Friday, February 26, 2016

The one and Only part 1 ch 8~

 At London~Skye house~Jax was over. “Jax , Have a set” Skye motioned towards the easy chair that dominated the room .” “That night we share in Spain was wonderful, I was in love with you then and I was hope you would pick me over Carly but I was wrong. “ Skye said taking a seat on the couch and facing him “But once again you picked another woman over me so I moved back to London with my daughter and my mother. In a few weeks later I wasn’t feeling good so I went to the doctor, I found out I was pregnant with your child”Skye said “Oh my god”Jax looked stunned “It was a miracle that I had Lila Rae and so when the doctor told me I was pregnant again I was scared and didn’t know what to do, But I took care of the baby that was growing inside of me...I ate properly, I exercised . But despite everything I did at four months along I wasn’t feeling well so I went to the doctor . She told me there was a very good chance I could lose our son ”Skye said as tears slipped down her face. “Oh Skye”Jax said as he moved to kneel in front of her and he wiped away her tears. “I’m sorry”Skye said “I wish you told me before”Jax said “I do regret that” Skye sniffed “And I was going to tell you about Jasper but I didn’t know how. I was scared of being left alone”Skye said “I know I hurt you with Brenda , I broke your trust and your heart and that’s on me”Jax said “Yes you did, I’m sorry about our son, I did try my best to have a healthy pregnancy”Skye said “It’s not you're fault, I don’t blame you” Jax waited several seconds before asking “ Can you have another baby”“Yes but I could lose it again, I have to be careful and I will need to be monitored closely”Skye said “I should’re tired”Jax said “Wait, I want to show you something”Skye said as she took his hand and led him to a room. “This was to be our son’s room, I know it’s not healthy to keep it considering it was planned for a living child but I just can’t get rid of his things...not yet”Skye said “It’s okay, Skye we will do this together”Jax said as Rae came in. Rae raised an eyebrow and then taking in her daughter’s tear stained face “Oh Good” she said “ You told him about the baby “Yes, I did””Skye said as her phone rang. “I have to take this”Skye said and left the room. “Jax , Skye told me that you feel something for her”Rae said, always forthright “Yes I do,” Jax nodded “No matter what you think Rae, I do regret hurting her” “Good, “ Rae nodded in satisfaction. “If you do end up with Skye again you had better treat her right” she threatened “My daughter deserves a man who loves her and only her and could be a father to Lila Rae”Rae said Jax nodded “I know you're only looking out for Skye as a mother and I promise you that I will not hurt her again”Jax said and Skye smiled from behind the door where was listening to them. “Do you love Carly or Brenda”Rae ask bluntly “No, “ Jax said firmly “they are both in the past” “They had better be””Rae said grimly and turning with a smile as Skye entered the room . “Is everything okay?”Skye looked from her mother to Jax and then back to her mother “Yes,” Rae smiled “I will be at the paper if you need me” . With a final smile she left the room and Jax heard the front door close. . “Rae is looking out for you”Jax said “That’s good. I’m glad you’re getting along with her” “It’s still weird having a mother now but…”Skye smiled “having a grandchild can change things for the good” “I’m sure it does” Jax grinned “You should see my mom when she’s around Jossy.” and then he grew serious “ Skye I want to grieve for our son together. Would you let me share this with you?” “I would like that”Skye said “Good, Anyway another reason I’m here,” and at Skye’s quizzical glance “I need a good school for Josslyn”he clarified “Lila Rae’s school is one of the best , it’s well rated and it’s safe”Skye said ‘Would you go with me”Jax ask “Yes as your friend, That’s all we can be”Skye said firmly as they left.

At Port Charles~Carly house~Carly was packing up Josslyn’s belongings as Bobbie walked in. “Carly, What are you doing?”Bobbie asked “Packing up Josslyn things” Carly replied not looking at her mother “ Whatever for?” Bobbie asked with a frown. “ So when I find out where she is I can sent them to her.” Carly sniffed “ At least until she comes back home...if she ever does”Carly said “Have you talked to Jax”Bobbie asked “He doesn’t answer his phone”Carly said “Carly” Bobbie picked her words carefully “I know you're angry right now but Josslyn is safe with Jax and he loves her. You have to hold on to that”Bobbie said “Josslyn belongs here...with ME”Carly said Bobbie tapped her fingers on the bedside table “You're going to fight this aren’t you” she finally asked “Yes, I called a lawyer”Carly said “Oh Carly”Bobbie said sadly “Are you doing this for Josslyn or for yourself? “‘I’m not giving up my daughter”Carly said firmly

At London~A school~Skye and Jax were talking to the principle. “Ms. Quartermaine it's good to see you again”The intake administrator said “Thank you,” Skye replied and then waved her hand in Jax’s direction “ This is Jasper Jacks. He’s just move here and has a daughter Josslyn who is Lila Rae’s age. He would like to have his daughter admitted”Skye said The administrator smiled and began to push keys on his computer“Mr, Jacks, Do you have your daughter’s old school records” “No I don’t” Jax shook his head “But I would like to enroll her here...I’m sure her records can be sent” “Sure”the administrator said “that shouldn’t be a problem. Now where did your daughter go to school last? Jax told him and the administrator typed the information into the computer “So when will Josslyn be able to start”Jax asked “How about tomorrow? I have her records right here” “That would be great”Jax said “How much” as he took his check book from his pocket. The administrator named a reasonable price and Jax wrote out the check and handed it to the administrator. Then he stood up and held out his hand to shake and seal the deal “ Let me know if you need anything else” he said as they shook hands. Skye and Jax left. Once outside, Skye turned as Jax spoke “Thank you” He said “You have saved my life” “You're welcome, And now I have one favor to ask of you” Jax looked curious “Please don’t tell anyone that I’m Alan Quartermaine’s daughter or that I’m trying to take over ELQ”Skye said Jax grinned “Weren’t you trying to do that when I first met you?” and as Skye stared steadily at him “Your secret's safe with me,” he promised “Do you want to go to breakfast”he ask “I can’t” Skye signed regretfully “ I have to go to work but I’ll take a rain check”Skye said “Then how about Dinner tonight? and as she hesitated “ Skye it’s just dinner. We can talk about our daughters and get to know them” “Alright”Skye agreed as the taxi pulled to the curb “I’ll see you at 7” Jax said “and don’t bother calling a cab...I’ll pick you up in the limo”. With a grin at her astonished expression he slammed the cab door shut. .

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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