Thursday, February 25, 2016

Forever and For always part 2 ch 21 (Skyelo)~

~The next day~

At General Hospital~Skye was sitting on the couch she was here all night worry about her husband and children when Ricardo came by with some coffee in his hand. “Skye, I have some coffee for you”Ricardo said He handle her the coffee. “Thank you, You sure be in bed”Skye said as Ricardo sit by her. “I was discharge last night”Ricardo said “That's good”Skye said “Thanks, Were you here all night”Ricardo ask “Yes , Lila Rae and Luis are both in the hospital too”Skye said “No, What’s wrong”Ricardo ask “Lila Rae is pregnant and has leukemia and the pregnant is get hard on her, She will not pick the baby so Dr Kelly give her some medical to help the cancer and Luis was shot last night, His paralyze”Skye said “No, I’m sorry, I will find the person who shot Luis”Ricardo said “It’s Frank Smith Jr and their more, That Lorenzo doesn’t know yet”Skye said “What”Ricardo ask “Lorenzo doesn’t know but our son is gay and he didn’t know that Frank Smith Jr was a friend of his Bobby”Skye said “You mean they slept together”Ricardo ask “Yes”Skye said “Wow, I will handle this, I’m sorry you had to deal with this alone”Ricardo said “I can handle anything”Skye said “I’m sure you can”Ricardo said they share a look as Genevieve and Skylar came by. “Mother, What is it”Skylar ask “Yes, Why did you want us to come here first thing”Genevieve ask “Skye, It’s going to be okay”Ricardo said and left.”What does that mean”Genevieve ask “Girls, I haven’t told you're father yet but Lila Rae and Luis are here”Skye said “With what”Skylar ask “Lila Rae cancer is getting worst and has to pick the baby or her soon and you're brother was shot last night”Skye said “Why didn’t you call us”Genevieve ask “Because it was late and Genevieve you need some rest”Skye said “Is Luis okay”Skylar ask “No his paralyze”Skye said “Oh no”Genevieve said “How did Luis take it”Skylar ask “Not good,I’m going to tell you're father”Skye said “I want to see Lila Rae and Luis”Genevieve said “Go ahead”Skye said

At Lorenzo room~ Lorenzo was in bed when Ricardo came in. “Ricardo”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I’m going to take care of the man who shot us, I want you to rest”Ricardo said “I will get better and beat this”Lorenzo said “I know you will”Ricardo said as Skye came in. “What is going on”Skye ask “Nothing, I was just check in, I see you later”Ricardo said “Thank you”Skye said Ricardo look at Skye and left. “Skye, What is going on, You look tired”Lorenzo ask Lorenzo took Skye hand. “I’m tired, I been here all night”Skye said “Why,I’m going to be okay, Till the swelling goes down their nothing Patrick can do”Lorenzo said “Their more that went on last night, I didn’t tell you become I want you to rest”Skye said “What, Is it our children”Lorenzo ask “Yes, Lila Rae is in here , The cancer is getting bad and Dr Kelly give her something till Lila Rae make a decision and Luis went looking for the man who shot at you and he was shot at two and now his paralyze”Skye said “No! You sure of told me! Lorenzo yelled Skye got up and went at the end of his bed, “Don’t be mad at me! This isn’t my fault about Luis it’s all on you! Skye yelled “I’m sorry that Luis went looking for the person who shot us,How did Luis take it”Lorenzo ask “Not good and their more that you need to know but Luis has to tell you”Skye said “Skye, I’m sorry about all this”Lorenzo said “I know, It’s easy to blame you for Luis I just wish all this would stop and our children would be healthy”Skye said “Me too, I want to see Lila Rae and Luis”Lorenzo said “I will get the nurse to help you”Skye said and left.

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