Thursday, February 25, 2016

Forever and For always part 2 ch 32 (Skyelo)~ “Mother/Sons”

At The Quartermaine~Alan came in with Luis Jr who was in his wheelchair. “I want you to be comfortable here”Alan said “Thanks Grandfather”Luis said “You're welcome”Alan said as Skye came in. “What is going on, I heard from the nurse that you were discharged”Skye said “Yes Mother, I want to stay here”Luis said “You can stay at home with you're father and I”Skye said “No Mother, Not till father accept all of me,”Luis said “Just give you're father time, Lorenzo love you”Skye said “I know Mother”Luis said “I will take care of Luis here”Alan said “You have to have therapy”Skye said “I will make sure he does”Alan said Luis went by the bar and try to pour himself some water and he slip it, “Damn it”Luis yelled “Luis, It’s okay ’Skye said she went by him. “No it’s not, I sure be able to take care of myself”Luis said “You will”Alan said as Alice came in with a man. “Dr Quartermaine, Mr. Luis, Mrs.Skye this is a nurse for Luis”Alice said “A male nurse”Skye ask she wasn’t happy about this. “Yes, Mama my name is Sam”The man said “Who’s idea was this”Skye ask “My idea”Alan said “Nice to meet you, I’m Luis”He said “Daddy, I need to talk to you”Skye said Alan and Skye went to talk.

“Daddy, Why would you hire a male nurse for my son who is gay”Skye ask “Sam is a great nurse for patients who are paralyzed, That’s why I hire him not become he is a man”Alan said “Oh”Skye said “Skye, Are you okay with this, Luis being gay”Alan ask “I love my son, But I didn’t realize how hard this is for me too”Skye said “Do you want you're son happy”Alan ask “Yes”Skye said “Then let Luis stay here for a while , I promise to take care of him and you can see him, You and the twins can move in here to”Alan said “No my home is with Lorenzo”Skye said “Skye, I worry about you”Alan said “I worry about myself too”Skye said

“So you're a nurse”Luis said “Yes, I have work with many patients who are paralyzed by a gunshot I want to help you”Sam said “I’m sorry about my mother”Luis said “It’s okay”Sam said as Alan and Skye came by, “I’m sorry, If you want to help my son you can, I just want the best for my son”Skye said “I understand”Sam said “Good, Alice can show you a room”Skye said “Yes”Alan said Alice and Sam left.

“Luis right now you need to force on you're health not you're love life, You're father will come around he love you”Skye said “I love you too Mother, I will work on getting my life back”Luis said “Good”Skye said she kiss her son on the cheek and left. “You're mother love you”Alan said “I know, Mother is the glue that whole are family together”Luis said “Yes she is”Alan said “Thanks Grandfather for everything”Luis said

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