Monday, November 23, 2015

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 46

~At Skye/Lorenzo~Rae and Skye came in with the baby gifts when Lorenzo came in. “How was the shower”Lorenzo ask “Great, You know about it”Skye ask “Yes, Lila Rae told me about it”Lorenzo said “Oh, Thanks Mother”Skye said “You're welcome, Skye take it easy and rest I will make sure everything is ready for the fundraise”Rae said “Skye, Are you okay”Lorenzo ask “Yes, Just tired, I’m going to put the gifts away. Skylar is going to paint the nursery for us”Skye said “That’s great”Lorenzo said Skye left. “Lorenzo, This pregnant is going to be a lot on Skye you need to support her and take care of her, I know this isn’t what you want”Rae said
“We had our disagreement in the past Rae but I will make sure nothing happened to Skye”Lorenzo said “Good, I do love having another grandchild on the way but I don’t want to lose my daughter”Rae said “Me either”Lorenzo said “Can you do this raise the twins as you're own”Rae ask “Yes for Skye and it’s my chance to be a better father too”Lorenzo said “Yeah”Rae said and left.

Skye was upstairs in the baby room looking at the wall when Lorenzo came in and pull Skye into his arms. “What are you doing”Lorenzo ask “Thinking of what I want Skylar to paint on the wall”Skye said “You will come up with an idea, Let’s go have some tea”Lorenzo said “Alright”Skye said they went downstairs and sit down on the couch as the maid came in with a tray of tea and food. “Thank you”Lorenzo said and the maid left. “Lorenzo, Promise me the twins will not come between us I don’t want to lose you”Skye said “You will not, I can do this for you, I love you Skye, I was lost in jail without you”Lorenzo said “I was lost too with you in jail, Never again”Skye said “No never again”Lorenzo said they share a kiss as Luis came in. “Sorry”Luis said “It’s okay”Skye said “Father, Is it true are you opening a restaurant”Luis ask “A restaurant”Skye ask “Yes, I’m,, I want to try to leave the business”Lorenzo said “Oh Lorenzo”Skye said “Luis, This will not hurt you're club”Lorenzo said ‘I hope not , I like run my own club”Luis said “We our proud of you, Luis I love you”Skye said “I love you too mother. How is the baby”Luis ask “Great, It’s twins”Skye said “Wow, Well I need to go”Luis said and left. “So you're really going to leave the mob ’Skye ask “‘I’m going to try”Lorenzo said “Good”Skye said “It may be complicated but the twins are a second chance for both of us”Lorenzo said “Yes it is”Skye said

At Genevieve office~Genevieve was working when John came in.”Genevieve”John said “John, What can I do for you”Genevieve ask “We need to work on you're champaign prosecutor “John said “Oh, Yes I’m going to ask my family the Quartermaine for their support and funding which I know they will help me ’Genevieve said “Good”John said “John, I do miss you”Genevieve said “I miss you too but you're right we can’t do this”John said “No we can’t”Genevieve said “Do you think the Cassadine would back you”John ask “ I don’t think so, With what happened at the trial for Victor”Genevieve said “True”John said

At The Quartermaine hotel~ Nora’s room ~Nora was packing her stuff up as Nikolas came in.”Nikolas ,I’m sorry I didn’t win”Nora said “You did all you could do for my son thank you, I want to make sure you're take care of”Nikolas said he handle Nora a envelope . “Thank you”Nora said “Do you think we can get Victor out of this”Nikolas ask “If their was another way yes”Nora said “I’m not going to give up on my son”Nikolas said “Good”Nora said “If you need anything”Nikolas said “No, I’m fine”Nora said and left.

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