Sunday, February 21, 2016

Finding you Skye /Lorenzo /Jax/Genevieve /Alexander part 3 ch 76

~At The Cassadine Mansion~Alexis memory~Ric and Molly and Alexander and Nikolas and Laura and Stefan and Bianca were their when Genevieve and Kristina and Emily came in. “Thanks for coming”Alexander said “Alway,I loved Alexis”Genevieve said “I know you did, She love you too”Alexander said “Kristina, How was Neds”Molly ask “Good, I just hate this”Kristina said “I know”Molly said “I don’t believe this was an accident”Stefan said “Stefan, I do hope my father didn’t do this”Genevieve said “I know, But if he did I may go after him”Stefan said “I don’t blame you, I would feel the same”Genevieve said “Let’s just make this about my mother”Molly said “Yes”Kristina said “We are just going to share our memories about Alexis”Nikolas said Stefan got up. “Alexis and I thought we were cousin and we just had each other in our childhood to protect ourself from Helena and my brother and I try the best I could to protect my cousin, It wasn’t for awhile that I found out she was my sister, Yes their was time we disagree but I love her”Stefan said “Alexis was always take care of this family she was like a gatekeeper and love each of us”Nikolas said “Mother, Was the best mother to us”Kristina said “I loved Alexis, Yes we could not get our marriage to work but we had a great daughter”Ric said as a woman came in. “Why are you here”Stefan ask “To say goodbye to my daughter”Kristin said “Alexis , Would want you here”Ric said “Thank you”Kristin said “Would you like to say something about you're daughter’ Ric ask “Yes.I wish I didn’t miss Natasha grownup it was a mistake walking away from my girls”Kristin said she start to cry and Laura took her hand. “I’m Laura, Nikolas Mother and I know what you're going though you're not alone”Laura said “Thank you”Kristin said

“Kristina , What is it”Molly ask “At Ned funeral, Tracy told me that she thinks Ned is my father not Sonny”Kristina said “Why would Mother lie”Molly ask “Someone could of chance the DNA”Kristina said “Who”Molly ask “I don’t know but I’m going to find out”Kristina said Kristin came by. “I’m glad you're here , Mother would want you here”Kristina said “Thank you, We both will help each other”Kristin said “Yes we will”Molly said

“Stefan”Laura said “Laura, Thank you for being here”Stefan said “Always”Laura said

“Nikolas, I’m sorry about this”Genevieve said “Thank you, Alexis really like you”Nikolas said “I like her too”Genevieve said “Mother, Sure I take you home”Bianca ask “I need to talk to you're mother at my house”Alexander said “I will be okay”Genevieve said and left with Alexander.

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