Thursday, February 25, 2016

“Forever and For always part 2 ch 15 (Skyelo)~

At Luis house~ Luis was in bed with a man when their was a knock on the door Luis got out of bed and put on his shorts and went to open the door it was Skye. “Mother”Luis said “You're okay! Why didn’t you pick up you're phone! I was worry about you! Skye yelled “I’m sorry Mother”Luis said “It’s okay, I’m just glad you're okay, You're father is up to something do you know what it is”Skye ask “No, Father want me out of this”Luis said as a man came in wearing shorts. “Luis, What is going on”The man ask “I could ask the same thing”Skye said “Mother, This is my friend Bobby”Luis said “Nice to meet you, Luis told me all about you”Bobby said “Thank you”Skye said “I will let you two talk”Bobby said and left. “Luis., Are you gay”Skye ask she touch her son face. “Yes Mother, I always was Gay, I just want to not deal with it, All the woman I been with can’t chance who I’m”Luis said “This is going to take some get use to, I don’t know how you're father is going to act”Skye said “I know, That’s who I’m scare of telling the most”Luis said “Really”Skye ask “Yes , Mother you have always been the support one for all of us”Luis said “Thanks, I wish you're sister felt the same way”Skye said “Genevieve can be a pain”Luis said “Yes, I’m staying at you're sister's house for now, I’m upset with Lorenzo”Skye said “I hate that father is in that life too but that’s who he is”Luis said “I guess so”Skye said “Mother I love you”Luis said “I love you too”Skye said and left.
Bobby came out. “Luis, Are you okay”Bobby ask “Yes, I feels good to finally let it out”Luis said “Good”Bobby said “Now I just have to tell my father and sisters”Luis said “It’s going to be fine, Then I can meet them”Bobby said “You don’t want to meet my family trust me”Luis said

At Genevieve/Alexander~Genevieve was check on Nikolas-Alexander, “I will keep you safe, You will have the best childhood ever, Parents who support you're dreams and love you for who you are and no one will ever hurt you”Genevieve said she kiss him goodnight and went downstairs.

At a warehouse~ Lorenzo and Ricardo were their when a gun went off.

At Alexander/Genevieve ~ Skye came in and pour a drink a when Genevieve came in. “Mother”Genevieve said Skye drop the glass. “Mother, What is it”Genevieve ask “You're father”Skye said

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