dr. Kelly left. “Lorenzo, We need to talk you need to accept that I'm dying “Skye said “You're not dying, Skye you can't give up we need you “Lorenzo said “Alright “Skye lied . Lorenzo kiss Skye on the forehead. “Let's get you dress “Lorenzo said

In the Hallway-Genevieve was worrying about Skye when Tracy came by, “Genevieve ,You look worrying “Tracy said “It's mother I think she giving up “Genevieve said “I will not let her “Tracy said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 1 ch 80

At General Hospital-Skye's room-Skye was lying in bed and in her room was Skylar and Genevieve and Laurel. “All my girls, Well most anyway now I know you all love me and want to take care of me but the doctor will here, Now Laurel you go home and get some rest and Genevieve I need you to pick up a few things like the robe you brought me and a book and my makeup bag and Skylar you stay with me “Skye said “Give ordered to me while you're sick “Genevieve said “Yes I'm you're mother “Skye said “I'm kind of tired anyway “Laurel said “You sure not be working while you're pregnant “Skye said “I'm find so far , I will be back mother you just rest”Laurel said she kiss Skye on the cheek and left.”I will be back , Do you need anything “Genevieve ask “No”Skye said Genevieve left. “Now that we are alone we can talk. So are you going to tell the man that you love you want him back “Skye said “I hurt Carman “Skylar said “Love can forgive anything “Skye said “Mother, Are you giving up”Skylar said she took her mother's hand. “I want to fight this but if I can't I want to make sure everyone is taking care of”Skye said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was in the living room talking to a man. “My wife needs a liver two of them and you are going to help me get them”Lorenzo said as Genevieve came into the house and in the hall and saw her father talking. “What are you planning “The man ask “I want you to find a liver on the black market I will break the law for my wife “Lorenzo said “Yes sir”The man said Genevieve was in shock by it and went upstairs. “I hope I can trust you to keep quiet about this”Lorenzo said “You can trust me”The man said “Good, I will let you out”Lorenzo said they went by the door as Genevieve came down the stairs. “Genevieve, I didn't know you were here”Lorenzo said as the man left. Genevieve came down the stairs, “Mother need some things “Genevieve said she went into the living room and pour herself some water. “Genevieve, How long have you been home “Lorenzo ask he was worrying about if Genevieve heard him talking. “Not long,I just went upstairs right away “Genevieve said “Genevieve, You know I will do anything for you're mother just like I did for you”Lorenzo said “I know Daddy “Genevieve said “Good, Did you take you're pills “Lorenzo ask “Yes the nurse just give them to me when I was upstairs “Genevieve said “Good,Let's go to see you're mother “Lorenzo said they left.

At General Hospital-Harrison was working when Tracy came by, “Dr. Karenin “Tracy said “Tracy, What kind I do for you”Harrison ask “I want to know if you have any feeling towards Genevieve “Tracy said “Genevieve and I hardly know each other “Harrison said “Well I hope that changes you and Genevieve would be wonderful together “Tracy said as Lorenzo and Genevieve came by. “Genevieve “Harrison said “Dr. Harrison Karenin, I want you to meet my father Lorenzo Alcazar “Genevieve said “Nice to meet you “Harrison said “You too, We sure go see Skye “Lorenzo said “If you need anything “Tracy said Lorenzo and Genevieve left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family Part 1 ch 79

At General Hospital-Skye's room-Skye was lying in bed sleeping and Lorenzo was holding her hand . “I will not lose you Skye “Lorenzo said as Skye wake up. “Hey, How are you feeling “Lorenzo ask “Tired, What is going on”Skye ask “You're liver isn't doing good but I not going to let you die I love you Skye and I will make sure you beat this”Lorenzo said “I know I will,Lorenzo I know you don't want to failed me”Skye said “No I failed our Lila Rae and I'm not going to fail you”Lorenzo said Skye touch Lorenzo face. “You didn't fail our Lila Rae, She told me to tell you that when I saw her today “Skye said “Oh”Lorenzo said “You don't believe me do you”Skye ask “It's just hard to believe that's all”Lorenzo said as Rae and Alan came in. “Mother, Daddy”Skye said “How are you feeling “Alan ask “Tired, Today when I was having chemotherapy I fell asleep and I went to heaven and I saw Lila Rae and Grandfather and Grandmother and Alexander and Bianca they all told me it wasn't my time , Lorenzo doesn't believe me”Skye said “I believe you “Rae said “Alright Skye I believe you”Lorenzo said “Thanks”Skye said she was getting tired. “Skye why don't you rest”Lorenzo ask “Yes we will come back later”Alan said “Okay”Skye said She close her eyes and went to sleep and Alan and Lorenzo and Rae left.

Alan and Rae and Lorenzo went into the hallway. “You don't believe that Skye went to heaven do you”Lorenzo ask “Something treatment do that they make you believe in things that are not their “Alan said “What else is going to happen to my wife “Lorenzo ask “Skye going to lose her hair soon and She going to be very tired and not keep food down”Alan said “We will be here for you and Skye we can take turns on the care”Rae said “Thanks I have a nurse coming soon as Skye gets out”Lorenzo said “Good”Rae said

Skylar was in the hallway when Harrison came by. “Genevieve “Harrison said “Oh no I'm Skylar, Genevieve twin”Skylar said “Oh I didn't know Genevieve had a twin sister, I'm sorry “Harrison said “It's okay so how do you know my sister “Skylar ask as Genevieve came in. “Harrison, Skylar “Genevieve said “Genevieve you didn't tell me you had a twin “Harrison said “I'm sorry “Genevieve said “It's ok how is you're mother “Harrison ask “Not good,”Genevieve said “I'm sorry I have to go”Harrison said he left. “Genevieve. Are you dating him”Skylar ask “No we just meet and had breakfast today , His a doctor and is Aunt Lydia cousin “Genevieve said “A doctor, Genevieve I know you loved Alexander but maybe it's time to move on, I want you happy “Skylar said “I want you happy to . Skylar does Aidan make you happy “Genevieve ask “Mother ask me the same thing today,”Skylar said “I love you sister but you were so happy with Cameron “Genevieve said as Lorenzo came by. “Skylar, Genevieve I'm going to check on something can you keep an eye on you're mother, She resting right now”Lorenzo said “Yes Daddy”Skylar said “Yes”Genevieve said Lorenzo left. “Daddy, Well be so lost if mother doesn't make it”Genevieve said “Mother is going to make it “Skylar said

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At General Hospital-Lorenzo was waiting on news about Skye with Skylar and Laurel and Genevieve and Luis and John. “Daddy have you had anything to eat”Skylar ask “I'm find “Lorenzo said as Rae and Alan and Monica and AJ and Sunday Rose came in. “Thanks everyone for supporting Skye “Lorenzo said “We love her too and we are here for both of you “Alan said “I will be right back “Lorenzo said and left. “Daddy falling apart “Genevieve said “Lorenzo just worrying that's all”Rae said

In the church-Lorenzo came in and light a candle . “Lila Rae you're mother claims that she saw you in heaven but I know it was just a dream your mother and I miss you so much I failed you and I will not fail you're mother I promise you that I love you Lila Rae my baby girl “Lorenzo said he left.

At The Hallway-Alan and Monica we're talking, “Alan”Monica said “I'm worrying about Skye “Alan said as Lorenzo came back in and Dr.Kelly . “What did the test say “Lorenzo ask “The cancer has spread to the another liver and Skye needs a transplant as soon as possible “Dr Kelly said “Is my mother dying “Genevieve ask “No , Genevieve you're mother is not going to die”Lorenzo said as he look at Genevieve. “Yes Daddy “Genevieve said “I need you all not to give up on Skye she going to fight this we can't give up , Skye always been their for us”Lorenzo said “Yes Daddy”Skylar said Lorenzo left.

Skye's room-Skye was in bed sleeping as Lorenzo came in and took Skye hand. “You are the love of my life and I'm not losing you Skye “Lorenzo said

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At The Quartermaine crypt-Lila Rae grave-Genevieve was there. “Lila Rae I need you to help mother we can't lose her you can't have her yet, You have my daughter and Alexander you always like him now you can't take mother too “Genevieve said she touch Lila Rae grave. “I do love you , You're my sister , I have a confession to make,Sunday Rose reminds me of you she always seen the best in people and want to work with mother at the center, I’m going to make sure mother make it I need a change with her”Genevieve said and left.

At Kelly's -Kylie was having lunch when Sunday Rose came in. “Sunday Rose, Would you like to join me”Kylie ask “Sure”Sunday Rose said she sit down. “So are you like this town”Sunday Rose ask “Yes, I'm just going to get what is mine, I heard you're a Cassadine “Kylie said “Yes I'm why”Sunday Rose ask “My mother and I were kidnapped by Helena Cassadine “Kylie said “I'm sorry I never meet my great grandmother I'm not like her “Sunday Rose said “I believe you”Kylie said “Good”Sunday Rose said

At General Hospital-Dr. Kelly was examination Skye and Lorenzo was holding her hand. “I would like to do another Cat stand so I can see if some of the cancer is gone “Dr. Kelly said “Today “Skye ask “Yes”Dr. Kelly said “Sound like a plan “Lorenzo said “Alright “Skye said Dr, Kelly help Skye into the wheelchair and they left . Lorenzo put his hands on the bed he was worrying about Skye when Genevieve came in. “Daddy is it mother “Genevieve ask as she was about to cry thinking Skye was dead. Lorenzo went by Genevieve. “You're mother is getting some test done “Lorenzo said “Oh I thought she was “Genevieve said “No you're mother is going to beat this”Lorenzo said “Yes, Daddy do you want some food”Genevieve ask “No let's go wait in the hallway for you're mother “Lorenzo said they went into the hallway.

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“ Skye goes to heaven “
At General Hospital-Skye was sitting in a chair getting chemotherapy and take a nap as Lorenzo was by her side. Skye was dreaming about heaven. “I'm dead”Skye ask as Lila Rae came by. “Lila Rae,,You're here, Does that mean I'm dead”Skye ask “Mother I'm glad you're here let me show you around, I miss you and Daddy and Raelyn, Tell everyone I loved them and tell Daddy that it's not his fault he did not failed me“Lila Rae said she took her mother hand and they went to another spot as Lila Quartermaine was by. “Grandmother, I miss you so much , I'm glad you meet my Lila Rae she just like you”Skye said “You are not a bad person Skye I been watching you and you are a wonderful mother and wife “Lila said “I love my family I want to fight this but I guess I didn't “Skye said as Bianca came by. “Bianca , You're mother missing you so much and Nikolas-Alexander “Skye said “I miss them too ,My sweet boy is now a man, But Grandmother it's not you're time yet ,Papa needs you and my mother “Bianca said “You're mother been thought a lot this year “Skye said “I know , Now go back and tell mother I love her she never failed me “Bianca said she left as Alexander came by. “Skye it's too soon for you to be here”Alexander said “It's too soon for you and Lila Rae and Bianca “Skye said “Yes but it's not you're time, Tell Genevieve I want her to move on and I forgive her my goddess “Alexander said he left as Edward came by. “Skye you're a lot of things a great businesswoman and fighter and one thing you're not is a quitter you're a Quartermaine! We don't quite “Edward said “It's just so peaceful here and my Lila Rae is here Skye said “It's time for her to be with me and you're time to go back “Edward said

In the room-Skye was sitting on her chair sleeping and Lorenzo was trying to wake her up.”Skye “Lorenzo said Skye wake up. “Skye , Are you okay you were dreaming “Lorenzo said “I saw Lila Rae and Bianca and Grandmother and Grandfather and Alexander “Skye said “Skye “Lorenzo said “No I went to heaven I had to pick stay there or come back “Skye said “Skye it must of been a dream “Lorenzo said as Dr. Kelly came in. “Skye I want to take you to a room and look at you and talk to you”Dr Kelly said Lorenzo help Skye into a wheelchair.

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At Kelly's-Laurel and Skylar were having lunch together. “Laurel I'm worrying about mother and I think mother is scared too”Skylar said “I'm scared too as a doctor I know it's not going to be good but I'm also a daughter, I don't want to lose mother “Laurel said “I'm worrying about Daddy too , He try to hold it all together “Skylar said “Yes he does,I have a feeling Daddy will use all his powers to save mother “Laurel said “I'm sure he will”Skylar said

At Lila Rae center-Sunday Rose was working at the center when Genevieve came in pushing the children in the stroller. “Mother,What are you doing here”Sunday Rose ask “I want to see how you are doing “Genevieve ask “I'm doing good I just had to fix a problem, Mother I like working here”Sunday Rose said “I know , You can work here till mother is better then you're going back to school “Genevieve said “Yes Mother “Sunday Rose said as Emily came by. “Genevieve, Sunday Rose I'm here to volunteer “Emily said “Thanks Grandmother “Sunday Rose said “How is Skye “Emily ask “I'm not sure I have the day off”Genevieve said “That's good, Genevieve , Skye will beat it”Emily said “I hope so”Genevieve said

On the Docks-Rae was sitting down and crying when Monica came by and sit down and took Rae hand. “Skye “Monica ask “Yes I saw Skye today she so scared, It was hard to be strong for her”Rae said “I'm sure but you're her mother and you have to be strong for her ,You can lean on me”Monica said “Thanks “Rae said “Skye is a fighter she always has been “Monica said “Yes she is”Rae said

At General Hospital- A room-Skye was sitting on a chair getting chemotherapy when Lorenzo was by her side holding her hand. “Lorenzo I need to look over my will “Skye said “No you don't , Just rest Skye “Lorenzo said Skye close her eyes.

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At The Quartermaine mansion-Genevieve and Harrison came in. “Alice, Grandfather, Grandmother, Aunt Tracy “Genevieve said as she and Harrison came in young Skye and Lorenzo Jr were in the den and Tracy was holding A'dora Belle. “Mother “Lorenzo Jr said as he ran into his mother's arms, “Lorenzo Jr I miss you too, I want you to meet a friend this is Dr. Harrison Karenin , Harrison this is my son Lorenzo Jr and my daughter Skye they are named after my parents and this is A'dora Belle “Genevieve said as she took her from Tracy. “Nice to meet you both “Harrison said “This is Tracy Quartermaine,”Genevieve said “So are you related to Lydia “Tracy ask “She my cousin “Harrison said “Harrison is going to work at the hospital “Genevieve said “Well if you need anything let us know, Our family owns the hospital and Alan and Monica are doctor there”Tracy said “I have heard of them”Harrison said “My sister Laurel is a doctor there too “Genevieve said “Genevieve it was nice having breakfast with you I sure go”Harrison said “Yes it was nice”Genevieve said “Nice to meet you all”Harrison said and left. “Harrison is handsome and a doctor, Oh Genevieve you sure date him”Tracy said “Aunt Tracy l love my husband “Genevieve said “Yes but his gone, Harrison is a doctor he could take care of you and you will finally be free of you're father “Tracy said “Daddy and I made a deal he will let me go back home when mother is better and just be my medicine guardian that's it”Genevieve said “Yes . But you need a man in you're life besides you're father, Now you haven't sign anything yet”Tracy ask “No”Genevieve said as Paul came in.”Tracy, Genevieve it's good to see you I hope you vote for me”Paul said “She will “Tracy said they share a kiss. “It depends if you will go after my father “Genevieve said “It depends if Lorenzo stay clean “Paul said as Jack Kennedy came in.”Jack , Why you are here”Genevieve ask “I'm here to meet Paul, It's good to see you Genevieve we could of been a powerful couple in town”Jack said “You're going to be Paul running mate “Genevieve ask “Yes he is, We sure go”Paul said and he left with Jack. ‘Oh Genevieve you could of dating a Kennedy it's time to get you're life back too “Tracy said “I'm going to get a new pair of shoes from my room then take my children out, Thank you for watching them”Genevieve said “I want Skye to get better and she will “Tracy said Genevieve left.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was in her room and sitting at her make up table and brush her hair as some came out for the first time and Skye holding a piece of her hair in her hands as Lorenzo came in and look at Skye. “I'm losing my hair “Skye said Lorenzo knee down to look at Skye. “Skye I love you I don't care about you're hair”Lorenzo said “I know but looks are important to me”Skye said “We will buy you wigs any you want, Now we need to go to you're chemotherapy treatment “Lorenzo said he help Skye up. “Lorenzo thank you for supporting me”Skye said “In sickness and health that what our vows say”Lorenzo said They share a kiss. “Is Genevieve back yet”Skye ask “No I hope she okay Lorenzo said “I'm sure she is , Genevieve just want to be with her children “Skye said

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At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye had just wake up from her nap as Skylar came in and look at her mother she was so scared about losing her mother, “Skylar come in”Skye said Skylar came in.”Daddy say you were sleeping ‘Skylar said “Yes I had a nice visit with AJ and Lydia. It just made me tired “Skye said “Do you need anything “Skylar ask “No, Skylar my daughter the creative one, Are you happy with Aiden”Skye ask “Yes Mother, I'm “Skylar said “I know love can be scary but follow you're heart “Skye said “I will, Mother you're not giving up are you “Skylar ask as Alan and Rae came in. “Skye , Skylar how are things “Alan ask “Good I been resting later today I have more chemotherapy “Skye said Rae sit by Skye. “Do you need anything? Maybe some tea? Rae ask “No Thanks, Mother are you okay “Skye ask “Yes I just want to take care of you”Rae said and hug Skye,

Alan went to see Lorenzo who had just finished a phone called. “Alan, Skye is in the sunroom”Lorenzo said “Yes Rae and Skylar are with Skye, Lorenzo how are you? You are going through this too”Alan ask he touch Lorenzo shoulder. “Alan I'm scared that Skye will not beat this and I will lose my wife and Skye scare too , So I have to be strong for my wife and children “Lorenzo said “You're not alone in this. I been on the phone about getting Skye a liver she is not going to die “Alan said “I hope you're right, Alan I will break the law for my wife if I have too”Lorenzo said “On this I have you're back”Alan said

In the Sunroom-Skye and Rae we're talking alone. “Mother , I'm scared “Skye said “You're not alone in this we all want you to get better “Rae said “I'm going to lose my hair soon, Last night I made love to Lorenzo I felt like my old self without cancer it maybe the last time I ever make love to my husband in a long time “Skye said “Lorenzo love you and he will stay by you no matter what “Rae said

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At The Quartermaine hotel-Genevieve and Harrison were having breakfast. “Are you married “Genevieve ask “No”Harrison said “Never “Genevieve ask “No I always put work first but I do want a family, Do you have children “Harrison ask “Yes Five, My youngest are staying at my family mansion for now I was on my way to see them but I came in here for some breakfast “Genevieve said “Why are they staying at you're family house “Harrison ask “I'm staying with my parents, My mother is sick and need me, My mother has cancer “Genevieve said “I'm sorry, What kind of cancer “Harrison ask “Liver cancer, I have a question for you “Genevieve said “Sure”Harrison ask “My mother was a alcoholic can she get a new liver”Genevieve ask “How long has it been since she drink”Harrison ask “I think it's been a long time”Genevieve said “It depends on that “Harrison said “I was wondering about that , My father is a powerful man and will do anything for my mother “Genevieve said “What does you're father do”Harrison ask “Daddy an international salesman “Genevieve said “I'm sure you're father just love you're mother and will try to save you're mother “Harrison said “When I was in a coma, Daddy found this doctor who had a drug that could help me but it wasn't approved by the FDA so Daddy took me all the way to London to get it, That's how far my father will go for someone he loves “Genevieve said “Sound serious “Harrison said the waitress came by. “Are you done “The waitress ask “Yes put it on the tap and a tip for yourself “Genevieve said “Thanks Mrs. Cassadine “The waitress said she left . “Thank you for breakfast “Harrison said “It was nice it's been awhile since my husband died that I talk to another man”Genevieve said “It was nice, I'm glad I made another friend “Harrison said “I sure go see my children, Do you want to walk me to the mansion “Genevieve ask “Sure”Harrison said they left.

At General Hospital-Alan office-Alan and Rae were in the office. “Felicia found out something about our child, The baby died”Rae said she show Alan the death certificate, “No I'm sorry “Alan said “Me too, I'm sorry I even look into this “Rae said “Let's go check on Skye “Alan said “Yes”Rae said and they left.

In Llanview-Blair was looking at her mother’ s belongs , Addie just passed away and Blair was going through her things and pull out a box it had a old love letter in it say “Love A” the envelope return address was markers Port Charles. “Is this my Father “Blair ask herself.

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At Skye/Lorenzo the next day-Skye was all dress for the day sitting in her sunroom when Genevieve came in all dress too.”Mother, Do you need anything “Genevieve ask “No , Lydia and AJ are on their way over, Why don't you take a break “Skye ask “Are you sure”Genevieve ask “Yes, Go see you're babies I know you miss them”Skye said “Yes I do, Call me if you need me “Genevieve said “I will, Did you take you're pills”Skye ask “Yes”Genevieve said and kiss her mother and left. Skye touch her hair as some came out. “Soon I will lose all of it “Skye said as Lydia came in. “Skye. AJ will be here soon “Lydia said “Good, Do you want anything “Skye ask “I'm find for now”Lydia said she sit down. “Anything new going on? I need some good gossip “Skye said “My cousin Harrison is in town his a doctor and going to work at General Hospital,”Lydia said “Really? How old is he”Skye ask “His Genevieve age and his single I think he would be perfect for her”Lydia said “A Doctor would be,,Genevieve does need to fine love, Where is he staying “Skye ask “At the hotel”Lydia said Skye pick up her phone and called Genevieve. “Genevieve, I'm fine you sure go have breakfast before you see the children “Skye said and hang up the phone. “Skye”Lydia said she could tell Skye was worrying about something. “I want to fight this but if I don't I need to make sure my family is okay”Skye said “You're family will be fine and you're going to beat this”Lydia said “I hope so”Skye said as AJ came in holding a bag. “I have some herbal tea and muffins for you Skye, You look good”AJ said “I'm, Luis brought over some brownies last night they were so good “Skye said “You had pot”AJ ask “Yes and it help after chemotherapy I need to get more of it”Skye said AJ sit down by Skye. “You're going to beat this! “AJ said “I hope you're right “Skye said “My sister is a fighter “AJ said as Lorenzo came in, “AJ right”Lorenzo said and kiss Skye on her lips. “Let's have breakfast “AJ said “Where Genevieve “Lorenzo ask “Genevieve went to see the children, She took her pills “Skye said “Good”Lorenzo said Lorenzo sit by Skye and had breakfast with his wife and brother in law.

At The Quartermaine hotel-Harrison was in the lobby looking at his phone when Genevieve walk in and her heel broke and Genevieve almost fell as Harrison came by and caught her. “Thank you”Genevieve said Genevieve pull of her shoe. “My heel broke “Genevieve said “Yea it looks like it “Harrison said “Thank you for saving me, Let me buy you breakfast it's on the house actually my uncle own this hotel”Genevieve said “AJ you're uncle “Harrison ask “Yes you know my uncle “Genevieve ask “Yes , Lydia is my cousin, My name is Dr. Harrison Karenin “He said “Genevieve Quartermaine Alcazar Cassadine “She said Harrison saw her wedding ring, “Are you married “Harrison ask “Widow “Genevieve said “My condolences to you “Harrison said “Thank you,Let's have breakfast “Genevieve said Harrison and Genevieve went to a table and a waitress came by. “What kind I get you to drink”The waitress ask “Coffee please”Genevieve said “Same”Harrison said the waitress left. “So how did you're husband pass”Harrison ask “Alexander was murdered “Genevieve said “I'm sorry “Harrison said the waitress came back with the coffee and took their order and left. “Thank you, Anyway What kind of doctor are you “Genevieve ask “I'm a specialist in chemical poisoning “Harrison said “Really? Did Aunt Lydia tell you about me “Genevieve ask “No , About what “Harrison ask “I was poisoned and it put me in a coma and left me with some issues and just realized my ex nurse poisoned me with mercury “Genevieve said “I'm sorry, I would be happy to look at you're case,”Harrison said “I would like that “Genevieve said the waitress came by and give them their food.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo were having breakfast with AJ and Lydia. “How are the children “Skye ask “Good , It's quiet here”AJ said “The children are staying at the mansion, Look just because I have cancer doesn't mean you have to tip down around me, Now how is ELQ”Skye ask “It's going great, Michael stole a deal from the Cassadine,Nikolas-Alexander isn't going to be happy about it”AJ said “It's just business “Lorenzo said “Yes it is “Skye said “Yes. Nikolas-Alexander is a great businessman though just like Alexander was”AJ said “Genevieve would be happy about that but she worries that he will be over his head”Skye said “He will be fine his strong like his great grandmother “AJ said and got up and kiss Skye on the cheek. Skye was getting tired. “We should go I will check on you later “AJ said “I'm getting tired, Thanks for coming both of you “Skye said AJ and Lydia left, “Skye “Lorenzo said “I want to take a nap right here”Skye said “Sure”Lorenzo said He cover Skye with a blanket and kiss her on the forehead and left,

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At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Laurel were sitting down on the couch. “Mother, Do you need anything “Laurel ask “No, I feel so good “Skye said “I heard about the pot I know it well help you feel better, I told Daddy I think you should get some “Laurel said as Genevieve came in. “Mother, Laurel what is going on”Genevieve ask “We are just waiting for Lorenzo, He went to get us some food “Skye said “Oh, Why are you down here”Genevieve ask “I don't want to eat in bed and I need to get out of bed”Skye said Genevieve sit down.”Oh, How are you Laurel “Genevieve ask “Good, We found out the baby is a girl “Laurel said “That's great I miss being pregnant, Do you have any cravings “Genevieve ask “Not yet “Laurel ask “Oh I craving chocolate so bad with Sunday Rose and the twins pickle”Genevieve said

At The Quartermaine hotel -Lorenzo was waiting for the food to be done when AJ came out. “Lorenzo, How is Skye “AJ ask “Skye feeling better Luis brought her some pot”Lorenzo said “Good, I will go visit her tomorrow if that's okay “AJ ask “Of course anytime “Lorenzo said “If you need anything call me”AJ said The waitress came and give Lorenzo his food and Lorenzo pay for it and left.

At Rae/Rick Rae was talking to Felicia who came over. “Any news “Rae ask “I have news . Rae I'm sorry but the baby died, I found the death certificate “Felicia said she give it to Rae who took it and cried. “I'm sorry “Felicia said “Let me write you a check “Rae said “This is on the house, I'm sorry “Felicia said “Thank you”Rae said Felicia left and Rae cried for the baby she would never meet.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we're upstairs in bed and holding each other. “Skye you have to fight this”Lorenzo said “I will “Skye said Lorenzo kiss Skye on the lip. “We can make love still I'm not to sick for it”Skye said “Are you sure”Lorenzo ask “Yes”Skye said they made love.

Copyright by Skye's the limit