Friday, August 4, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 61

“A Secret”
At General Hospital-Bobbie was thinking about the mysterious woman when Luke came by. “Barbara ,Luke said “Luke, Why are you here”Bobbie ask “How are you doing “Luke ask “Good, Why”Bobbie ask “Lucky needs me to help him look for LJ”Luke said “Then go”Bobbie said “Are you going to be okay “Luke ask “Yes I have my grandchildren here”Bobbie said “You can always call me and I will come “Luke said they share a hug.

At Liz-Liz was just coming home when Lucky walk in. “Lucky “Liz said “I have been worrying about our son and I'm going to look for LJ with my dad”Lucky said “Good, I have a feeling his in trouble “Liz said “I have the same feeling, I hope his okay, I hate that he raped Sierra that wasn't the boy we raised “Lucky said “No it wasn't I was ashamed of our son for what he did, I know the hurt he cause Sierra “Liz said “Me too, I will call you if I get any new “Lucky said “Thank “Liz said

At Lila Rae/Morgan-Lila Rae was looking at a picture of Cameron when Morgan came in. Lila Rae put the picture in her purse. ,”We sure go”Morgan said as Grace came in. “Yes let's go”Lila Rae said as she look at Grace and thought about her secrets she was keeping and they left.

At General Hospital-Laura office -Laura was talking to Josslyn. They were planning the fundraiser with Laura. “I know the hospital is doing this to save face but I have been enjoying planning this fundraiser for Mother”Josslyn said “I'm glad you like it, Josslyn would you like to run the fundraiser at the hospital “Laura ask “I thought Skye does it”Josslyn ask “Yes but we are always looking for extra help “Laura said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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