Saturday, August 26, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 26

“A Day of the Exes”

At Bobbie -Bobbie was having coffee when the doorbell rang, she went to open it was John. “John, Come in, Cassie is upstairs “Bobbie said “How is she doing “John ask “Good”Bobbie said as Cassie came in. “John, I'm glad you're here, I have some questions for both of you “Cassie said “What is it”Bobbie ask “I want to know how you both meet”Cassie said “It's not a fairytale story, I lose my parents at a younger age it was just my brother and I so we went to Florida to live with my aunt and we were poor it made ends meet My aunt ran a call girl business and I was one of the girls and my brother my pimp, I hate for what I did I felt dirty and cheap but I had no choice”Bobbie said “John was one of you're John “Cassie ask “Yes I was”John said “So it wasn't love between you two “Cassie ask “We didn't love each other or know anything about each other it was just business “John said “How do you know that John my father “Cassie ask “I had a diary about who I slept with and Carly figure it out and found John and did a DNA test “Bobbie said “I'm sorry it's not a love story “John said “So that's why you give us up for adoption “Cassie ask “Yes I was too young to raise a child, I forgot that I give birth to twins ,I'm sorry “Bobbie said “I had a great childhood, I just came into town to fine ut who I'm “Cassie said “We are glad you did, We just wish that Carly was here too”John said “I would've of like to know her “Cassie said “Carly would've like to know you to”Bobbie said

At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy and Ned were talking. “I hope it goes well for Skye today in court “Tracy said “I think that Skye and Lorenzo are just handle this all wrong”Ned said as Dillon came in. “Mother, How are you “Dillon ask “I'm doing better “Tracy said as Paul came in. “I was feeling better, Why are you here “Tracy ask “Father “Dillon said “Dillon, Tracy , Ned , I'm back for good and I'm going to stay in town”Paul said “Really “Tracy ask “Yes I'm going to run for DA of this town”Paul said “Not if I can help it”Tracy said “Tracy, I want to move on from the past “Paul said “Alright, I'm sick with cancer so I have to put all my energy into this and not the pass just don't hurt my son “Tracy said “I will not, Dillon I want a chance with you”Paul said “I will try “Dillon said Paul left. “Mother, Let's go for a walk “Dillon said they left a Olivia came in. “Olivia, Why are you here “Ned ask,”I want a chance on our marriage, Ned I'm pregnant “Olivia said “Is it mine “Ned ask “Yes, I'm four months “Olivia said “I miss you, I'm willing to give us a try “Ned said “Thanks “Olivia said “I want to move into here with my family”Ned said “Is something going on”Olivia ask “My mother is sick”Ned said “You're mother is going to beat this and I will be here for you”Olivia said they share a hug.

At Bobbie-Bobbie was saying goodbye to John,,”Talking about the past today, I still have feelings for you Bobbie “John said “John, It wasn't love between us you were just paying me for sex”Bobbie said “We both know it was more then that “John said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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