Thursday, February 25, 2016

Forever and For always part 2 ch 41 (Skyelo)

At General Hospital~ The next day~ Lorenzo room~Lorenzo was wake when Alan came in. “Alan”Lorenzo said “We need to talk, Now that you survived this you need to do the right thing here and leave the mob, Skye has been thought hell this couple of weeks because of you! Worry about you and then her son is shot and now Luis is paralyzed” Alan yelled “I hate that my son was shot too, I told Luis to not look into my shooting”Lorenzo said “Luis looks up to you and wants to be like you he always has but his a better man then you, I do wish Skye stay with Ja but I love my grandchildren and I will not let you hurt them anymore”Alan said “I get why you're upset but I’m not going where, Thank you for taking Luis in”Lorenzo said “ I love the boy, I don’t care that’s his gay”Alan said “I love Luis too , It’s just hard to deal with”Lorenzo said “Life is short, One day you have two sons and a daughter the next you just have a daughter and son”Alan said “I know”Lorenzo said as Skye came in. “What is going on”Skye ask “We were just having a father and Son in law moment”Alan said “Yes we were, We both love you”Lorenzo said “Yes”Alan said and left. “Lorenzo, Are you okay”Skye ask “Yes, I want to go home”Lorenzo said “Good, The twins are so happy you're coming home”Skye said “Good, Let’s go”Lorenzo said they left.

At a room~ Lila Rae was their having chemotherapy and reading a book as she had it Lila Rae hate having chemotherapy and hate the cancer and it wasn’t get any better.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo came in as the twins were holding up cards they made for Lorenzo. “Daddy”Laurel said and ran to Lorenzo who pick her up. “Laurel, John , I miss you so much”Lorenzo said “We are glad you're home father”John said “Yes we are”Laurel said “Yes, It’s a good day”Skye said as Skylar came in. “Daddy, I’m glad you're home, Can I talk to both of you”Skylar ask “Hello Skylar”Laurel said “Laurel, John”Skylar said “While don’t you both go get some juice, While we talk to you're sister”Skye said the twins left. “Skylar, What is it”Skye ask “I would not ask this I know you need to rest Daddy but Carman is coming home today and I need to talk to him, I was hope you could pick up the children from school today and watch them”Skylar said “Skylar”Skye said “We can watch them”Lorenzo said “Thank you, I will pick them up later”Skylar said “Don’t worry”Lorenzo said “Skylar, Are you sure you want out”Skye ask “Yes Mother”Skylar said “Do you want to be with Aiden”Skye ask “No, I don’t want to be with an man”Skylar said “You're not gay are you”Lorenzo ask “No,Daddy I just want to enjoy my life and raise my children that’s all and I want to share custody, I know Carman is going to hate me and I will live with that”Skylar said “You can do this”Skye said “Thanks, Did you get the invitation from Genevieve”Skylar ask “What invitation, What is you're sister up to”Lorenzo ask “I was going to tell you're father, Genevieve is throw a party a black and white one”Skye said “Really”Lorenzo ask “Yes it’s in two days , Then we will know what she been up to”Skye said “Good”Lorenzo said “Daddy be nice”Skylar said “I will”Lorenzo said Skylar left. “I wish you say no to watching our grandchildren you need to rest”Skye said “I’m fine, I been rest too much”Lorenzo said “I just”Skye said “I know you were scared, I was to”Lorenzo said

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