Thursday, August 31, 2017

All Mixed up Part 3 ch 52

At General Hospital-The next day-Tracy was having a checkup with Dr. Webber. “The cancer is growing, It's in you're blood system and you're red blood cell are low , We need to get them back up”Dr. Webber said “How do we get it back up “Tracy ask “You're going to need a new bone marrow “Dr.,Webber said “How do we get a bone marrow “Tracy ask “We have to find a match from you're family or anyone and we need to do it soon, I want you to stay till we get one”Dr. Webber said “Alright”Tracy said

At The Quartermaine hotel-Olivia had come into the lobby and ran into Katie. “Katie, You live here”Olivia ask “Yes, You ? Katie ask ‘“I just moved here with my husband, We are having a baby together “Olivia said “I'm happy for you, Who is you're husband”Katie ask “Ned Ashton”Olivia said “That's great”Katie said “What about you”Olivia ask “I'm working on a magazine with Skye Alcazar and Ave Jerome “Katie said “That's great”Olivia said

Ned was in the dining area having a meeting with Blair, “I'm a singer and I want to put out a Cd but I need a new label”Blair said “My label is always looking for a new act, What kind of music do  you sing “Ned ask “County, I'm also thinking of opening my own night club so I can sing “Blair said “Port Charles hasn't had a night club in a long time “Ned said “Maybe it's what this town needs then”Blair said as Olivia came by. “Ned, Who are you “Olivia ask ‘This is Blair Cramer she a new singer on my label “Ned said “It's nice to meet you “Olivia said “You too”Blair said Ned phone rang,

“Blair, What kind of music do you sing”Olivia ask “County, I'm not after you're husband, I have my own, Tell Ned I will call him”Blair said and left as Ned came by. “Ned, What is it”Olivia ask “It's my mother “Ned said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed up part 3 ch 51

At Bobbie/Cassie-Bobbie and Cassie had just finished dinner, “Bobbie, Are you okay that I'm here “Cassie ask “Cassie, You can stay here as much as you need to I know we were lose for awhile but I'm glad I found you, I just wish that Carly could of meet you to”Bobbie said”I wish I know her too”Cassie said “Morgan, Carly son need her right now to”Bobbie said “What's going on with Morgan”Cassie ask “He had a break down, Morgan has bipolar “Bobbie said “I'm sorry “Cassie said “His getting the help he needs “Bobbie said their was a knock on the door, Bobbie open it was John. “John, Why are you here”Bobbie ask “I wanted to see my girls “John said “I'm you're girl”Bobbie ask “I will let you to talk”Cassie said she left, “Bobbie, I want a chance with you, Bobbie why are you so scared “John ask “I'm not scared, I do care for you John, Alright we can try this but take it slow “Bobbie said “I can do slow, How about breakfast tomorrow at the hotel”John ask “Sure “Bobbie said John left.

At Patrick/Robin-Patrick and Robin were home and shocked about their daughter news. “I wonder who Emma assignment is”Patrick said “I have a feeling it's Lorenzo, I'm going to call my mother and talk to her “Robin said “Good, I don't want Emma to get hurt”Patrick said “Me too”Robin said

At Grayson-Grayson was with his daughter's it was hard taking care of them they were downstairs he lay Bliss on the couch he had to change her diaper when Nikolas and Hayden came in. “Grayson, What is going on “Hayden ask,”Did you kidnap the twins “Nikolas ask “No, Skye and Lorenzo give me back my children,”Grayson said he changed Bliss diaper. “That's great “Hayden said “Are you sure you can trust Lorenzo “Nikolas ask “Yes, Skye and Lorenzo and I are going to work on a agreement “Grayson said “I'm happy for you son”Nikolas said Grayson picked up his daughters. “I just wish my wife was here “Grayson said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed up Part 3 ch 50

“Sierra Cassadine”
At AJ/Lydia-Lydia and AJ were sitting on the couch. “AJ, Why did you hire Carly twin sister “Lydia ask “She need a job and I need to hire someone, Lydia you don't have to worry about me I will not cheat on you “AJ said “I know you will not cheat on me, Know that the kids are older I been thinking of fine a job, Running charity isn't enough “Lydia said “Lydia, I will support you we have always supported each other “AJ said “Yes we have, I'm sorry I was upset about you hire Cassie “Lydia said “It's okay”AJ said they share a kiss.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was lightning the candles in the bedroom making it romantic for Skye when he look up and saw Sierra as a ghost. “Daddy, Thanks for doing the right thing”Sierra said “You're welcome, Well I still see you again “Lorenzo ask “No, I just came to make sure you do the right thing here”Sierra said “What about you're mother? Skye would love to see you”Lorenzo said “I can't “Sierra said she was fade. “Sierra, Don't go”Lorenzo said as Skye came in the room. “Lorenzo, Is Sierra here? I want to see her”Skye said Lorenzo look for Sierra. “She gone “Lorenzo said “It's not fair! I want to see Sierra! I want her here!! Skye yelled “I want Sierra to”Lorenzo said they share a hug,

On a Island- A house Sierra wake up and was confused about where she was and look at the IV that was in her arm when Luis came in. “Where I'm ? Luis “Sierra ask “Sierra I brought you home to live with me , You're father “Luis said “I'm confused, Can you help me up and take off the IV”Sierra ask “Yes, Just don't try anything “Luis said he took of the IV and help Sierra up. She had a grown on. “I will show you around our house we will be staying ‘Luis said “What about my children? My husband Grayson “Sierra ask ,”The twins died that night and Grayson turn into the bottle“Luis said “What does everyone think where I'm “Sierra ask “Sierra, Everyone life was turn upside down that day you found about me , That I'm you're father, Lorenzo never loved you as his own and Skye away saw me in you, I'm you're father I want to know you”Luis said they went outside.  “This is a private island it's just us here and horse you can ride, You can do whatever you want here, You are not a prisoner here “Luis said “Luis “Sierra said “I would love for you to call me Daddy, We never got a chance it's our time to be together you have nothing left at Port Charles “Luis said “Sure, I would like to know you Daddy “Sierra said as a man came by. “Who's that ’Sierra ask “This is Ian, My assistant, Ian this is my daughter Sierra “Luis said “Nice to meet you “Ian said “You too, Can I go for a walk around the island “Sierra ask “Sure just take it easy “Luis said Sierra left. “Luis, What are you up to”Ian ask “Getting revenge on two people who took me from my daughter now I'm doing it to them”Luis said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 49

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan and Monica were alone talking. “I have some news I hire Felicia to fine my parents “Monica said “I do hope you find them and that they want to meet you”Alan said “I can handle anything “Monica said “Yes you can, You're strong “Alan said “Yes I'm”Monica said they share a kiss, “Do you want to fool around “Alan ask “Yes “Monica said they share another kiss and went upstairs.

Ned/Olivia room-Ned and Olivia we're getting ready for bed. “Are you should about raising our child in this house “Ned ask “Yes this is you're family and I want our child, My first born to be around his or her family “Olivia said “My family can be a handful and a little nutty “Ned said “Ned I wish I had a brother or sister growing up all I have is a cousin that's all and we hardly talk “Olivia said “You are right, Family is important I sure call my daughter's Brooklyn and Kristina she may not like our news I wasn't the best father to Brooklyn but I want to be the best for our “Ned said “You will be “Olivia said they share a kiss.

At Richard/Emma-Richard and Emma we're laying on the couch undressed when their was a knock on the door. Richard and Emma got dressed and open the door it was Skye. “Mother “Richard said “Why are you here? Emma ? Are you back together “Skye ask,”Yes”Richard said “Skye , It's good to see you “Emma said as their was another knock on the door it was Patrick and Robin, “Mother, Daddy, Why are you here “Emma ask “We want to see you , We haven't seen you since you been back, Richard, Why are you here”Robin ask “Mother, Daddy, Skye we are back together and living together “Emma said “I thought you both broke up because you couldn't handle what you both do”Skye said ‘That we are both spy, We are going to try it again, Mother please don't tell Lorenzo about what I do? Richard ask “I will not , If this make you happy then I'm happy for you I love you “Skye said “We are happy to, Richard you better not hurt our daughter “Patrick said “I will not”Richard said “Emma, Are you here on assignment “Robin ask “Assignment and for good,”Emma said “We sure go “Robin said “Yes, Richard just be careful”Skye said and left and Robin and Patrick left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 48

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo came into the house and put his keys on the desk he was sad that he say goodbye to Ramen. “Skye “Lorenzo said no answer so Lorenzo went into his office and went to his desk and saw some paper moved..

At Emma-Emma was having a drink of wine when their was a knock on the door. Emma open the door it was Richard Jr. “Richard, Why are you here,”Emma ask “I need a place to stay and I was hoping I could stay here with you it's not that safe for a spy to stay at a hotel, I don't want to stay at my mother's house she fall in love with Lorenzo “Richard Jr said “You just want me to let you move back in, We we're going to be engaged once, Remember? Emma ask “Yes, I wasn't the one who called it off,”Richard said Richard I do miss you and I loved you were my best friend my first love “Emma said “You were my first love too and we can do this be spy together, Hey we could even have our own company “Richard said “Yes we can”Emma said they share a kiss.

At Skye/Lorenzo -Skye walking into the room and saw an envelope on the table with her name on it and opening it as Lorenzo came in. “Skye, How was the Quartermaine “Lorenzo ask as he kiss Skye on the cheek. “Great, They were happy about us, Ned is having another baby with his wife Olivia “Skye said “That's nice, Who sent the letter “Lorenzo ask Skye open it. “I think it's from Richard I know his writing “Skye said she read the letter. “Richard moving, His mad that we are together “Skye said “What does Richard do for a living? Is he in the WSB”Lorenzo ask “Richard is just like Ric,  He love the law, I love Richard as my own son”Skye said “I know you do”Lorenzo said “I'm going to see him “Skye said as Rae came in. “Mother, I'm glad you're here, Lorenzo and I did the right thing by Grayson we give the twins back to him and we are in love”Skye said “Really, I'm glad you did the right thing “Rae said “This is going to sound crazy but I keep seeing Sierra “Lorenzo said “That was you're conscience telling you, Anyway I'm glad you both did the right thing and Lorenzo you better not hurt my daughter “Rae said “I will not hurt you're daughter “Lorenzo said “I sure find my own place “Rae said “No stay “Skye said “We will be happy to have you “Lorenzo said “Alright “Rae said “I'm going to see Richard he move out “Skye said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 47

“Quartermaine Heir”
At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy was sitting on the couch when Monica and Alan came in. “Tracy, Sure you be out of the hospital “Alan ask “I'm find I just didn't take the chemotherapy that will”Tracy said “It is a lot”Alan said “Yes it is, You sure be in bed”Monica said “I will be fine “Tracy said as Skye and AJ and Michael and Ned and Dillon and Olivia came in. “I'm glad everyone is here, I have some news , Olivia is pregnant “Ned said “Congratulations and welcome to the family “Alan said “Thanks “Olivia said “We were wondering if we can stay here”Ned said “Sure”Monica said “Are you going to leave ELQ alone “AJ ask “Yes, You are doing a great job both of you”Ned said “Thanks “Michael said “Congratulations Ned”Skye said “Thanks, I'm sorry about Sierra “Ned said “Thanks, I have some news Lorenzo and I did the right thing and give the twins back to Grayson “Skye said “You did the right thing “Alan said “Now you can leave Lorenzo “Tracy said “I'm staying with my husband we love each other and want a real marriage “Skye said “Skye if this is what you want we will support you”Alan said “It is”Skye said and left.

At Kevin/Laura-Kevin and Laura were at home. “I have something to tell you, The hospital needs financial money so to save the hospital we need a fundraiser director and I hire Lucy for it”Laura said “So my ex-wife is back in town and working at the hospital with us”Kevin said “Yes another ex”Laura said “”We can't let Rae or Lucy come between us”Kevin said “We will not”Laura said they share a kiss.

On the Dock-Richard was walking by when Lucky came by. “Richard, I need you're help I need you to help me find my son killer, We both know who killed my son LJ”Lucky said “I'm sorry about you're son but after what he did to my sister I don't care about him”Richard said “My son made a mistake but he didn't deserve to be murder “Lucky said “My beautiful sister didn't deserve to be raped “Richard said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 46

“Port Charles meets Llanview”
At The Mental hospital-Morgan room-Morgan was in his room talking to Bobbie. “How are you doing “Bobbie ask “Good, I'm getting the help I need”Morgan said “Good, I'm glad you're getting help you have a lot to look forward to , Grace is still you're daughter “Bobbie said “I remember when Lila Rae told me she was pregnant I was so happy and when Lila Rae give birth and put Grace in my arms we were so happy, I loved her “Morgan said “You still can love her, Grace is still you're daughter blood doesn't make a child, Love does”Bobbie said “Thanks, How is Cassie”Morgan ask “She doing good I know it's hard seeing a woman who looks like you're mother “Bobbie said “Yes it is”Morgan said “I sure go, I will check on Grace for you “Bobbie said “Thanks “Morgan said Bobbie left.

At Nikolas/Hayden-Nikolas was on the phone. “I think you should come back to Port Charles it's time to come home “Nikolas said and hang up the phone. “That's what you get Alcazar for coming between my son and his children “Nikolas said and grin.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo office-Richard found something on Lorenzo and put the paper in his jacket and left.

At The Quartermaine hotel- Cassie was by the desk as a woman came by. “Can I help you”Cassie ask “Yes,I'm looking for Tea Delgado “The woman said “Her room is number 12,”Cassie said The woman went upstairs to the room and knocked on the door, Tea open it was Blair, “Blair, Your here”Tea ask “Yes, I want a new start “Blair said “I'm glad you are here”Tea said “Thanks “Blair said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 45

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lila Rae was home she was worrying about her parents when she didn't see the twins in their room when Skye and Lorenzo came in. “Lila Rae”Skye said “What is going on? Where are the twins”Lila Rae ask “I did the right thing and you're mother and I give the twins back to Grayson “Lorenzo said “Daddy I know you could do the right thing you're a good man, Now are you going to divorce you only married for the twins “Lila Rae ask as Lorenzo Jr and Richard and Raman  came in..”What is going on”Lorenzo Jr ask “We give the twins back to Grayson it was the right thing to do I was use my grief for Sierra to take the twins and I was wrong “Lorenzo said “I”m glad you did it Father “Lorenzo Jr said “Thanks “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo and I are also in love and want this marriage to work “Skye said “We are not going to let the past come between us anymore “Lorenzo said “I do want you both happy “Lila Rae said “Thanks, Have you decided about you're marriage “Lorenzo ask,”I'm going to take Grace back to my house and work on my new magazine and when Morgan come home we will figure out our marriage,I'm not making excuses for my husband but I did just tell him new about Grace and it hurt”Lila Rae said “It does hurt and we will support you”Lorenzo said “Yes”Skye said “I have news, I leave tonight for the navy “Raman  said “Are you sure about this”Lorenzo ask “Yes Father, I'm “Raman said “We will miss you ,Come back home “Lila Rae said “I will “Raman said “You better, Why don't I give you a ride”Lorenzo ask “Sounds good”Raman said “Raman. I do wish you the best”Skye said “Thanks Skye “Raman said he left with Lorenzo. “Grace is at a play date, I'm going to pick her up and then go to my house “Lila Rae said “Alright, Lila Rae stop worrying about you're father and I”Skye said “I will try, I'm glad that you and Daddy did the right thing here “Lila Rae said “Me too”Skye said Lila Rae left,

“Richard, Are you okay”Skye ask,”I was afraid you would fall for him Mother I wish you didn't “Richard said “I don't regret my marriage to Ric or adopted you but Lorenzo and I have always loved each other “Skye said “We both know he order Lorenzo Jr to shot my father “Richard said “Richard, All this anger about the past isn't good”Skye said “I love you, You raised me as you're own but I can't support this”Richard said “I don't want to lose you “Skye said “Never “Richard said Skye phone rang,  “I have to take this”Skye said Skye left as Richard went into Lorenzo office to look for evidence.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 44

At Grayson-Grayson was sad and missed the family he long for with Sierra and the children when Skye and Lorenzo came in holding the twins. “Why are you both here? Is it to gloat that you won and are raising my daughters “Grayson yelled “No, We are here to do the right thing I was using the twins not to deal with the grief of losing Sierra and I'm sorry I'm going to do the right thing here, The twins belong here with you, Their Daddy,”Lorenzo said “I believe you, I know what it's like grief for a child, I do want us all to come to an agreement on the twins and how they are raised that's what Sierra would want”Grayson said “Yes Sierra would want that and I hope we can work something out, Grayson do you have everything you need to raise the twins”Skye ask “Yes , Sierra fix the room up before she left”Grayson said they went upstairs into the nursery the room was pink and full of dolls and books and two cribs. “It's beautiful “Skye said.”Yes all brand name, You know how Sierra loved them she want the room to be perfect for our daughter's “Grayson said “It is “Skye said she cried a little. “Bliss and Cecil, This is you're Daddy who you sure be with “Lorenzo said Skye and Lorenzo give the twins to Grayson, “Lorenzo, Sierra would be proud of you she loved all of us “Grayson said “Yes she did”Skye said “We can do this together “Lorenzo said “Yes,I'm going to need all the help I can get”Grayson said “You are going to be a great Daddy, Sierra believe that too, I fake the DVD”Lorenzo said “I know that wasn't my wife “Grayson said “I'm sorry “Lorenzo said “Grief does that”Grayson said “We sure let you be alone with the twins and we will talk about a agreement later” Skye said “Thanks “Grayson said Skye and Lorenzo left,

Grayson sit down in the rocking chair holding the twins. “Sierra, Our girls are home, We are going to do this somehow “Grayson said

At The Quartermaine hotel-Bobbie and Felicia were still having dinner when Monica came by. “Sorry to interpret but can I talk to Felicia alone “Monica ask as Scotty came in. “I think I can find someone to talk to”Bobbie said she left the table as Monica sit down. “Felicia. I need you to look into something for me I want to find my biological parents.”Monica said “Do you know anything about them”Felicia ask “Just this picture of a woman holding me, I think it's my mother “Monica said “What was the name of the orphanage you were in”Felicia ask “It was in Florida but I don't know the name of it” Monica said “I will look into for you “Felicia said “Thanks”Monica said

Bobbie went by Scotty,  “Scotty , You're in town”Bobbie ask “Yes, I'm “Scotty said “Why are you back”Bobbie ask as Lucy came by. “Scotty came back with his wife, Me”Lucy said “You both are married “Bobbie ask “Yes, Bobbie it's good to see you”Scotty said “Yes, I'm sorry about Carly”Lucy said “Yes” Scotty said “Like either of you care about my daughter “Bobbie said as Cassie came by. “I thought Carly was dead , Are you lying “Lucy ask “No, This is Carly twin sister Cassie, This is Scotty Baldwin and Lucy Coe they are nothing but trouble “Bobbie said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 43

“A Shocking Return!
At Emma house-Emma was looking at a picture of her and Richard she loved him but having two spy in a relationship was hard when their was a knock on the door it was Richard. “Richard, What do you want “Emma ask “Emma , I miss you and I know you miss me”Richard said “Yes, But it didn't work between us we  couldn't work because we both are spy”Emma said “What about if we don't talk about work “Richard ask “I know you're case is, You are going to try to take down you're stepfather “Emma said “Yes, I know Lorenzo had something to do my father died and I'm hoping my mother doesn't fall for him”Richard said “I hope you can fine proof “Emma said “Thanks, So what case are you working on”Richard ask “I'm here to follow a lead on someone “Emma said She show him a case file. “Wow, Look Emma we can't give up on us just because of our work “Richard said “Fine but i will never give up my job for a man”Emma said “I will never ask you to”Richard said they share a kiss.

At Grayson-Grayson went into the nursery room he was sad that his children didn't come home with him. “I will bring you down Lorenzo “Grayson said to himself.  

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo were in each other arms. “This feel right being with you in you're arms”Skye said “You will not regret it”Lorenzo said “I don't, Mother was saying you were talking to yourself”Skye said “I had just hang up from a phone call that all”Lorenzo said “I believe you, I'm going to check on the twins”Skye said she got up and put on her robe and left.  Daddy, You lied”Sierra said Lorenzo got up and put on his robe. “Sierra, Why are you Haunted me? can't you leave me alone? I do the right thing here”Lorenzo yelled “No you are not! I will Haunted you tell,you do the right thing “Sierra said “Leave me alone Sierra! Lorenzo yelled as Skye came in. “Lorenzo, Why did you just call out dead daughter name”Skye ask “It's nothing “Lorenzo said “No it's not! what is going on “Skye yelled “Skye”Lorenzo said “We have just confessed our love for each other and we're honest about it don't throw it away “Skye ask “Every since we came back from the hospital with the twins I been seeing Sierra telling me I'm wrong here “Lorenzo said “You see our dead daughter “Skye ask “Yes, It's just grive that all”Lorenzo said “No it's guilt that's why you are seeing Sierra, The DVD”Skye ask “Alright! I fake it”Lorenzo yelled “Lorenzo, I know you are feeling guilty about our daughter death and it's not you're fault and you can't use the twins to ease you're guilt we need to do the right thing here. Lorenzo you know how it feels being away from you're children “Skye said “Are you mad at me”Lorenzo ask “No, I get why you did this and I know you want to do the right thing here”Skye said “Well I lose you “Lorenzo ask “No I'm in it for the long run”Skye said “I just hate that I couldn't save our little girl “Lorenzo said “I hate it to but I don't blame you it was a accident “Skye said “Let’s get ready “Lorenzo said he kiss Skye on the forehead.

On a private island- a big mansion- a bedroom- Sierra was sleeping on the bed when a man was watching her. “You are where you belong with me you're real father, I'm going to get you to forget all about them back home especially Lorenzo, You will become my daughter “Luis said as he was watching Sierra.

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 42

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was upstairs putting the twins in bed. “I love you and I want to do right by both of you “Skye said

Lorenzo was downstairs pouring a drink when he heard a voice. “Daddy, How could you do this! Sierra yelled “Sierra, You're alive “Lorenzo ask “No Daddy I'm haunted you till you do the right thing and give my daughter's back to my husband! Sierra yelled “Sierra, I'm doing the right thing here, I'm going to protect you're daughters since I failed you”Lorenzo said “Daddy , You didn't failed me it's not you're fault I'm dead but you're failed me now by this! Sierra said “I'm not going to do that”Lorenzo said “Then I will haunt you till you do, What else have I have to do,I can't shop anymore “Sierra said “Sierra “Lorenzo said Sierra went by Lorenzo. “I know that DVD was fake, Stop lying to mother and do the right thing “Sierra said “Sierra “Lorenzo said as Rae came in.”Lorenzo, Are you okay? Who are you talking to”Rae ask,Lorenzo look and the ghost of Sierra was gone. “It was nobody “Lorenzo said as Skye came down. “What's going on”Skye ask “I'm going to my office “Lorenzo said and left. “Mother, What was that about “Skye ask “I walked into Lorenzo talking to himself “Rae said “Really “Skye ask “Yes, So you won”Rae ask “Yes”Skye said “Skye, Are you regret this custody case and the marriage “Rae ask as Lorenzo came in. “Skye “Lorenzo said “I need to go to the hospital “Rae said and left. “Lorenzo, This marriage wasn't because we are in love we did this for our grandchildren that's all, You don't love me anymore “Skye said “Skye, I want to marry you to help get the twins but it wasn't just for the twins”Lorenzo said Skye move close to Lorenzo. “Lorenzo, You don't love me, I hurt you I put you in jail this is just a marriage of convenience “Skye said “Blame you for me being in jail was the easy way out, I have no one but myself to blame, Skye I love you, I did love Carly but it wasn't the like the love I have for you “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, Can you let go that I turn to Ric and married him”Skye ask “We both made mistakes “Lorenzo said “Marrying Ric wasn't a mistake, I don't regret it, Ric was a great husband and father I did love him but not as much as I love you “Skye said Lorenzo kiss Skye. “Skye “Lorenzo said “Yes, Make love to me”Skye said They went upstairs.

At General Hospital- Laura office-Laura was meeting with Lucy when Monica and Alan and Hayden came in. “Lucy , You're back “Monica ask “Yes I'm “Lucy said “Hayden Cassadine, This is Lucy Coe, I called Lucy to be in charge of the fundraising to save the hospital, We know that Lucy has experience with the successful as the nurse ball”Laura said “I think that's a great idea “Alan said “Thanks , Alan I”m glad to be back, I missed you “Lucy said “Watch it Lucy,”Monica said “I'm just talking to my ex-Husband “Lucy said “It's okay, We can be friends besides we are working together “Alan said “Yes, So Hayden what do you do,”Lucy ask “I'm the hospital administrator “Hayden said “Nice, Well I sure go, Ta”Lucy said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 41

“A Return from the Past”
At The Quartermaine hotel-Bobbie and Felicia were having dinner together, “So Cassie is working here”Felicia ask “Yes, I just hope this is a good thing, I don't want Cassie and AJ to have a relationship like Carly and AJ did”Bobbie said “I'm sure Cassie can hold her own, So how is it going with you and John “Felicia ask “I haven't seen him in a while “Bobbie said “Oh, I wonder what his up to”Felicia said “Me too”Bobbie said

At General Hospital-A woman was walking into the hallway and everyone was looking at her, “Is that “The nurse ask as Laura came in. “Lucy, You're here “Laura said “You ask me to come “Lucy said “Let’s go to my office and talk”Laura said they left.

Alan and Monica came into the hallway as Lucas Jones came by. “Lucas, Is that you “Alan ask “Yes Dr. Quartermaine, I have finished medical school and I was wondering if I could do my intern here”Lucas ask “Of course you can”Monica said “Yes you can we would love to have you here “Alan said “Thanks, I want to be a serious doctor “Lucas said “What are you going to a major in”Monica ask “I want to be a heart surgery “Lucas said “You will be great,  You're father would be proud “Alan said “Yes he would “Monica said

At Laura office-Laura and Lucy we're talking. “The hospital is in financial trouble and I was wondering if you could help with the fundraising. I know you love this hospital to”Laura said “What is the pay”Lucy ask “We can’t pay you I'm sorry “Laura said their was a picture of Kevin and Laura on the desk and Lucy saw it. “So you and Kevin “Lucy ask “We are still married, I'm sorry “Laura said “It's okay I'm with Scotty, Yes I will help”Lucy said “Thanks “Laura said “I love this hospital “Lucy said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 40

At General Hospital-Lorenzo and Skye were in the hallway holding the twins when Grayson came by. “Grayson. Don't try anything “Lorenzo said “I'm not going to lay back and let you raise my daughter's, You would fight for them to if you were me”Grayson said “I'm just doing the right thing “Lorenzo said “No you are not”Grayson said Skye and Lorenzo left with the children. Nikolas came by. “Grayson, We will fight this”Nikolas said “This is hard losing my wife and now children, I'm going to go to a AA meeting “Grayson said “Do you want me to go with you”Nikolas ask “No”Grayson said

At a room-Tracy was lying in the bed when Dillon came in.”Mother, What happened “Dillon ask “I had some chemotherapy and I had a dizzy spell that's all”Tracy said “Why didn't you call me I could of brought you to the hospital and stay with you “Dillon said “I don't want you to put you're life on hold for me”Tracy said “Oh Mother I'm here for you it's okay to ask for support “Dillon said “Thanks “Tracy said

At The Quartermaine hotel-Cassie was at the desk when Bobbie came by..”Cassie, Did you get a job here”Bobbie ask “Yes, I'm the manager “Cassie said “That's great”Bobbie said “Thanks, I do join working here”Cassie said “Good,I'm meeting Felicia here”Bobbie said and left. AJ came by. “Cassie, How are you doing “AJ ask “I'm doing great it's been great so far”Cassie said “That's great”AJ said as Lydia came by. “AJ”Lydia said “Cassie, This is my wife Lydia “AJ said “Nice to meet you”Lydia said “You too”Cassie said AJ and Lydia went to talk. “So you hire Carly twin sister “Lydia ask “Yes we need someone, Lydia it's going to be okay “AJ said “I trust you”Lydia said “You can I love you”AJ said “I love you too “Lydia said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Monday, August 28, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 39

At General Hospital-The nursery room-Bliss and Cecil were in the incubator when Skye and Lorenzo came in. “Bliss and Cecil, You are both coming home with us, We love you and are going to take care of you and keep you safe “Lorenzo said “I wonder why the oxygen tank is gone”Skye said as Dr. Kelly came in. “Dr. Kelly, How are the twins “Skye ask “The twins are doing great, They can breath on there own”Dr. Kelly said “That's wonderful, Can the twins go home soon”Skye ask “Yes, The twins can go home today “Dr. Kelly said “That's wonderful, We won custody “Lorenzo said “I will get the twins ready to check out, They are still at risk for infection “Dr.Kelly said “I will make sure they don't go neither anyone who sick “Skye said Dr. Kelly left as Lila Rae came in. “Mother, Daddy “Lila Rae said “The twins can go home “Lorenzo said “That's great but Daddy this is wrong the twins should be going home with Grayson, Sierra would hate this she missed when you were not in our life , Don't do this to the twins “Lila Rae said “I'm sorry Lila Rae that you feel that way but I'm doing this “Lorenzo said he turned to look at the twins. “I'm going to get the paperwork.Lila Rae come with me “Skye said “Daddy “Lila Rae said “I know you are looking out for the twins so I'm , I love you you're my first born”Lorenzo said Skye and Lila Rae left.

In the hallway -Skye and Lila Rae were talking. “Mother, You know I'm right “Lila Rae said “I do hate this, I know what it's like not to be raised by you're father but you're sister want this, The DVD”Skye said

Dr. Kelly was talking to Grayson. “The twins are doing great, They can go home, I'm sorry about what the court decides “Dr, Kelly said “Thanks, I sure be the one who is bringing the children home”Grayson said he left to see the twins.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed UP Part 3 ch 38

“Who will Raise Bliss and Cecil?
At The Courthouse-Skye and Lorenzo were their with Tea and their family and Grayson was their with Alexis and his family when the judge came in and everyone stood up and sit back down.  “I have made my decision about this case it wasn't a easy one, This whole case is sad, Anyway for the best interest of the twins Bliss and Cecil I give custody to the grandparents Lorenzo and Skye Alcazar, I do hope you both can come together for the sake of the twins and all raise the children together “The Judge said Lorenzo look at Grayson and smirk at him who give him a evil look too. Tea got up. “Thanks you you're honor “Tea said the case was dismissed and everyone stood up as the judge left. Grayson got up and walk towards Lorenzo and Skye. “I will fight this, I will not let you take my daughter's out of my life forever “Grayson said “Go ahead and take me to court again I will always win! Lorenzo said “Lorenzo”Skye said “Skye, You know Sierra would hate this”Grayson said “In the DVD this is what she wanted”Skye said “It was fake and I will prove it”Grayson said”Skye , Let’s go check on the twins “Lorenzo said they left. “We will fight this”Alexis said “I told you I never lose”Tea said and left. “Alexis, How did this happened!”Nikolas said “I don't know I think Lorenzo got to the judge and that DVD of Sierra help him”Alexis said “I have a feeling Skye hate this , I do know my mother in law”Grayson said “Guilt could be on our side”Alexis said

At The mental hospital-Morgan room-Morgan was talking to Kevin. “What happened last night” Kevin ask “Lila Rae told me a secret that I'm not Grace father and something inside me snap”Morgan said”Did you hurt Lila Rae”Kevin ask “I choked Lila Rae”Morgan said “Who stop you”Kevin ask. “Lorenzo came walk in, I never been so happy to see my father in law, I hate that look on my wife's face when I try to choke her,I just was so upset about Grace “Morgan said “You need help and you made a big step in getting help by coming here and you will get better “Kevin said “I will always have this”Morgan said ‘Yes but you can get it under control “Kevin said “I want to get back on track and get back to Lila Rae and Grace,I don't care that she not my daughter, I love her”Morgan said “Sometimes love is what make a father “Kevin said “Yes, I know that Lila Rae still loves me”Morgan said “Could you get pass it”Kevin ask “Yes”Morgan said “Good, I will be back tomorrow “Kevin said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up part 3 ch 37

At The Quartermaine hotel-Michael and AJ were in the lobby when Cassie came in, “Cassie, Can I help you with anything “AJ ask “Yes, I read you're ad in the paper that you're looking for a manager, I used to manage hotel all the time back home “Cassie said “We do need a manager to help out while we are at ELQ, Why not “Michael said “Yes”AJ said “Thanks for giving me a chance “Cassie said “We all sure get a chance “AJ said “Yes”Michael said his phone rang. “Michael Quartermaine, I will be their, I will tell Dad”Michael said he hang up the phone. “That was Aunt Skye, The court made there decision “Michael said “Let’s go”AJ said

At General Hospital-Monica was sitting down when Bobbie came by and sit down. “Monica, Are you okay “Bobbie ask ,”No the hospital is in financial trouble “Monica said “No, Are you going to lay off anyone”Bobbie ask “We are going to try not to Laura wants to raise money first”Monica said “We will save the hospital “Bobbie said “How is it going with Cassie”Monica ask “Good, I'm trying not to see her as Carly “Bobbie said “Good, Is John still in town “Monica ask “Yes”Bobbie said “Are you and John getting close”Monica ask “He wants too, But I'm not sure “Bobbie said “Love is worth the risk sometimes”Monica said “Yes”Bobbie said as Alan came by. “Bobbie, Monica the court made their decision”Alan said “Let's go” Monica said they left.

At The Quartermaine hotel- Paul was in his room watching tv about the mayor step down with some woman. “This is when you step in and say you're going to run”Paul said “Yes, We will both run this town”The woman said “Yes we will” Paul said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up part 3 ch 36

At The Mayor office-The mayor was at his desk talking to his employees. “I don't want to run again. This is my last term”The Mayor said “We sure make an announcement “The woman said “Sure”The Mayor said the woman left and the mayor look around his office he was going to miss it.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy was putting out snacks when Olivia came in. “Olivia, I thought we could have a bit to eat and talk get to know each other, After all you are married to my son and having his baby”Tracy said “Sure”Olivia said they sit down. “So do you work “Tracy ask “I help Ned at L and B”Olivia said “Nice, How did you and Ned meet”Tracy ask “At L and B, I came in for a interview “Olivia said “Do you love my son”Tracy ask “Yes,,I'm not after Ned money,,We do have a prenup “Olivia said “Good”Tracy said “I know you're looking out for you're son and I get it but I will not hurt Ned”Olivia said “You better not, I'm an overprotective mother “Tracy said “I get it”Olivia said

At Lila Rae office-Lila Rae was working when Maxie came in, “Hot off the press! Here are first magazine of Harbor Port”Maxie said “I hope we are a hit”Lila Rae said “We will be “Maxie said “I do love the cover use Audrey Webber “Lila Rae said “Me too,This new chance is going to be good”Maxie said

At General Hospital-Grayson was looking at his daughter's who were in the nursery room when Dr. Kelly came by, “Grayson, The twins are doing great they are now starting to breath on their own” Dr. Kelly said “Thanks, Hopefully I can take them home”Grayson said “I hope you can too “Dr. Kelly said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 35

At Kelly's-Richard was their getting some coffee reading the information he had on Lorenzo for whatever reason Richard was feeling guilty about turn in his stepfather thinking of what it will do to his mother and sister and brother when a old friend came in. “Richard Lansing “She said Richard look up. “Emma, You're back in town”Richard said “Yes , I'm , I went away for a while “Emma said “Do you want to join me”Richard ask Emma sit down,”You look like you were ten miles away “Emma said “I was just thinking “Richard said he had the paper on the table and Emma saw it as Richard put it away. “Are you back in the WSB”Emma ask “Yes,You can't tell anyone about this”Richard said “I will not, I'm also in it still “Emma said “We have a lot in common, Why didn't we work”Richard ask “We both put our career head of love”Emma said “Yes”Richard said “I'm sorry about you're father and sister “Emma said “Thanks “Richard said “I sure go,,It was good to see you”Emma said “Wait , You never told me who you are here for”Richard said “You know I can't tell you who my assessment you know that “Emma said and left. Richard wonder what Emma was up to.

On the Docks-Luke was on it thinking when Anna came by. “Anna”Luke said “Luke”Anna said “I didn't know you were in town”Luke said “No one know that I'm back, Please keep this between us”Anna said “Are you back in the WSB”Luke ask,Anna look at Luke. “Alright, Go I will keep you're secrets “Luke said “Thanks”Anna said

At The Park-Lorenzo and Skye were watching Grace who was swinging. “I just want to protect Lila Rae and Grace, Both our first, Our first daughter and Granddaughter “Lorenzo said “We will keep them safe”Skye said “I wish we could for Sierra “Lorenzo said “Me too, But I don't blame you “Skye said “Thanks “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, How is Ramon doing “Skye ask “He wants to join the army “Lorenzo said “His young and missing Carly”Skye said “Yes”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up part 3 ch 34

At The Quartermaine hotel-Skye and Lorenzo we're talking to Tea while Grace was eating her cinnamon rolls. “Lorenzo , You have to let Lila Rae make the call and I will be here to help her out “Tea said “Alright, I just want my daughter to make the right choice “Lorenzo said “Me too”Skye said Tea left. “Grace, What do you want to do today “Skye ask “I want to make mother feel better so I want to buy her something, Aunt Sierra used to say that shopping make you feel better “Grace said “Okay, We can go to the park too”Skye said they left.

At The Hotel office-AJ was meeting with Michael. “I'm sorry I was at Grandmother “Michael said “It's okay, I hope Bobbie is okay”AJ said “It's Morgan, I had to take him to the hospital last night, He had a breakdown “Michael said “I'm sorry “AJ said “Thanks “Michael said “We have to hire a new hotel manager, Jill was caught stealing “AJ said “Alright, I will put an ad in the paper “Michael said “Good”AJ said

At Bobbie-Bobbie was getting ready to leave, “I sure not be gone that long “Bobbie said “It's okay, I been thinking it's time I get a job”Cassie said “Good, Do you know what you want to do”Bobbie ask “I use to manage business “Cassie said “I'm sure you will fine something “Bobbie said and left.

At A building-Richard was there waiting for Anna when Anna and John came in. “Who are you “Richard ask “I'm John Durant , I'm now working for the WSB too”John said “John wants to take down Alcazar too”Anna said “Good, I want him out of my family but leave my brother out of this”Richard said “I will not go after you're brother, Now do you have anything “John ask “Not yet but I will soon”Richard said “You better have something soon”John said “I want to take him down his the reason my father is gone “Richard said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 33

At Bobbie-Bobbie was having breakfast with Michael and Josslyn and Ramen and Lucas. “I just don't get what set Morgan bipolar off”Bobbie ask “Lila Rae told Morgan a secret about Grace she not Morgan daughter “Michael said “No, I'm going to make sure the hospital is take care of him”Bobbie said “I think Morgan just need to rest and deal with the new on his own “Josslyn said “The hospital will help Morgan and he want to get help that's a big step”Michael said “Yes it is”Bobbie said as Cassie came in. “Sorry, I didn't know you had company “Cassie said “It's okay”Bobbie said “How are you doing “Lucas ask “We haven't meet yet have we “Cassie ask “No , Sorry I just came back to town, I'm Lucas Jones you're brother “Lucas said “Nice to meet you “Cassie said “You too”Lucas said “Sorry I keep looking at you, I just can't get over how you look so much like my mother “Josslyn said “It's okay, I'm sorry you lose you're mother “Cassie said “It's not you're fault, Why don't we have some breakfast “Bobbie ask they sit down to eat.

At The Quartermaine hotel-AJ was talking to a worker at the hotel. “I had to fire our manager, She was stealing from us “The man said “Thanks for looking out for the hotel I will talk to my son and we will hire someone “AJ said “Sure”The man said and left.

Skye and Lorenzo were at their table with Lila Rae and Grace who was all finished with her breakfast. “Mother, Can I get a desserts “Grace ask “Yes , You can go pick one out just don't talk to anyone “Lila Rae said Grace left. “I don't know what I'm going to tell Grace about Morgan “Lila Rae said “Morgan is the only father Grace knows and still knows, Cameron is dead so don't tell her”Skye said “Mother, Do you regret not telling Sierra about Luis “Lila Rae said “I wish I told Sierra the truth but when she was older I don't regret keep it a secret when she was a little girl”Skye said “I have a lot to do personal and for my business “Lila Rae said “We can watch Grace if you want”Lorenzo said as Tea came by. “Skye, Lorenzo, Lila Rae”Tea said “Daddy, Did you tell Aunt Tea about Morgan “Lila Rae ask “Yes alright I did, Lila Rae you have to protect you're daughter “Lorenzo said “Daddy, It's my Called on the divorce, I don't want Grace to know anything yet”Lila Rae said “I will support you “Lorenzo said as Grace came by. “Sweetheart, I have to take care of something so you are going to stay with Nana and Papa, I love you Grace”Lila Rae said “I love you too”Grace said Lila Rae left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 32

At The Quartermaine hotel-The lobby-Skye was in the lobby waiting for Lorenzo when she saw Lorenzo Jr coming from upstairs in the bedroom follow Gina..Skye was a little shocked by it and went by them. “Lorenzo, Gina”Skye said “Skye, I'm sorry about Sierra she was my best friend “Gina said “I know,Sierra like you too, So are you together “Skye ask as Lorenzo came by with Lila Rae and Grace. “Lorenzo Jr, Gina”Lorenzo said “What's going on”Lila Rae ask “That's what I was about to find out,”Skye said Gina and Lorenzo Jr share a look. “We are having fun together “Gina said “Yes we are”Lorenzo Jr said “I'm happy for you Lorenzo “Lila Rae said “Thanks “Lorenzo Jr said “We are going to have breakfast, Why don't you join us”Skye ask “I have to go to the Starr “Lorenzo Jr said “I need to find a job”Gina said they left. “I'm glad that they found love, Sierra and Gina were close “Lila Rae said “Yes they were”Skye said they went to get a table.

Skye and Lorenzo sit down to breakfast with Lila Rae and Grace. “Where is Grandmother “Lila Rae ask “At the hospital, Grace is that you're purse “Skye ask “Yes, Aunt Sierra brought me it”Grace said “She loved you”Skye said “Sierra loved all of us , Now let's order”Lorenzo said

At General Hospital-Monica and Alan were having a meeting with Laura. “So how is the financial of the hospital “Alan ask “No good, We need to raise money for funds to pay the employees or make cuts “Laura said “I don't want to make cuts”Monica said “Me either “Alan said “Maybe we could do a fundraiser “Alan said as Hayden came in. “Sorry , I’m late”Hayden said “It's okay, We need to raises money for the hospital “Laura said “How”Hayden ask “I actually have an idea, Let me have by the end of the week to come up with a plan “Laura said “Sure, None of us want to see the hospital closed”Alan said “No”Monica said “We could make cuts “Hayden said “I would rather not do that”Alan said

 Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 31

At Lorenzo/Skye-Lorenzo was downstairs on the phone as Lila Rae and Grace came in. Lorenzo hang up the phone. “Good Morning, Lila Rae,Grace “Lorenzo said “Good Morning Papa”Grace said “Why don't we go have breakfast at the hotel? Skye went to the office and will meet us their”Lorenzo said “Sure”Lila Rae said “I'm going to get my design bag that Aunt Sierra brought  me”Grace said and left. “Sierra spoil my daughter “Lila Rae said “Yes she did, Lila Rae how are you doing “Lorenzo ask “Daddy, I don't know what I'm going to do about Morgan I love him and it's up to me”Lila Rae said “Yes it is, I just don't want him to hurt you if I didn't walk in “Lorenzo said “I'm glad you walk in but this is the bipolar which I don't get his been taking his medicine “Lila Rae said “I do hope Morgan gets help this would break Carly heart”Lorenzo said “Yes it would, Daddy did you love Sierra from the start even though she wasn't you're “Lila Rae ask,”After I saved Skye from Luis and she told me about the rape and the possibility that she was pregnant I know I had to love that child that I couldn't hate the child just because of my brother, Luis wasn't that evil he just fell in love with the wrong woman and it broke him, Anyway as soon as I hold you're sister I know I loved her but this isn't the same I know the truth from the start”Lorenzo said “I sure of told Morgan the truth from the start”Lila Rae said Grace came down. “Are you ready”Lila Rae ask Grace. “Yes”Grace said “Grace, Is that the purse that Aunt Sierra brought you “Lorenzo ask “Yes it's coach, Aunt Sierra told me every little girl sure have a design brand purse, I miss her “Grace said “We all do”Lorenzo said he pick up his granddaughter and kiss her and they left.

At Grayson-Grayson was in the bedroom he shared with his wife he pick up Sierra blanket that was on the chair and smells in and went into Sierra closet and look at all her clothes and shoes and associated his wife loved to shopping and Grayson didn't care as long as she was happy when Hayden came in.”Grayson, Do you need help “Hayden ask “Mother, I didn't you were here”Grayson said “I want to stop and see you “Hayden said “I was just looking at my wife clothes, Sure I donated them”Grayson ask “Grayson, You don't have to do anything you are not ready for yet”Hayden said “I just wish my wife was here with me and our girls and we wouldn't be in this fight,I sure be with my daughter's “Grayson said “I know and you will win this”Hayden said “If I do win it's not over yet, Lorenzo will fight it”Grayson said he went out of the closet and closed the door. “I want my wife clothes to stay here I can't do it yet “Grayson said “You don't have to do anything yet you do it when you're ready”Hayden said “Thanks Mother”Grayson said “You're welcome,Let’s go to breakfast “Hayden said “No thanks “Grayson said “Grayson, Their something you need to know, I was hired to take over Sierra job at the hospital “Hayden said “Oh, I'm glad you are the new administrator, Sierra loved her job “Grayson said “Thanks, Do you need anything “Hayden ask,”No”Grayson said Hayden left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was having tea with Felicia. “Felicia, This is the only picture I have of my parents, I was wondering if you could help me fine them “Monica said she give Felicia the picture. “Are you should you want to know who you're parents are and why they give you away “Felicia ask,”Yes, I will pay you for this”Monica said “I will see what I can find out”Felicia said and left as Alan came in. “Why was Felicia here”Alan ask “I hired her to find out about my parents “Monica said “Monica I will support you on this I just don't want you to get hurt “Alan said “I will not, Now we have a meeting with Laura “Monica said They left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 30

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was looking over paperwork when Lila Rae and Grace and Lorenzo came in. Skye look at Lila Rae and could tell something was wrong. “Lila Rae”Skye said as the maid came in. “Can you take Grace into the kitchen to get a snack “Skye ask “Sure”The maid said Grace left with The maid. “Lila Rae , What is going on”Skye ask,”I told Morgan my secrets that Cameron is Grace father and Morgan didn't take it well, Daddy how did you know that I was in trouble “Lila Rae ask “The bodyguard “Lorenzo said “Did Morgan hit you “Skye ask “Morgan love Grace and was upset he had his hands around my neck”Lila Rae said “No, Lorenzo I'm glad you walk in, Now Lila Rae you need to leave him and stay here we will make sure you get full custody “Skye said “I'm not making decisions about my marriage but it's my decisions “Lila Rae said and went into the kitchen. “Did you know about this secret “Lorenzo ask “Yes Lila Rae told me a couple of months ago, I always like Cameron better then Morgan he treat Lila Rae better, Sierra told Lila Rae not to let the rape come between them “Skye said “I agree that Cameron would of been better , I will not let Morgan hurt our daughter “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, That DVD did you have anything to do with it”Skye ask “Skye we are doing the right thing here and no I didn't do anything with the DVD”Lorenzo said 

At Lila Rae/Morgan-Morgan was worrying about how he was feeling when Michael came in. “Morgan “Michael said “Michael, I'm in trouble Lila Rae told me a secret that Grace isn't my daughter and I try to choke her, I need help “Morgan said “I'm sorry about Grace but you are still her father in every way, Now Morgan we sure go to the hospital,You need help”Michael said “I want to say goodbye to my wife and daughter “Morgan said “Sure, I'm here for you “Michael said they left. 

At Josslyn/Spencer-Josslyn and Spencer were sitting on the couch. “Today was very stressful, I hate all this “Josslyn said ,”I know I thought Sierra loved Grayson I don't think that DVD was Sierra “Spencer said “Me either “Josslyn said as her phone rang it was Michael, “Do you want me to go with you, Tell Morgan I love him”Josslyn said and hang up the phone, “What is it “Spencer ask “Morgan had a breakdown his going to the hospital”Josslyn said “I'm sorry “Spencer said “I been worrying about him”Josslyn said “You can't worrying about everyone “Spencer said “I try not to but with my mother gone I have to take her place “Josslyn said “No you don't have to”Spencer said 

At Lorenzo/Skye-Lorenzo was pour a drink as Michael and Morgan came in. “I don't want you here!Lorenzo said “I'm here to talk to my wife ‘’Morgan said as Lila Rae and Skye came down, “Lila Rae, I’m sorry about what happened, I think I'm head toward a breakdown so I'm going to check myself into a hospital, I love you Lila Rae when I get back we can figure it out if you want a divorce I will give you one I will give you anything “Morgan said ‘I love you Morgan and I'm not sure what I want but I do want you better “Lila Rae said as Grace came in. “Daddy”Grace said Morgan picked up Grace. “Grace, I'm you're father I love you so much “Morgan said “I love you to Daddy “Grace said “I have to go away for a while so I want you to be a good girl to you're mother “Morgan said “Yes Daddy “Grace said as Lila Rae cried. Morgan give Grace to Lila Rae and kiss her on the cheek and left with Michael. Grace went to play with some toys. “Lila Rae”Skye said “My secrets did this to my husband “Lila Rae said “No you didn't, Morgan has this bipolar “Skye said “I'm going to stay but just for tonight “Lila Rae said “Good”Skye said 

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 29

At Lila Rae/Morgan-Lila Rae and Morgan had came into the house the nanny came in.”Grace is upstairs, Reading “The nanny said “Thanks “Lila Rae said the nanny left. “Lila Rae, What did you want to talk about”Morgan ask “I been keeping a secret for years and after what happened between my parents and Sierra it's time I tell you the secrets I been keeping, I love you Morgan that's not a lie but it's not the same between us as it was for Cameron and I , When Cameron came back into town before we were married I slept with him. “Lila Rae said “What else”Morgan ask he was trying to control his bipolar. “Grace isn't you're daughter, She Cameron “Lila Rae said as she cried, “What! I'm not Grace father! Morgan yelled “I'm sorry, You are Grace father in every way that counts “Lila Rae said as she cried. Morgan pick up a picture of them as a family. “Are whole family is a lie! Morgan yelled and throw the picture and went by Lila Rae He had his hand around her neck when Lorenzo came running in. “Get you're hands off my daughter! Lorenzo yelled Morgan took his hands off Lila Rae. “Lila Rae, Go get Grace you are coming home with me “Lorenzo said “Daddy, We are going to be fine “Lila Rae said “Lila Rae it's a order “Lorenzo said Lila Rae know she couldn't argue with her father but was worrying about Morgan. “Morgan “Lila Rae said Morgan just look at Lila Rae who went upstairs. 

“I will not let you hurt my daughter, If necessary I will take care of you before you hurt my daughter or granddaughter “Lorenzo said “Keep in mind I was you're stepson not just you're son in law “Morgan said “If I have to I will choose my daughter “Lorenzo said Lila Rae came down with a bag and Grace. “Grace, Say goodbye to Daddy “Lila Rae said “Bye Daddy “Grace said “I love you”Morgan said “Morgan, Take care, I will call you later “Lila Rae said she left with Lorenzo and Grace. 

At Felicia-Felicia was home having tea with Bobbie. “So how's it going with Cassie”Felicia ask “It's been odd, Today John and I told her how I ended up pregnant “Bobbie said “Are you okay”Felicia ask “I just hate talking about that part of my life that's all”Bobbie said “How is it going with John,”Felicia ask “John has feelings for me and I'm not sure about it, He was just one of the men I slept with “Bobbie said “His also the father of you're daughters,”Felicia said “I know”Bobbie said 

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 3 ch 28

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned and Olivia were their when Tracy and Dillon came in. “What is going on”Tracy ask “We are back together and I have some news , Olivia is pregnant “Ned said “Congratulations “Dillon said “I hope you did a DNA test”Tracy said “Tracy, I do want to get to know you and this baby is Ned,”Olivia said ‘*It better be “Tracy said “I'm going to the hotel to get my bags”Olivia said “I will go with you”Ned said they left. “Dillon, How are you doing about Paul in town “Tracy ask “I don't know how I feel towards my father being back into town”Dillon said “Don't let him hurt you ‘Tracy said “I will not”Dillon said and left. 

At The Courthouse-Skye was in the hallway talking to Alan and Rae. “I just can't believe that Sierra made that DVD, Why would she turn against her husband “Skye ask “Maybe Sierra found out something “Alan said “Maybe “Skye said as Grayson came by. “Skye, You know that DVD isn't Sierra she would not want this “Grayson said “Grayson we sure not talk”Skye said Lorenzo came by. “Skye, Let's go home”Lorenzo said they left. 

Lila Rae was feeling sad when Morgan came by. “Lila Rae, What is upset you”Morgan ask “Morgan, Can we go home and talk”Lila Rae ask 
“Sure I need to take my afternoon pills “Morgan said they left. 

At The Quartermaine hotel-Rae was at the bar having a drink when Kevin came by. “Rae, How was court”Kevin ask “Not good,Rae said “What happened “Kevin ask “Sierra made a DVD before she died, Saying she wants the children to be raised by her parents but I don't believe that was my granddaughter I think Lorenzo is behind it”Rae said “Lorenzo has a lot to gain by it”Kevin said “Yes he does, I moved into the house with Skye and Lorenzo “Rae said “Really “Kevin ask “Yes Lorenzo though it would be good for the children to have there great grandmother their but it's also for my daughter, I can't let Skye fall for him “Rae said “What if Skye does”Kevin ask as Laura came into the hotel and was jealous about Kevin and Rae talking she went by them. “So what's going on”Laura ask “I was just telling Kevin about court, I don't like this either Laura “Rae said “I think the best place for the twins is to be raised by Grayson but have all the family support “Laura said “I agree on that , I think we all need to grieve for Sierra, I sure go “Rae said and left. “Laura, Their no reason to be jealous “Kevin said “I know”Laura said 

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