Thursday, February 25, 2016

Forever and For always part 2 ch 37 (Skyelo)

At General Hospital~ The next day~ Lorenzo room~Lorenzo was in bed when Skye came in with the twins. “Daddy”Laurel said “Oh Laurel, John, This is a lovely surprise”Lorenzo said “The twins want to see you”Skye said “We miss you Daddy”Laurel said “I miss you too, Come sit on the bed”Lorenzo said Skye help put the twins on the bed.
“I will be home soon, I promise”Lorenzo said “Mommy, told us a bad guy shot you”John said “Yes but his gone”Lorenzo said “Good”John said “What did you do last night”Lorenzo ask “Mommy and Uncle Ricardo took us out for ice cream”Laurel said “Really”Lorenzo ask “Yes it was fun”John said “I just want to spend time with our children”Skye said as Dr Drake came in. “Hello everyone, I need to look at Lorenzo”Dr Drake said “Sure, We will be in the hallway”Skye said she took the twins and left. “So Dr Drake when can I want to go home , I want my life back”Lorenzo said Dr Drake look at Lorenzo as Skye came back in. “The twins are with the nanny”Skye said “You can go home tomorrow”Dr Drake said “Good”Lorenzo said “That’s wonderful, Thank you”Skye said “You're welcome, I saved you because I’m a doctor and I love my job that’s all”Dr Drake said and left. “Skye, Thank you for stand by me”Lorenzo said “You're welcome”Skye said they share a kiss.

At The Quartermaine~ Alan and Monica and Luis were having breakfast together when Tracy came in.”Luis , Why are you here, You sure be recovery at home”Tracy said “My father doesn’t want me at home”Luis said “Why not, It’s his fault you are like this”Tracy said “Thank you but their more going on , I’m gay and my father doesn’t approve it”Luis said “No, A Gay Quartermaine”Tracy said “Tracy enough! Luis is welcome here”Alan said “It’s my house and I allow Luis to stay here”Monica said “Whatever, Luis I have to ask , Did Lorenzo killed Ned”Tracy ask “I don’t know , I do hope not”Luis said “Me too”Tracy said as Skylar came in. “Skylar, What are you doing here”Alan ask “Do you know when Carman is coming back from the meeting about health Care”Skylar ask “No I don’t know, What is going on”Alan ask “Sis, Are you okay”Luis ask “Yes, I just need to talk to my husband”Skylar said as her phone rang. “It’s Mother”Skylar said Skylar pick up. “Mother, What is it”Skylar ask and hang up. “Daddy gets to come home tomorrow , Luis do you want to go to the hospital with me”Skylar ask “No”Luis said “Luis, What is it”Skylar ask “Father doesn’t accept that I’m gay”Luis said “Just give Daddy time, His just shock you dating Josslyn for years and now you're gay”Skylar said “I just use her”Luis said “ I know but Daddy love you that doesn’t chance”Skylar said

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