Sunday, February 28, 2016

“Forever and For always part 3 ch 10 (Skyelo)

At Alexander/Genevieve~ Genevieve and Alexander came home after being at the hospital. “I’m glad the baby is okay”Genevieve said she sit down. “Yes, You just need to stay away from stress”Alexander said as he sit by her and touch her hair. “I will. Alexander, Their is something you need to know, Today I snap at our son,Nikolas-Alexander left a lego on the floor and I step on it and I yelled at Nikolas-Alexander, I didn’t hurt him”Genevieve said “It’s okay, Our son does need to clean up after himself and I’m sure our son is fine, I will talk to him”Alexander said “Thank you, I would hate myself if I hurt him”Genevieve said “I know, Now we need to talk about you're father, I think it’s best turn the pregnancy that you stay away from Lorenzo”Alexander said “I agree, But how do I tell Daddy to stay away from me but that it’s okay for Mother to see me”Genevieve said as Skye came in. “Mother”Genevieve said “What is going on”Skye ask “I’m sure you heard about my fight with Daddy”Genevieve ask “Yes, I have”Skye said “Genevieve was stress from it and it’s not good for my wife to be stress with the pregnancy it's a risk one and as you know you have to be careful when you're pregnant even more”Alexander said “I know, What can I do to help”Skye ask she touch her daughter hair. “Daddy has to stay away from me, Just till the baby is born, Mother I can’t lose this baby”Genevieve said “No you can’t, I will talk to you're father, His not going to take it well but let me handle this”Skye said “Thanks Mother, I just”Genevieve said “ I know, You're a mother first a mother protect her baby no matter what”Skye said “Yes, Mother, Are you okay”Genevieve said “Yes, I’m going to be okay, I have a lot to look forward to, You're baby and Raelyn”Skye said “Yes”Genevieve said “I will handle you're father”Skye said and left.

“Something is going on with my mother”Genevieve said “Skye is fine, She strong”Alexander said “Just because you're strong doesn’t mean you can’t fall apart. Mother lose her baby girl, You can only take so much”Genevieve said

On the docks~ Skylar was walking when she ran into Anton. “Anton”Skylar said “Skylar”Anton said “I’m sorry for use you”Skylar said “Are you really sorry”Anton ask “Yes I’m”Skylar said “Do you think we can have a chance at us again”Anton ask “Right now, I just want to be alone and be with my children”Skylar said “Yes”Anton said “I sure go, I’m sorry for hurt you”Skylar said and left.

Forever and For always part 3 ch 9 (Skyelo)

At Skye/Lorenzo~ Lorenzo was upset about his fight with Genevieve and throw a vase when Skye came in. “Lorenzo, What wrong”Skye ask “Nothing new, Genevieve and I had a fight”Lorenzo said “About what”Skye ask ‘I did something that will make sure Skylar never lose the children”Lorenzo said “Oh Lorenzo, What did you do”Skye ask “I just talk to Cameron and told him that’s it's for the best if he share the children”Lorenzo said “Did you kill him”Skye ask “No”Lorenzo said “You're not going to quit working this lifestyle are you”Skye ask “No”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo! I can’t lose you! I can’t say goodbye to anyone right now”Skye said “You will not lose me”Lorenzo said “You're not always untouchable”Skye said “I know”Lorenzo said “Was Skylar upset with you”Skye ask “No, Genevieve was more then Skylar”Lorenzo said “That’s not surprise”Skye said

At Genevieve/Alexander~ Alexander was at home sitting on the couch reading some paperwork when Genevieve came in. “Genevieve, Are you okay”Alexander ask he help her sit down. “No, Daddy and I had a fight”Genevieve said “You look stess, It’s not good for the baby”Alexander said “I know”Genevieve said “Let me take you to the hospital”Alexander said “Alright, Is Nikolas-Alexander home yet”Genevieve said “No, I will have the nanny pick him up let’s go”Alexander said “Yes, I can’t lose the baby”Genevieve said they left.

At Cameron~ Cameron was home in his new house when Skylar came in. “Cameron, I’m sorry about my father, I didn’t want him to do this”Skylar said “I know, No one tell you're father what do to”Cameron said “No, Not even Mother”Skylar said “Are you here to beg me not to tell the cops”Cameron ask “Yes. Not for Daddy or me But for Lila Rae, My mother can’t handle lose Daddy right now, Mother always put everyone needs first before her own”Skylar said “Alright, Lorenzo better leave me alone”Cameron said “I will make sure he does”Skylar said

Forever and For always part 3 ch 8” (Skyelo)

At Skye/Lorenzo~ Lorenzo was home alone and pour a drink as Skylar and Genevieve came in. “Both my daughters, What a nice surprise”Lorenzo said “Don't! How could you kidnapped Cameron! I told you to leave it alone and let the law handle it! I don’t want Cameron to get hurt anymore! You had no right”Skylar yelled “Skylar, I was doing what is best for this family, I wasn’t going to kill Cameron, I just didn’t want him to take the children from you , I want to protect you and my grandchildren”Lorenzo said “That is so bullshit! Genevieve yelled “Watch you're mouth young lady”Lorenzo yelled “No! You did this so I would not be Skylar lawyer, You don’t want me to get my life back and go back to being a lawyer”Genevieve said “Genevieve I hate to break it to you but not everything is about you! I did this for you're sister! Skylar I still hate what the car accident did to you , That’s why I had to make it right”Lorenzo said he touch Skylar face. “I hate that I could not save you're sister Lila Rae but I had to do this, You and Cameron can share the children, Please don’t call the cops”Lorenzo said “Daddy, That’s up to Cameron, You can’t just go break the law when things don’t go you're way”Genevieve said “Genevieve! This is up to Skylar”Lorenzo said “I’m glad I will not lose my children, They're still mad at me for the divorce but I want them, Thank you, I will make sure Cameron doesn’t say anything”Skylar said “Thank you, I love you”Lorenzo said “Skylar”Genevieve said “Genevieve , Please let it go for my sake”Skylar said she look at her sister . “Alright”Genevieve said Skylar left.

“Genevieve, Are you really going to do the right thing here and keep you're mouth shut”Lorenzo said “If you want to do something for Lila Rae, Quit this lifestyle and do something else, Be a better man”Genevieve said “I’m not going to give it up, Lila Rae love me for who I’m”Lorenzo said “Yes she did”Genevieve said “Are you really take the job at ELQ”Lorenzo ask “Yes, I’m, I’m getting my life back and you can’t stop it! Genevieve said She was feeling stress. “That’s not true, I want you to get you're life back, I just hate you're choice”Lorenzo said “Back at you”Genevieve said she still wasn’t feeling well. “Genevieve, Have you took you're meds today”Lorenzo said “Yes! Now just stop threat family members! One day you're going to get caught you're not untouchable”Genevieve said “Yes I’m”Lorenzo said Genevieve left.

Forever and for always part 3 ch 7” (Skyelo)

At ELQ~Edward was working talking to a man, “You better be here with good news”Edward said “I think it is”The man said and give Edward a folder as Genevieve came in. “Genevieve”Edward said “I’m sorry to interrupt”Genevieve said “No it’s okay, We're done here”Edward said the man left. “What can I do for you”Edward ask “I will take the job here but it has to be stress free for now, I have to be careful with this pregnancy and I will not lose another child”Genevieve said Edward took her hand. “I heard about Bianca, I get it this child is the future Quartermaine I will keep you're baby safe”Edward said “Thank you”Genevieve said “I will show you a office”Edward said “Is it next to my mother's’ Genevieve ask “Yes, Is that okay”Edward ask “Yes I guess, Mother and I were never close,Mother was close to Lila Rae”Genevieve said Edward and Genevieve left.

At The Quartermaine mansion~Alan and Monica were their, “So Monica, I have to ask did you help my father faked his death”Alan ask “Why would you ask me that! Monica ask “Someone had to help my father”Alan said “Alright, Yes! Edward blackmail me into helping him”Monica said “What did Father blackmail you with”Alan ask “The fact that I help AJ fake his death”Monica said “So father made you help him”Alan ask “Yes, I’m sorry”Monica said “I sure be mad but I’m glad my father is back”Alan said “Yes, We have our son and Edward back to us”Monica said “I wish my daughter could come back”Skye said as she came in. “We both with Lila Rae could come back to you”Monica said “Yes, We miss her to and I wish I could take away you're pain”Alan said he touch Skye face. “Thanks Daddy”Skye said “How are you and Lorenzo deal with it together”Monica ask “It’s hard, Lorenzo save Genevieve but he could not save Lila Rae”Skye said “Lorenzo isn’t God or a doctor, You both need to deal with this together, I regret push Alan away when we lose Jason and AJ and Emily”Monica said “Yes me too”Alan said “You're lucky that AJ and Emily came back to you”Skye said “Yes We know”Monica said

At Skylar~Skylar was home when the doorbell rang it was Cameron. “Cameron”Skylar said “You got what you wanted, I will share the children”Cameron said “What made you chance you're mind”Skylar ask “You're father”Cameron said “What did Daddy do”Skylar ask “Lorenzo man kidnapped me , If I didn’t sign the agreement he would've killed me”Cameron said “I never ask Daddy to do that”Skylar said “I want to believe you”Cameron said and left. Skylar called Genevieve.

“Forever and For always part 3 ch 6 (Skyelo)~ “Mob in law”

At A warehouse~ Cameron was their tape to a chair as Lorenzo came in. “What do you want”Cameron ask “You're going to leave my daughter alone and not take the children from her, I get you're hurt and anger about what Skylar did, I do but you will not hurt my daughter”Lorenzo said “This is between Skylar and I,Not you”Cameron said “I hurt Skylar enough and I will fix it now”Lorenzo said “I will not sign away my children”Cameron said “I’m not ask you to, Just share them”Lorenzo said “If I don’t”Cameron ask Lorenzo man came in with guns.

At General Hospital~Dr Kelly’s office~Genevieve was in their with Skye and Alexander who were looking at the sonogram. “How is the baby, We don’t want to know the sex”Genevieve ask “Good, You're baby is fine and the pills are not hurt it so far”Dr Kelly said “Thank you, I been doing what you told me, My feet are swollen”Genevieve said “Yes, Just soak them, So far you're doing great”Dr Kelly said “Good”Alexander said he kiss Genevieve on her forehead. “We will wait out in the hallway, So you can get dress”Alexander said “Thank you for let me come”Skye said “You're welcome, Mother”Genevieve said Skye and Alexander left.

“So Skye, You're back at ElQ and take deals I wanted”Alexander said “Yes, Just become you're married to my daughter, I will not be easy on you, Are you okay with Genevieve working with us”Skye ask “No but I can’t stop her”Alexander said “No one can stop my daughter when she wants something”Skye said as Genevieve came in. “Is everything okay”Genevieve ask “Yes”Skye said “Yes”Alexander said

At ELQ~Edward office~Edward and Tracy were their. “So how did you get the riverfront from Lorenzo”Tracy ask “That’s what I would like to know”Lorenzo said as he came in. “It was easy”Edward said “You're use my grief for my daughter against me and I will not allow it old man! I don’t care that you're Skye family”Lorenzo said as Skye came in. “What is going on, Lorenzo why are you here”Skye ask “Lorenzo was just threat Daddy”Tracy said “Lorenzo”Skye ask “Edward just stole the riverfront from me, His use the death of our daughter against me”Lorenzo said “Grandfather”Skye ask “It was business that’s all Skye, I want to put a hotel on it”Edward said “That would be a hit”Skye said “Yes it would”Tracy said “This isn’t over”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo”Skye said “Don’t”Lorenzo said and left. “Let Lorenzo cool down, Edward are you use Lila Rae death to go after my husband”Skye ask “No this was just business, That’s all”Edward said “I believe you”Skye said and left. “I see what you're up to, I like it”Tracy said “Their more”Edward said

“Forever and For always part 3 ch 5 (Skyelo)

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were having breakfast with the twins when Skylar came in. “Skylar, Do you want some breakfast”Skye ask “I need to talk to you both”Skylar said “Sure”Lorenzo said “We will be right back”Skye said Skye and Lorenzo and Skylar went to the den. “Mother, Daddy I have some news, I been waiting on the right time but Cameron is taking me to court, He wants full custody”Skylar said “That will not happen”Lorenzo said “No it will not. Do you have a good lawyer”Skye ask “Yes , The best one in town”Skylar said “Who”Lorenzo ask “Genevieve”Skylar said “Skylar, You're sister is pregnant she can’t handle a lot of stress”Lorenzo said “Daddy, It will be fine”Skylar said “Yes it will, This will not have to be handle in court”Lorenzo said “Daddy, Don’t do anything to Cameron his hurt that’s why his doing this”Skylar said “Yes he is. Skylar do you still love him”Skye ask “No Mother”Skylar said “What about Anton”Skye ask “I don’t love him either, I just want out”Skylar said “Oh”Skye said “I will leave Cameron alone for now”Lorenzo said “Thank you Daddy, I know Genevieve can handle this”Skylar said “Yes she can”Skye said Skylar left. “This is just great”Lorenzo said “Skylar will be fine and she will win, Lorenzo last night was great”Skye said “Yes it was”Lorenzo said they share a kiss.

At The Quartermaine hotel~AJ was showing Edward around the hotel. “AJ, You done a great job with this hotel, I’m proud of you”Edward said “Thank you, That means a lot to me, And having my son work with me”AJ said “Yes, You have everything you want”Edward said “Yes I do”AJ said “How many hotels do we have”Edward ask “Just two”AJ said “I been thinking we sure open one on the riverfront” Edward said “It would be a nice place for one but we don’t owe the riverfront, Lorenzo does”AJ said “He did, I just stole it from him”Edward said “What are you up to”AJ ask “His not good enough for you're sister”Edward said “I agree but Skye is happy with him”AJ said “Skye needs to leave him”Edward said “Grandfather, Skye just lose Lila Rae, I will not have you hurt her , I Don’t want Skye to drink”AJ said “Me either”Edward said

At Genevieve/Alexander ~Genevieve came into the living room bare feet and no one was in the room and she didn’t see the lego that was on the floor and she step in it. “Damn it!Genevieve yelled as Nikolas-Alexander came back in the room. “Mother”Nikolas-Alexander said “Did you leave you're lego on the floor, I told you not too many times! I just step on a damn lego! Genevieve yelled Nikolas-Alexander just look in shock as Skye came in. “What is going on”Skye ask “I’m sorry, Nikolas-Alexander”Genevieve said “I’m sorry, I will pick up my legos”Nikolas -Alexander said “Thank you”Genevieve said Nikolas-Alexander pick up the legos and Skye and Genevieve went to talk. “Genevieve, You have to be careful”Skye said “I know, I just step on the lego that’s all”Genevieve said “I know”Skye said “I will not hurt my son”Genevieve said “I believe you, Let’s get ready for the appointment”Skye said “Yeah, Alexander is going to meet us their”Genevieve said “Good”Skye said “Mother, I will work for ELQ”Genevieve said “Good, I heard you're Skylar lawyer too”Skye said “Yes, I have to”Genevieve said “You're sister will win”Skye said “Yes”Skylar said

On the docks Cameron was walking when a man came behind him and took him.

“Forever and For always part 3 ch 4 (Skyelo)~ “Healing”

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye came home to fine Lorenzo sitting down on the couch holding a picture of Lila Rae. Skye went and sit by him,. “Lorenzo, You're right, We sure do this together, I just hate this, When I look at you I see the man that could save our daughter Genevieve who was in a coma but the man who also could not save our firstborn,”Skye said “I blame myself to that I could not save Lila Rae and make it better for you and us,I”m sorry”Lorenzo said “I sure not blame you, You're not God, You can’t heal cancer”Skye said “No I can’t”Lorenzo said “Somehow we need to heal from this and get back to normal, I enjoy tonight working at ELQ”Skye said “Good, You're right Lila Rae would want us to move on”Lorenzo said “Yes she would, Lila Rae was unselfish and love everyone”Skye said “Yes, Skye has Raelyn told you about who the baby's father is”Lorenzo ask “No I was shock that she is pregnant too, Why”Skye ask “I need to make sure he doesn’t come after the baby”Lorenzo said “Don’t pressure Raelyn into telling you”Skye said “I just have to keep that baby safe”Lorenzo said “We will, We have a grandchild and great-Grandchild come into the world, We need to be their for them”Skye said “Yes, How was Genevieve” Lorenzo ask “Good, Tomorrow I’m going to her doctor appointment with her”Skye said “Good”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, Let’s go check on the twins”Skye said “Sure”Lorenzo said Skye and Lorenzo went upstairs and into Laurel room who was sleeping on the bed and Lorenzo look at Laurel, “I will keep you safe, Skye I’m not going back”Lorenzo said “Good”Skye said she kiss him and they went to their room.

Skye and Lorenzo went to there bedroom. “Lorenzo, It’s been awhile, I need my husband”Skye said “I need my wife”Lorenzo said they share kiss and made love .

Forever and For always part 3 ch 3 ch (Skyelo)

~ At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo was having a drink as Raelyn came in. “Raelyn, How are you doing”Lorenzo ask “Alright, Papa”Raelyn said “Raelyn, I have to ask Who is the baby father”Lorenzo said “Why does it matter”Raelyn ask “We have to make sure he will not come after the baby”Lorenzo said “Papa, He will not come after the baby”Raelyn said “How can you make sure, You need to talk to a lawyer”Lorenzo said “I did, One of the best ones,”Raelyn said “Who”Lorenzo ask “Aunt Genevieve, It’s fine “Raelyn said “Raelyn, It their something you don’t want me to know”Lorenzo said “Papa, Don’t worry”Raelyn said “Raelyn, It’s my job as head of this family to make sure this family is protect”Lorenzo said “I know Papa and this baby will be fine, No one is going to take him or her from Me”Raelyn said “No they will not”Lorenzo said “I love that you look out for this family. Mother loved it too but I know what I’m doing”Raelyn said and went upstairs.

At ELQ~Edward office~Skye and Tracy and Edward were working on a deal. “I’m so glad we got it”Skye said “Me too, Skye this is where you belong”Edward said “You're right, I guess it’s time to go back to my so called normal life”Skye said “Yes it is”Edward said “It doesn’t mean you didn’t love Lila Rae”Tracy said “Thank you”Skye said “It's time we get this family back on top”Edward said “Yes”Tracy said “I sure go home”Skye said “How are you and Lorenzo”Edward ask “We will be fine”Skye said and left. “Daddy, What are you up to”Tracy ask “Soon I will be break up Skye and Lorenzo, I’m this close to fine some dirty on Lorenzo”Edward said “What kind”Tracy ask Edward just smile.

At Genevieve/Alexander~Genevieve was looking at a picture of Lila Rae. “Oh Lila Rae, Take care of my baby and I will take care of yours”Genevieve said as Raelyn came in. “Aunt Genevieve”Raelyn said Genevieve put the picture down. “What is it”Genevieve ask “Papa was asking who the baby father is, What if he finds out”Raelyn said “Their is nothing Daddy can do, Beside doing what he does, Don’t worry”Genevieve said “I’m glad I came to you, And you help me”Raelyn said “Me too, Did you tell Lila Rae, What we did”Genevieve ask “Yes”Raelyn said “How did Lila Rae take it”Genevieve ask “Mother was okay with what we did”Raelyn said “What did you do”Alexander ask as he came in. “Alexander, You're home early”Genevieve said she went by Alexander. “What did you two do”Alexander ask “I just help my niece  that’s all”Genevieve said “Yes, That’s all Aunt Genevieve did”Raelyn said and left. “Genevieve I know you, You are up to something”Alexander said “I didn’t do anything wrong by helping Raelyn, Beside we need to talk”Genevieve said “About what, I’m sorry I haven’t been here in awhile, I’ been working hard on this deal I want by you're family took it today”Alexander said “I’m sorry, Anyway what I have to say is about ELQ”Genevieve said “What about”Alexander ask “Edward wants me as their lawyer, I’m going to say yes”Genevieve said “Genevieve”Alexander said “Don’t, You know better then that to boss me around”Genevieve said “Alright, But let’s leave work at work”Alexander said “I agree, I do want to go back to the law, I miss it”Genevieve said “I know you do, What about Skylar case”Alexander ask “I’m going to work on that too”Genevieve said “Don’t push yourself”Alexander said “I will not”Genevieve said

“Forever and For always part 3 ch 2 (Skyelo)

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye came in with John and Laurel. “Why don’t you go put you're belong away”Skye ask as Lorenzo came in.”Laurel , John you're back”Lorenzo ask “Yes”John said “Did you have a nice time at Genevieve”Lorenzo ask “Yes Daddy”Laurel said John and Laurel left. “I wish you told me you were bring the twins home”Lorenzo said “The twins belong here not at Genevieve”Skye said “Skye, We haven’t grieved for Lila Rae every time I want to  you push me  away"Lorenzo said
 “Lorenzo, Please, I’m trying so hard not to drink”Skye said “We both loved Lila Rae”Lorenzo said “You did this to me when Genevieve was in her coma, You push me away and I was there for you so just let me do this”Skye said Lorenzo touch Skye shoulder, “Just remember I love you”Lorenzo said “I love you to, This has nothing to do with love”Skye said as her phone rang. “Skye Alcazar, Alright Edward I will be their”Skye said and hang up. “That was Edward, I have to work at ElQ, Can you watch the twins, The nanny isn’t back yet”Skye said “Sure, Skye you need to get you're life back and take care of yourself”Lorenzo said “It’s just hard going back to normal”Skye said “Yes it is”Lorenzo said “Do you want to go back to work with you're brother”Skye ask “Yes”Lorenzo said “I was hope you would use Lila Rae death and do some good out of it by leaving that lifestyle but I was wrong”Skye said “Don’t , Do that”Lorenzo said Skye left.

At Kelly’s~ Bobbie was working at Kelly’s and it was so busy when some young man came behind her. “Can I get some coffee”The man ask “Just a min”Bobbie said and turn around it was Lucas. “Lucas, You're home”Bobbie said “Yes for good”Lucas said they share a hug. “Thank god you're back,, I’m so happy you're back for good”Bobbie said “Me too, I have more news”Lucas said “What is that”Bobbie ask “I’m working at General Hospital as a doctor”Lucas said “OH that’s great”Bobbie said

At ELQ~Edward office~Edward and Tracy were working when Skye came in. “So what did you need”Skye ask “I’m sorry to call you, I know it’s a hard time for you but that deal you almost got we are about to lose it to the Cassadine”Edward said “Oh, I will help you, I think it’s time I do come back”Skye said “Good, I do hope Genevieve works here to”Edward said “Me too, So Let’s get to work”Skye said

“Forever and For always part 3 ch 1 (Skyelo)

Two weeks since Lila Rae died~ Skye had been so lost without Lila Rae her first born daughter she wasn’t sure how to deal without drinking and Skye wasn’t ready to go back to work, The twins were still staying and Genevieve and she want to see them.

At Genevieve/Alexander~Genevieve was tired not just the pregnancy but take care of Nikolas -Alexander and Laurel and John and Alexander was always at work when Skye came in. “Mother, How are you”Genevieve ask “Alright, I want to take the twins home”Skye said “Mother , Are you sure”Genevieve ask “Yes, You're sister would want me to look after everyone like I do”Skye said “Yes, But who is looking after you, Mother you do need time, You always put us first and not yourself”Genevieve said “You're right, I do, Have you thought about working at ElQ”Skye ask “I told Grandfather I would let him know by the end of the week”Genevieve said “I hope you say yes, How is the pregnancy going”Skye ask “Good so far, I been going to the doctor a lot and I have an appointment tomorrow”Genevieve said Skye touch Genevieve hair. “I want to go with you”Skye said “Are you sure”Genevieve ask “Yes, Let me be apart of this, I miss you're wedding”Skye said “Mother, Don’t be mad about that”Genevieve said “Who idea was it to elope”Skye ask “It was Alexander beside I love it, Mother I’m happy”Genevieve said “Good”Skye said “Are you and Daddy grieve together”Genevieve ask as the children came in. “Mother”John said “John, Laurel come here, I miss you so much”Skye said she hug them. “Mother, We miss you too”Laurel said “Hello Nanna”Nikolas-Alexander said “Hello Nikolas-Alexander, Thank you for spend time with John and Laurel”Skye said “It was fun, Beside we our the same age”Nikolas-Alexander said “Yes , You're more like cousin”Genevieve said “Laurel, John tell Genevieve thank you it’s time to come home”Skye said “Thank you”John said “Anytime, Mother if you want to come with me tomorrow my appointment is at ten”Genevieve said “I will be their”Skye said and left with the twins.

“Nikolas-Alexander , Did you have fun with John and Laurel”Genevieve ask “Yes Mother”Nikolas-Alexander said “Good, I love you”Genevieve said “I love you too”Nikolas-Alexander said

At ELQ~Edward office~ Edward was working when Tracy came in. “Daddy, When is Skye coming back”Tracy ask “I don’t know, Why”Edward ask “A deal she was working on is about to fall into the hands of the Cassadine”Tracy said “Let me call Skye”Edward said “I get that she grieve for Lila Rae, I know that pain but It can’t hurt the company”Tracy said “I know”Edward said

Friday, February 26, 2016

The one and only part 1 ch 29~

~At London~Skye’s house~Jax was in his robe carrying a tray about to go back to Skye room when Lila Rae came by. “What are you doing”Lila Rae ask “Lila Rae, I just have some coffee for you're mother”Jax said “Did you and Mommy have a slept over too”Lila Rae ask “Kind of, I like you're mother Lila Rae, Is it okay”Jax ask “Do you love my mother”Lila Rae ask “Yes I do, Are you okay with it”Jax ask “Yes, Just don’t hurt my mother, Mother was sad before you came to town”Lila Rae said “She was”Jax ask “Yes”Lila Rae said “I will try to make Skye happy”Jax said “Good, I want to be sisters with Josslyn”Lila Rae said “I’m glad you and Josslyn are close”Jax said as Skye came out wearing her robe. “Mother, You had a slept over with Jax”Lila Rae ask “Kind of”Skye said “Lila Rae, Why don’t you get dress and we can go out to breakfast”Jax said “Cool”Lila Rae said and left. Jax and Skye came into Skye bedroom. “What did you and Lila Rae talk about”Skye ask “She ask me if I love you and that you been sad”Jax said “I just was stress that’s all , What did you tell Lila Rae”Skye ask “That I love her mother”Jax said and kiss her. “Oh Jax”Skye said “You have to trust this”Jax said “I’m”Skye said “Good”Jax said “Let’s go shower”Skye said Skye and Jax went into the bathroom and shower.

At Port Charles~At The Quartermaine Mansion~Kristina was in the den looking around when Molly came in. “Kristina, How are you doing”Molly ask “Mother told you”Kristina ask “Yes, I can’t believe mother lied to you”Molly said “Me either, But I’m glad that I’m a Quartermaine and we our still sisters” Kristina said “Me too, I don’t want to lose you to, I miss Sam since she left town after Jason died”Molly said “Me too”Kristina said

At London~Skye’s house~Skye bedroom~Skye and Jax were getting dressed when Skye phone rang. “Skye Quartermaine, I will take care of it”Skye said and hang up the phone, “I have to go to the office”Skye said “I will spend time with the girls”Jax said “Thank you, Jax, I trust this, That you will not hurt me”Skye said she kiss him.”Good, Never again”Jax said “No”Skye said “If we go back to Port Charles, Can you take you move the company there”Jax ask “Yes”Skye said “Good”Jax said Skye and Jax went out of the room and Lila Rae and Josslyn were in the living room. “We our ready”Lila Rae said “You and Skye had a slept over too”Josslyn ask “Yes”Jax said “I have to go to the office, Jax is going to spend the day with you both, Lila Rae listen to Mr. Jacks”Skye said “I will”Lila Rae said “You can call me Jax”he said Skye kiss Lila Rae and left.”Do you both want to help me with a surprise for Skye”Jax ask “Yes”Josslyn said “What surprise do you have for Mommy”Lila Rae ask as Rae came in. “Jax can we talk”Rae ask “Sure”Jax said “Let’s go get some hot chocolate”Lila Rae said Josslyn and Lila Rae left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 28

~At London~Skye house~Skye and Jax were in each other's arms. “Oh Skye, that was great”Jax said “Yes it was, This feels right being with you”Skye said “I’m glad you feel that way, I want to do this right, Yes a relationship isn’t perfect and we will have ups and downs but we can’t give up, This time we will work it out, Whatever that will be”Jax said “Yes, Love isn’t perfect or any human and I want to try it again with you”Skye said “You will not regret that and when we go home no one will come between us”Jax said “I hope not”Skye said “Let’s go to slept”Jax said “Yes, I want you to stay”Skye said Jax pull Skye close to her and they fell asleep.

At Port Charles~At The Quartermaine~ Monica and Tracy and Michael who was holding Little AJ were in the den as Ned and Kristina came in. “Kristina, Why are you here”Michael ask “I have some news, Alexis just told us that Kristina is mine”Ned said “Wow, All this time”Monica said “Are you sure, You need a DNA test to make sure’ Tracy ask “I trust Alexis”Ned said “You're a fool”Tracy said “Welcome to the family Kristina”Monica said “Thank you, I’m not after the money, I just want to know my family”Kristina said “We know”Monica said “Does Sonny know”Michael ask “Yes, Sonny wasn’t happy about it”Kristina said “Sonny will be fine”Tracy said “Yes, Kristina you can stay here if you want”Monica said “Thank you”Kristina said “I sure call Brooklyn you're sister would love to meet you”Ned said “I would like to meet her too”Kristina said

At Carly’s~Carly was looking at a picture of Sonny when Bobbie came in. “Carly”Bobbie said “I’m okay, I will be”Carly said “Yes you will”Bobbie said “Now I need to find a job tomorrow”Carly said “I’m sure you will find something and I know it’s scare but you can do this”Bobbie said “I know I can”Carly said

At a warehouse~Julian was there when a woman came by. “So was it you who shot at Carly and Alexis and Ned”Julian ask “Yes it was, I was trying for Alexis”The woman said “I regret team up with you”Julian said “You sure’ The woman said and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 27

~At Port Charles~Carly’s house~Carly and Michael came in , ‘So is it really over for you and Sonny”Michael ask “Yes, I will always love Sonny but I can’t do it anymore, I want Josslyn back,”Carly said “What about Ja”Michael ask “Jax and I are over , I saw that when he took Josslyn from me, Jax is still upset that I slept with Sonny when we were marrying and I don’t blame him at all”Carly said “Jax was a good guy”Michael said “Yes he was but I could not be it for him, Maybe it’s Skye or Brenda”Carly said “Aunt Skye”Michael ask “Yes, Skye still love him I’m sure last time she was in town I could tell”Carly said “Maybe, I do hope you stay away from Sonny”Michael said “Thanks, I’m sorry I took you from AJ, Maybe you're right in keeping Little Aj from Sonny”Carly said “I just want to keep her safe”Michael said “I know”Carly said “Get some rest”Michael said and left.

At Alexis house~Alexis was looking at a note when Ned and Kristina and Sonny came in. “Alexis, Why did you call us”Ned ask “I been keeping a secret, I found this out when Kristina was a baby and sick and Morgan were not a match, The reason why Morgan wasn’t a match to save Kristina is because Sonny ,Kristina isn’t yours, She Ned”Alexis said “What! You lied to me”Sonny said “Yes, I want to tell the truth I did, But for whatever reason I didn’t, I’m sorry”Alexis said “I’m glad that I’m not yours”Kristina said “Kristina , I love you”Sonny said “Really, I’m so glad that I hardly saw you when I was a little girl, You have no one, Carly walk out and Michael turn to his real family, All you have is Morgan, I’m glad that Michael took Little AJ”Kristina said “I do love you and that will never chance”Sonny said and left. “I’m sorry that I didn’t say anything till now”Alexis said “I wish you did tell me, I love Kristina”Ned said “I know you do”Alexis said “Kristina, If you need anything or a place to stay”Ned said “Thank you, I would like to know you”Kristina said “You too”Ned said “Ned, Don’t hate me”Alexis said “Why”Ned ask “I was anger that you and Skye took Kristina from me when she was a baby so I did it to hurt you back”Alexis said “Both of you sure of put me first”Kristina said “You're right, We sure of “Ned said “Yes, I’m sorry”Alexis said “I would like to meet my family”Kristina said “Sure let’s go”Ned said they left.

At London~At Skye’s place~Skye and Jax were having a drink while the girls were in bed sleeping. “This was a fun day, I kind of feel that we could be a family”Skye said “Yes we could”Jax said they share a kiss, ‘I know I say we sure wait but I want you Jax”Skye said “I want you to”Jax said “Let’s check on the girls first”Skye said Skye and Jax check on the girls who were sleeping they kiss the girls goodnight and went to Skye bedroom and Jax lay Skye on the bed and they made love. “Skye, I do love you, Only you, I was a fool”Jax said “Yes you were, I love you too”Skye said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 26

~ At London~Skye house~Skye had just ask Jax about his feelings for Carly, Now that Carly and Sonny were over.”Skye, You don’t have to worry about Carly, I will not go back to her, Carly and Sonny maybe getting a divorce but one thing I learn she will never be truly over Sonny, Just like Brenda will never be over Sonny either, Both of them never truly love me, Like you did”Jax said “That’s true, I love you and no one else , But I will not get hurt this time”Skye said “I will not hurt you, I’m over both of them”Jax said “Good, So are you going back to Port Charles”Skye ask “I will think about Josslyn seeing Carly, You're right a girl needs her mother”Jax said “Thank you”Skye said “You're welcome, If I do agree to let Carly see Josslyn she better put our daughter first”Jax said “I’m sure Carly will”Skye said “Will you come back to Port Charles with me”Jax ask “Maybe”Skye said Jax kiss Skye again. “We sure check on the girls”Skye said “Yes, Thanks for taking Josslyn shopping, What do I owe you”Jax said “Don’t worry, Thanks to you I have all of Lorenzo money”Skye said “Good, I have to ask if Lorenzo was alive, Would you take him back”Jax ask “No, I know this is wrong but I would not even let Lorenzo see Lila Rae, I could not trust him”Skye said “I don’t blame you for that”Jax said “Thank you”Sky said Lila Rae and Josslyn came in.”Girls, Are you hungry”Jax ask “Yes”Josslyn said “Let’s go to dinner then”Jax said as Rae came in. “Rae, Do you want to go with us to dinner”Jax ask “No thanks, I have plans”Rae said “Really”Skye ask “Yes, Have fun”Rae said and left. “I swear mother is keeping something from me”Skye said “Let’s go”Lila Rae said they left.

At Port Charles~ General Hospital~Carly’s room~Carly was in bed when Michael came in. “Michael, I’m glad you're here, I get that you're anger about AJ, Maybe I sure of done things different when you were little but I can’t chance it,But I do love you”Carly said “I love you to, I just want to be a Quartermaine now”Michael said “I will support that”Carly said “Thank you, I’m glad you're okay”Michael said “Me too, I have news I end things with Sonny”Carly said “Good”Michael said “Sonny love you still , I know you love him too, You can love both AJ and Sonny”Carly said “Maybe”Michael said Monica came in. “Carly, You can get out today”Monica said “Thank you”Carly said “You're welcome”Monica said “I will go get the car”Michael said and left. “So you finally got what you want, Michael”Carly said “Michael sure of been raise a Quartermaine, I’m so glad that Jax took Josslyn from you, Now you know how AJ felt”Monica said “Yes I do”Carly said “Are you having regrets, If you never took Michael from AJ, A lot of things would've been different’ Monica said “I agree”Carly said as Michael came in, “The car is ready”Michael said Carly and Michael left.

At the Quartermaine Mansion~Ned was at home looking at a picture of Kristina when she was a baby when Tracy came in. “Ned, What are you looking at”Tracy ask “A picture of Kristina when she was a baby, I still wish she was mine”Ned said “You really did love her didn’t you”Tracy ask “Yes I did”Ned said “I’m glad you're okay”Tracy said “Me too”Ned said

At Alexis house~Alexis was at home and looking at a piece of paper. “It’s time for the truth”Alexis said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 25~

At London~At Skye’s house~Skye and Lila Rae and Josslyn came in from going shopping, “That was fun, Thanks Skye”Josslyn said “You're welcome, I’m glad you both had fun”Skye said as there was a knock on the door Skye open it was Jax “Daddy”Josslyn said “Did you have fun”Jax ask “Yes We did, We went shopping and had a manicure’ Josslyn said “That’s nice”Jax said “Mother, Can we put on a fashion show so Mr. Jack can see our outfits”Lila Rae ask “Sure, I would love to see it”Jax said “Yes”Skye said Lila Rae and Josslyn left. “Looks like the girls had fun”Jax said “Yes, Lila Rae love fashion, Jax I talk to Josslyn today, She miss Carly so much, It make me sad”Skye said “I know it’s hard on Josslyn”Jax said “You know a little girl needs her mother, You don’t want Josslyn to grow up like me, Full of anger and pay back “Skye said “You're not like that anymore and you're strong”Jax said “It took a while but for a long time I was just a little anger girl inside who miss her mother”Skye said “I don’t want that for Josslyn”Jax said “No you don’t, You don’t want Josslyn to feel unloved or unwanted”Skye said “No that’s why I did this”Jax said “You also did it to hurt Carly, You can’t use a child like that”Skye said “You're right I did, I was hurt that Carly cheat on our marriage with Sonny”Jax said “It does hurt”Skye said “Yeah , I guess it was payback”Jax said “Anyway, You need to do the right thing, I want to give Lila Rae nothing but the best childhood and I know you want that for Josslyn to, I don’t want Lila Rae or any child to have a childhood like I had where a mother doesn’t love you and love man and drinking and hurt you more”Skye said and cried and Jax wipe her face. “Skye , Did any of the man Althea had over rape you”Jax said as Rae came in. “Skye”Rae said “I don’t want to talk about this, Anyway, Just think about it”Skye said “I will, You can open up to us”Jax said “Yes”Rae said “I know”Skye said Lila Rae and Josslyn came in, “Are you ready for our fashion show”Lila Rae ask “Yes”Skye said Josslyn and Lila Rae show off their outfits.

At Port Charles~General Hospital~ Alexis room~Alexis was in bed when Bobbie came in.”Bobbie”Alexis said “Alexis, I’m glad you're alright, Carly ending things with Sonny, Can you help her get Josslyn back”Bobbie ask “Are you sure it’s over”Alexis ask “Yes, It is, Carly missing Josslyn and you know what it’s like, Kristina was take from you”Bobbie said “Jax just want to keep Josslyn safe”Alexis said “I know, Alexis do the right thing”Bobbie said and left. Alexis pick up her phone and called Jax

At London~Skye’s house~Skye and Jax and Rae were watching Lila Rae and Josslyn do a fashion show when Jax phone rang. “I have to take this”Ja said he walk out of the room. ‘Girls, That was great, Now why don’t you go get a snack”Skye ask “Can we have cookies”Lila Rae ask “Yes just one and hot chocolate”Skye said Lila Rae and Josslyn left. “Skye, Are you okay”Rae ask “Yes, I don’t like Carly but I believe that Josslyn sure have her mother and I was telling Jax that”Skye said “Yes she does, Skye you're a good person”Rae said “Being a mother chance me”Skye said “It does, I wish I was a mother to you when you were little”Rae said “Me too”Skye said Jax came in. “Is everything okay”Skye ask “That was Alexis, Carly is going to leave Sonny”Jax said “Really”Skye ask “I’ll let you two talk”Rae said and left “So Carly and Sonny are over, What does that mean”Skye ask

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 24

~Port Charles~General Hospital~Carly’s room~ Bobbie was by Carly bedside watching her sleep and holding her hand as Carly wake up. “Mama”Carly said “Oh Carly, I’m so glad you're okay”Bobbie said “Where you here all night”Carly ask “Yes, I was scare last night when you came in with the ambulance, My mind when to the worst place, Carly you just lose Josslyn and you could of lose you're life because of Sonny, It’s time to end it,”Bobbie said “Mama”Carly said “What will it take for you to end things with Sonny, You and Michael are fighting”Bobbie said “Last night , I was thinking the same thing that it’s time to end things with Sonny”Carly said “Good, Then maybe Jax will agree to come back and you both can share Josslyn”Bobbie said “I would like that, It’s over with Jax and I too but I would like to share Josslyn, I miss her so much”Carly said “I know and you will get her back , Just hold on to the fact that Jax will take care of her till then”Bobbie said “Yes, Jax is a good Daddy”Carly said “Yes, So do you want me to get a lawyer for you”Bobbie ask “I have one Tea, I will call her”Carly said “Alright, I know it’s going to be hard but you can do this, You're not alone”Bobbie said “Thanks Mother”Carly said as Sonny came in push himself. “Mother, Can I talk to Sonny”Carly ask “Sure”Bobbie said She left, “I’m glad you're okay, I think I know who was behind it”Sonny said “Who, Julian”Carly ask “Yes”Sonny said “Sonny , I do love you but loving you has cost me to much, Josslyn, It’s time to end this, I need to fight for my daughter and I can’t do that with you”Carly said “I do love you and I want you to get you're daughter back, I want to get my daughter back too, I will agree to it”Sonny said Carly lean toward Sonny and kiss him as she cried. “I will always love you”Sonny said “Same here”Carly said Sonny push himself out of the room and left.

At Alexis room~Alexis was in bed looking at a ring on her finger when Ned push himself in a wheelchair, “Ned, Why are you here”Alexis ask “To see you”Ned said “I’m glad you're okay, I know who did this”Alexis said “Who”Ned ask “It was one of Julian enemy”, I ending things with him last night”Alexis said “I’m not going to say I’m sorry”Ned said “I know”Alexis said as Kristina came in . “Mother”Kristina said “Kristina, Do you remember my friend Ned Ashton”Alexis ask “Yes, It’s good to see you”Kristina said Ned look at Kristina, “It’s good to see you too, A long time ago you stay at the mansion for a while”Ned said “I did”Kristina ask “Yes, I thought you were mine, It was a long complicated time ago, Skye and I raised you for a while”Ned said and left. “Why did I stay at the Quartermaine”Kristina ask “I was keeping you from Sonny, So I lied that you were Ned’s and I wasn’t well”Alexis said “I’m Ned daughter”Kristina ask “No, You're Sonny, Don’t you want to be Sonny daughter”Alexis ask “Not really, Dad and I aren’t close, He has his own little girl now”Kristina said “Oh Kristina, Sonny love you, A long time ago I did wish you were Ned’s to keep you safe”Alexis said “Oh, How are you doing, I know you loved Julian”Kristina ask “I will be fine, I have you and Molly”Alexis said

Ned was in the hallway when he ran into Sonny. “Ned, I’m glad you're okay”Sonny said “I do wish that bullet killed you then the danger would go away and this town would be safe, Julian only took you're power to hurt you, It’s still you're fault and one day you will go down”Ned said “Is it enough that I’m in a wheelchair”Sonny ask “Not for me”Ned said and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 23

~ At London~The next morning~Skye was sitting on the couch having coffee when Josslyn came in, “Joss, Do you want some juice”Skye ask “Yes please. Lila Rae is still sleeping”Josslyn said “She like to slept in”Skye said she pour Josslyn some juice and give it to her. “Joss, Do you like it here”Skye ask “Yes , Ms. Quartermaine, I like play with Lila Rae”Joss said “Good, You can call me Skye”She said “Thank you”Joss said “Do you like living here in London”Skye ask “Yes, But I miss my mother, I want to be with Daddy but”Josslyn said “It’s okay to miss you're mother”Skye said “Do you know my mother”Josslyn ask “Yes I do, I know Carly love you and missing you, A mother love never goes away”Skye said “I just with Mother spend time with me, But she was too busy with my brothers and Sonny and Sonny new baby”Josslyn said “Oh Honey”Skye said she hug Josslyn as Lila Rae came in. “Mommy, Josslyn”Lila Rae said “We were just talking, I’m glad you're awake Lila Rae, We our going to have a fun day”Skye said “What are we going to do”Lila Rae ask as Skye pour Lila Rae some juice and give it to Lila Rae. “We our going shopping”Skye said “Cool, Josslyn do you like shopping”Lila Rae ask “Yes”Josslyn said “Good, I love fashion , I want to work in fashion when I get older”Lila Rae said “Why don’t you both get ready”Skye ask “I don’t have any money on me”Josslyn said “It’s okay, It’s on me”Skye said Lila Rae and Josslyn left as Rae came in. “Skye, You look happy”Rae ask “My Lila Rae has a friend , Lila doesn’t have that many at school”Skye said “No , What about you and Jax”Rae ask “We our going to take it slow, I don’t want either of those girls hurt, They want to be sisters”Skye said “Skye, Are you falling in love with Josslyn too”Rae ask “I do like Josslyn but I'm not her mother and I don’t like Carly but I would never try to be Josslyn mother”Skye said “You don’t like what Jax did to Carly , Take Josslyn away do you”Rae ask “No I don’t, Lorenzo did that to me and it hurt like hell”Skye said “I wish I was there for you then”Rae said “You're here now, I’m glad we made up”Skye said “Me too, I want to be a mother to you Skye”Rae said “I know, That’s in the past, I’m going to check on the girls we our going shopping”Skye said and left. Rae phone rang. “Rae, It’s okay, I took care of it”Rae said and hang up the phone.

In Lila Rae room~Lila Rae and Josslyn were all ready dress for the day when Skye came in. “Are you both ready”Skye ask “Yes”Lila Rae said “Yes”Josslyn said “Good, We'll go have breakfast and then shop and have our nails done”Skye said “Yes! Josslyn said Skye took the girls hand and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 22~

~ At London~Skye was clean up Lila Rae toys as Jax came by and pull her into his arms and kiss her again. “Oh Jax , I want to, It’s been so long since I been with a man but I just want to take it slow”Skye said “Alright, Just remember this”Jax said he kiss Skye again. “I remember every time you kiss me, I remember it all”Skye said “I remember it all too , I just would like to just remember the good and learn from the bad, That we have to be honest with each other if we want a relationship”Jax said “Yes we do, I learn that from you and Lorenzo both failed,”Skye said “Good, I want to make you happy Skye”Jax said “I need to be honest with you then, Not just that AJ is back but his planning on something”Skye said “What is it”Jax ask “Well the reason Kate call you, Is because I do know her and I give Kate number to AJ, It was AJ idea to have Kate get the hotel”Skye said “To hurt Carly”Jax said “Yes”Skye said “Anything else”Jax ask “Michael knows about AJ and is going back to his last name”Skye said “I don’t blame Michael, Or AJ for want his son”Jax said “Are you upset about the hotel”Skye ask “No , I kind of figure it out, The hotel will be reopening in six months, That’s why you want to go back”Jax said “AJ does”Skye said “The shooting tonight”Jax ask “That wasn’t AJ”Skye said “I believe you, I just hope no one gets hurt”Jax said “Me too”Skye said “You're worry about AJ”Jax ask “AJ has power now and his winning but it can all go down and when it does, AJ may hit rock bottom”Skye said “You can’t save AJ”Jax said “I know”Skye said Skye and Jax kiss again as Rae came in. “Sorry”Rae said “It’s okay, Mother where have you been”Skye ask “Just having dinner with a old friend”Rae said “I sure go, Call me and I’ll pick up Josslyn tomorrow”Jax said “I thought I could take the girls shopping”Skye said “Sure”Jax said and left. “So you and Jax”Rae ask “Mother, Right not I don’t want to talk about Jax and I, I want to talk about you, What are you up to”Skye ask “Nothing, Skye I’m allow to have a life”Rae said “Yes of course but I just don’t want you to get hurt”Skye said “I will not”Rae said “Is he marry”Skye ask “Skye, I’m going to bed”Rae said she kiss Skye on the cheek and left.

Lila Rae room~Lila Rae and Josslyn were laying in bed laughing when Skye came in. “Girls, It’s time for bed, We will go out tomorrow and shop”Skye said “Yes Mother”Lila Rae said “Thanks for let me come over”Josslyn said “You're welcome, I’m glad you're both friends and Josslyn you're always welcome here”Skye said “Do you like my Daddy”Josslyn ask “Yes is that okay, With both of you”Skye ask “Yes! We want to be sisters”Lila Rae said “Yes”Josslyn said “Oh girls, Don’t get you're hopes up but whatever this is you both can always be friends”Skye said she kiss both girls and cover them up and close the door.

At Rae room~Rae was on the phone. “I just check on him, His fine”Rae said and hang up the phone , “So Skye but I can’t tell you yet”Rae said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 21

At the docks~ Mac was their looking for evidence when Morgan came by pushing Sonny. “Do you know anything about who shot you're wife and Alexis and Ned”Mac ask “No I don’t”Sonny said “I hope not”Mac said “I would ask Julian, His back in the mob”Sonny said “I will”Mac said “Julian took all of my territory I don’t have any left”Sonny said “So you're out of the mob”Mac ask “In away yes”Sonny said “Can we go”Morgan ask “Yes”Mac said “Good , Fine the person who try to kill my mother”Morgan said and left with Sonny.

At General Hospital~ Alexis room~ Alexis was in bed awake when Julian came in with flowers. “I’m glad you're alright”Julian said “Thank you”Alexis said they share a kiss as Ric came in. “Ric, What is it”Alexis ask “Julian is it true, You know have Sonny territory”Ric ask “What are you getting at”Julian ask “Was this one of you're enemy”Ric ask “I don’t know but I’m powerful now”Julian said “Alexis, I’m glad you're okay, I hope you leave him. Julian I will be watching you”Ric said and left. “Is it over”Ric ask “Is take what Sonny had more important then us”Alexis ask “Right now that is what I want”Julian said “I’m sorry Julian but I don’t want to be with you, I can’t handle the violence, I’m sorry”Alexis said “Me too”Julian said he kiss Alexis goodbye and left as Molly and Kristina came in. “Mother, Are you okay”Kristina ask “We broke up”Alexis said “Why”Molly ask “Julian love the mob more then me’ Alexis said “I’m sorry”Kristina said “I will be okay”Alexis said “Is it Julian fault about the shooting”Molly ask “I don’t know”Alexis said

At London~Skye and Jax were talking while Josslyn and Lila Rae were playing. “Jax, You look worry when you came over”Skye said “Yes, Michael called me before I came over, Carly was shot at today”Jax said “Oh no, Is she okay “Skye ask “Yes, Alexis and Ned too but this just make me realize that I was right about take Josslyn away”Jax said “Where did it happened”Skye ask “At the docks in the daylight”Jax said “I hate to admit this but yes you were right to take Joss, It could've been her, When you're a parent you have to put you're child first”Skye said “Yes, Something Carly never did”Jax said Skye look at the girls who were playing and then at Jax and kiss him. “What was that for”Jax ask “I want to try but take our time, I need to trust this again”Skye said “I want you to trust me”Jax said he kiss Skye again.

Lila Rae and Josslyn were looking at them. “What do you think if you're dad marry my mom”Lila Rae ask “I would like that,We could be sister”Josslyn said “Yes, I would have a Daddy and a sister”Lila Rae said “I would have a mommy and sister”Josslyn said ‘Skye and Jax came by.”Girls , It’s time for bed”Skye said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 20~”Mother’s love”

At General Hospital~Tracy and Michael and Morgan and Sonny and Kristina and Molly and Nikolas came in. “How is my mother”Morgan ask “How is Alexis”Nikolas ask “How is My son”Tracy ask as Bobbie came by. “We don’t know anything yet”Bobbie said “I hope mother is okay”Michael said “Why do you care, You hurt mother when you chance you're last name! Morgan yelled “It’s my birth name! It doesn’t mean I don’t love my mother! Michael yelled “Carly know that, A mother love never goes away”Bobbie said “Mother better be okay”Molly said as Ric came by, “How is Alexis”Ric ask “We don’t know, Who would shoot mother in daylight”Kristina ask “I’m looking into this”Ric said “You better”Tracy said as Monica and Patrick came in. “How is My mother”Molly ask “Alexis is going to be fine, So is Carly and Ned they were not injured that bad just some cuts and bruise”Monica said “Thank you, Can we see them”Tracy ask “Yes, Just don’t upset them”Monica said Tracy left to see Ned, Kristina and Molly and Ric & Nikolas left to see Alexis and Morgan push Sonny to see Carly. “Michael, Are you okay”Monica ask “No, I do love my mother, I’m just anger at her and I want to know my Quartermaine family”Michael said “I know, I think deep down Carly get it”Monica said “I hope so, I wonder who shoot at them”Michael said “It’s not who you think it is”Monica said as Ric came by and listening to them and walk by. “Monica, Michael, Do you know anything about who the shooter was”Ric ask “No, I don’t, Maybe one of Sonny Enemy”Monica said “Could be”Ric said “I’m going to see my mother”Michael said and left.

At Ned room~Ned was in bed wake when Tracy came in. “Ned, I’m glad you're okay”Tracy said “Me too Mother, Is Carly and Alexis okay”Ned ask “Yes they are both okay, Do you remember anything”Tracy ask “I was asking Alexis about Jax and then Carly show up and guns when off”Ned said “I’m glad you're okay son”Tracy said

At Carly’s room~ Carly was in bed wake when Morgan came in and push Sonny, “Morgan, Sonny”Carly said “I’m glad you're okay, Do you remember anything about the shooter”Sonny ask “No, I didn’t see anyone it was fast”Carly said “I’m glad you're okay mother, I love you”Morgan said “I love you too, Is Ned and Alexis okay”Carly ask “Yes”Sonny said as Bobbie came in. “My baby”Bobbie said and kiss Carly on the forehead. “I’m okay”Carly said “I know, Thank god”Bobbie said as Michael came in. “I’m glad you're okay”Michael said “Me too”Carly said “Can I talk to my mother alone”Michael ask “Sure, Come on Sonny and Morgan”Bobbie said they left. “I want you to know just because I want to be a Quartermaine doesn’t mean I don’t love you, I just want to know the family I was take from”Michael said “I get that and I get that you're anger, I was when I found out about being adoption, I still love you”Carly said “I’m glad you're okay”Michael said “Michael, No matter what, I’m you're mother and I love you”Carly said Michael kiss his mother and left.

At Alexis room~Alexis was in bed wake when Molly and Kristina and Nikolas came in. “Alexis, We our glad you're okay”Nikolas said he took her hand. “I’m a Cassadine nothing take us down”Alexis said “No”Nikolas said “Are Carly and Ned okay”Alexis ask “Yes, Do you remember anything”Molly ask “No”Alexis said “I hope they fine the person”Kristina said “Me too, But I’m glad no one was hurt”Alexis said “Me too”Kristina said as Ric came in. “Alexis, Do you remember anything”Ric ask “No”Alexis said “I will be on this case”Ric said “Good”Alexis said
Copyright by Skye's the limit