Thursday, February 25, 2016

Forever and for always part 2 ch 45 (Skyelo)~ “Lost Quartermaine”

At The Quartermaine house~AJ was in the den on his laptop and open a email someone sent him and open it was a picture of someone he once loved. “No it can’t be”AJ said as Tracy came in. “Are you talking to yourself”Tracy ask AJ close the laptop. “No, Why are you here”AJ ask “I live here, What about you”Tracy ask “I live here too”AJ said “Yeah you do”Tracy said “Are you okay”AJ ask “Why do you ask”Tracy ask “You're not the same anymore”AJ said “Well son is dead”Tracy said “I know, I’m sorry”AJ said “I still think Lorenzo had something to do with Ned and Alexis death”Tracy said as Luis wheel in. “My father didn’t killed Ned and Alexis, Their family, He doesn’t go after family”Luis said “Oh Luis when it comes to you're father you're not very smart, Lorenzo doesn’t count Ned and Alexis as his family, He counts you and you're sisters and Skye”Tracy said “I hate to say this but Tracy is right, Luis when you went to work for you're father you broke you're mother’s heart”AJ said “I do regret working with my father, Especially now”Luis said “Now that you're in a wheelchair”Tracy ask “Yes and my father who I always look up to turn his back on me, All because I’m gay”Luis said “What”Tracy ask “Yes! I’m a gay man and I don’t care what people think about”Luis said as Sam came in. “Luis, We need to start working out”Sam said “You're Luis nurse”Tracy ask “Yes, I’m”Luis said and left with Sam. “I can’t believe this”Tracy said “Just let it go”AJ said “No , I will not”Tracy said and left. AJ went back to this laptop and look at the email. “Are you really alive”AJ ask to himself as Michael came in. “Father”Michael said “Michael, I can count on you to keep this a secret, Look what I got in a email”AJ said he show it to Michael. “Do you think it’s true”Michael ask “I don’t know but we need to find out”AJ said “How can this be true”Michael ask “Well, He has faked his death before, I would not put it pass Grandfather to fake his death again”AJ said “Sure we tell anyone”Michael ask “No, We need to keep it between us, Let’s go get the jet”AJ said Michael and AJ left.

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