Thursday, August 24, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 16

At The Quartermaine hotel-Skye/Kate/Ava office-Skye and Ava and Katie were having a meeting. “I want to have the launch party after the custody hearing “Skye said “Sure, We can work on it while you're in court, We are sorry about you're daughter “Katie said “Thanks, I hate that my secrets coast me my daughter “Skye said “What secrets “Ava ask “It doesn't matter anymore, Let's get back to work “Skye said they work on the magazine.

At The Haunted Starr-Lorenzo Jr was looking around the place the last time his family was all there with Sierra who was happy when Gina came in. “Gina, Why are you here “Lorenzo Jr ask “I just came in for a drink, The other night was nice “Gina said “Yes it was, Gina it meant something to me”Lorenzo Jr said “It meant something to me to, We both have a connection to Sierra “Gina said “Yes, I miss my sister this was the last place we were all happy and together “Lorenzo Jr said “We sure do something to honor Sierra “Gina said “I like that idea”Lorenzo Jr said “Thanks, Of cause I will talk to you're parents first “Gina said

At Lorenzo/Skye-Lorenzo was alone looking at a picture of him and Skye when Tea came back in the room. “Lorenzo, Are you okay “Tea ask “Yes I'm why do you ask “Lorenzo ask “You are looking at a old picture of you and Skye. Do you love Skye “Tea ask “I did love Skye when we were married before but she betrayed me when she work with Ric to put me in jail! I lose years with my children!! Lorenzo yelled “I remember I was you're lawyer, I want to win for you and the children, I was watching Skye then I have a feeling Ric was playing on Skye insecurities and trying to let Skye believe you would take her children away and she would never see them again “Tea said “I want to share the children with Skye, Children need their mother”Lorenzo said “Yes they do, I miss our mother all the time “Tea said Lorenzo pour a drink. “I don't want to talk about our mother “Lorenzo said “That you betrayed “Tea said “I didn't ask you to come into town to talk about the past”Lorenzo said “I'm you're sister, You can't not just use me and not deal with our family! Have you even talked to our brother? Tea ask “Luis”Lorenzo ask “No not Luis, I don't agree with who Luis has become, His like father “Tea said “His worse the father”Lorenzo said “Yea, I was talking about Mateo “Tea said “No I don't want to talk about him, I'm glad you're helping me and I do want to get to know you again “Lorenzo said “I want that too, I been wanting a new start after losing Victor and our baby and Daniella is away in LA, It's time for me “Tea said “You have my support “Lorenzo said as Skye came in. “Skye, I'm glad you're here, I have an idea that will help you get custody “Tea said “What's that “Lorenzo ask “Have Rae move into the house having a great grandmother around the house will look great for us”Tea said “I don't know if I can ask that of my mother,, We are just getting to know each other again “Skye said “Skye, I'm sure Rae will do this’ Lorenzo said “No , Mother will not “Skye said “Why not”Lorenzo ask “My mother still hate you, Remember she wasn't there the first time we were married “Skye ask “Yes but I know you're mother believe in second chances “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo if you can get mother to do this then I'm fine with it “Skye said
“You want me to ask Rae”Lorenzo ask “Yes, You can chamer her “Skye said “Already, I will go talk to Rae”Lorenzo said “She still at the hospital “Skye said Lorenzo left, “I don't think this will work “Tea said “Lorenzo can be very charmer at getting what he wants “Skye said “True “Tea said “Are you leaving town after the custody hearing “Skye ask “No, I'm thinking of staying I need a new start”Tea said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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