Thursday, February 25, 2016

Forever and For always part 2 ch 23 (Skyelo)

At General Hospital~ Lorenzo room~Lorenzo was in bed when Skye came in. “I could not heard what Dr Kelly was talking to Genevieve about”Skye said “Oh”Lorenzo said “We need to talk about our son, I love Luis I don’t care that his gay as along as his here and healthy that’s all that I care about”Skye said”Skye, It’s just a shock, Luis has girlfriends”Lorenzo said “Yes, He was trying to stop his feelings about this”Skye said “I will always love Luis but I don’t support this and I made a mistake in making you pick Lila Rae over me so I will not do it again”Lorenzo said “Good”Skye said “Skye, Why don’t you go home and chance and check on the twins”Lorenzo said “Alright, I want you to take it easy”Skye said “I will” Lorenzo said as Patrick came in. “Dr Drake, How is my husband”Skye ask Patrick look at Lorenzo. “We still have to wait for the swelling to go down before we do more surgery”Dr Drake said “How long will I be here”Lorenzo ask “For a while, You have a lot of recovery to do”Dr Drake said “What about our son”Lorenzo ask “Luis sure do therapy but his never going to walk again”Dr Drake said “Not even you can save our son”Skye ask “No”Patrick said “I’m going home to chance”Skye said and kiss Lorenzo goodbye and left.

At The Quartermaine hotel~ Genevieve was order some food when Victor came by. “Genevieve”Victor said “Victor”Genevieve said “I’m sorry about you're brother and Father”Victor said “Thanks, I wish Daddy would leave”Genevieve said “You can’t chance someone who doesn’t want to be chance”Victor said “No, Victor, I’m sorry about hurting you”Genevieve said “I have move on, I’m opening my own company”Victor said “I’m sure it will do well , You're a smart businessman”Genevieve said “Thank you, You do look good”Victor said “I’m having a good day”Genevieve said “Good, You sure go back to the law”Victor said “I wish I could “Genevieve said “You can, I saw you in court with Lorenzo on the case, You were great just like you're old stuff”Victor said “It was a easy case”Genevieve said “No that’s not in, You're scared of something, What is it”Victor ask “Failed”Genevieve said “Genevieve Alcazar never failed, You always put 100 % in you're work”Victor said “Thank you”Genevieve said “Ms. Alcazar, You're order is ready”The man said Genevieve paid for her order and took it. “Thanks Victor, We both need to get our life back”Genevieve said “Yes”Victor said Genevieve kiss him on the cheek and left.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was downstairs wearing a new dress and pick up a picture of Lorenzo and Luis, “Please don’t let this destroy them”Skye said to herself and put the picture down and left.

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