Thursday, August 17, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 75

At Lorenzo-Lorenzo was worrying about the secrets when Skye came in. “Lorenzo, What did you want to see me about “Skye ask “It's about Sierra she still think you are hiding something, My men follow her to Felicia Jones house this morning “Lorenzo said “Did Sierra talk to Felicia “Skye ask “No I stop Sierra from going on,,All this could've been involved if you didn't hesitate when Sierra ask you about you're pregnancy with her”Lorenzo said “I know, Maybe we should just tell Sierra the truth “Skye said “No, I will not let you “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo this will not change anything between both of you “Skye said “Skye, We both promise that night to keep it a secret “Lorenzo said “I know but how do we stop this panda box from open “Skye ask “I don't know how, I told Sierra that she sure leave it alone”Lorenzo said “I don't think it's going to work “Skye said “How are you doing with this “Lorenzo ask “Not good “Skye said “Did you ever tell Ric about this”Lorenzo ask as he pour a drink. “After Sierra raped i also thought of mine and Ric could tell I was attack so I told him”Skye said “I told Carly too”Lorenzo said “I don't want to hurt Sierra “Skye said “Me either “Lorenzo said “Let's ’ keep this secret “Skye said “I agree “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I'm glad you called me , Let Lorenzo Jr boat be about his business not yours,Let our son have a second chance “Skye said “Alright, I will “Lorenzo said “Good, I will see you tonight “Skye said and left.

At Skye's-Sierra came in and sneak around when Richard came in. “Sierra, Why are you here? Mother isn't here”Richard ask “I'm looking for something “Sierra said “Sierra, What is it”Richard ask “Do you know anything about my father? Not about Daddy business but the family, I try to google about my father but I can't find anything about Daddy”Sierra said “What are you looking for “Richard ask “I think Mother and Daddy are keeping something from me, I was going to hire Felicia but Daddy caught me, I just have a feeling this secret is about how mother ended up pregnant with me”Sierra said as Lorenzo Jr was listed to them. “Sierra, What do you think it is”Richard ask “I don't know I keep thinking maybe I was responsible for mother and Daddy divorce “Sierra said “I will see what I can fine “Richard said “Thanks, I love you Richard, You are my brother “Sierra said “I love you to sis”Richard said Sierra left as Lorenzo Jr came in. “Richard,,You can't help Sierra it's not a good idea “Lorenzo Jr said “Do you know the secrets “Richard ask “Some yes”Lorenzo Jr said 

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