Thursday, February 25, 2016

Forever and For always (Skyelo) part 1 ch 64

~At The courthouse~Genevieve was their early get ready for the case she was scared about being back in court again. “Ladies and Gentlemen the jury Mr. Alcazar did this to save his daughter this man Guy was a monster and need to be stop and I hope you see that this wasn’t out of hate but out of love and to protect all the children”Genevieve said as Alexander came in. “Genevieve”Alexander said “Alexander”Genevieve said “I sure of know you were here, You left early”Alexander said “It’s been awhile since I been in court”Genevieve said “I know you're worry you can’t do this but you can, You're Genevieve Alcazar and you don’t back down for anything”Alexander said he touch her arm. “Thank you, I need to heard that”Genevieve said “You're welcome, You're father did the right thing here and you will get him off”Alexander said as Lorenzo and Skye came in. “Genevieve, Are you okay”Skye ask “Yes , Everything is set”Genevieve said as Luis and Skylar and Lila Rae and Alan and AJ and Monica and Rae and Ric came in. “Get ready to lose Lansing I’m back”Genevieve said “We use to be on the same size”Ric said “We still are, Just in a different way you know what my father did was the right thing here , If this was Molly you would do the same thing I know you Ric I have work with you for years”Genevieve said as the judge came in and everyone stood up.

“The State of New York Vs Lorenzo Alcazar on the murder of Guy Smith, How do you plea" The judge ask Lorenzo stood up. “Guilty you're honor”Lorenzo said he sit back down. “Are both lawyers ready for opening statements”The judge ask “Yes, You're honor”Ric said “Yes”Genevieve said Ric went first. “Yes Guy Smith was a child rapist a pedophillia but you can’t take the law in you're own hands , Lorenzo Alcazar isn’t a nice guy his a mobster ! Yes Lorenzo is guilty and lock him up”Ric said Ric was done. Genevieve went up. “Yes Mr Alcazar did this but Guy Smith is a pedophillia we have a list of names of other children who he raped and then tape them! Children as young as five years old! He need to be stop! Yes Mr. Alcazar is in the mob but what he did was the right thing here! Please let Lorenzo Alcazar go, What if this man hurt someone you love , You would do anything you want to stop them and keep the safe”Genevieve said she sit down. “Mr. Lansing, Do you have witness for this case”The judge ask “No you're honor not yet”Ric said “Ms. Alcazar”The judge ask “Yes I have lots of witness and evident too, This is all the DVD of the children he raped and pictures”Genevieve said “Call you're first witness”The judge said “I call my client , Mr. Lorenzo Alcazar”Genevieve said Lorenzo took the stand and swear in. “Mr. Alcazar , Did you kill Guy Smith”Genevieve ask “Yes I did”Lorenzo ask “Why”Genevieve ask “For you Genevieve and all the children he hurt, I had to keep them all safe and I don’t regret it, I’m not sorry his dead”Lorenzo said “Thank you from all of us”Genevieve said she was finish. “Mr. Alcazar is this the first man you ever killed”Ric ask “No but this time it was for the love of my daughter, I’m sure you would do the same thing”Lorenzo said “You're not just a loving father , You're a murders”Ric said Lorenzo got off the stand.

“I would like to see both of you in my chamber “The Judge said Ric and Genevieve got up and went to the chamber. “Ric, This isn’t about the case you want to put Mr. Alcazar in jail just because when we know this is the right thing what he did, I have read all the reports and It break my heart for all the children he hurts, We need to do the right thing here, Sometime it’s not just the law we need to follow”The Judge said

At The Courthouse~Lorenzo was waiting with his family, “This is good”Skye said “I hope so”Lorenzo said as The Judge and Ric and Genevieve came in. “Jury you are allow to go home, This case is over”The Judge said Lorenzo stood up, “You're honor, Are you drop the changer”Lorenzo ask “Yes I’m , But don’t make me regret it”The judge said “I will not Thank you”Lorenzo said The judge left. “Looks like you're back Genevieve, Come back to working with us, I need a Asst DA”Ric said “I would love to”Genevieve said she shake his hand and Ric left. “Looks like we both got our life back”Lorenzo said “Yes we did, We both save each other”Genevieve said “Yes we did”Lorenzo said he kiss Genevieve on the forehead and left.

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